
Comments by casualguy (page 20)

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    15 years ago
    Clubs Fines
    I didn't think the dancers had too many fines at PP clubs. I saw one dancer come in 2 hours before closing time the other night at 4AM. She was releived to find me and that I bought dances from her the second time she asked so she could make tip out. I'm not sure why a dancer would sleep a few hours and then arrive at a club 2 hours before closing when most people have already left. Maybe she thought she could still make some money. Too many good looking favorites and I spent almost all my cash. I had fun though and will be back, probably not tonight though. I turned down most dancers too.
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    15 years ago
    What's the best way for a dancer or female customer to ask a guy out in a strip
    I guess this could add to the fantasy in a strip club. Does a dancer want to ask you out to her apartment? Is the one who asked me still lurking somewhere ready to pounce on you because she's all horny? Does she also have a female friend who will also be there? 3 way maybe?
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    15 years ago
    What's the best way for a dancer or female customer to ask a guy out in a strip
    Book Guy, your question was one of the questions I was wondering about too. She said she wanted to take me to her apartment. Did she want money too? I had no clue. I didn't even know her name or anything about her. I guess that might be the most aggressive introduction line in a strip club I've heard that seemed serious and not a joke.
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    15 years ago
    What's the best way for a dancer or female customer to ask a guy out in a strip
    I once had a dancer? tell me she wanted to take me to her apartment and let me do whatever I wanted. However she asked the worst possible way and her timing was awful. I didn't even know if she was a dancer or customer. I was walking to tip another dancer on stage and then I heard some girl shouting a question to me. I have to say, being asked that question shortly after gulping down some beer and suddenly feeling it, then deciding I'm going to tip a dancer on stage but suddenly hear some other girl shouting at me, worst possible timing. In hindsite I would have asked to discuss the matter in a little bit because I had so many questions but in the spur of the moment I kind of blew her off. Used to saying no to dancers almost all the time I guess. I really didn't want to leave the club just when the beer was kicking in either but that was too much to explain in a split second decision I thought she wanted. Oh well, the next dancer who asks me a similar question, I'll ask her to ask me later when I sit back down or join her at her table to talk if I'm interested in her.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Southern U.S. girls
    We used to have church and strip clubs across the street from each other in some places until the liberals passed all these national laws restricting locations of strip clubs. It was all so simple. The strippers could strip at night, then go to church in the morning and tell the priest all about it in confession. Just joking about the confession stuff.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Southern U.S. girls
    Conservative strippers are not so unusual where I live at. I know some go to church and vote republican too. I will agree that Southern girls overall are alot friendlier. That's not to say that I haven't met several friendly girls from other parts of the country though. Met some friendly girls from Brazil and other places too. I've had some South Korean girls literally grab and drag me into their club and get real friendly. Now when it comes to the most aggressive girls, I would say korean girls and southern black girls. hmmm, the two most aggressive I've met were actually white and possibly hispanic. I mean sexually aggressive not angry aggressive.
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    15 years ago
    Married to a stripper?
    Hi kalel15, welcome to the area and thanks for buying dances from one of my favorites. I can't afford to keep buying lap dances from all the favorites I have that all showed up last weekend. I do have others including one young dancer I haven't seen in months. She might be working an earlier shift, I don't know. She was bi and very pretty so she would have enjoyed dancing for your wife. If your wife ends up working in a club where some contact is tolerated, you might ask yourself if that would bother you if you came to visit and saw that. Some nights are a lot busier than other nights too and the bad economic news and job losses are keeping customers from tipping and spending as much.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Example: I met one dancer who spent 20 to 30 minutes talking to me. Then I got one $30 dance. That was way overpriced in my opinion and I'm not sure why I even did that. That took about 30 minutes. Meanwhile others dancers come up to me and offer to do a two for one at $30. The don't waste much time talking, I like their dances and get 4 dances in about 20 minutes for a total of $60. I'm happy and possibly a repeat customer of theirs versus the first dancer I mentioned who I thought poorly of. Just an FYI in case someone doesn't see how offering dances for less actually can increase a dancers income.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Some of the clubs I go to the dancers can set their own prices. They offer me two for ones other than the announced two for one times. That actually increases their income. They may do more dancing and less walking around, less talking, less looking for the next customer. Sometimes a dancer will throw in a free dance for half a song or so. It keeps more getting dances from her when I don't have to. My problem is I now have so many favorites who all came back on the same night that I spent a lot more than normal. If you think about it, if you spend 15 minutes or longer looking for a customer and another 15 to 30 talking and only 5 or 10 minutes dancing for one or two $30 dances, you could have made a lot more in less time offering to do two for ones at two for $30. Unless getting dances is easy at clubs across the country.
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    15 years ago
    Bad day at the Strip Club
    I once mentioned I need to clean up my house to one smoking hot dancer and then she mentioned to me that she does house cleaning. She said she would have to see my house before determining how much she would charge. I don't remember the conversation clearly anymore, I believe she wasn't a cheap house cleaner but was serious about doing it. Now every time I think about needing to clean up, I keep thinking, what if I hired a dancer to do it? too expensive I'm thinking but it could develop into some fringe benefits.
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    15 years ago
    Bad day at the Strip Club
    I would prefer to stay home since I have better things to do with my time rather than have a bad time in a strip club. In my case, my last visit to strip clubs was too good. I spent just about all my cash instead of having a certain amount left over. I can't afford to spend that much every weekend so this weekend I'm planning on staying home and cleaning up and doing other errands. That is something I need to do anyway. I don't have time to have fun all the time. It had been over a month or two since I last saw some of my favorites and it seemed like most of them all showed up on the same night. At least on a slow strip club night, you tend to have most of your money to spend for another night out.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    computer gurus. The nerd needs helg again.
    A number of times if the file extension is already "something".jpg you can click save as and save it as the same name or different name and put the .jpg extension on it so that you don't have any trouble opening it back up. If you don't know that is the jpeg format.
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    15 years ago
    Somebody's Watching Me
    If someone really wanted to stalk a dancer, I believe they could watch them and get their license number and from there get information off the internet and if they really wanted to creep out the dancer, they could show them a satellite photo of their home and if it's been purchased, the property tax value of their home and car. He could also show her cell phone records and other information all of which probably isn't legal to obtain under false pretenses but if you're talking about stalking anyway, I guess we aren't talking about stopping at legal boundaries. Of course what would be the point of all of this? You would get banned from the club and might even get a restraining order put on you besides all the laws you broke stalking and getting information under false pretenses. Now if you're considering dating her and already have some information, a background search may reveal if she's ever been convicted of drug charges or other offenses. However I believe that costs money to get all that information. I still don't know if that is legal or not either. I believe it may be. I'm not an expert on the subject of collecting information on an individual either. Any decent hacker probably could tell you a lot more.
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    15 years ago
    Somebody's Watching Me
    A long time ago this type of thread came up before. Someone even posted a thread talking about a dancer leaving a club the same time as one of her customers even though she must not have realized it. He said he followed her for a little while and a bit later starting honking his horn at her. Creeped her out big time. He told a manager about the misunderstanding the next time at the club and he got asked to leave and was upset about the whole thing especially since as he said, he didn't get a chance to explain this to the dancer. Never follow someone at night unless they already agreed to it. That is creepy. I once had someone who must have been on drugs or drunk follow me one night after I passed two unusually slow moving cars. I found out he was following them. I didn't lose him until I slowed way down and someone finally passed me. Then he took off following whoever that was down a quiet dark road.
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    15 years ago
    Somebody's Watching Me
    The IP of these posts can be tracked and linked back to the computer of the poster so law enforcement can find and track individual posters if someone on this site starting posting a lot of creepy posts if there was a reason to investigate. I believe the NSA even has certain encrypted hidden keys within Windows operating systems that allow them to monitor any internet connected pc if they so choose. They wouldn't need to look at your pc anyway since the internet service provider already has a lot of information on every user if someone skilled in such matters were to look. I believe some hackers sometimes follow someone on the net and can play games. I guess if someone wanted to follow a dancer online and had lots of info on her already, he could stalk her in that way. Some hackers believe leaving no evidence of a visit is the best way to hack someone so in that case, someone could be watching and you and you would never know it. In my case, I once had someone keep nuking my screen or blacking it out for a second or two at a time until I mentioned it. I guess you could call that casual online stalking. I used to visit chat areas that apparently had lots of hackers within them. Some hackers were friendly, others were not so.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Questions, questions, questions
    I sometimes get asked a number of questions. Unfortunately the music is often too loud to ask anything but "what did you say?" "I can't hear with the DJ talking so much." "Oh you said the DJ must be on something because he's been going at it talking all day." "What?" "I can't hear anything with the DJ talking so much." A couple of times I was wondering "when is this dancer going to leave?" One dancer popped in my face to say hi and started asking me a question. I was thinking "whoa, who are you? You're acting like you know me or something." Then I said "you dyed your hair, I didn't recognize you for a few seconds." If I'm willing and able to get into a conversation at a strip club, I sometimes do get asked a zillion questions. If she gets too personal I might start wondering if she thinks the strip club is a dating opportunity instead of a chance to get lap dances.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Pomegranate Juice health update, can make strip clubs a better experience in my
    Someone must be buying it in my local area because they keep selling out of it in the pure concentrate form. I had thought about telling other people in my local area but decided not to after seeing it not stay on the store shelves. I like mixing the pure stuff into the blended stuff after the blended stuff gets about halfway empty. It tastes better that way to me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you think any vice cops work as dancers?
    I've seen some feature entertainers dress up as cops except I don't think their shirts were properly buttoned up all the way. That particular outfit doesn't really do anything for me. I'm not into getting handcuffed or tied up even though some people may be.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    I meant to say the official unemployment rate declined at a slower pace. Yeah, better times ahead. Let's go party.
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    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    On the bright side I just helped out the US economy by supporting some local dancers. There were lots of other supporters working too. New stores are coming to town and I'm very busy working on a backlog of orders at work. The official employment rate went down. Note: I want the market to go up on Monday so I can get a better price. I'm thinking the market is manipulated so I'm thinking they'll push it up past a number of technical levels to make a number of the die hard bears give up. Then the sentiment reading can be over 90 percent bullish, a perfect setup.
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    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    I haven't really given it much thought what happens if our currency collapses and the US dollar is essentially almost worthless. Either way I see the US government either not paying for Medicare and Social Security eventually or vastly devaluing our currency which seems to have already begun. A way out of this mess? Tell the US government to stop spending so much. At least our money might still be worth something. Stop adding new taxes. Don't add taxes via Cap and Trade, don't add taxes to workers current health insurance plans to pay for those who aren't paying. If that happens, I'll feel robbed like a ROB does in a strip club with no recourse except to vote against anyone who supports it.
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    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    I'm estimating 11 no's, and 3 yes's. Only 27 percent bullish. I'm not guestimating two or 3 responses. It appears to be a lot more pessimistic here from this informal survey than the 86 percent bullish reading from www.trade-futures.com. I heard second hand the sentiment was that bullish now. Maybe that is just for commodities. I'm not sure. I heard the elliottwave international folks believe the Dow will revisit 1975 levels around Dow 1000. I think that is too negative. If it isn't, that will destroy millions of people's retirements and that will not be good. Plus I've read that Medicare is out of money already and Social Security will be out of money even sooner. I think I read the trust funds for both will be out of funds around 2016 or 2017 which is a joke because there is only a trust fund on paper. That money was already spent to reduce the national debt. Now Obama believes providing government health care for all by taxing those who are already paying is going to help things. I'm spending money in strip clubs as long as our money is still worth something. A couple of weeks ago, I went into one strip club and I really did feel like a fresh piece of steak in a den of hungry female lions. Fortunately some more people showed up.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    More proof some strippers should keep their clothes on.
    I saw one dancer last night that had what I call great skin tone, very hot legs and hot body and pretty face. Then I noticed that she never took her top off even after being tipped a number of times. Looking a little bit closer, I believe she had to be one of the flattest A cups if I have that right, that I have seen in some time. Probably embarassed to take off her top in comparison to several other dancers who were well endowed. If a dancer is hot even though she has small tits, I still like to see them. There are a number of females I've seen out and about that look a lot hotter than most of the dancers I've seen in the clubs. Of course sometimes I wonder if they would look quite as good with all their clothes off. One of my older favorites whom knows me pretty good at one time was a little bit on the heavier side. A year or so ago, she lost some weight and worked at the beach, got a nice tan and I would say she is one of the hottest dancers in the club now. There is a lot of competition though. Some of my favorites seem to look better now then they used to.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How much do LD's really cost?
    Platinum Plus in my opinion has it figured out. They charge me less but I end up spending more. Then they don't waste their time walking around asking for dances as much. I get favorites that charge me better prices but other dancers seem to match that price to try to get dances. It's true I often pay $15 on average for a lap dance but I didn't get any better prices most of the time when I visited the Columbia location. Plus the club was a lot smaller and I do not like hunting for a seat with almost none available. Unfortunately I ran into so many favorites and other good looking dancers that I need to stay away from the clubs for awhile. I didn't expect to spend almost every dollar I had but it was fun. If one of your favorites says she'll dance the first song for free or some songs are free, even better. I guess some people would say my dance cost per lap dance was even smaller than the $15 I stated. Doesn't matter too much to me, she could have sat or talked with me for 30 minutes without doing any dances then dance for me at a more strict 2 for 30 and the dancer who gave me free dances would have gotten more money for the time she spent with me. Of course that keeps me interested in getting more dances later on.