Weird shit strippers report being asked to do

avatar for chandler
How much would you pay to watch a stripper pee? How about to choke her on a loaf of bread?

At a club I go to, there's a guy who comes in with a roll of plastic wrap to spread on the couch. He offers girls $800 to pee on it. I don't think he's had any takers, or he wouldn't keep trying. Then again, anybody who's screwed up enough to consider that a turn on might not stop after the first time.

Another guy brings in a loaf of bread. He has the stripper stuff her face with it, then grabs her by the throat to choke her on the bread. From the way this girl described it all, he must have gone through with it with somebody. Not her, of course - she said she turns him down. I've forgotten what his asking price was.

I heard about both of those at a gentlemen's club. It's always the upscale joints that attract these sick fucks who make me feel almost normal by comparison.


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avatar for chandler
19 years ago
I've heard of a lot of variations on the pee-in-a-glass weirdos. I think they get off on knowing the stripper did it for them, not obtaining the actual fluid. Not that that makes it any less weird. What's funny about the plastic wrap dude is thinking that's going to make such a difference. The piss is still going to run off the plastic and all over, into the cracks of the couch. What kind of a plan is that?

Also, plenty of bondage and restraint fans. It's usually the customer who wants to be tied up. Maybe he wants to tie up the girl but realizes that's out of the question. There was a regular who wore a dog collar and brought in a leash. It got to be such a routine, nobody considered it weird anymore.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
ROFL @ duct tape.

I sometimes offer that she can keep her G-string on during a lapper. I don't really like to look at it, though a coochie doesn't really disgust me. It's just not interesting, and it can carry sleazy stuff. Just coochie juice, or buggles and viruses. (Not that a lapper is highly sanitary, G-string on or off. But anyway ...) Is that weird?

I have regularly seen one guy who insists on sitting with his face to the couch. The dancer otherwise gives a "normal" lap dance, except for the fact that nearly all her grinding and slithering goes on towards his back and buttocks rather than his crotch and chest. I guess that counts as weird. To me, the weirdest thing he does is not mind being out in rather open, public couch rooms while getting serviced that way.
avatar for token
19 years ago
A couple of weird things. One dancer pointed out this odd looking guy and said that he offered her $10 to piss in his empty glass. She said she took the glass into the bathroom and filled it full of bubbles, collected the $ and left him. She didnt know what he did with it and didnt want to either. Another is this weird guy who frequents local clubs with full facial make-up and a baseball cap. He gets dancers to tape him up in the VIP (with duct tape) and leave him there to struggle free. Odd, no? I ran across him in a local grocery one day and he was with Ms Odd... I casually glanced into his shopping cart; no duct tape.
avatar for DandyDan
19 years ago
My current favorite at my favorite club was once asked to piss in some customers mouth, which she refused. She was also asked once by a customer if he could fist her in the ass. She's told me lots of weird shit which you can tell is true.
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
A dancer once told me that a guy asked to be allowed to rim her. Lacking that, he wanted to look at her asshole up close while he jacked off.

The wierdest thing I hear of is the guys who tell dancers that they will pay them just to sit and talk with them. Some dancers have told me this with sort of a dreamy look in their eyes, as though they wished that more customers would give them money for just being themselves, without having to take off their clubs and become an object of sexual objectification.

avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
I was with a stripper the other night and she said there was a guy that came in with a paddle and liked to be struck by it. That didn't strike me as totally odd. I have had strippers dance for me and remain with their clothes on (well one gal danced for me for nearly an hour and never took her top off, it was still pretty awesome). I've also gotten dances from strippers and not touched them at all, usually sitting with hands folded together.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago
Only strange thing I saw and heard of, this guy would pay for dances and have her keep her clothes on.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Hey, chandler: Aren't you the fucking weirdo who refuse to cum during lap dances and doesn't even try for extras? (And who fucks parodySUBHUMAN---> in the ass daily, but that's a another story.)
avatar for Jpac73
19 years ago
Chandler maybe you need to stop going to the upscale clubs and go to the "Hole in the wall" clubs to avoid these psychos.
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