
Comments by casualguy (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Your Strip Club Finances
    Right now without getting any pay increase due to poor economic conditions and my retirement match being eliminated, I will either need to cut back my visits to strip clubs or invest better. I guess I'm young enough I'm not worrying about it too much yet so I haven't really made too much of a change yet. I didn't lose as much in my 401K as most did last year. Crossing my fingers this year.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Your Strip Club Finances
    If I had the money, I could spend a whole lot more in strip clubs than I do without even visiting champagne rooms or anything that expensive. That's why I say no, no thanks, or maybe later to most dancers. That and the fact I live less than 1.5 hours from some very popular clubs. Plus as I read today about someone who just recently changed to living within their means due to having $40,000 in credit card debt, I have been doing that all my life. That is living within my means. For several years I never even used a credit card except for emergencies. My only debt is basically on my house and I expect to be totally debt free within 9 years due to refinancing back about 6 years at a fixed rate when rates were low. I've thought about what I will do when I can no longer deduct mortgage interest if I stay in the same house. Having several hundred extra dollars every month will be a big income increase but I believe I will be trying to grow it by investing it. That's if I don't move and get a bigger house within 9 years.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club "Injuries"
    I've been bitten many times. I actually enjoy certain places if not done too hard. I don't care for dancers doing anything with my nipples. I'll play with their nipples if they want me to though and if I won't get in trouble. The first few times dancers bit me I said Oww! Then either they let up or I started enjoying it more. Maybe it was both or I had more to drink and was more numb. As soon as I started to enjoy it, they stopped. The bite I doubt I will ever forget was when a porn star feature entertainer got lucky and bit down gently but firm enough to trap my member in her mouth (I did have shorts on) during her show at one club. I remember I was wondering when she was going to let go and then she made me nervous when she started backing up without letting go. I didn't know who she was back then so I quickly forgot her name.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club "Injuries"
    One time when I was tipping a dancer at a satellite stage at shadowcat's favorite club a dancer was moving all around. I wasn't paying attention as much as I should have. She went down and then suddenly popped up from underneath me. Her head hit me right in the nose. Had a very bloody nose after that. She said sorry so I didn't think she meant any intentional harm but I wish she hadn't been so clumsy herself. I wasn't happy about it and left as soon as my nose stopped bleeding. At one club at the beach, one dancer during a table dance (probably more appropiately called a lap dance the way she was doing it) actually starting jumping up and down on top of me or on top of me and on top of the chair I was sitting in. She had something sharp on her leg and I felt a slight pain and noticed blood running down my leg when I looked. It wasn't that serious though. I've had a few bruises and not all of them were from dancers. I accidently stumbled into a table one night rather hard. Apparently I was distracted while I was walking around the club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    I am giving this one up. I'm adding someone to my ignore list.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Platinum Plus raised the cover charge after midnight?
    I'll just save my money and go visit different clubs or stay home more often. I'm looking to cut back my spending. There is one club having a party (maybe free cover) and another advertising free cover after 2AM. I can just cut out all of the dances and save even more. Who knows, I might even make the other clubs a habit if I have fun and it doesn't cost very much. I went years without visiting any Platinum Plus clubs. They don't exactly have a stellar reputation with everyone around here and that's among people who do visit strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Your Strip Club Finances
    I only do some estimating. I estimate usually about halfway or closer to the end of the month what my expenses will be including credit card expenses (I never use one in a strip club). Then I figure up how much extra cash I will have left over. Then I count the number of weekends or planned number of visits if I know I won't be visiting as much in the next few weeks. I only take a set amount each visit. After I get back home I figure out how much I did not spend and try not to spend too much in any 2 to 3 week time period. If I happen to estimate my extra cash will be below the threshold of what I usually take, I may decide to stay home or do something else. Of course if I really wanted to go, I do have some cash available but I don't want to take it away from something else.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Where's Shadowcat and the censors/editors?
    The way I see it the Founder hears your complaints. If they are valid he may agree with you and take action. If not and you don't like it, you may end up getting banned like shadowcat has been in the past.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rookie Mistakes
    I once stayed with some relatives. I didn't really want to explain where I went out to. I failed to check the weather forecast one night and I had several inches of snow and ice still caked to my car when I came home. The snow/ice line had cut off about 20 miles to the north. Lady luck struck and it got colder and snowed before sunrise.
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    15 years ago
    Rookie Mistakes
    When I was relatively new to clubs, I used to wear white shorts to strip clubs since that is what I typically wore around in the summertime. At one club they had a feature entertainer porn star. She had a little bit of fun with me. I enjoyed it but noticed later that the entire front side of my shorts was completely red with lipstick. I didn't have an SO at the time but other dancers at another club definitely noticed.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    I was tired yesterday. I must have looked at preliminary data for JFK instead of the other airport and still do not see any high temperatures 85 degrees or higher at JFK for June and July. Regardless if it was warm one or two days at another location, the average temperatures in the area have been cooler than normal which is something the weather channel mentioned today and the point I was trying to convey to anyone who listens. The site at www.weather.com displays as of a last week no high temperatures reaching 85 degrees for June or July for New York City. Apparently they have the cooler than average trend right but their data may appear to be slightly flawed unless they are using JFK.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Anybody else having a really slow connection to this site in the last 2 days?
    Shortly after logging in tonight, it hung up and then I saw the messages "waiting on tuscl.com" and a timeout error something about the server for tuscl taking too long. After that it seems ok so far.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Platinum Plus raised the cover charge after midnight?
    The club must have hundreds of seats for customers inside and they weren't exactly at full capacity before the price increase so I didn't understand how the club management thinks increasing the price is going to up their profit when less customers visit the club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Platinum Plus raised the cover charge after midnight?
    It was a $2 increase after midnight. When I arrived I had to actually wait on a few guys in front of me. I think they decided to leave when they heard about the price increase. It wasn't as crowded inside as normal. That could be a plus for the regular customers. There aren't as many people as typical because the people who arrived early are close to leaving and the price increase deters new customers from arriving late. I don't really see it as a positive for the club though. I'm planning on visiting other clubs instead of Platinum Plus the next time I'm out or just staying at them instead of leaving. Without the crowd there, dancers are having an easier time finding me. I figure not visiting as often will save me a lot of money.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Is U.S. President Barack Obama checking out the foreign assets?
    oink, oink :) I never thought there was anything wrong with it. I guess some women don't like it if their guy does it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer's perfume
    I like the scent that smells like vanilla. There are some other scents that smell good but they probably remind me of food too. I never really thought much about asking what perfume a dancer had on. Usually distracted too much.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    I heard the government cut funding for hydrogen research (at least in our state). I would prefer efforts be put back on developing transportaton abilities using a combination of electric and hydrogen/gasoline or hydrogen/diesel as a backup fuel source. I can't imagine a big rig traveling hundreds of miles on an electric charge. I've read reports that algae is very promising as a potential biofuel to create oil potentially yielding more oil per liter than any other biocrop. Algae can use wastewater instead of tying up food crop lands. I believe incentives through government funding would help in these areas too. I'm all in favor of turning this planet back into an icebox. At least during the summertime. :) I think we should also spread some iron ore into the ocean as an experiment to observe how the ocean reacts. Not too concentrated in one area or you could create an oxygen dead spot unless it doesn't matter because it's already a dead spot like near New Orleans. However the area may need to be clear for shipping reasons.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    If you had affordable electric/hydrogen/gasoline or diesel hybrids that had comparable features to existing vehicles but could run entirely on electricity or hydrogen, you just solved the transportation issue and if US companies are making the parts, you just created a lot of US jobs. Now if you also add in big incentives to have smart grids and used a combination of incentives with fuel cells, solar, etc. for a smarter electric grid less dependent on fossil fuels, you just reduced the carbon footprint and global warming without even arguing about the issue. Let OPEC raise the price of gasoline. Let market forces work their magic to raise rates when the economy recovers. Meanwhile our government could be seen as giving us a big tax break by letting us go green with half off solar rooftop equipment or a number of other incentives. I read it can take over 16 years to locate new transmission lines across Federal lands. Someone wants to go green with wind power but no can do anytime soon thanks to all the Federal red tape.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    Using 2003 data, there are an estimated 196 million licensed drivers in the US. If the government gave us all the 700 billion they used for TARP, all licensed drivers could have about $3600 as in incentive to get a better vehicle. Of course many won't be able to afford that right now since so many are unemployed or worried about their job. Therefore I think it's pretty safe to say at best only half that number of licensed drivers would use the money to buy a car. Therefore you could use the 700 billion fund to give a $7200 rebate or credit if you bought a hybrid or electric or highly fuel efficient car, only one per licensed driver though. If there were enough takers it would stimulate the economy, create jobs, and help everyone. If there were not enough takers, the rebate or credit could be even bigger. A $10,000 credit would inspire some people to buy a better car. We don't need huge tax increases to go green.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    If the other planets have experienced global warming the last few decades, mankind did not do that unless we have a lot of secret bases pumping out CO2 on other planets. Why throw away good money to try to fix something that is a natural cycle? It's like trying to fix the economy so that we never have recessions. You can try but it never works. We do need an energy policy. I suggest incentives not taxes. With all the money we spent on banks, we could have had some pretty big incentives to go green instead without threatening to raise our electric rates and gas sky high. Those rates will go up as the economy improves without the government making things worse via new taxes. Support rebates or incentives for electric hybrid cars and/or hydrogen cars or fuel efficient cars for everyone, no preconditions like you have to turn in an old clunker and have owned it for at least a year. Go check out www.weather.com Check out June and July high temperatures for New York City, New York. Go contact them and tell them what a bunch of liars they are because they have been lying about greenhouse gases and global warming telling everyone the temperature has not hit 85 degrees there this summer. They must be putting incorrect data on their web site too because I did check it. By the way most places report city temperatures at the airports from what I've heard. If you go to your website you listed and look at the airport temperatures for June and July, you'll see that the temperature has not reached 85 degrees this summer. That is likely the spot the weather channel is reporting about. Reporting city temperatures based on information from a local airport is typical.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Is U.S. President Barack Obama checking out the foreign assets?
    Now if she had been in a bikini, I'd give a 50 percent chance we could have a pic with his eyes bulging out. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Is U.S. President Barack Obama checking out the foreign assets?
    Who cares if he happens to check out someone's rear end? Is it funny or amusing? I don't think it's any big deal if he did or did not. It may be amusing though so thanks for the laugh. Hmmm, I live in a state where it appears the majority of people think it's ok for the governor to cheat on his wife and still remain in office. Sex definitely sells though. There could be economic crisis, wars, etc. going on and top of the news is "Did Sanford have a mistress that he was keeping secret?" Where was he and what was he doing? What does his mistress look like? Ahhh, we see what really interests the people. Who cares about serious problems?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer come-on's
    How about she sits on your lap and rubs you in the right spot until you get horny and agree to get a dance. I don't know why but I believe that would get to me. Especially if the dance price is right. However afterwards I might wonder why did I even bother getting a dance when I could have just enjoyed the attempt at getting a dance.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Platinum Plus raised the cover charge after midnight?
    If I had a card I could visit more often but I do believe the cover charges are not what I'm spending the most money on. I don't believe it would be as much fun to visit and just watch and not get any dances. That's what would happen since I'm not a millionaire. If I did visit 3 times a month every month at $10 a pop, I could break even on the lifetime card in about 17 months. That's a long time to hope the club stays open and same ol same ol with my finances and the club too. I guess if I wanted to make the gamble I could go for it. I feel safer buying a triple inverse ETF than I do buying a lifetime $500 membership card and hope to break even on it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Platinum Plus raised the cover charge after midnight?
    It's 10 dollars now after midnight. It still sucks to pay extra and get nothing out of it. Of course on the bright side, I just cut out one visit and I probably saved over a years worth of the extra cover charges. Well over a years worth for me. I need to cut back my visits because the dancers I know are getting too good at getting me to spend more on their lap dances. The other night I probably got more mileage just having a dancer trying to get me to buy a lap dance than many people get during the lap dance. That was so much fun I was wondering if I should attempt to string it out and not buy the lap dance.