Anyone ever seen an obvious lesbian/dyke customer in a club? I know supposedly a lot of the dancers are bi or lesbians, or at least act the part for the "fantasy". But on a visit last month in Buffalo I saw a very "dyke" woman, probably in her 30's or early 40's, what you would expcet in a sterotypical female gym teacher, come into the club by herself, order a drink and sit at the edge of the stage (tip rail) for a while eyeing all the girls, she tipped the dancers a couple of times and the dances just took the tip w/o the normal stevie or quick kiss that a male customer would have received. I think the dancers felt uncomfortable about it. Have never seen this before in several hundread club visits all around the country. Anyone else ever seen this?
If she's hot, the bouncers should let her continue. My experience is, that the more demonstrative a female customer tends to be, also the less attractive ... blecch ...
Was in a club late last nite (unusual for me) and a female significant other approached her dancer-partner. Eventually, it took 3 bouncers to manually escort the kicking, biting, screaming lesbian customer out the door. I wish they would just stay home.
I pay attention to the female customers if they're wearing short shorts or a mini-skirt and dancing around like a stripper. I also pay attention if they go up on stage to tip a dancer and go topless in the process. Otherwise, I pay them as much attention as the occasional stripper who doesn't take off her top.
Whether the dancing female is lesbian or a friend of a guy visiting a club, it would be nice if the bouncers would stop making the females stop dancing. I guess when a whole section of the strip club is watching the female customer instead of the dancers, the bouncers decide it's time to cut that out.
Dangit lopaw now I gots to dust off my dictionary ag'in.. miss-awww-jin-isssst.. heck fore, them's a lot of sillyables.
BG.. If women customers in an SC bugs you, just put a mental mustache on 'em all and pretend they're guys. Frankly I don't pay much attention to ANY of the other customers when I'm in there. I'm focused on the dancers, maybe the waitresses, and the rest are all just featureless blobs.
You wrote, "Regular relationship? Hell no! Real woman? Forgit it!"
-- I stand by my original statement that you are incapable of handling one.
"That's why I'm in a strip club. :) Because it can cater to my otherwise unreasonable whims."
-- Why can't others have the same goal? Are you special?
"My point wasn't that other people shouldn't have their desires (though you did read that into my post, it's not there)."
-- It's in the tone of your post.
"My point was that I DO have my own desires. I guess you and your wife are allowed yours but I'm not allowed mine?"
-- That was MY point. You take this tone like everyone else is interfering with your good time. Well what the fuck? Our money is as good as yours. Why should we be treated as secondary to you?
"Get off yer high horse. It's a damn strip club. I'm allowed to fantasize. Geez ..."
-- I was talking about you having a relationship in real life. Fantasy is fine but you, for as smart as you are, don't possess the maturity or skills to maintain the real thing.
Regular relationship? Hell no! Real woman? Forgit it!
That's why I'm in a strip club. :) Because it can cater to my otherwise unreasonable whims. My point wasn't that other people shouldn't have their desires (though you did read that into my post, it's not there). My point was that I DO have my own desires. I guess you and your wife are allowed yours but I'm not allowed mine?
Get off yer high horse. It's a damn strip club. I'm allowed to fantasize. Geez ...
I don't see why Book Guy and Token have such a problem with female customers. Who really gives a shit? I guess Book Guy does because I get this vibe that he feels by devine right everyone is there to entertain him.
When you go to a strip club, by entering a business open to the public, you assume that there will be other patrons there. Yet (not just Book Guy either) you act supprised when other customers get any attention.
I don't see a problem with female customers. They have just as much reason to be there as you or I.
Also for Book Guy's information... I sometimes bring my wife with me to the strip club because she enjoys it as much as I do. And yes she is hot! And unfortunately for you she would not tolerate someone with your opinions about women. She is a real person, not a Barbie doll. This means she has wants, desires, interests and faults that are all her own. She would tear your narrow minded ass up! You aren't ready to have a real adult relationship with an actual woman. A blow up doll seems more your speed.
How much attention a woman customer gets in a club depends on a lot of different things: how she looks (butch/femme), her overall attitude (there by choice or there by coercion?), and most of all: how much $$$$ she's shelling out. I have never had too hard of a time getting dancers attention, especially when I'm clubbing solo. And I'm there to see the dancers...I don't give a shit what any other customer, male or female, thinks about it. If they don't like it, it's their problem - not mine.
Also, the clubs I attend don't do the "drag-the-girl-customer-on-stage-for-a-free-show" thing. Thank God. The last think I wanna do is put on a free show for everyone. It's bad enough that it happens when I get a LD out in the open. Thank God for private VIP rooms.
I usually only see the feminine looking females in a club though. A few dancers have told me that they won't dance for or pay any attention to female customers except maybe a stage tip. I've noticed a few guys are turned off by female customers. It might be hard to tell in the clubs I go to with the DJ yelling over the speakers "alright look at that, some girl on girl action"
Lesbian customers in a strip club doesn't necessarily make me feel like I will get less attention. I still remember when a girl I didn't know back in High School called me up, confused the heck out of me by saying she was a lesbian, but then say she wanted to go out with me. I've also seen a few strippers where I overheard some guy say she was a lesbian and she was giving attention to female customers at the stage, but then she went to me when she saw me.
The only time it might bother me is when female customers try tipping dancers at the wrong time at the expense of male customers who very much want to interact with the dancer but don't get a chance. I remember a couple of times like that many years ago.
Other than that, I've actually had one of the female customers in a club sneak up behind me and flirt a bit. That was very unusual though. I think she was drunk and alone.
I'm gonna think of a certain poster's unease with women custy's and the next time I've got a shitload of hot dancers fussing all over me & ignoring the guys in the room...I'm gonna toast to him & then laugh my ass off!
I've experience a bunch of lesbo's in area strip clubs. Sadly, some are significant others to dancers. Even worse, I've been introducted to a couple of them (yippee). The ones I see dress like hood rats, are very ruff and manish and except for a small rack slightly visible under the baggy sweat shirt look just like boys. The dancers seem to appreciate them as much, if not more, than the male customers....gotta say, they generally tip well. It really makes me wonder why a nice looking dancer (lipstick) might prefer an ugly butchy looking dkye to a clean, well dressed male who spends well. Sigh.
I don't like it when women of ANY sort show up in the clubs, except (obviously) for the dancers themselves. People bringing in their work colleagues after a meeting goes late, guys bringing their girlfriends, women customers showing up on their own merely because they like looking at women? No thank you.
Here's why. Either the female customers are hot, and that makes me feel inferior. I can't pick them up. The REASON I go to a strip club is to meet women whom I can fantasize about "having interactions" (sex? relationship? whatever I want to believe at the time) with. I am no good with strangers who are available. Then, suddenly, there ARE those desirable strangers "available" strangers in my face. And they're all the MORE desirable because (as I foolishly believe) they are "more normal" than the "fucked up" people that strippers are, but even though they're more desirable they're UTTERLY unattainable (to me). They are in my testosterone soup adding the wrong kind of estrogen.
Either that, or they are NOT hot. Generally, that's the girlfriends. Bubba brings his swamp-monster-from-hell girlfriend, named Lackawanna, in to the strip club so she can "see for herself" that nothing "wrong" goes on in there. By halfway through the evening, Lackawanna is all pissed off that her boyfriend actually has his EYEBALLS pointed at other human females, so much so that she decides she should "prove" that she can "shake it just as good" as any other human female. There Lackawanna is, wasted on stage, waggling her fat belly at the whole audience; then sits back down, there she is grinding on her boyfriend in his chair, usurping his attention on purpose, ruining his evening as he desperately tries to get a boner for her to "prove" he really "loves" her and not Jasmine Sapphire his ATF. Lackawanna, of course, fails to understand that her enormous belly is the REASON that she is not as desirable, neither to us nor to Bubba, as a stripper is. She thinks BARE SKIN is all it takes, whether on her bloated fat whale blubber or on the smooth muscles of Cheyenne Montana Nevada, so Lackawanna BARES IT in desperation to BE SEXY. Why the hell would I want to look at Lackawanna in all her unmitigated pride?
Or, finally, the women are neither (a) hot civilian customers with a group nor (b) un-hot civiilians; neither (a) unattached from other guys nor (b) attached to another guy. Rather, they are lesbians. Well, isn't that every guy's fantasy, to see hot women getting hot with other hot women? No. Not mine. Yeah, I'd love to be in the middle of a "lesbian bi-sexual sandwich" in which both girls were going at ME and servicing ME. But what I see, when there's a woman interested in other women, is ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST IN ME. This of course isn't a surprise, I'm not saying homosexual women should find a human male attractive. But I don't want to be reminded of the fact that I'm extraneous. I want a strip club to make me feel wanted, sexy, desirable, the FOCUS of any given hot woman's attention. Lesbian couples just remind me that they don't want me.
So the whole thing reduces my own perception of my "desirability" quotient. I hate it. I go to strip clubs to feel wanted.
Clubber, the old Teasers was my favorite club too. I saw some very dykie-looking dancers there but don't recall seeing any similar customers. But I'm sure there were plently of lesbians there at times, since Key West is a very gay-friendly town and there are lots of gay-friendly B&B's nearby. Incidently, wasn't that club called Teasers II? I wonder if there was ever a Teaser's I?
IMO, most gays, either male or female, don't look like the stereotypical gay anyway, so there's no way to tell. At least no way that I'm interested in trying.
Have seen "obvious dykes" on a few occasions, both solo, and groups of 3, but always on relatively crowded nights, thus was not an "event" for me. Besides, I was too busy paying attention to dancers.
I don't know if the girls were lesbians but I saw 3 girls sitting alone with 2 girls in skirts and then one girl with a baseball cap not looking very feminine at all. I could tell that the girl in the baseball cap didn't look that bad but she certainly wasn't dressed to attract any attention.
I don't think I've seen many of the stereotypical "dyke" lesbians in clubs. I have seen a few couples where both are neither very feminine or butch. I'd describe them as more tomboyish. Kind of like Ellen DeGeneris, not unnatractive, somewhat feminine, but you just can't picture her in a dress. How they are treated is very dependant on the dancer in my experience.
I have also seen lesbians in clubs because they were bringing their lesbians partners into work. Sometimes I have heard some of them tell the bouncer, " I'm Tiffany/Destiny/Cheyenne's (etc...) girl." One time I had a dancer try to put a big erotic, seduction-type act on me, and to put her off her game, I asked, "Aren't you gay? I saw your girlfriend drop you off?" She said, "No, she's my roommate...we don't sleep together." I'm not sure if I believed her or not. If she was a lesbian, though, she gave a great handjob.
I have seen butch-looking lesbians come into strip clubs, either alone or in packs. At one local club I go to, there is one who comes in always wearing "Leave it to Beaver" clothes--loose chinos, a loose v-neck sweater with a loose plaid shirt underneath. She has short-cut hair and horn-rimmed glasses, and from a distance she could look like sort of a chunky, nerdy guy. She has two dancers who sit with her constantly, except when they have to dance.
I was once at Dancers in Indy when a group of lesbians, of the butch variety, were in the club celebrating the birthday of one of them. The dancers seemed to take it in good humor, and treated them like any group of male customers.
Most women I see in strip are young, college-aged girls who are drunk, and seem to be there as a jaunt, so they can tell their friends over the next couple of days about the "really wild" thing they did. I once had a girl about that age, straight, tell me she liked to watch strippers because she enjoyed seeing women in positions of power over me. I would say that was one girl who had a very accurate perception of things.
I live near the Missouri/Illinois line, and Illinois has closing four hours later on the weekend than Missouri. When women come into Illinois clubs on Friday/Saturday after 2:00 pm Missouri closing, either alone, in groups, or with guys, I assume they are just in search of late beer, and make no assumptions about their sexuality.
At my home club it's uncommon for there not to be at least a few female customers at any given time. When I 've seen butch looking dykes come in, they always seem to be in groups, and and not getting much attention from the dancers. So, I don't recall seeing the same thing nj pete describes, although it could have happened without my noticing amid all the girl-girl business going on.
yes, nj pete......I have seen a few very manly-looking women customers in some clubs that I frequent, and the dancers do seem a bit uncomfortable around the really butch ones.
The strippers really seem to love us femmy dykes, though.
I've seen several female customers tip the dancers and seem to enjoy it. However they look like ordinary females and sometimes very nice looking females. It's like an extra stage show on occasion so it doesn't bother me. I like it when the female customer looks hot and goes topless while tipping.
At an all time favorite club of mine, the "old" Teasers in Key West, it was not at all uncommon to see female customers. And I would say, most I saw were not the bull dyke type. I've never been to the "new" Teasers.
last commentBG.. If women customers in an SC bugs you, just put a mental mustache on 'em all and pretend they're guys. Frankly I don't pay much attention to ANY of the other customers when I'm in there. I'm focused on the dancers, maybe the waitresses, and the rest are all just featureless blobs.
what parody said.
Book Guy - there isn't a magazine rack big enough to hold all of your "issues".
And you seem to have plenty.
Let me reply to your last post.
You wrote, "Regular relationship? Hell no! Real woman? Forgit it!"
-- I stand by my original statement that you are incapable of handling one.
"That's why I'm in a strip club. :) Because it can cater to my otherwise unreasonable whims."
-- Why can't others have the same goal? Are you special?
"My point wasn't that other people shouldn't have their desires (though you did read that into my post, it's not there)."
-- It's in the tone of your post.
"My point was that I DO have my own desires. I guess you and your wife are allowed yours but I'm not allowed mine?"
-- That was MY point. You take this tone like everyone else is interfering with your good time. Well what the fuck? Our money is as good as yours. Why should we be treated as secondary to you?
"Get off yer high horse. It's a damn strip club. I'm allowed to fantasize. Geez ..."
-- I was talking about you having a relationship in real life. Fantasy is fine but you, for as smart as you are, don't possess the maturity or skills to maintain the real thing.
That's why I'm in a strip club. :) Because it can cater to my otherwise unreasonable whims. My point wasn't that other people shouldn't have their desires (though you did read that into my post, it's not there). My point was that I DO have my own desires. I guess you and your wife are allowed yours but I'm not allowed mine?
Get off yer high horse. It's a damn strip club. I'm allowed to fantasize. Geez ...
When you go to a strip club, by entering a business open to the public, you assume that there will be other patrons there. Yet (not just Book Guy either) you act supprised when other customers get any attention.
I don't see a problem with female customers. They have just as much reason to be there as you or I.
Also for Book Guy's information... I sometimes bring my wife with me to the strip club because she enjoys it as much as I do. And yes she is hot! And unfortunately for you she would not tolerate someone with your opinions about women. She is a real person, not a Barbie doll. This means she has wants, desires, interests and faults that are all her own. She would tear your narrow minded ass up! You aren't ready to have a real adult relationship with an actual woman. A blow up doll seems more your speed.
Also, the clubs I attend don't do the "drag-the-girl-customer-on-stage-for-a-free-show" thing. Thank God. The last think I wanna do is put on a free show for everyone. It's bad enough that it happens when I get a LD out in the open. Thank God for private VIP rooms.
The only time it might bother me is when female customers try tipping dancers at the wrong time at the expense of male customers who very much want to interact with the dancer but don't get a chance. I remember a couple of times like that many years ago.
Other than that, I've actually had one of the female customers in a club sneak up behind me and flirt a bit. That was very unusual though. I think she was drunk and alone.
Here's why. Either the female customers are hot, and that makes me feel inferior. I can't pick them up. The REASON I go to a strip club is to meet women whom I can fantasize about "having interactions" (sex? relationship? whatever I want to believe at the time) with. I am no good with strangers who are available. Then, suddenly, there ARE those desirable strangers "available" strangers in my face. And they're all the MORE desirable because (as I foolishly believe) they are "more normal" than the "fucked up" people that strippers are, but even though they're more desirable they're UTTERLY unattainable (to me). They are in my testosterone soup adding the wrong kind of estrogen.
Either that, or they are NOT hot. Generally, that's the girlfriends. Bubba brings his swamp-monster-from-hell girlfriend, named Lackawanna, in to the strip club so she can "see for herself" that nothing "wrong" goes on in there. By halfway through the evening, Lackawanna is all pissed off that her boyfriend actually has his EYEBALLS pointed at other human females, so much so that she decides she should "prove" that she can "shake it just as good" as any other human female. There Lackawanna is, wasted on stage, waggling her fat belly at the whole audience; then sits back down, there she is grinding on her boyfriend in his chair, usurping his attention on purpose, ruining his evening as he desperately tries to get a boner for her to "prove" he really "loves" her and not Jasmine Sapphire his ATF. Lackawanna, of course, fails to understand that her enormous belly is the REASON that she is not as desirable, neither to us nor to Bubba, as a stripper is. She thinks BARE SKIN is all it takes, whether on her bloated fat whale blubber or on the smooth muscles of Cheyenne Montana Nevada, so Lackawanna BARES IT in desperation to BE SEXY. Why the hell would I want to look at Lackawanna in all her unmitigated pride?
Or, finally, the women are neither (a) hot civilian customers with a group nor (b) un-hot civiilians; neither (a) unattached from other guys nor (b) attached to another guy. Rather, they are lesbians. Well, isn't that every guy's fantasy, to see hot women getting hot with other hot women? No. Not mine. Yeah, I'd love to be in the middle of a "lesbian bi-sexual sandwich" in which both girls were going at ME and servicing ME. But what I see, when there's a woman interested in other women, is ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST IN ME. This of course isn't a surprise, I'm not saying homosexual women should find a human male attractive. But I don't want to be reminded of the fact that I'm extraneous. I want a strip club to make me feel wanted, sexy, desirable, the FOCUS of any given hot woman's attention. Lesbian couples just remind me that they don't want me.
So the whole thing reduces my own perception of my "desirability" quotient. I hate it. I go to strip clubs to feel wanted.
IMO, most gays, either male or female, don't look like the stereotypical gay anyway, so there's no way to tell. At least no way that I'm interested in trying.
I was once at Dancers in Indy when a group of lesbians, of the butch variety, were in the club celebrating the birthday of one of them. The dancers seemed to take it in good humor, and treated them like any group of male customers.
Most women I see in strip are young, college-aged girls who are drunk, and seem to be there as a jaunt, so they can tell their friends over the next couple of days about the "really wild" thing they did. I once had a girl about that age, straight, tell me she liked to watch strippers because she enjoyed seeing women in positions of power over me. I would say that was one girl who had a very accurate perception of things.
I live near the Missouri/Illinois line, and Illinois has closing four hours later on the weekend than Missouri. When women come into Illinois clubs on Friday/Saturday after 2:00 pm Missouri closing, either alone, in groups, or with guys, I assume they are just in search of late beer, and make no assumptions about their sexuality.
The strippers really seem to love us femmy dykes, though.