
Comments by casualguy (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Sticky Fingers?
    I talked to a manager that had a pick pocket dancer. From what I heard, a few dancers may have known about it (maybe even been involved). Basically it sounds like the dancers started off working the guy over during a lap dance and making his wallet (I guess if loose) pop out of his back pocket and stay stuck in the sofa. Guess what, if he didn't go back and notice it missing right away, his money was probably gone. One guy thought his wallet must have fallen out. He went back right away but noticed the dancer that gave him the lap dance was still there in the lap dance room. I heard about another case where the dancer would hold the guy's hand and slip her hand into his pocket. She ended up getting caught and fired and moved onto another club. One dancer once told me if a guy is so stupid not to check his pockets after a lap dance to see if something is missing, he deserves to lose whatever he had in his pockets. I started checking my pockets after that. Now there have been a few dancers who returned something that a customer dropped but if it's money they are returning, that seems to be a rare dancer from what I've heard. Maybe the bad apples are just giving the other dancers a bad reputation. The other night I encountered a dancer who said she had to get up early to go to church. The way she spoke about it made it seem like nothing that unusual. Church going strippers may sound strange in some places but I've met a lot.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Who the heck is Mr. Happy?
    I actually enjoy hearing pretty girls say penis. I wonder if that has something to do with that being almost a taboo word while I was growing up and rarely ever heard. Now if they say Mr Happy, I think it sounds like they are teaching some little kids with a blue dinosaur. I saw a youtube clip where Megan Fox asks "Am I touching your penis?" I find that clip sexy. Although I wonder what show she was on and what was she talking about or the situation. I would like to see more of the other hot girl in the latest Transformers movie. The idea of Megan Fox as a green female incredible hulk doesn't really excite me very much. I heard someone mention that. I prefer to see her legs bare and naked, not painted green.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    RE: andersonsc's "hide your wood or not? and do they like it or not?" The flip s
    I don't really get off in strip clubs so the idea of bringing lube is something I never thought about. I did hear on a youtube video one girl made that KY might increase the chance of a girl having yeast infections and she recommended something else. I can't remember if she said that because it has sugar or something else in the KY. One of those videos I clicked on because I was curious what the girl was saying.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer counting her money
    I've had dancers occasionally counting some money so I don't find it that unusual. However usually they don't have that much cash on them so it is quick. I've had dancers do it in the past when I was standing at the bar and they had a flat surface to count on. I'm not usually standing at the bar though. What might seem unusual to the dancer is me counting my money in front of them. Unless I'm almost out or wondering.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    ITC Habits/Preferences
    If I got just one lap dance from maybe half the dancers who asked me, I could easily get over 20 lap dances in a single night. I can't afford that nor would I necessarily enjoy that many dances. Maybe the number would be closer to 12 to 15, a number of dancers like to talk and that takes up time and other dancers don't usually approach me when another dancer is already there (unless they are really pushy or know the other dancer). I usually reject two dancers approaching me as a double team. I was trying to think of my record number of dancers I have gotten dances from in a single night but I really do not know. I know when I visited The Masters last year I was certainly asked for a dance near a record number of times (estimated over 100 times in a few hours). I was determined not to buy any lap dances the first night I was there and I did not. I did get a couple of dances 2 or 3 days later when I went back again. Most dancers gave up on me and it was more crowded.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    ITC Habits/Preferences
    I sometimes go strip club hopping, not enough time in the evening to go to a regular club too like I used to start out the evening. I may visit up to 3 clubs in one night since that may be the only time of the week I have to visit any clubs. One club I never buy lap dances well if you call 2 lap dances in several years, another club I don't buy lap dances either, only get 1 to 3 table dances which includes the dances doing very light grinding, depends on my mood and how hot the dancers look and how much cash I have. Then the last club is my favorite lap dance club. How many lap dances I get depends on how much cash I have and how much talent is available and of course how much time is left before the last club closes or I start feeling like I want to go home or am getting sleepy. Lately not wanting to spend too much spending has cut back on the number of lap dances I get. Getting lap dances from 6 dancers is a lot and I think I did get that many one night in the last 2 or 3 months. It was fun but I was thinking I can't afford to keep doing that every time I go out even with the dancers offering me better prices than out of town visitors. I have spent much less since that night.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you limit how much you spend on one stripper?
    I have a new answer. It depends on how good her tits look. Well I guess how good her lap dances are might be a factor too.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Who the heck is Mr. Happy?
    :) Sounds like an imaginary friend. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    hide your wood or not? and do they like it or not?
    I was thinking of hiding it as in when you're walking around a club and not wanting everyone looking at a big bulge. I didn't see any point in hiding an erection when a dancer is on top of you during a lap dance. Of course I'm not sure if I have ever been to a so called jack joint or whatever they are called now. No dancers pull anything out.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Fighting in the Clubs
    I thought about getting formal martial arts combat training. Both of my brothers have been trained. Everything takes time though. I once thought, I could get formal martial arts training 3 or 4 nights a week. Then I thought, I would rather just watch tits in a strip club rather than spend my nights practicing how to break bones in every limb of an attacker in only a few moves. I use a comparison similar to wanting to move out away from the center of the city so you can have more freedom to go bicycling outdoors. Then you look at a house with a really big yard. One of your relatives says laughing, if you buy this house you won't need to worry about bicycling, you'll spend all your time cutting grass! I try to avoid fights.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Fighting in the Clubs
    I used to get in fights about every day with my brother when I was a little kid. Nothing too serious though. Except one day when he egged on about 9 other kids into attacking me. 4 came at me at once. One landed a partial kick on me. That triggered my berserk anger and adrenaline surge. I started spinning around hitting them so hard I knocked them down out of the air. Then I started feeling even angrier and almost felt like killing them. Luckily for them there was a total of about 9 of them and after the first 4 to 6 got knocked down pretty hard, the rest ran away. Actually they all did. I felt a bit frustrated as my anger died back down. I found out I knocked out some baby teeth (we were kids) and 2 or 3 were in the hospital and I only used one fist and only landed one hit on most of them. I know one of my grandfathers used to be a boxer. As far as fighting nowadays, I avoid it and don't want to ever get in another physical fight. I do have a concern for my own health but an even bigger fear I will kill someone and end up in jail if I ever get out of control again. Plus a lot of people use weapons other than their bare hands nowadays. I once had a number of dreams about killing people using different techniques along with many combat dreams. I'm not sure why because I was never in the military. I even had one dream that kept repeating. I kept getting shot by some enemy soldiers, one of the bullets kept hitting me in the heart and then I would wake up. After 4 times, I remembered and ordered my squad around the other side of the room the enemy soldiers were in. Weird dream. As far as fights in clubs, I haven't seen too many. There are some rough clubs where I heard you could get stabbed, shot, or beat up on any given night in some towns I've been to but I avoided those clubs. I'm just a nice quiet guy. I did see someone's wife come into a club and she apparently hit the guy on the head with a beer bottle. He never saw it coming and he got knocked out cold. They called the paramedics to the club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shave your dick?
    Hairy dicks are the result of circumcision, a typically unnecessary surgery in my opinion that removes skin that has a purpose. Cutting off all the skin results in not having enough later in life for an erection. The result: the hairy skin around the base of your member gets pulled up on your dick so that you can still have an erection. This all happens because of stupid tradition and doctors that could care less unless of course they are getting monetary compensation for the skin they collect. I think if the tradition had been to cut off your pinky finger at birth, then millions of American men would only have 9 fingers. I guess I digressed a little off the main subject. I bought a shaving/hair cut kit at Walmart with different guards and can cut my hair in less than 15 minutes if I choose with a pretty good hair cut. I could if I wanted put on a smaller guard and cut off excess hair down below too. Right now I'm not getting any encouragement to actually shave and I'm not interested in that.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you ever caught a stripper's cold during a dance?
    Ok how many of you have a dirty mind? Did you suddenly wonder what she can shake instead of your hands?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you ever caught a stripper's cold during a dance?
    I like to avoid dancers with colds but if you think about it, if they have colds then other guys have probably spread the germ viruses onto all the door knobs, bathroom handles, etc. all over the club. She may even have virus germs on her boobs. She may even decide to wipe her runny nose on your clothes especially if she isn't hardly wearing any and is looking for a place to wipe off a runny nose. If you think you got a cold from a dancer, don't worry, you get revenge when you go to a club with a cold and give it back. What goes around comes back and keeps on giving. Unfortunately this new swine flu virus may kill young people instead of just weak or old or those already in poor health like most flu viruses. I personally would feel safer shaking a dancers boobs rather than her hands though. If she's ok with that of course. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are escort services invading TUSCL?
    I went weeks without any email when I first got on the internet. That was years ago.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are escort services invading TUSCL?
    Hmmm, gatorfan gave me an idea. Attention: If you're reading this, I really do own a gazillion strip clubs. Please send topless photos (must be 18 or over) to my attention with your message. I'm telling the truth too. Only looking for females. Just kidding. I rarely get any message on here. I wouldn't be surprised if the government had an automatic screener on my regular email, I haven't seen any spam in ages. I signed up for all the junk I'm getting. I do remember years ago when I had dial-up and I got regular spam. I even remember about being excited that I had some email even though it was spam.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    assuming its legal....do you think there are strippers that dont grind?
    Unless she's a 10 and/or not making hardly any money, not too believable. However I might think because she is a dancer that she can lie just as good as any other dancer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    never propositioned in 12 months of straight dancing. your opinion.
    I've been propositioned a few times over the years and I only occasionally visit clubs. Sometimes dancers are only talking about meeting up later so I guess that's not the same thing unless it turns into something more.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    never propositioned in 12 months of straight dancing. your opinion.
    Isn't the trophy club pretty dead most nights? I drove by there once or twice when they didn't have a feature and the parking lot looked pretty empty. If there is almost nobody showing up, I could believe it. If they only stay a few minutes to an hour and are never drunk, I might believe it. If people aren't too interested in her because she's not the favorite type of dancer for most people, I might believe it. If it's mainly couples visiting and that is not what they are looking for, might be believable. If she always asks first, then no wonder why. Just kidding there.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    hide your wood or not? and do they like it or not?
    I usually wear dark clothes. I came to see the dancers not visa versa. I have discovered that drinking beer decreases any problems with anything showing up unexpectedly.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you limit how much you spend on one stripper?
    I'm trying to limit my total spending nowadays. Been doing a decent job of it too. I'm sure the dancers would complain about business in general if I asked them. I haven't had any dancer give me a bad attitude look of disgust at only getting one dollar in over a year now. A couple of times I had dancers react to me tipping just one dollar when the club gave out change in two dollar bills. I despise two dollar bill change. If tipping lots of dancers two dollars bills means nothing to you, good for you. While everyone else and I mean everyone is just sitting in their seats, I go and tip a dollar at the stage lots of times.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Most Exotic Drink in a SC?
    I visited a nude club a couple of weeks ago and they had a new energy drink called "some pussy". Then I was asked if I wanted some pussy. I like the name.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    American Woman
    I like the American dancers. However I've also found some very hot South American dancers who seemed to be in to me after I started talking to them for a few minutes. I don't know if I met any Czech dancers or not but all the pics I've seen on the internet seem to be Czech if she looks real hot. Asian girls seem to be sexually aggressive, maybe that's just the Korean girls that seem to latch onto me. Almost any dancer can suddenly seem to get sexually aggressive if something is triggered in her. The only question may be how many drinks does that take?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    More offers for FS lately?
    My mileage was the same. Maybe that's good since I've cut back my spending a whole lot.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    More offers for FS lately?
    At one club, I was there earlier than normal, most dancers were already there for at least 2 hours and dancing. There were a lot more dancers than customers. Hopefully the customers showed up later because it seemed like a private show for me with only a few people there. At another club I have been cutting back my spending. However the dancers acted like mosquitos spotting fresh meat. To sum up, it might be fun for a little while but I don't think I would want to ever be anyone famous. You never get left alone. I was wondering why bother with dances? I have half the dancers sitting on my lap already. I think I met half the state of Georgia too. Ok, a bit exagerated there, maybe only half a dozen girls from Georgia. They were all nice and I had fun though.