
Comments by casualguy (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL news letter...
    Where is it? I didn't see it yet.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If marijuana was legalized, do you think strip clubs would ban it or that the ba
    Yeah, I've seen some of the crazy laws. Fortunately for most, they aren't enforced anymore. Besides who would you rather the state pay to keep in jail, someone who was breaking the law by engaging in oral sex between two consenting adults or someone who broke into some residential homes and stole from everyone in the neighborhood? I'd pick the thief. This might be one area of cost cutting states have overlooked. If a state is paying over $30,000 a year because of some minor drug offenses or other minor offenses not involving thief, murder or attempted murder, or other violent crimes, the state could divert those resources to keep jobs for teachers or something else. Then the state could let the criminal go free where he would have to steal from others out on the street in order to survive to create a more perfect society for all of us. Ok I'm joking, either that or I'm being sarcastic.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    help in Myrtle Beach, SC
    That's very true snowtime. My time in Myrtle Beach I just like watching most of the time since I didn't want to spend a lot of money on lap dances at much higher prices than the lap dances I get closer to home. Plus the lap dances closer to home can be a lot better. One of the last dancers I got dances from at The Masters was pretty good though. So I like to watch a lot of dancers while at the beach. I did have fun getting lap dances at The Masters but I did go there 3 or 4 nights last year and only got dances the last night or two I was there. I do have limited funds so I was stretching it out. I noticed the third or 4th time I showed up that week, many dancers stopped asking me for dances. I told them no thanks a gazillion times by then.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How was the TUSCL convention in Columbia, SC????????
    I didn't post another review for the club. I thought it hasn't changed that much. I did notice bottled beer is only $2 before 8 PM though.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many clubs do you have on your hot list?
    I have 8 on my list. Some of them I've only visited once in the last year if that. I don't even remember why I set up my hot list unless I just wanted to keep track of local clubs I've visited before without looking at different cities.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    ATF Personal issues
    I don't usually hear anything about boyfriends unless a dancer is telling me she broke up. Then I would wonder why is she telling me this information? I remember one dancer told me that piece of news later on. I kept wondering what prompted her to call me up out of the blue one night and ask to go see a movie with me. Then weeks later I realized, oh she broke up and had no boyfriend. She was pregnant too so I'm glad I didn't get too close to her. Having an instant stripper girlfriend and family is not my idea of fun. One of my friends when I told him said "hey, you could have an instant family!" Not funny at all. I remember she told me she thought he loved her and would stay with her. He got her pregnant and left. I think she was only 21.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you enjoy real crowded clubs where it's hard to find a seat?
    Maybe it's good I can visit a very crowded club and still get attention from dancers. I remember the first time I visited The Masters at Myrtle Beach, it was packed. I had trouble finding even a decent place to stand at. I had a number of dancers talking to me. One went and grabbed a seat away from some other guys (she asked them) and slid it over to the stage for me and then sat on my lap for awhile. I appreciated that. I didn't realize it at the time but I also ended up getting on their DVD that year because they were filming a number of special dancer shows Las Vegas style they said. It was The Battle of the Masters. I don't care for a club to be that crowded. If it is, I would say the best strategy to save your seat is either have a friend save it, or avoid drinking too much and getting up to go to the restroom. There were a couple of times when I was sitting near a group of guys who noticed a number of dancers kept coming over to me which they seemed to like because they didn't have any coming over to their table before I sat at an empty chair at the stage. They saved my seat.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Mother and daughter strippers.
    I've met sisters or twins a few times. I don't remember a mother daughter combo, although I doubt I would remember if I had met them.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Great friends
    Well hope you're doing better now. At least you had excellent care to help you out.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If marijuana was legalized, do you think strip clubs would ban it or that the ba
    Lol, I just reread my last post. I can just imagine the surprise some people might have here thinking they are all law abiding church going people and then they say they are going to play their traditional game of spades or cards with family or friends. I believe they are breaking the law and could be arrested for playing their card game. There were actually some recent arrests here in South Carolina because some friends were playing a friendly game of poker. It didn't matter to the police that it didn't involve any significant amount of money.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention...
    I was there Saturday night. I was going to say hi if anyone was still there. Apparently I missed the group. The dancers kept me busy as normal. I was wondering if one of the dancers who has been dancing for me last week in Greenville and last night again reads this. She told me she has danced for me before years ago but I didn't remember asking her that. I guess I can't remember too good. I told her she should think that's good that I still like her even though I didn't remember. This club and Heartbreakers were more crowded than I cared for last night. I took a wrong turn and also ended up at a crowded dance club. I didn't stop any longer than I needed to even though the cars in front of me were stopped. I was wondering what these crowded dance clubs are like or if they have a dress code of some sort. Someone told me a bunch of rugsby players were at Heartbreakers. That club was packed too. I'm tired of all the crowds in Columbia.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Founder WTF?
    I'm not noticing a problem with getting timed out anymore. Not yet as least.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If marijuana was legalized, do you think strip clubs would ban it or that the ba
    By the way, I don't have anything against the police in general. I know they are just doing their job enforcing whatever laws our politicians decided to pressure legislators to put into effect whether we agree with them or not. I think you could fill the jails several times over here in South Carolina alone if everybody was arrested for any breach of the law. It's even illegal here in South Carolina to play a game that involves dice and I believe cards too. There is actually a movement underway to make it legal to play a game of poker between friends where there isn't any significant change of money taking place. I bet if you went strictly by the book, The game of Monopoly is probably illegal to play among friends in South Carolina. Husbands and wives could be arrested for doing any oral sex even though it's in their own house. It's crazy what's on the books from just what I've heard.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Substitutes
    I think I would become a millionaire, buy a large house with a stripper room and invite girls over who enjoy stripping and maybe some other friends too. Then I would set up other rooms using some technology that hasn't really been developed too much yet and have some 3D arcade fun. I might push forward the entertainment technology in this sector. To do that might require me to start up a new company to market and sell the technology to get enough funding. I'd only have time to do that if I was already a millionaire so catch 22 there. Typically I've found if I thought of something, somebody somewhere already has so I'm not sure why it's taking so long to develop 3D technology. Interactive holograms along with interactive holographic display devices for mobile internet devices I would want to. As far as I know, no one has invented these devices yet. Imagine an Iphone except it has an adjustable large 17" holographic display when on. The keypad could even be holographic and interactive so you touch the buttons in the air and it reads it perfectly well. I thought I had a dream the other night where I was using such a device.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    help in Myrtle Beach, SC
    I meant to say prices at The Crazy Horse aren't too different than the Masters but I thought they were higher. I used to visit The Dollhouse many years ago but haven't had the time to check it out with all the other clubs. There was another one I thought about checking I believe in North Myrtle but it gets rather expensive and/or time consuming too visit too many clubs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    help in Myrtle Beach, SC
    I personally like to check out 3 clubs if I have the time, sometimes I may even club hop. 1. The Masters, I wouldn't miss this club if you like lots of dancers. Space and seating can get limited during the busy season. I'm not sure when that starts but it can be hard to find a seat later at night on the weekend. When the season is slower, week nights aren't too bad because there are seats available. Typically around 3 to 8 dancers on stage at one time. I do get lap dances here but I may limit the number if you're going to be here several nights. 2. Derriere's, a decent club to visit when the season is busier. This club really slowed down after The Masters opened up around the corner. However this club is just around the corner from the Masters. If you want big and classy and don't care for all nude, you might want to skip this club. However I like all nude. I just watch on stage and there can be a few girls on stage all nude at one time. Cover is $20 or $25 kinda steep but it is bring your own beer, can't buy it in the grocery store on Sunday due to blue laws I believe or after midnight Saturday. I believe the web site has a coupon to save a few dollars for anyone interested. I like all nude and I've gone into this club and dropped $40 in ones one girl at a time at times. Enjoyed almost every minute. No big crowds to fight most of the time. Lap dances in the back are all nude but some bouncer stays back there, plays music in a juke box ?? don't remember for sure, and I thought that meant only one way contact. 3. The Crazy Horse, North Myrtle Beach. This can be a good 20 to 30 minute drive from The Masters area. Dancers are friendly, nice looking, brightly lit, and you don't usually have to fight any really big crowds for seats. Note: I only visit during slower times, no holidays or the summer time too much. I believe if you go online you may be able to get in free here with your email address print out or possibly with a local golf score card. I'm not sure if they still do this or not. I enjoy the club. It's very classy although a bit expensive but much more than The Masters. The Masters is a very large club inside. Derriere's can seem a bit dingy in comparison to both of the other clubs but it's older and it's all nude. It all depends on what you like. One of my favorites or one favorite plus one former favorite I believe are currently working at The Masters. Have fun and let us know what you think.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If marijuana was legalized, do you think strip clubs would ban it or that the ba
    I think cops can arrest you if you just look at them wrong. It may not be legal but that doesn't stop cops from being liars. Driving around at night I've been harassed a few times over the years. The worst was in the town I live in. One officer said he even smelled alcohol in my car after they didn't find anything by shining their flashlights all over. I knew he was lying unless he had been drinking and smelled his own clothes. I hadn't had a single drink in over a week and never ever had open alcohol in my car. After he was satisfied that he harassed me enough, he let me go. The worst part was wondering and thinking he was the driver that didn't signal, almost collided with me when moving into the turn lane I was already in because he didn't signal, then raced down the road after me without any blue lights on making me think he might be an angry enraged driver experiencing road rage or something. He was actually wondering why I sounded anxious.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If marijuana was legalized, do you think strip clubs would ban it or that the ba
    Thanks for the responses. I never thought about the fact if you accidently breathe in second hand smoke, it might show up on drug tests. I don't know for certain if it would or not but I guess if the smoke was real heavy in a club, I wouldn't be surprised. If people do vote to legalize it in the future, I definitely think they should drop it from the drug tests as well. All or nothing. I thought long ago they should just legalize it and tax it a lot using the funds to pay for education campaigns against smoking and for health care since smoking causes some health problems. Strip clubs would have to stock more snacks and might sell more food since I heard it can make you hungry. Sometimes I wonder if all the laws we have against recreational drugs has really deterred their use or if our laws are just feeding the blackmarket. Now if someone did a study and claimed you could collect billions of dollars in taxes by legalizing and taxing something, I'm sure some politician eyes would light up with excitement.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever had a dancer bite you on your thigh?
    I was standing at an elevated stage when I getting ready to tip one dancer. I'm tall and dancers can bend down a little bit. In that case she bent down and gave me a quick bite on my nose or possibly to the side of my face. It wasn't the most pleasant feeling but didn't leave any marks either. It was real quick too. I started thinking she reminded me of a certain goth look or even possibly a vampire look and then she does that after looking at me kinda strange. I don't care for biting on my face. I've had some dancers nibble on my ear lobes but that seemed gentle in comparison. If done right, I have discovered some biting feels pleasant but I'm not into anything done too hard or that leaves marks. Sometimes I suspect that some dancers may be into that as well and experimenting to see what my reaction is. What I hate is that I keep forgetting which girl did what so I don't remember to tell a dancer ahead of time not to bite me on my thigh for instance.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever had a dancer bite you on your thigh?
    Biting nipples or other places where my skin is tight is not something I enjoy. I remember I first encountered a bunch of converted biting dancers near a military base. They would mainly bite down on your dick and I said "oww" a few times at first and then they finally stopped biting so hard. I asked why they suddenly started doing that and they said some guys from the base said they couldn't feel hardly anything after they had been drinking so they asked for it. These dancers decided all guys must like it without asking. If someone bites just some tight skin somewhere on your body that does not feel good. Now if they put your whole finger, or a lot of a body part in between their teeth and don't bite too hard or just nibble, it usually doesn't hurt. Sometimes I wish they would ask questions first before assuming. Sometimes I wonder if these same dancers want me to bite their nipples. As much as some dancers do this, no one has ever asked me to do that.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention...
    Strange, I thought I posted already and saw my post but now I don't. I should be there Saturday night around 7Pm maybe 7 to 8PM. I'll stop by and say hi to whomever is still here. I'm wondering how do I find you guys or should I ask the door girl where the convention guys are at or the TUSCL guys are at?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever had a dancer bite you on your thigh?
    I don't remember who but I remember one night a long time ago one dancer told me to relax, she wasn't going to draw blood. Those were probably strange words to hear from a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I was glad in that case the dancer didn't carry through with her threat. I don't even remember what she was upset about. I have read about a few other dancers threatening to call up wives or SO's and that could be perceived as a real threat to some guys. Just imagine a hot girl from your high school and imagine her threatening you by telling all your friends that you have been going out with her. Kinda funny if you don't have a SO at the time.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I'd think of an excuse about how you met if she starts talking to you in front of your SO like she's a waitress you met at a bar back a few months ago some of your buddies dragged you off to one night. If she introduces herself to your SO in front of you as dancer Bambi who works at club X, you might have a problem if your SO doesn't like that. I don't think most dancers would do that. I did have one dancer attempt to threaten me (in her mind) by revealing to all my friends and family that I had been going out with her. I laughed at her, I didn't think that was a threat. She was pretty good looking and having a hot dancer show up at work attempting to threaten me by telling everyone that, laughable. She thought it would be a threat when she found out I hadn't told anyone about her. I didn't care for being the main talk around town or at work. Dancers are just like other girls so I wouldn't treat her any different.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Founder WTF?
    I've been timed out too but my message still posted. I'm not sure if you don't click anything on this web site if it times you out after 15 minutes or if it's longer.