
Comments by casualguy (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What They Really Mean: Stripperspeak-to-English Translations
    meant to say buying dances not dancers, no edit feature here.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What They Really Mean: Stripperspeak-to-English Translations
    After you already got dances from one of your hot favorites and she comes back. "You know you want another dance from me." Then a sad face when the answer looks like no. She can't figure out why not very many guys are buying dancers from her and would have bugged you more when you said you wanted to stop at just two dances. I didn't tell her she didn't quite smell that great. On the good side you couldn't smell her unless you were within a foot or two away. However when she sits on your lap and asks, you know she smells.
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    15 years ago
    Have you been asked to show your ID lately before you can buy a beer?
    I've used my drivers license so much, it has separated into two halves. Lol, maybe I should ask which part of my license they want to see. I wonder if the DMV would replace it free of charge? They made it defective.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers phone numbers - do you take them or leave them?
    I guess I didn't think about she might have wanted to exchange phone numbers and get to know me better. Offering me her number may have been just to get the conversation started. Oh well, I was tired and not thinking about getting any phone number. I probably would have surprised her if she found out that I do not have a cell phone. She would only be able to reach me during a small part of the day.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What outfit would you like to see a dancer wear?
    I can think of several outfits that would make dancers look a lot better. I personally like the color red. I like the school girl look, red sexy bikini outfits would be nice. I might even enjoy watching short red short shorts. It depends on the age and looks of the dancer though. One of my favorites looks a whole lot better without her too small extremely shorts shorts on. It makes her butt look fat with it on. She takes it off and she looks great. I was wondering if she would take it the wrong way if I told her. If you help a dancer look too hot, she might be hard to get a hold of as well.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do you feel about single girls going to clubs?
    I think most of the guys would ignore you or act like your a dancer from another club checking it out or they might wonder where you boyfriend or other female friends are at. However most guys are more focused on the naked talent on stage if the place isn't dead. As far as dancers go, they may leave you alone if you're not tipping. I know of one dancer who is bi herself because she told me. Another dancer I talked to in the past was not and did not want to dance for females in the club. I think she was more of an exception. If you really want to avoid any chance for any confrontation, I would probably try to tip dancers when there is no competition for tips if you walk up to a stage, ie no guys waiting to tip her. I say that because some guys could be unhappy if they don't get to interact with a dancer because she went to you first. Dancers often go get tips from females first even if the guys were waiting longer to tip. It varies though. Some guys really enjoy seeing female customers go up to the stage and watch the dancer pull up her top. I couldn't tell if they asked or not. I thought maybe with some dancers they started pulling up their shirts to see if the female customer would stop it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What do you drink (non-alcoholic)?
    When I'm dying of thirst and of course no water fountain is ever available in a strip club, I order some bottled water if I'm not planning on leaving in a few minutes.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    When is a Lap Dance not a Lap Dance?
    What does it mean when a dancer is doing CG?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is the dumbest thing you ever had a stripper say to you?
    Maybe she considers fingers to be taboo but she's ok with a bigger digit. I wonder how many other girls are like her?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How Basic "Why do you go" Question Affects Our Responses
    I go to have fun. One club is nude but doesn't allow much touching if any by the customers. I go to watch. I club hop to another club after a short while. There I watch some more dancers and sometimes they are hot. I sometimes get table dances there. Not usually that much though. Then after I have plenty of ones, I go to another club that gives change in two dollar bills. I use the two dollar bills to pay the dancers sometimes if I have them or to pay admission. I use the ones I have to tip dancers multiple times if I desire while most people sit around the club just watching. I do get lap dances there with some touching and grinding. I'm not expecting extras though. I believe with hidden cameras and rearranged furniture, they did away with all of that.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you been asked to show your ID lately before you can buy a beer?
    I was actually quite surprised I was being asked for my ID last night. Maybe she thought I was suspicious sitting down at the bar right next to the 21 sign they had posted and was wondering if I was a cop. I sat at a table for 5 minutes with no service so I moved to the bar.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Perfect Gentlemen = PL?
    Compliments are much better than the opposite.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Our shadowcat?
    I was wondering why human bodies would glow. Was someone talking about glowing in infrared light? I haven't seen any glowing humans except when someone accidently spilled some glow in the dark liquid on me at a rock concert. My arm was glowing for hours later. As far as porn goes, I think the important thing for a guy is being able to think that looks like himself in the female, not some other guy. I notice if I see very much of the guy at all, it's a major turnoff and I would rather watch lesbians or a solo female or turn the channel.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers who are only 16 years old. Should they be working as strippers?
    I'm not even sure what the legal age for strippers is in South Carolina or how it varies from state to state. The last thing I want to worry about in a strip club though is a horny underage dancer. I often prefer older dancers but if a young dancer seems to like me, I might let her dance for me. If she looks college age, I call that young looking.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Private Parties?
    I've found experiences and prices for meeting up with a dancer vary all over the place. From free to paying for the cost of her inexpensive meal at whatever local place is open late to whatever agreement you've arranged if you don't really know her that well. All but one of the dancers I've met away from the club were trying to meet me later. When I was pretty new to strip clubs I tried to pick up a dancer and she agreed. I got pissed off at her later when she tried to charge me without telling me that was her intention. She wanted to charge me just for her time. I refused to pay her a dime at first. Then drama ensued, she cried a bit, and finally I paid her something. I had a lot more cash back then and I wouldn't suddenly change my mind now. However if a dancer doesn't mention what her intention is, I try to figure it out. I won't meet up with a dancer for any reason if I don't have a feel for what her intentions are unless she built up some trust with me first.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Phobias
    One thing I'm not worried about are girls flashing me their tits when I leave a strip club. Well an unknown car slowly approaching me got me slightly concerned but then I heard a girl and saw her tits. :) Drive by flashing. Some might be worried but not me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Phobias
    Oh, and outside the strip club, I would like to avoid getting stopped by the police for any particular reason whether it is accelerating too fast when the light turns green, not turning on my turn signal when I change lanes on an empty highway, and any other excuse an officer can think of to pull me over. If there is any doubt the officer will likely accuse you of going a whole lot faster than you actually were. I forgot they lie all the time as standard practice I believe. Of course if they charge you, you don't have any proof to escape their accusations. I wouldn't be surprised if lying is standard practice to see if you will admit to doing something they can charge you with.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Phobias
    I'm not sure about phobias but things I want to avoid. 1. Getting injured in a club again due to a dancer being clumsy. 2. Having my clothes torn apart because the feature entertainer wanted to have some fun with me. 3. Having the feature entertainer splash me with any liquid that happens to be on the main stage. 4. Dodging breast milk from a lactating dancer who decided she was going to have a game of trying to squirt me in the face. I held my hands up and avoided a direct hit but she kept trying. Only happened one time. 5. Getting drunk and agreeing to go off alone with some dancer I don't know and find out later that she gave me more than I wanted. I definitely want to avoid getting these kinds of extras. 6. Having a dull evening. Maybe this is surprising but I don't usually have this problem.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you get any sense that customers are spending less and Dancers are more Despe
    Another example, a dancer was asking about business at another strip club. I told her the crowd was actually smaller there or typically was. They had an annual party the night in question. I suppose dancers are always on the lookout for busy clubs especially when business at their club seems to be shrinking.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you get any sense that customers are spending less and Dancers are more Despe
    I should have stated all the local clubs that I visit. Most people don't care about one or two of them even here on TUSCL yet someone still visits and says it's as bad as the previous reviews said it was. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Arrogant club management
    judyjudy that is arrogant. However you probably just made a bunch of guys think about pretending to be audition managers for strip clubs.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer Drama - Got Any Stories?
    In the example above I was suggesting what would you do if a dancer wanted to move in with you? That would be an example of crazy drama in my opinion. What if she just asked to spend the night at your place? I guess if you were home you might be ok with it depending upon the dancer. I'm speculating on what kind of crazy drama I might experience in the next two years if the economy gets as bad as I'm expecting and the strip clubs stay open and I still have enough disposable income to go visit. A few weeks ago at one club, one dancer commented, "you're the only one tipping" (at the stage or anywhere). It was still early but none of the other customers were even tipping a dollar. I don't know if dancers feel desperate when it's 10 PM on the weekend and the club is still pretty empty.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer Drama - Got Any Stories?
    I haven't experienced much drama in strip clubs lately. Crossing my fingers. I'm trying to maintain my distance and spending. I did cut back my spending last time. I get the feeling that dancers are feeling a sense of desperation with less customers in the clubs and possibly spending less when they do visit. Unfortunately I believe this situation may get a lot worse starting within 6 months if not sooner. Then I wouldn't be surprised if desperation and drama starts climbing like crazy. An example of crazy drama that I have yet to experience would be for example, a dancer who hasn't made hardly any money even though she looks good, then she knows she will be kicked out due to eviction soon and is looking for a place to stay. What would you say? This is an example but I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually happens.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    gridget gets SHIT on.
    If Gridget reads this as I just did, Congratulations on doing the right thing! I know I wouldn't feel right if I let something bad happen to someone nearby if I had the power to stop it. The manager who seemed to care less about a customer possibly dying of a heart attack in his club should be fired and never work at a strip club again in my opinion. It should be easy enough to find a better manager with millions of unemployed people in this economy. Of course I wouldn't be surprised if the uncaring manager had a different spin on things. Probably something like a drunk customer passed out and one of the dancers was tending to him instead of working. I'd rather visit a club where someone would call 911 or see if something was wrong with me rather than leave me lying on the floor. What goes around can come back.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Arrogant club management
    I imagine a lot of dancers would take whatever money you want to give them. They probably would not like coins though since they may not have a place to put them. I can just imagine asking a dancer if I could put a coin in her slot. I'm not sure what she would say. So if people wanted to refuse our money to make purchases, our money would be pretty much worthless except for paying off debts we already have. That would be tough. Those two dollar bills could be refused all around town.