
Comments by zipman68 (page 83)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    TUSCL Las Vegas
    So Tittyfag...do your repeated posts on this thread indicate that you interested in Ranukam? I suspect you are in love with him, even if you don't realize it yet. I don't think ranukam swings that way, but why don't you just ask rather than engaging in all of this locker room banter?
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    11 years ago
    Alucard.'s Profile Gone!
    My Gawd Bonerbreath...you must have a massive hard on for Juice. I mean really...I find the Juice dude funny and enjoy his antics, but you are OBSESSED with him. All four threads you started are Juice focused. I wonder if you are capable of writing a post that doesn't mention me or Juice or use the word nigger. Consider it a challenge. But I suspect you can't do that...'tis clear that you want to get some hot 'n Juicey action. I bet you want him to pitch. You seem like that kind of guy. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But you need to grow a spine and ask Juice to fuck you in the ass. I suspect he'll say no, but you'll never be happy 'til you try.
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    11 years ago
    Dress to impress?
    Slick my friend...what kind of chicks dig your buddy WackyWetback?
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    11 years ago
    Dress to impress?
    I impress the strippers by dressing as a Klingon warrior. Qapla'
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Alucard.'s Profile Gone!
    You know Dougsta...I don't really dislike any of the regular posters here. Even Cambydude and Txtittyfag. For example, Camby irritates me at times, but he doesn't contribute much so he would be easy to ignore. Indeed, I have him on ignore. But that is primarily to push him to respond to me by propping, which I can delete to get his goat. And he never posts anything interesting enough to actually be worth reading anyway, so having him on ignore works. He appears to a chuckle out of propping me, and I get a chuckle from removing his props 'cos i know it eats him up a bit. So we both win! And ol' Txtittyfag. I know you're a fan but I find that persona boring. That said, it is clearly just a sad dude obsessed with txtittyfan and now with me. Txtittyfan doesn't appear to care, so no harm no foul. I find his predictable 3rd grad humor funny on a meta level. I read it and chuckle that a grown man could think that drivel is clever. I suppose it is a little funny on a pedestrian level. Sort of like one of the really sucky episodes of South Park. So PLEASE Mr. Tittyfag...feel free to parody me. I even wrote up an "about me" for you to use for ideas. Let's see your creative mind at work!!! The only dude I actually dislike is Mr. "I'll stop being a racist asshole when everybody behaves the way I tell them to" Bonerbreath. And I'd be OK withe the dude if he issued a public apology for being a racist prick.
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    11 years ago
    My New Policy Regarding Multiple Aliases
    And Carlos Danger. When is that dude going to join us?
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    11 years ago
    My New Policy Regarding Multiple Aliases
    Yep Slick...I wants ta hear from WackyWetback. It would really coo-el if you made him talk like Speedy Gonzales too! www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIFgouHdlro Fuck yeah WackyWetback!
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    11 years ago
    Food Stamp Cuts today
    BagBoyDude...ya gots ta cook more meth! And steal some OxyContin to sell.
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    11 years ago
    Bad Grandpa
    So...do you think MOMA will do a show centered around it?
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    11 years ago
    Alucard.'s Profile Gone!
    I have to admit I'm mixed. I like the idea of maintaining the forum as a place where people take free speech seriously. But Alucard is an odd case. I honestly can't read him, but I actually kind of like the guy. The Internet is a funny place. It is easy to escalate from a joke to being an asshole. Or ass whole as the case may be. In my mind, part of the fun is knowing that the guy you're dishing it out to is taking it the right way. We have other trolls with similar names to serious users. Like txtittyfag and ShadowKat. Shadowcat seems non-plussed by the latter, and the Kat man doesn't post much. Txtittyfan also seems to ignore txtittyfag. A lot of folks like ol' Tittyfag. I don't see the humor there. I just find his antics kind of stupid and obvious. Like those of a 3rd grader. But if he stepped up his game I might respect him a bit. I doubt he is capable of doing that, but if he wants to try I say "go for it dude". I only say that 'cos I think he can take shit from others. In fact, I think he wants shit from others as grist for his "humor". If he doesn't, he can PM me and politely request that I stop. I'll do so. So I would say to Alucard(period) that he was funny, but Alucard(real) doesn't want to participate in the joke. For Kat and fag...well, your targets don't seem to care. So no harm no foul. And Juice68, juiice, Douugster, etc. do what you're gonna do...I don't think Juice or Dougsta care. Hell, most if not all alternative Juices are likely TO BE Juice...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Who shall be the last Juicite prophet?
    Had to bump 'cos I think txtittyfag may think he's a prophet. Dude...those voices in your head aren't angels or devils or gods. If you've been having trouble getting rid of them ask your doctor to try clozapine. It is a different class of drug and has proven effective even when other anti-psychotics haven't worked. Just a lil' helpful advice... I worry that you may harm yourself or others.
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    11 years ago
    Au contraire Electrondude. There is a punch card. 10 lappers for a BBBJCIM. 20 for a good face fuck. And 100 for a good ol' BBBJCIMNQNSQWERTYUIOP. I don't know which clubs you go to. But that be the zipman system!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    My New Policy Regarding Multiple Aliases
    But also bring up strip clubs occasionally. There are some real sticklers for that on here. Imagine...having to bring up strippers on "the ultimate strip club lis"...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    My New Policy Regarding Multiple Aliases
    Qapla' my warrior brothers. tlhab 'oS 'Iw; HoHwI' So' batlh.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    What song would you play for hours straight if you could?
    Kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather... vimeo.com/38695862 strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    What song would you play for hours straight if you could?
    SEX DWARF... www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlB77vM2FMg fuck yeah! Luring disco dollies to a LIFE OF VICE!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Halloween Advice
    Super Mario my brother. And report back!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Somebody has a lot of free time....wow...just...WOW!
    I'll just add a few reflections on Bro. Alucard... I find Alucard to be an odd duck, and I don't mean this in a negative way. He is definitely a contributor here. Superficially, some of his posts would appear to be pulling our collective legs. But I think there is a level of sincerity underlying Alucard's posts. Alucard sent me a PM not too long ago. I won't quote it since he has expressed a strong dislike of people doing that, but I don't think I would be stepping out of line to say that it was thoughtful and just generally nice. Plus, any dude that likes Star Trek can't be all bad...amirite or amirite? So...Alucard my friend...I'll offer my perspective. I post here to relax. Get some yucks. Most of what I say should be viewed through that lens. Occasionally I'm a bit more serious but by and large I'm posting to focus on things I find funny. Even some of my "rivals" like TDHQ are just an excuse to blow off steam. I have know idea if TDHQ is serious. If he is I hope he finds something else to do with his life. But Alucard is different -- if you're genuinely hurt by things said here i recommend actually having a dialog. I think you would find more people open to a respectful dialog via PM than you think. For now, I'm just avoiding joking with you since my read is that you take it seriously. I have no desire to be cruel. So read the posting of the link to your parody profile as a comment about the person that posted it (NOT ME...Dougster, was it you?). Part of me would like to think you actually generated it as a joke...if so, you are playing this game at a level WAY beyond the rest of us. You WIN my brother! Of course, that wouldn't be very sincere....
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    sorry boys but ,
    My GAWD Bonerbreath...WHY do yo insist on injecting yourself here? IF you are expressing a sincere dislike of Juice my advice to you is DO NOT ENGAGE. You catalyzed doubling the posts on this thread to ANSWER BBBJBecky, who you claim to be Juice (admittedly that appears accurate, but that only makes your behavior more unfathomable). Most of the additional posts were Juice aliases. SO WHY THE FUCK DID YOU POST? I can only think of a few possibilities: 1. You do want Juice to stop posting but YOU ARE STUPID. Very likely. 2. You are actually a Juice alias. Unlikely. His posts are much cleverer than yours. 3. You think you're being funny. If so, cut the racist crap. And get a sense of humor.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    RIP Lou Reed
    Reed was amazing. I still remember the first time I heard "Heroin" and (later) the first time I heard "Street Hassle". I both cases it was just amazing. Something most other rockers would have done as a joke or poitless rebellion was genuinely transgressive. But he was more than any one approach to music...Berlin...Metal Machine Music...Magic and Loss...all amazing. People should go forth and walk on the wild side to celebrate Reed's life. But not too many drugs. Reed stopped that in the '80s...probably why he made it to 71.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    dat bitch needs sum disaplin
    This shizzle be fuckin' twist-ted! TunaDude, yo' angel radio must be on the blink...I think his Satanic Majesty be slipping some verses into yo' holy book!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Da'System by rickyboy
    No Dougster...that was the Angel Moron...Moroni was the last Nephite prophet, Moron was second to last and tasked by God during a visit to Missouri with spreading twisted variants on the word. Instead of polygamy he just advocated going to da club to rock out wit' yo' cock out!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    Hey all
    Cool..we've got The Romster on here! I bet BagBoyJames is actually Rand Paul. BagBoy has a Kentucky vibe when he isn't being a Pakistani from West Virginny! Man this board is confusing. Me...I'm Shane Diesel!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Gift Cards
    Mohead Dude...is the employee you? You know the NSA has a file on you saying "first rate pervo" now!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    question about the system
    BagBoyDude...you ever got a BBBJCIMNQNSQWERTYUIOP? 'Tis the QWERTYUIOP that makes it special!