
Comments by casualguy (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    whats the worse sc experience youve ever had?
    Worst: Tipping a dancer at a small satellite stage, she ducks down and decides to do some acrobatic moves by springing up fast and hard. Her head hits me smack in the face and I get the bloodiest nose I've ever had. Second worst: I stand up at the stage to tip a feature entertainer. She decides to make me part of her show. I had an expensive shirt that I liked with buttons down the front. She comes up to me and rips it open. From there things just went downhill. Well except for the free hamburger I got at a local fast food restaurant.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    You ever have a dancer accuse you of being a cop?
    Well I've had more dancers say I look like Tom Hanks when approaching from behind me. When I was in Atlanta or Peach Tree City one time, one guy at a mall was staring at me, then he said I look like the Atlanta Falcons Football team coach. I believe different people see different things.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shelf life of dancers/female customers posting on here.
    Hi judyjudy. Don't worry about shadowcats posting of female posters shelf life on here. He almost always tend to make a post about that after a female has been posting on here for a week or two. I think we keep discussing the same topics over and over again and for shadowcat, this is one of them. This site once was really bad with a gazillion troll and flaming threads. It's vastly improved from that time.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Tip rail etiquette
    I may sit at the stage side seating if I like the dancer or dancers on stage. If you're sitting there and a dancer comes over to do a quick peek or so for you, I believe it is customary in the clubs I visit to tip one dollar. I usually only sit stage side when I like a dancer or the club is almost empty or almost full and seats are limited or it's a nude club and then I'll blow through a wad of ones as long as I sit at the stage and keep tipping every dancer who comes over to me but most will show me their kitty.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are you married?
    Some of the married guys I know of don't have the available cash to go to strip clubs. The guy makes the money but the wife and kids spend so much on doctor visits, medical, dental, school, etc. that there isn't much left over. Other single guys I've known tend to be younger so they are just hooking up with girls they meet. I remember one guy told me how it was relatively easy to hook up with a different girl every week in Florida where he once lived. Now he shacked up with 2 girls as roommates and lives in a small apartment in California. Knowing him, they are more than just roommates. He even once talked about hooking me up with some possible girls, he said two of them were dancers. I wasn't interested in any blind dates. I heard that the leading cause of divorce is..................marriage.
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    15 years ago
    You ever have a dancer accuse you of being a cop?
    Lots of responses here. I guess some dancers are paranoid about cops raiding places. I wonder if some dancers actually believe a cop would be obligated to truthfully answer her question? I don't think so. I don't even know why she asked. Was she thinking about breaking the law with me? I wouldn't have been interested. I do remember one dancer had some run in with the cops. Something about constantly doing 95 mph between her state and the local club down the road from me. Of course she didn't tell the cop she was going that speed the whole way. Gas prices were cheaper back then.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Look/Touch.........Tell me what you want
    I never had a dancer get me off in a strip club and don't believe I ever will. However she can make me feel good the few minutes or several minutes she dances for me depending upon how many lap dances I'm willing to buy. Some dancers can tell when a guy is enjoying the lap dance.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What qualifies a girl as your favorite???
    New #7, wanting dances from a favorite is not guaranteed. She should understand this and move on that night or come back later and ask.
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    15 years ago
    What qualifies a girl as your favorite???
    Nevermind #7.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What qualifies a girl as your favorite???
    Oh, I forgot #7. Don't make suggestions about hooking up outside the club unless you're serious. For first time encounters, don't suggest an all day event is ok because that would leave both of you in a potential bind if you wanted to get away especially if you only took one car to the event.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What qualifies a girl as your favorite???
    1. Attractive, definition is in the eye of the beholder but many men find the same thing attractive. 2. Not too high on the dance prices, if she asks for too much to start with, I probably won't get dances from her to start with so we won't ever talk too much. 3. I must enjoy the lap dances she does better than most other dancers. If I don't like them, I won't be buying more. 4. Personality must be decent. I can do without dancers who display bad attitudes towards me. If a dancer has an attitude problem, I think she should just stay home. Example, ask me for a tip after asking me for a dance (not normal in my area but I overlook) but then she gets rude and acts like my one dollar tip is beneath her and says I need it more, a very bad attitude. Asking me for a lap dance again 30 minutes later, absolutely stupid. 5. Generally we just get along. 6. She must get to me before I run out of money and when I'm willing to spend money, much tougher nowadays since I already have a favorite or two and don't need to buy more lap dances.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers spanking themselves
    A dancer slapping her ass doesn't do anything for me. If anything, it is a turnoff. Along with most dancers shaking their ass when I really want to see their tits a whole lot more than their ass. I did have one young dancer want me to spank her or slap her ass during lap dances. I thought it was a bit weird but complied with her wishes. I was thinking I could get used to slapping dancers around so I could see how some guys might like that. However I've seen where one guy slapped a dancer on her ass and she didn't like that at all. Bouncers escorted the guy out. If a dancer wanted to spread her pussy lips, I wouldn't mind at all and would like seeing that. I haven't seen dancers do that in a long time.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dance Cost? Shadowcat, please ignore this thread
    Do they do lapdances for $5?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    You ever have a dancer accuse you of being a cop?
    Lol, I should have joked and said I work for the office of T&A. Official inspector of tits and ass.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    One dead, several injured in strip club rampage
    I remember hearing stories about certain regular bars and/or nightclubs. If it's a rowdy place and bar fights and/or gun violence is common there, I don't want to visit. Same goes for strip clubs if the bouncers or others allow that kind of violence in their clubs. By the way, I have no problem visiting strip clubs that don't open until after 730 or 830PM. It used to be no strip club was open earlier than that from my more recent memories of local strip clubs. Platinum Plus became the exception and was bigger like the Walmart of strip clubs and open longer hours. If smaller clubs are open earlier hours, I believe they are pretty dead in comparison to the busier hours.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    ATF Code? Shadowcat, please ignore this thread
    I was loyal to one dancer I went out of town with. I thought it would be extremely rude in that case to hook up with another girl and dump her when she went on a trip with me. Plus before we went into the regular clubs, she had us agree that no one would try any shit and that we would all stay together. I had the two girls that travelled with me sticking to me like glue in the clubs. I had fun. They paid their own cover charges. I didn't call that a date or anything. We were just having a little bit of fun.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    ATF Code? Shadowcat, please ignore this thread
    I think it depends on how the two of you treat your relationship (business only, friends, or somewhere in between). Some dancers I've been out with we were close to the same age and it didn't seem that strange to me. Some dancers may have paid for their own meals. I may have offered to and paid for one or two while sometimes the dancers wanted to pay for their own. I didn't eat out with dancers too much. Usually I was either just hanging out with them wherever they wanted to go or I was at their house or apartment. Whatever you do, I would definitely bring up the subject of money if you haven't been out with her. Does she expect to be paid for her time? I stay away from these dancers. Does she want to dance for you at her place but expect to be paid for the dances she does? I did this when I was new to strip clubs, well after I met a dancer and asked her out. I asked just to see if what someone told me was true. It was not at least in my case and at the club I was visiting. The thing to avoid is thinking the date is free but the dancer expects to be paid for something even though she didn't say it was. I used to just do things without asking too many questions and deal with things afterwards if something came up. Probably not the best strategy to avoid getting in situations you could have avoided. I think a number of dancers may do the same thing. Wandering around town and going to different strange places with a dancer I don't know that much about is not something someone might do if they asked a lot of questions first. If I sensed danger somewhere or I didn't want to do something, that would be out of bounds. As far as being loyal to one dancer, I'm not even sure what you are talking about. She may have a boyfriend she didn't even mention to you. Are you talking about being a loyal customer not buying dances from other girls? I would let your ATF know that you can get dances from whomever you want. Unless you're dating and she is your exclusive girlfriend and you've both agreed to something like that. Of course I don't demand an ATF's immediate attention or anything like that. I'm also not afraid to argue with a dancer. I usually have more than one favorite and if I don't, more girls come along.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers Shoes
    I'm not really that interested in shoes. Once a dancer asked if it was a problem with her wearing combat boots. She said something about hurrying to work. Not a problem, I don't go to strip clubs to look at shoes. I might find it sexier if the girls would wear regular street shoes instead of high heels, I find those to be dangerous especially if they start swinging their legs up near my face.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Substitutes
    Maybe I wouldn't spend any money. Just stay home, surf the internet and play old pc games or play some I never really seemed to have much time to play. I'm not going to any strip clubs this weekend. Could become a new habit. However I do have a cold with congestion so I might not be feeling exactly normal. Going to visit another crowded, smoky strip club just doesn't seem like fun right now. I need to bomb and destroy something (in a pc game)always makes me feel better.
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    15 years ago
    help in Myrtle Beach, SC
    The last review for the Masters I will have to partially disagree with. It was stated that you can watch the stage act without a lot of wanna dance questions. Maybe it's like that if you're with a group of guys and the club is packed. However if the club is not packed and you're sitting alone, it is a "wanna dance" club times 50 in my experience. I wasn't counting but I think I was asked for dances somewhere between 100 to 200 times the first night I was there last year. I didn't even buy any dances that night. I do get asked a lot less when a club is packed. Since it is warm again, I imagine The Masters is more crowded again.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL news letter...
    Oh, I haven't checked the email address I set up here since last year sometime. Maybe I will one of these days.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer's Outfits
    I like dancers to wear outfits they can take off quickly. If it takes forever to take off and I'm sitting and waiting for her to start a lap dance, that is not fun.
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    15 years ago
    Age of a Dancer
    I'm less concerned about age and more about looks and attitude. I've met some dancers that looked great but had a terrible stuck up attitude and I didn't care to have anything to do with them. Then I've met some dancers with a fantastic attitude and decent looks and I liked them afterwards. However I do pay money to attend strip clubs just to watch a lot of the time so looks are very important to me. I have to say that Book Guy is the first guy I've heard that disagrees with the statistics that guys prime time is around 18 to 25. I believe these statistics are referring to physical sexual prime time. I don't disagree with the statistics. A 20 yr old guy can get hard just watching dancers in a club. A guy in his 60's may have to take viagra to have the same effect and be helped by some of the dancers. It's not the same. There could be rare exceptions though. I read that women's physical sexual prime time is in their 30's. It just doesn't seem fair if you're a guy and around 18 to 20 because the girls aren't as interested in what you want.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    help in Myrtle Beach, SC
    I meant to say going into the back in The Masters to get lap dances. I said no to all the dancers until the third night I was there. One dancer offered two for $25, a lot lower than anyone had asked before. I wonder if she had worked at PP in Columbia or remembered me from somewhere. I can't remember hardly anyone unless they left a fantastic impression on me or I got to know them over some time.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    help in Myrtle Beach, SC
    By the third night I was there, I did have some dancers negotiate a lower than normal price to get me in the back. Well the first dancer got me in the back at the lowest price I've paid there. Then I agreed to go back again with another dancer at just a slightly higher price. They knew I didn't have any problem with saying no.