
Comments by casualguy (page 58)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Found out how Hillary wants to fix Health Care and the mortgage mess
    I agree that a flat tax in this country will never work unless the government is run very efficiently and has little need for tax revenue from income taxes. As an example if the government spends too much and needs too much money from the poorer folks, the flat tax won't work. ie, poor guy makes 100 a day while the rich guy makes 1000 a day. You're the government and you enact Hillary care demanding 12 dollars a day. That's on top of other demands like Social Security say that takes 11 dollars a day. Then you add a flat tax and say add 23 dollars a day. The minimum cost for rent and food is say 65 dollars a day and that leaves nothing for transportation or other taxes. The poor guy doesn't have enough money left over at the end of the day. He can't cut back his spending to survive. His choice with the flat tax might be to starve or go start a life of crime. Just an example if the taxes in this country are too high in my opinion on the lower and middle class. Imagine how it would feel to have nothing left over after taxes while some rich guy gets to save even more money because he succeeded in getting the flat tax passed. I'm not impressed with any Republican plans to save Bill Gates a few extra million dollars. Now if it saves me money I'm fine with that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Funny Things Dancers Say...
    Correction, lol, never heard that Dis Shiznit.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Funny Things Dancers Say...
    This thread is the first time I ever read or heard about the word "conversate". Never heard of it before. I talk to dancers all the time too and haven't heard that word.
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    17 years ago
    South Carolina
    Telling a dancer
    By the way, the same ugly pussy I saw had a piece of tissue in it as well. I was wondering what are the chances it was the same dancer? I didn't find her attractive overall but didn't tell her since I didn't see what purpose that would serve. The only reason I tipped her was because the club was dark and I couldn't see too well before I approached the stage and got to a point of no return. Just gave her a dollar and got away.
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    17 years ago
    South Carolina
    Telling a dancer
    I find most pussies look good and a few look real good. However I have seen an ugly one or two. I don't tell the girls. I figure there's not much difference between telling a girl she is ugly versus telling her that her pussy is ugly. What good is that going to do for you? It'll likely upset her and she may tell other dancers and they'll all think you're a jerk if they don't have any other opinion of you yet. If you'd rather look at a different part of her body, compliment her on how nice her breasts look or that she has a pretty face or just don't say anything at all unless you like being a jerk. Now if you're trying to get rid of her, I guess you could say you're waiting on someone else and get more rude in degrees if she doesn't immediately leave.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    WTF is wrong with you guys that need foreign entertainment?
    I enjoy some foreign dancers if their english isn't too broken up. Besides Puerto Rico is part of the US anyway and is not a foreign country even though they don't pay Federal income taxes and could become independent. I would like it if I didn't have to pay federal income tax. Most of the time I'm mainly interested in how well they can dance or grind and what they look like. If I want to talk, I have an opportunity to learn how to say pussy in a foreign language. I'm ok with guys not enjoying talking to foreign dancers. I have found many that are hot and fun to talk to.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    dancer: "You smell Gooood."
    No problem. There's not a lot of new stuff to learn about on this web site that hasn't already been talked about.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Survey: When a Dancer Gives You Her Phone Number, She Means...
    I guess getting a dancers phone number may not be that important. However when she has yours and starts calling you, then you may wonder what she wants. Best reasons for a dancer to call you: 1. 90 percent, She wants money from you. Any way which way. 2. 8 percent, She's been drinking or seems to be on something and just wanted to talk to you because you were in her phone list. 3. 2 percent, She seems to actually like you. However even though it is a week night, she wants you to suddenly travel over a hundred miles to go visit with her and spend some time together. She's crazy. You're left wondering if this is her natural condition or if she is even sane.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    dancer: "You smell Gooood."
    "extraordinary aromatic attribute" ? Who said that? I didn't claim that nor did anyone else. There's a big difference between having a pleasant smell or lack of a foul odor and an extraordinary attribute. Strippers do like to give compliments to get you in a better mood to buy lap dances though. I think I may stop trying to think of discussion topics on here for awhile unless I'm just bored with the regular banter.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discussion Topics and PM post date & times
    Thanks for fixing that. I was never interested in calculating what the actual time was even though it showed some time over in Great Britain I thought.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Found out how Hillary wants to fix Health Care and the mortgage mess
    I was simply ranting about Hillary's plans for our future money. Socialism like she is talking about will take away a lot of taxpayer money that all of us taxpayers pay. I think Social Security was based on the government providing for us. I think I would have been a lot better off if I could have saved and invested that percentage of my income rather than have the government take it away from me. Hillary's plans for Health Care start sounding a lot like that. Another tax based on percentage of income where you may not have a choice of whether or not you can pay it. If I retire 20 or 30 years from now if inflation takes off, I may need to be a millionaire by that time to be able to retire. Then with Hillary's plans, I won't be able to afford retirement very easily because I would be rich if someone later fixes the systems so that it's not indexed for inflation. Again I'm ranting about plans I think she would like to implement even though I'm haven't heard that many details. I guess I'm of the opinion that she and Obama and even McCain may have some similiar plans so we probably won't be able to retire unless we somehow become multi-millionaires. Excluding those guys on here who are already retired or close to it. I'm talking at least 20 to 30 years away. Ahhh, probably pointless to argue about though, I read a quote that she tried to get this health plan through Congress for 8 years already without any luck. Now she wants to do it all over again. That's what I heard. In different news, I wonder if she would have male interns working privately in the White House while Bill is out visiting strip clubs. Nahh, Bill Clinton probably would find some other Monicas around I think.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Found out how Hillary wants to fix Health Care and the mortgage mess
    Just wondering how do you garnish a dancers wages? Add another tip out fee for mandatory Health Care based upon an average take home pay scale for dancers? Someone might need to come up with a average dancers take home pay and then require dancers to pay that into the fund. Everybody else will be required to pay into Hillary's plan it appears. I'm not sure how that would work. I can just imagine a boss telling the guying making minimum wage that he has a minimum 200 dollars deducted from his monthly pay check to pay for mandatory health care. I would be ranting except I heard her say she wanted to garnish wages. That part is true.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial?
    I didn't care if the commercials were effective. I don't buy any of the products advertised because I see them on tv. I was more interested in the entertainment value and how funny it seemed to me. $90,000 a second for those commercials. The lizard commercial was one where I thought it was an energy drink but I couldn't remember the name of it. The model in it didn't get my attention too well. I must not have been the primary target. Now if the lizards got big red eyes and got big and ate her at the end, that might have been funnier. Then do a Matrix thing and she transforms the lizard back to her body after a drink. Oh well, I didn't write it. I think I'll go check out GoDaddy. Didn't see it yet. The Bud Light commercial with fire breath seemed tame but then I thought the fried cat was funny. The Fed Ex pigeons were funny too. I thought last years Fed Ex commercial was funnier.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    dancer: "You smell Gooood."
    hmmm, as a line a dancer says right after she sees you for the first time, "you smell good" sounds more sincere than "you have a big dick". Unless of course she just felt you up. I wouldn't be surprised if some guys reek of smoke and other bad smells. It doesn't happen often but every once in a while, a dancer will smell bad.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Have any of you upgraded to windows Vista?
    Don't care for paying a monopoly large sums of money to have the latest buggy software. I'm still using the old buggy software they made years ago. I have firewalls and anti-virus to help protect my old pc since they didn't do the job right the first time. Besides I heard I need a new pc or Vista would bog down my current one. Obviously someone rich at the company decided to fuck us all by dropping support for their older flawed operating systems they made and sold us. They expect we will pay for newer buggy software at their extremely high prices. I don't upgrade windows operating systems. I do occasionally buy a new pc but microsoft killed off the pc game business so I won't be doing that anytime soon either. There used to be new pc games I really enjoyed but the market seems to have died away thanks to that same monopoly power. I even played FreeLancer made by Microsoft but I don't know of any Freelancer II. I guess someone thought everyone could just by an Xbox. Apparently someone at the company failed to market to my generation that much. Guess I'll just buy extra lap dances since I'm not spending it on pc games anymore.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I would say let me see them. Let me feel them and then I can decide. Obviously if I'm still interested at that point it's just a matter if her lap dance price sounds reasonably to me or not. A lot of dancers have implants and a few have very small natural breasts. I don't really care too much for rock hard breasts or extremely big breasts (although you do look out of curiosity) or breasts that look like they never developed. However I've gotten lap dances from all of the above at one time or another.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial?
    Oh yeah, the pigeon Fed Ex commercial was great too. Funny.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you want some breast milk with your lap dance?
    I didn't believe she was lactating or squirting anything though. However I didn't test that. I just read earlier that day that around 5 thousand up to 6 thousand men get cancer in or around the throat due to the HPV virus. Apparently some scientists were speculating that the HPV vaccine might be helpful to men as well and that these men caught the virus by engaging in oral sex. It would be nice if one day we could just drink a solution of nanomaterials and turn on some radio waves and destroy all viruses within the body like one study suggested happened to some rabbits.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question, would you be more likely to get a dance if it was less expensive?
    I'm only talking about good looking dancers or dancers that appeal to you such as nice body even though the face may not be so hot. My favorite dancers seem to keep figuring out they can get more money from me by offering to do more dances for less money per dance. I visit some clubs where dancers can set their own prices even though the management probably encourages the dancers to ask a given price. If the management was strict, I'd probably stop spending most of the money I spend in strip clubs and might stop visiting altogether. I have noticed when dancers can set their own prices, the prettier girls usually ask for higher prices. I remember for a while a hot 10 was working in the local club. She asked me for a dance once and I turned her down. She wanted at least $50 for 2 dances. I don't recall ever spending that much for 2 dances. Then one more time after about a month, she and her friend (both hot 10's) asked me why I wouldn't get dances from them. Didn't think it was worth it with their high prices. Besides, if a dancer's asks a price above what I'm willing to pay, I'm not paying it unless she has magical charming powers as well as good looks. I did see the hot 10 do lap dances on a few occasions though because she sat close to where my favorite often did lap dances. I got a laugh at her telling one guy, "ok, scoot back, keep still and you won't get hurt!" Then she does a somersault upside down and her head ends up on the sofa right in front of his crotch. That was part of her lapdance.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers need to prepare for an economic shock
    Well it appears Ben Bernanke only has 3 percentage points left to play with to save confidence in our financial system. I'm really starting to wonder what would happen if the two bond insurers that have been in the news that control over 2 trillion dollars that are in trouble, what would happen if things get bad? Would that mean money in money market accounts or bonds themselves might lose value? I don't know. Maybe some people are worried about financial panics. I think 95 percent of the public probably has no clue as to what I'm talking about though. They just know the economy is getting worse, mortgage problems exist etc. etc. Meanwhile I'm wondering how bad it's going to get. I'm wondering but hoping money left in 401K money market funds and uninsured bond mutual funds will still be safe if those 2 trillion dollars worth of funds controlled by those two troubled bond insurers get devalued a great deal. I'm thinking it's going to get worse before it gets better and I'm not getting much disagreement on that.
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    17 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Strip Club patrons: left, right, or middle of the road?
    Well apparently I am friends with one libertarian, I probably need to study that some more. He very much enjoyed one web site I told him about called www.abovetopsecret.com, a site full of conspiracy stories and blogs on recent events. Supposedly they talk about the truth and government coverups.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Does mileage increase the more you get to know a stripper?
    Yes, I agree. Sometimes, it's high to start with if a dancer claims she already knows you. On the other hand I've had very high mileage from dancers I didn't know. Well for one dancer, I did buy her a drink and we had 2 lap dances already so we knew each other for an hour or so. I guess that's long enough for some people.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for Dancers - If you were owner, how would you set lap dance prices?
    I disagree with fixed prices as well. If a dancer wants to do free dances or whatever other price she wants to charge, she should be able to do that as easily as she can talk to a customer without charging him for that. It's her time to spend as she pleases. She's still expected to pay the normal fees. I've noticed a dancer is actually able to get more money out of me by charging less per dance. I have a much easier time saying no thanks to dances when the prices they ask are higher. Fortunately a majority of dancers haven't figured this out or must have fixed prices in their clubs. I've been trying to cut back my spending,not increase it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Rating Dancers in addition to Clubs
    Rating dancers? I might mention a hot blonde girl but if I'm a regular, do I want to tell everyone visiting the club the names of my favorite dancers so that they are too busy to dance for me when I visit? The answer is no. I have noticed that the reviewers here can't even get agreement on the rating for the same strip club in some cases. We visit at different times and have different tastes in what we like. Now I would go along with a rating for dancers if we had pics to go along with it. Then I would be able to identify a dancer and know if it was the same girl. I might be able to tell by her looks if I agreed with the guy or girl rating the dancer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Strip Club patrons: left, right, or middle of the road?
    The Religious Right and some of their supporters have been active on occasion in trying to shut down strip clubs. I have no interest in supporting their extreme views. However I am pro life for the unborn. Some of my views as far as money and the economy are more conservative. I want less taxes, less government spending, a balanced budget, an actual savings for social security instead of using it as just another pay as you go tax. Maybe even transfer social security to let people control their own savings a bit. Less government restriction on strip clubs. Generally if someone isn't hurting you or your property or property values, let them be. On the other hand, I believe our government should have been more proactive in promoting and setting up alternative fuels so we don't have economic problems when the price of oil starts skyrocketing further in the years ahead. I like the idea of helping the markets improve things by working on infrastructure and incentives. Less taxation on businesses and individuals so that our economy and businesses will grow instead of leave. Then if we have surplus funds, we can help the disadvantaged with some health insurance but make people pay if they are able to and not give anyone a free ride when they are able to pay. I guess I'm a mixture but most would probably call me conservative based on my economic thinking. I think a war with terrorists is partly economic. Spending a trillion dollars on one part of the war is extremely costly. Let's forget the past and look forward. We do have an interest in Iraq helping promote democracy now or at least keeping the oil flowing to help the global economy. If there are oil shortages a few years from now, we might be fighting another war and paying $8 a gallon. I thought Bush was a Republican and so are most of the people in the state I live in which is South Carolina. There are many strip clubs in Texas and in South Carolina. I thought Republicans were for less government regulation on businesses and strip clubs are a business. Meanwhile I thought the place where Hillary is currently a senator, New York I believe, had major restrictions put onto strip clubs within the last decade or so. She wants everyone to have a license for their guns. She sounds very restrictive and controlling to me. I equate Liberal with excessive restrictions and increased spending and taxation. Just my opinion. Maybe Hillary is an extreme Liberal and I got the view wrong on most liberals.