
Comments by casualguy (page 57)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Dancer's a Lesbian--Does it Matter
    The way the DJ's talk in the clubs I visit, you would think the DJ's are under the impression anytime you get girl on girl at the stage, everyone likes it. I do watch if the girls look good. For me it was a little bit unusual to hear one dancer sound like she was opposed to anything of that nature. I guess I left that part out of it since it was the same dancer I mentioned earlier. It's true she could have been lying but I believed her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Dancer's a Lesbian--Does it Matter
    Of course a dancer may lie anytime she chooses. However I don't hear too many dancers say they only like guys and the way one dancer told me, she made me think she was telling the truth. I didn't really care too much about it though. I'm not really sure why she was even talking about it unless it was because we were briefly discussing watching Playboy TV.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    how to stop trying to save them
    A strange dancer is a dancer who disappears from your life (if you've seen her away from strip clubs) and didn't ask for money before she left. Unless of course you broke things off with her and never gave her your phone number like I did with one dancer. I wonder what she thought when I disappeared from her life. I had her phone number, been by her townhouse several times but she didn't even have my phone number or last name or address.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    how to stop trying to save them
    If you loan a dancer money and she disappears never to be seen again, is it really a loan or a parting gift? I wouldn't be surprised if that may be the best way to get rid of a dancer and never have her bother you again. When I was new to strip clubs and seemed to be hooking up with some dancers away from strip clubs, 2 out of 3 dancers asked me to loan them some money and never repaid me (somewhere between 100 to 300 but I can't remember now for sure). One made a deal with me that paid off pretty good for me. The other two burned me and disappeared never to be seen again. Well I found one and she was worried about what I might do to her apparently. I had forgiven her by that time and didn't realize at first she was worried to death about what I was up to. If I wanted to be malicious, I could have done so but I just dropped it and decided never to loan money again unless I get something worthwhile out of any deal. That's just part of the stripper shit you learn about after getting to know strippers a little bit better. Some or many will try to scam you before totally breaking things off with you. Unless you know better and don't fall for it. I even heard one story saying I could loan a dancer some money because her friend owed some money to her drug dealer and he was going to really rough her up if she didn't pay up. May or may not have been true. I didn't give any money to her. Smelled like BS. Don't loan money to dancers unless you consider it to be a parting gift so that they never contact you again.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Your first "extra" in a SC.
    Any possible extras for me are kind of fuzzy since I was drinking and I never got asked to pay for anything extra. Typically dancers said nothing or gave almost no warning of what they were going to do. In two cases especially one, dancers seemed to be almost in a trance. I remember in one club years ago, the dancer wasn't doing too much of an extra but seemed extremely horny when one song was played. After the song ended, her personality seemed to suddenly change and she threatened to never dance for me again if I told anyone what she did. Strange except for the fact I think she was worried about getting fired because of her momentary trance she seemed to have gone into.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    question for al guys?
    Some of my favorites at one club aren't even required to dance on stage if they pay a certain fee I believe. If I'm already familiar with them, that won't deter me one bit from getting lap dances from them if I like their lap dances. I'm not sure what is meant by the term "easy" here. I thought it was easy to get a dance from almost every dancer in a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Dancer's a Lesbian--Does it Matter
    I have discovered some girls may tell some guys they are lesbian but they'll turn around and tell me they are Bi, I guess they are still attracted to some guys. A dancer needs to just show interest in me and I'm good. Now if she is busy staring all over the place instead of at me during a dance, I don't go for that. If she has no desire in me and doesn't show any, I'd rather forget her. As far as Bi dancers go, one of those was my favorite recently before she started working different hours so I didn't hardly ever see her again. Ever since High School when a girl I didn't know called me up out of the blue, told me she was a lesbian but wanted to experiment with me, I question exactly if a girl is completely lesbian or is really bi. Of course the dancers that tell you they are straight and only interested in dick don't leave any doubt in your mind about what they like.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Web site enhancement??
    Yeah, we would need more scantily clothed females and I finally saw the price. I thought it looked kind of high for just a little program to have a female talking on the screen. I was wondering if something like that would slow down the site or become irritating if it took longer to load. Oh well, just something I noticed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stop the presses, take away Al Gore's Nobel Prize, Global Cooling is coming
    Yes, if Al Gore was president, he would have taxed all industry and drivers to death to eliminate man made carbon emissions and it would not have affected anything except whoever was making money off the process. We really need objective studies not influenced by politics or using false or shaky data to know if the planet will be getting colder or warmer in the future. I've heard the republican administrations try to downplay any possible global warming while the democrats try to make everything look worse. I thought several years ago scientists predicted the temperature would be several degrees warmer now than it actually is. There have been several warmer and colder periods on this planet in the past and man made emissions didn't cause that. Hopefully, man made emissions are more powerful than the effect of less sunlight reaching the Earth. If that's the case, we can keep the planet warm enough to keep growing crops like normal 10 years from now. Ahh, I don't even know why I'm bothering to post this info here since no one reading this probably cares too much.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stop the presses, take away Al Gore's Nobel Prize, Global Cooling is coming
    I agree it's winter. I won't be convinced global cooling is here unless I hear glaciers are advancing and more ice and snow are piling up around the globe. I think we have one more solar cycle to get through. I wonder if Al Gore talked about global warming occurring on the other planets in our solar system? Probably not since it wouldn't fit in with his ideas that global warming is all due to mankind's activities.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is the traffic and the strip clubs a lot more crowded where you live at?
    If she's not 21, I know of one strip club she could visit. However they made the guys take off their shirts and put on solid pink shirts. Now if she looks good, I wouldn't mind watching her take off her shirt. I think I'm going to stay home for awhile so I won't know if the clubs are crowded anymore or not.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Loner or extrovert?
    Just kidding. I'm often alone. The last time I traveled with a couple of girls they wanted to hit the regular bars and clubs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Loner or extrovert?
    I go to strip clubs with a pack of wild horny girls. It makes it more interesting that way. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I got a PM from a dancer that I don't even know...
    Shadowcat is the expert when it comes to his club. Who else are they going to ask? I'm going to return there sooner or later and find out how many dancers I already am familiar with there. Takes me an extra 20 minutes to get there versus my other favorite clubs though. Plus I don't like standing up half the night if the club is crowded.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is the traffic and the strip clubs a lot more crowded where you live at?
    Not enough dancers was not at Platinum Plus by the way. Since I'm trying to not spend as much, the bigger crowds make that easier except for 2 favorites who know me at one club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is the traffic and the strip clubs a lot more crowded where you live at?
    I haven't really noticed more dancers. A couple of weeks ago one dancer in one club told me "there aren't enough dancers here tonight." I agreed with her. I would have spent more but only had one dancer ask me for a dance the whole night. The club was a lot more crowded than normal even though that seems to be getting more normal. I might try out the other Platinum Plus club in Columbia sometime to see if that club is super crowded or not. If I have to stand up half the night due to a lack of seats, I don't care for that too much.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stop the presses, take away Al Gore's Nobel Prize, Global Cooling is coming
    I heard it was 44 below zero in Minnesota the other day. Hundreds have died this winter in Afghanistan due to the colder than normal winter. Baghdad even saw some snow recently. It's been snowy in China as well. Maybe it's just a coincidence the solar output has ebbed slightly at the moment. Then again maybe those greenhouse gases go south for the winter. There won't be much money to made with natural causes for global warming or cooling as compared to manmade sources that can be taxed with a carbon tax or carbon credits issued or other ways to profit such as funding certain enviromentalists for ways to study manmade greenhouse gases. Funding would likely die out if they said the planet will warm up and cool down just like the other planets based on how much solar output the sun puts out and maybe a tiny percentage variation based on the entire output of greenhouse gases. I don't think we need to worry about this for a few years though since I think the next solar cycle has started. I read it might be 2020 before the planet really gets cold. Unless you go to Minnesota. PS. A massive solar storm could knock out power all across the planet for months blowing out a lot of equipment that would take that long to replace. Talk about making life miserable. I hope that never happens. Somehow watching a stripper dance in candlelight while someone beats some drums doesn't seem as much fun as electric lights and an electric sound system. Just joking, I don't think I would be going to strip clubs if that happened. I wouldn't even be able to drive anywhere with power out at the gas pumps and I'd be more concerned with food, water, and living. Hopefully that won't happen this time because I doubt any of us are prepared for it, even though it probably has happened several times already in the last several hundred years and will happen again sometime. Hopefully the only way that will happen is if someone detonates an electromagnetic bomb. Next 2 years should warm back up. Everyone can just forget what I said.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stop the presses, take away Al Gore's Nobel Prize, Global Cooling is coming
    I wouldn't be surprised if we have to wait a few years for the planet to get noticeably colder though. I still think we might have a solar storm in 2011 or 2012.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stop the presses, take away Al Gore's Nobel Prize, Global Cooling is coming
    Just in case someone thought I was joking, I'm not. Here's another link. http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/earth/4248062.html
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Secret Conspiracies
    P.S. go visit www.abovetopsecret.com if you want to know about all kinds of conspiracies. If you scroll down on the left side of the screen, you can look under the "content archive" section and read up about all kinds of conspiracies, secret goverment organizations, aliens, ufo's, etc. etc. Or you can click on "recent posts" near the top middle of the screen to read the latest discussions.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Secret Conspiracies
    Actually I think I can smell odors in the office before even the females do. I have pretty good hearing abilities as well in spite of the fact I visit a place louder than the front row at Talladega at times, that would be Platinum Plus clubs. They have turned the volume down lately. I think it's funny if someone accuses you of having super abilities and then seems to wonder if you're an alien. Hmmm, I did read anyone related to any British royalty may have alien DNA. Of course if you believe that, than you might also believe I'm related to Black Beard the pirate. I think there are too many people bored with their everyday lives. Now if only I knew what female ghost was visiting me in my house, lol. It's late here, sweet dreams and conspiracies everyone.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Secret Conspiracies
    Unfortunately or fortunately depending upon how you look at it, my sense of smell seems to be about as good as many females probably because of my allergies making me hypersensitive. The smell of smoke stays on my clothes until I wash them after visiting any club with smoke. Every once in a while, I can smell what I had for breakfast coming from my body hours later. I can smell a lot of other people if I'm too close. That's usually not what I want to do. Now if they stink, I can smell them from several yards away. I think the maximum so far was about 100 feet but that was due to someone having a paper chemical on their clothes when they stepped into the house. If you don't want your SO to be able to smell everything, use something with a really strong odor and it will drown out everything else even though they'll probably be complaining about the smell. On the good side if you like the way some dancers smell, I have been able to smell the scent of about 5 or 6 different dancers on my clothes several hours later.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Have any of you upgraded to windows Vista?
    Pledge? I ignore those threads that don't interest me. If others aren't they must not have enough interesting things to talk about. I agree. Microsoft is king of the R ip O ff B itches. Promising more, delivering less than you expect for the price.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Found out how Hillary wants to fix Health Care and the mortgage mess
    Maybe it's not free but simply without all the tariffs that used to be imposed that enabled businesses here to stay in business.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Found out how Hillary wants to fix Health Care and the mortgage mess
    While I'm not opposed to taxing the rich more than the poor and middle class, the way things are now, I am opposed to Democratic thoughts thinking it's ok to put higher taxes on businesses located here in the US. While I don't expect all the rich people to leave this country, many businesses and companies have already done so and may continue doing so unless their taxes are lowered or they are encouraged to come here to do their business from foreign countries. Lower taxes on business encourages businesses to locate here versus locating their business and jobs overseas. It would be nice if politicians understood that. I think NAFTA might have promoted more trade but it also broke down the barriers for companies to not have any problem relocating due to less taxes, lower labor costs, and less government regulations to pay for. The US lost hundreds of thousands of good paying manufacturing jobs as a result of trade deals with China and other countries. I actually prefer my clothes made somewhere other than China but that is getting a lot harder to find now. I think their quality is inferior and their products don't last as long. However the textile business here in the US and other countries has been decimated by free trade with China.