
Have any of you upgraded to windows Vista?

Atlanta suburb
There seems to be complaints about it. Mostly about not being able to download programs. This is supposed to be a security thing. You don't accidently download something that is going to infect your machine. My son is a LAN administrator for IBM, in charge of security. He says that while they don't advertise it, to protect us dummies, You can unlock the system to let you download anything. I expect this to be my next upgrade. Just as soon as he finds the time to do it. My company is already testing it out.


  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    if it is anything like MS Office 2007 I will hate it.
    17 years ago
    I bought a new computer right after it came out and the computer came with it. I haven't had any problems but then again I don't do anything that's at all sophisticated and I haven't tried to download any programs. I was still running Windows95 on my old computer, which should tell you how sophisticated I am.
  • Philip A. Stein
    17 years ago
    My wife's craptop has Vista. All the annoyances can be disabled. For me, it was a little clumsy at first but nothing like trying a Mac for the first time. The file explorer is a little different than the previous versions. I think I would like it better with more familiarity.
  • Shekitout
    17 years ago
    Got a new computer with Vista Home Premium. Not quite the same as upgrading to Vista from XP. Didn't want to get a computer with XP & then upgrade so waited until PC's with Vista became available in the stores. While I am the Adminstrator I did not set up a password which makes it easier to access everything. It's being used at home by myself & my roommate so security is not a big deal. I have antivirus, firewall, etc.
  • zorro
    17 years ago
    Nope. Our IT department says it's too flawed and crappy to use. So we still have XP pro on our PCs. The Macs, of course, run flawlessly.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Laptop = Vista - I don't use often, but no problems.
    Desktop = XP - I use this mostly, no problems.

  • jester214
    17 years ago
    Stick with XP if you have it.

    At the very least, Vista just doesn't have anything that special. I mean usually you expect improvement and new things with an upgrade. Vista has very little of either. So regardless of the negatives, I say just stick with what you have. I upgraded to Vista on my laptop, just to try it and also because its the companies, and I much prefer my desktop with XP.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Don't care for paying a monopoly large sums of money to have the latest buggy software. I'm still using the old buggy software they made years ago. I have firewalls and anti-virus to help protect my old pc since they didn't do the job right the first time. Besides I heard I need a new pc or Vista would bog down my current one. Obviously someone rich at the company decided to fuck us all by dropping support for their older flawed operating systems they made and sold us. They expect we will pay for newer buggy software at their extremely high prices. I don't upgrade windows operating systems. I do occasionally buy a new pc but microsoft killed off the pc game business so I won't be doing that anytime soon either. There used to be new pc games I really enjoyed but the market seems to have died away thanks to that same monopoly power. I even played FreeLancer made by Microsoft but I don't know of any Freelancer II. I guess someone thought everyone could just by an Xbox. Apparently someone at the company failed to market to my generation that much. Guess I'll just buy extra lap dances since I'm not spending it on pc games anymore.
  • jimmyblong
    17 years ago
    Had to get a vista machine because the evil microsoft wont allow anybody to sell stuff with anything different. Prgorams stop responding in the middle of using them and lag behind. I have to reboot way more than ever. Would love to switch to Mac which is my home machine but I'd have to change the whole office and that too much $$$, so I sit and bitch about how much vista sucks and think about how computers were suppossed to make our lives simpler and have us working 20 hour weeks instead of 40. We all bit off on that lie. Thank god for the diversion of the interent and the fact that every year there is another graduating class of dancers ready to give us our own up-grades!
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    No. I probably will get whatever is mainstream built in to my next computer when I get it. No hardcore decision-making here. I wordprocess, send emails, and surf the web, nothing more. I don't care what the op-sys is. I hate Macintosh op-sys and "front interface" (is it called the "finger" or something?) by the way. I used to be an all-Mac guy back in college, before the schism in which Windows turned out to just be Mac on an IBM-compatible. That was good Mac. Now Mac is clumsy just like IBM.
  • mr.munchie
    17 years ago
    Maybe next year, by then Microcrook should have it running somewhat close to properly. Then again I may try to get Leopard to run on my pc.
  • CarolinaWanderer
    17 years ago
    Have one laptop on Vista and two on XP. The Vista machine causes constant problems. It is very slow to connect to wireless, losses the conncection for no reason, and requires a reboot or similar effort to reconnect after it hibernates. The system itself is different enough to be higly irritating no matter which OS you are used to. Wait another year before considering Vista.
  • godfatherstill
    17 years ago
    Purchased both of my daughters Dell laptops with Vista in 2007. So far so good, both computers actually work better than my old laptop for wireless internet. There are some things that you have to change your way of thinking about but all in all we have been OK with it. I am still using XP at work where I am on the computer all day (much of which on TUSCL).
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Microsoft is like a ROB. Upselling its sleazy operating system as an "upgrade", like promising "things will get better" in the champagne room.

    (I ain't needed no steenkin' pledge since 2005!)
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Pledge? I ignore those threads that don't interest me. If others aren't they must not have enough interesting things to talk about.

    I agree. Microsoft is king of the R ip O ff B itches.
    Promising more, delivering less than you expect for the price.
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