
ATF Code? Shadowcat, please ignore this thread

Saturday, May 30, 2009 3:10 PM
Shadowcat-if you respond in this thread, you'll kill what I'm trying to do here, I need some honest feedback. From 04-06, Kat was my ATF, and she spoiled me for all others because of how excellently she treated me. With that being said, I need to know, if you have an ATF, how does the following apply? 1. Exclusivity within the club. Are you to remain loyal only to her? 2. OTC dates- A) How much for hotel duty? Dinner dates? B) What OTC dates are out of bounds? 3. Business trips-How much? What's out of bounds? 4. Am I correct to presume that an ATF is a substitute girlfriend? Since it's a business relationship, she gives the GFE in/out of the club, but there's no emotional relationship other than a business respect? Yes/No


  • how
    15 years ago
    Anytime I have an ATF... 1. Exclusivity is natural. 2. OTC A) No "charge" B) No boundaries 3. Have not taken on business trips, except once. No cha:::"rge, no boundaries. 4. Not a "substitute," but actual girlfriends. Not business, and not emotion-free.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I think it depends on how the two of you treat your relationship (business only, friends, or somewhere in between). Some dancers I've been out with we were close to the same age and it didn't seem that strange to me. Some dancers may have paid for their own meals. I may have offered to and paid for one or two while sometimes the dancers wanted to pay for their own. I didn't eat out with dancers too much. Usually I was either just hanging out with them wherever they wanted to go or I was at their house or apartment. Whatever you do, I would definitely bring up the subject of money if you haven't been out with her. Does she expect to be paid for her time? I stay away from these dancers. Does she want to dance for you at her place but expect to be paid for the dances she does? I did this when I was new to strip clubs, well after I met a dancer and asked her out. I asked just to see if what someone told me was true. It was not at least in my case and at the club I was visiting. The thing to avoid is thinking the date is free but the dancer expects to be paid for something even though she didn't say it was. I used to just do things without asking too many questions and deal with things afterwards if something came up. Probably not the best strategy to avoid getting in situations you could have avoided. I think a number of dancers may do the same thing. Wandering around town and going to different strange places with a dancer I don't know that much about is not something someone might do if they asked a lot of questions first. If I sensed danger somewhere or I didn't want to do something, that would be out of bounds. As far as being loyal to one dancer, I'm not even sure what you are talking about. She may have a boyfriend she didn't even mention to you. Are you talking about being a loyal customer not buying dances from other girls? I would let your ATF know that you can get dances from whomever you want. Unless you're dating and she is your exclusive girlfriend and you've both agreed to something like that. Of course I don't demand an ATF's immediate attention or anything like that. I'm also not afraid to argue with a dancer. I usually have more than one favorite and if I don't, more girls come along.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I was loyal to one dancer I went out of town with. I thought it would be extremely rude in that case to hook up with another girl and dump her when she went on a trip with me. Plus before we went into the regular clubs, she had us agree that no one would try any shit and that we would all stay together. I had the two girls that travelled with me sticking to me like glue in the clubs. I had fun. They paid their own cover charges. I didn't call that a date or anything. We were just having a little bit of fun.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    SHIT! How can I not respond to a topic that has my name in it. Are you implying that my posts are dishonest? For the record, I no longer have an ATF. It has gone way beyond ATF status. I will stop at this point. I do not want to screw up your subject.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    1. Never have. 2. Been out a few times with one. A) $0 B) None, as far as I knew. 3. Planned one, but It got canceled. 4. No
  • whghIost
    15 years ago
    I kinda had the ultimate experience that led to positive and negative. I had an ATF who lived with me. She and I had gone out several times and did not cost me anything except for the food. We did do the hotel thing and I just paid for the GFE part. We did not travel, though.
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