WTF is wrong with you guys that need foreign entertainment?

avatar for shadowcat
Yeah, there is a Brazilian at my favorite club. She gives great lap dances but is a total bore to talk to. Her broken English is a total turn off. Yeah we have some easteran Europian dancers. beautiful but lousy dancers and no personality.One Puerto Rican. Hot as hell in the back room but again boring to talk to. 5 or 6 Flippanas. Over the hill. But do good lap dances. I am perfectualy happy with home grown. Black or White.


last comment
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
We like variety a lil more...pussy knows no borders...
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
Furrin strippers should have subtitles, dang it! Just like them furrin films has got.
avatar for crizgolfer
17 years ago
I have had good experiences with Russian dancers. Yeah, they can be kind of mercenary, but most of the ones I have come across were very sexy and delivered a good time. Also, a few Hungarian girls iI have met would fall in this category also.

I have heard others have bad experiences with Eastern Euporean dancers, but so far I have had pretty good luck. Perhaps one day that will change.
avatar for Shekitout
17 years ago
Their broken English is kinda like your broken spelling, isn't it? I know you say 'grammar' is your parents' mothers but you could do a spellcheck sometimes.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
It would be fun to actually see some foreign pussy once in a while, but they don't often make their way to the frozen Midwest.
avatar for mr.munchie
17 years ago
I guess it depends on why you are there, do you want to have a conversation with her or do you want your dick in or as close as possible to her pussy? If you want the latter then go for the Brazilians for the best chance to score.
avatar for jester214
17 years ago
I'll pass on anything south of the border, and I'm not much for the far east either. But I have had some great Eastern European dancers, they are often gorgeous and high mileage, although they are like vipers money wise.

Besides I'll take a no convo eastern euro hottie who gives great mileage, over a pretty american girl who can talk but may or may not know how to dance.
avatar for minnow
17 years ago
Yeah, Shadowcat, AFTER having to choose from as many as 5 languages for ATM withdrawl, AFTER having to ask for multiple repeats on multiple calls to ( 1) travel/rental reservations 2) ISP tech help center 3) credit card company; all involving guy or gal with thick foreign accent(s), AFTER asking hotel maid where ice machine is & getting "no speek english", the LAST thing I want to do is converse with a stripper that speaks broken/no English!!
avatar for chitownlawyer
17 years ago
Once you have visited the red light district in Tijuana, you will understand the virtues of outsourcing your demand for la panocha. As soon as I see those brown nipples, my heart melts.

Globalization is the current wave--ride it, baby!!!
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I enjoy some foreign dancers if their english isn't too broken up. Besides Puerto Rico is part of the US anyway and is not a foreign country even though they don't pay Federal income taxes and could become independent. I would like it if I didn't have to pay federal income tax. Most of the time I'm mainly interested in how well they can dance or grind and what they look like. If I want to talk, I have an opportunity to learn how to say pussy in a foreign language. I'm ok with guys not enjoying talking to foreign dancers. I have found many that are hot and fun to talk to.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Residents of Puerto Rico pay U.S. federal taxes: import/export taxes, federal commodity taxes, social security taxes, & other payroll taxes...and some employees or businesses pay federal income taxes too. They don't get SSI, and they don't get very much Medicaid funding though.

All my Hispanic relatives still look down on Puerto Ricans though for some reason.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
My point was and still is that you guys that like foreign dancers seem to be unable to connect with our home grown. WTF. I don't have that problem. I find that home grown is better than imported.
avatar for rootman
17 years ago
it definitely depends on what you want. Want to talk? Grab that USA honey. Want to be sure to get off in one session. Brazilians baby. The eastern europeans are pretty dirty too, which I tend to like. Some of the American girls are just too much work.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Some very closed minded people here. Very Disapointing.
avatar for crizgolfer
17 years ago
Foreign dancers are not an exclusive thing to me. I like American dancers just fine. I guess I base things on a per dancer rating (regardless of where they are from). I have met some Russian Dancers (and one Hungarian in particular) that really made my evening. Though the English was a bit broken the content of the conversation was still really good. Personally, I find the East European accent sexy on a woman. Plus, they were eager to please (if you were willing to spend a little cash) and quite fun.
avatar for motorhead
17 years ago
I have never ran across any Brazilians in my area, but I too find the Eastern Europeans extremely sexy. I have met a few in the Chicago and Detroit area clubs, but unfortunately don't get to either place very often.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Its all a matter of percentages, although of course there are still lots of interesting (born in the USA) american dancers.

Foreign born women are more likely to be down-to-earth, regular, nonpretentious, unaffected, straightforward and appreciative of the simple things in life - the reason being that most have seen true (vs the John Edwards definition of) poverty first hand. Most have not yet had time to be spoiled by the over abundant lifestyle america provides for most citizens.

This can impact everything, whether an ATF type, other dancer, or even with AMP girls.

Americans have become increasingly spoiled over the years, maybe I see in some of these women characteristics more common in american women 2 or 3 generations back.

avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
Got me again, Shekitout. I guess that my lack of education shows again. But I get more pussy than you. Lol...
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
"My point was and still is that you guys that like foreign dancers seem to be unable to connect with our home grown."

Sorry, but you don't know what the hell you're talking about. It's basically different strokes for different folks I think. I don't think there's anything wrong with a lot of foreign accents either.
avatar for LoneLurker
17 years ago
I've recently had some great experiences with Russian dancers at Masters in MB, SC.
Though their English was not perfect (neither is mine), I found them well educated and generally fun to be with. That said, the bottom line is whether I'm having fun or not; that's what cause me to spend more money, not race or nationality.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Actually that Bond girl accent that foreign dancers can sometimes have can be very sexy, and american born and bred girls simply don't have those accents. The Bond girl accent can be a variation of Brazilian Portuguese, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian or 10 to 20 other languages. Early Bond movies apparently used relatively few professional female dubbers to do most of the onscreen Bond girl voices, that's why they sound like a composite accent from a variety of countries, and why most voices movie to movie are somewhat similar.
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
I'm like Shadowcat in strongly preferring American or at least Americanized strippers. It's not about wanting to talk up a storm or anything. i think it's about the fantasy of scoring with the kind of girl I might meet in real life. I don't run into a lot of Brazilian or Russian women in my daily life, so when one approaches me in a club, it just feels like a contrived transaction. And when, for example, a double entendre I come up with goes right over her head, it sort of kills the idea that we're forming the kind of rapport that occurs in real life seduction.

I recognize that some guys are looking for something different, exotic, some strange tail - anything but the kind of women they normally meet. Nothing wrong with that, It's just not what I'm after.

Where I do think Shadowcat has a point is about guys who say American women are all stuck up or uptight and screwed up and only foreign or non-Western women have the right attitude towards men and sex. I suspect it's an excuse for guys who can't get anywhere with their cultural peers or, worse yet, can't even get it by opening their wallet to strippers. Gotta be something wrong with them.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
I realize that this whole thread's purpose is basically to shill for the "buy America first" crowd. I used to be a strong supporter of that crowd, and I bought an "American car" because of it in 1996. I was very happy with myself until I read the sticker on the inside of the car door that said "proudly made in Ontario, Canada"...doh! I don't adhere so strongly to that crowd anymore. :)
avatar for jimhalsted
17 years ago
Sure the accent / broken English can be a pain, but can you really eat at Applebee's every single night? It's just more interesting to spice things up once in a while and order off a completely different menu. There's risk that you'll get something that you don't like as well, but taking the same road all the time gets boring. There's nothing wrong with classic American, in fact it's great, but it's not the end-all.

As for the xenophobes who fear anything foreign: yeah it's a drag having to spend the extra 5 seconds listening to the "para español” message, but on balance immigrants add far more to the culture than they take.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I agree with Chandler. The fantasy is that I'm scoring with the girl next door (who is really hot BTW.) A foreign accent spoils that fantasy and makes it seem to me more like hiring a hooker, which doesn't interest me at all. The aggressiveness of some of those foreign girls only adds to the hooker impression.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Agreed -- mental stimulation is necessary. I've met a few seemingly bright foreign dancers, and it's actually MORE frustrating to deal with them, because you can readily read that they're unhappy with their own level of incommunicability. Dumb and foreign makes for a little bit more fun, because then you can just "talk by means of the body" and that of course leads to ... well ... ya know. But I'd rather hit it off with the girl next door and flirt into the fantasy of girlfriendsies. Just a fantasy, yeah, but a necessary one.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
The foreign dancers I'm running across actually are (in most cases) more like the normal girl next door types. While I don't believe that most american strippers are junkies or whores or necessarily getting beaten by their boyfriends or supporting X-box layabout boyfriends, there is still a part truth to that stereotype. Many born in america dancer, despite various problems beyond their control, as american citizens did in fact have lots of choices in life and instead ended up making bad choices

With the foreign dancers, I am in general seeing more a home spun quality, because many are in stripping not due to bad choices in life, but to circumstances truely beyond their control, and often they are strippers because its high enough pay to earn enough money to send back to other family members in their originating countries. They tend to take their jobs seriously, if anything they avoid even having boyfriends and getting sidetracked.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
One of my ATFs has sworn off bf's for a while...mostly since she claims to get enuff sex ITC.
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
Give me the good old american, corn fed, girl next door.
avatar for pdxskinsin
17 years ago
If I wanted a white girl, i'd hang out with my wife.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
avatar for danapdg69
17 years ago
To me the lady's attitude means more than where she is from. I've had good experiences with all types of women.
avatar for mr.munchie
17 years ago
For me, it's just that the Brazilian girls haven't been taught since babyhood that sex is wrong and dirty.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Yea, I dunno what it is about Brazilian girls either...they certainly are hoochie to the n-th degree though, even in real life. One of my cousin's is married to one, and she walks around in outfits that Charo would blush to be in.
avatar for whatevergong82
17 years ago
American strippers (and regular everyday women) could learn a thing or two from Brazilian women, like how to be sexy, how to dance in a club, and how to please a man.

It wouldn't hurt to think of sex as fun and pleasing, instead of being a chore like a lot of women I've met in the last few years.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Maybe you're just doing it wrong whatevergong?
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
Right, should the question instead be WTF is wrong with American women that they can't be sexy or know how to please a man? I'd say no.
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