
Comments by zipman68 (page 84)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    question about the system
    And, of course, there is Zippy 3:16 For the Great Maker so loved the world that s/he trapped zipman in a temporal anomaly, to spread the word that whosoever believes in the Maker shall not perish but have eternal life in the best club EVAH!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    question about the system
    Well...the third chapter include Rick 3:16...I know that! Personally I dig BagBoy 3:16 For the BagBoy so loved the world that he gave his ill gotten cash to as at the club, that whoever believes in him shall have eternal lap dances (well...two for one lappers at the vey least...dude gave up his job and became a bag boy after all)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Will the landing strip still be a popular hairstyle...
    But shadowcat...in the 23rd century you just beam your cock into the pussy or asshole after touching down on the landing strip. After a long day of boldly going where no man has gone before you've got to spend some time going where every man has gone before (i.e., stripper pussy or ass)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Hmmm...Farmerart is arguing with himself. Ev'rybody... Art! Art! Art! Man-DANG-A-LOW!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Is BagBoyJames a Brit?
    True dat Farmerart...I was guessing Pakistani (and I hope everybody...cough...you know who you are...avoids racist slurs here) due to the Muslim comments. I like the idea. The BagBoy persona is kind of anti-Farmerart. Hmmm... And c'mon Juiice...you know you're like a developmentally disabled lil' bro to me. But it is txtittyfag that is suckin' your cock. He just claims to be me 'cos he thinks it is the only way you'll let a dude suck your cock. If you have those feelings you should embrace your homosexual sides my friends...nothin' wrong wit' it. But I likes da ladies!
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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Is BagBoyJames a Brit?
    Wait...wait...I just realized! bagBoyJames isn't a Pakistani...nope, he is Russell Brand! How was it fucking Katy Perry? Did she dye her landing strip blue when she dyed the hair on her head?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Will the landing strip still be a popular hairstyle...
    C'mon my bro. I know you're a trekker! What pubic hairstyles do you want to see dominant in the 23rd century? Nothing like a sexy Andorian with a white landing strip!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Da'System by rickyboy
    So what you guys are saying is that the system is an inspired message from the LORD our God. Is that right? I'll have to ponder that for a while.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Treasure Review with Hard James
    He also sells meth. LOL Stripperz say "I can haz mef". Oh those LOL Stripperz are soooo cute!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    Hey all
    BangDude...you mean you're going to tell everybody that BagBoyJames is actually Mitt Romney? That would be a shitty thing to do...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    College Cheerleaders
    C'mon GSB...ya gots ta give it up for South Carolina. And I hate the actual team (Go Buckeyes my friends) but I loves the Gamecock cheerleaders. Until, of course, some enterprising university collects their hottest, sluttiest cheerleader types and names them the "we want your cock up our tight tight assholes girls". They don't have to write that on their asses. They can just wear thongs. Fuck it...they can just not wear anything under their little cheerleader skirts. Fuck yeah!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    College Cheerleaders
    Fucking problems pasting links... Oh well, here's a whole bunch o' cock lovin' cheerleaders! coed.com/2011/10/29/south-carolina-game-cocks-cheerleaders-gallery/
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    College Cheerleaders
    Can't beat the South Carolina cheerleaders. Ya gots ta love any chick that wears "Go Cocks" on her ass! www.americasbestonline.net/south%20carolina1.jpg
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    best outfits to make money exotic dancing/stripping?
    Starfleet Yeoman's uniform. rrr... Ok. I've never actually seen a starfleet uni on a stripper, but the miniskirt is a good idea. A former ATF (long retired from stripping but super hot when she danced...) used to buy a tube top and use that as a very short miniskirt. Now that was frickin' sexxy. Too sexy to limit it to one 'x' in sexy!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Da Bag Boy Dude... (et al.)
    C'mon Dougsta and TumblinDude...let's try to be positive here. I think I'm starting to get Alucard sussed and -- in my opinion -- he isn't a bad guy. I disagree with him about some things and probably agree with him about other things. Sometimes we just gotta step outside the locker room my brothers. I don't have a bead on TumblinDude but I do think ol' Dougsta probably DOES dress as Snidely Whiplash here we see Dougsta at work: Snidely Whiplash BONDAGE PRACTITIONER!!! www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhC_JJwlep0
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Da Bag Boy Dude... (et al.)
    As for myself...I go out clubbing in my Spider-Man outfit. Ditko rules...even if he is a wacky Randroid.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Da Bag Boy Dude... (et al.)
    And how about Brother Alucard? I know Bro. Alucard gets a lot of derision...that ain't what this thread is for. I'm just suggesting silly outfits folks might wear that would fit their personality. And I think Brother Alucard wears a classic Trek uniform...blue for science...Lt. Commander rank. Let's make this thread all funny and shit but not be all trashing each other...also, we treat everbody at face value. So BagBoyDude is a late 50s bag boy that lives life hard and sells kidneys on eBay...not a Juice alias. Funnier that way.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Funniest Review Ever!
    So...do you dudes think 68 dresses like a first rate pimp? I picture the dude showing in a pink Cadillac (or...as 68 calls it...his pank Cad-a-lac) with purple lights below and dry ice fog that comes out when you open the door. The he emerges...68 himsef...wearing a purple pinstripe suit with a peacock feather collar and a crushed velvet hat that would make the dude from Jamiroquai say "that's a bit over the top dude..." Then 68 walks in, channeling the Kramer character from Seinfeld, with his groovy bejeweled cane. That shit be how 68 rollz my brothers!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Names & Numbers...and Lists
    Brother Alucard my man...thanks for a cryptic but positive mention of yours truly. I am down withe the designation NCC-1701. Served in astrometrics on the 1701D for a while 'til those damn Duras sisters took it out :-( Joking aside my man, like many here I don't get the point of this thread (unless you're just screwing with our heads...in which case BRAVO). But I know your aren't being mean spirited, just weird. And there ain't nothin wrong with that. Anyhoo...you just keep being you. Nobody else gonna do that job!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How To Show Dancers That..........You Got da Ca$h
    Actually I totally lied. I do have a SYSTEM. I show in the most expensive suit I have...a SPACESUIT. I let the girls know i dropped $15,000,000 on my suit (I know..a flight rated NASA suit is only $12M, but my spacesuit is all pimped out with bling my brothers). The zippy system KICKS ASS!!! Plus, the suit helps if you gotta go all EVA to repair a warp coil on a trip to 40 Eridani A to experience some Pon Farr!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How To Show Dancers That..........You Got da Ca$h
    I think tipping aggressively gets the message across pretty rapidly. When I've visited Jax one advantage to the crazy $5 to get their clothes off in the nude clubs (ugh..I guess that is now 'club') rule is that it is easy to make it clear that you "gots da ca$h money burnin' da holez in yo' pocketz". Also, always tip the waitress $1 or $2 when she gives you change. She counts off a stack o' ones, push one or two back to her. I very seldom drink so I usually order a diet coke. Even at strip clubs the cost for a soft drink is not that high, so we're talking about 20% for doing not much. I also slide a dollar back for making change. Of course, I don't go to clubs trying to hunt up the hardcore action. I'm there to enjoy myself, see some pretty girls, get some nice lappers, and not much more. On the other hand, I don't like being ignored. If I'm there i want to be able to get drinks and dances without a real wait. I don't really care about what I spend. So being worried 'bout overpaying isn't an issue to me. I *don't* like being ripped off or blown off. But if I go out for entertainment my tolerance for spending is pretty high. Maybe I'd think differently if I was a real hound dog going and trying to get the action cheaply...but I figure strip clubbing is a hobby that requires "da ca$h money"!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Man- DANG-A-LOW" !!!!!!
    Woot Woot !!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Self-Righteous Question
    Mo-head asks a good question...I think most people are basically honest in the right circumstances. For the wallet example, dude was a dick. If the situation had been reversed (porn and SC lovin' dude found his wallet, donated cash to single moms with the provision that the show him their tits) the dude would be incensed. But strippers have two or three things going on: 1. They are saleswomen. Everybody stretches the truth when selling something. 2. They are marginalized and looked down upon. Easy to say "fuck you, I'll take what I can beg, borrow, or steal" if others treat you disrespectfully. 3. Many have addictions to feed. Addictions will make people crazy...make honest people cheat and steal.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What if *You* Were a Stripper in a Bizzaro World?
    And me like being groped by strange women.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What if *You* Were a Stripper in a Bizzaro World?
    Me am happy on Bizzaro world!! Me am male stripper but me strip because me like to strip. Nor because me need money.