Yeah, there is a Brazilian at my favorite club. She gives great lap dances but is a total bore to talk to. Her broken English is a total turn off. Yeah we have some easteran Europian dancers. beautiful but lousy dancers and no
personality.One Puerto Rican. Hot as hell in the back room but again boring to talk to. 5 or 6 Flippanas. Over the hill. But do good lap dances. I am perfectualy happy with home grown. Black or White.
last commentI have heard others have bad experiences with Eastern Euporean dancers, but so far I have had pretty good luck. Perhaps one day that will change.
Besides I'll take a no convo eastern euro hottie who gives great mileage, over a pretty american girl who can talk but may or may not know how to dance.
Globalization is the current wave--ride it, baby!!!
All my Hispanic relatives still look down on Puerto Ricans though for some reason.
Foreign born women are more likely to be down-to-earth, regular, nonpretentious, unaffected, straightforward and appreciative of the simple things in life - the reason being that most have seen true (vs the John Edwards definition of) poverty first hand. Most have not yet had time to be spoiled by the over abundant lifestyle america provides for most citizens.
This can impact everything, whether an ATF type, other dancer, or even with AMP girls.
Americans have become increasingly spoiled over the years, maybe I see in some of these women characteristics more common in american women 2 or 3 generations back.
Sorry, but you don't know what the hell you're talking about. It's basically different strokes for different folks I think. I don't think there's anything wrong with a lot of foreign accents either.
Though their English was not perfect (neither is mine), I found them well educated and generally fun to be with. That said, the bottom line is whether I'm having fun or not; that's what cause me to spend more money, not race or nationality.
I recognize that some guys are looking for something different, exotic, some strange tail - anything but the kind of women they normally meet. Nothing wrong with that, It's just not what I'm after.
Where I do think Shadowcat has a point is about guys who say American women are all stuck up or uptight and screwed up and only foreign or non-Western women have the right attitude towards men and sex. I suspect it's an excuse for guys who can't get anywhere with their cultural peers or, worse yet, can't even get it by opening their wallet to strippers. Gotta be something wrong with them.
As for the xenophobes who fear anything foreign: yeah it's a drag having to spend the extra 5 seconds listening to the "para español†message, but on balance immigrants add far more to the culture than they take.
With the foreign dancers, I am in general seeing more a home spun quality, because many are in stripping not due to bad choices in life, but to circumstances truely beyond their control, and often they are strippers because its high enough pay to earn enough money to send back to other family members in their originating countries. They tend to take their jobs seriously, if anything they avoid even having boyfriends and getting sidetracked.
It wouldn't hurt to think of sex as fun and pleasing, instead of being a chore like a lot of women I've met in the last few years.