Have any of you upgraded to windows Vista?
Atlanta suburb
There seems to be complaints about it. Mostly about not being able to download programs. This is supposed to be a security thing. You don't accidently download something that is going to infect your machine. My son is a LAN administrator for IBM, in charge of security. He says that while they don't advertise it, to protect us dummies, You can unlock the system to let you download anything. I expect this to be my next upgrade. Just as soon as he finds the time to do it. My company is already testing it out.
Desktop = XP - I use this mostly, no problems.
At the very least, Vista just doesn't have anything that special. I mean usually you expect improvement and new things with an upgrade. Vista has very little of either. So regardless of the negatives, I say just stick with what you have. I upgraded to Vista on my laptop, just to try it and also because its the companies, and I much prefer my desktop with XP.
(I ain't needed no steenkin' pledge since 2005!)
I agree. Microsoft is king of the R ip O ff B itches.
Promising more, delivering less than you expect for the price.