The following is solely a portrayal of a fictional character and is provided for entertainment purposes only. Nothing in the following article should be construed as representative of any experience of, or activity conducted by, the author.
All too often, I read that it is difficult or impossible to find girls that will provide "takeout" in this city or that club. While there are indeed some clubs where it is difficult, for the most part this is complete crap.
The reality is that, with the rare exceptions of some small town, one-off clubs in the boonies, wherever there are dancers there is takeout. I travel extensivley across the country and I would estimate that about 35% of all dancers are open to it under the right circumstances, though the ratios may fluctuate a bit from city to city and club to club.
This is particularly true now when times are tough and these girls are not making what they used to. Many of them have kids to support, which makes the thought of an after-hours cash infusion that much more appealing to them.
Before we venture further, however, it is important to note that this is not for everyone. If you need to be "loved" by the stripper, are looking to make a long-term connection, or are just timid then move on. This is purely about how to get her from the club into your hotel bed, which is always something I am on the lookout for. I don't care about making any type of connection, nor am I really interested in wasting time in some crappy lap dance area, so if I think a girl looks good on stage then she would look great naked in my bed.
Now to the meat of the matter:
Remember that she is trying to sell something and so are you. She is trying to sell the fantasy, t&a, etc., in the hopes of eliciting cash from you. You need to be seen as someone who can feed her with cash. I always wear a nice suit (which I usually have on anyway when I am traveling), but I would imagine that other nice clothes would work. A good suit will make you well noticed in many clubs and opens up your options dramatically, particularly in the right clubs (more on that below). If you look like a bum then you are playing handicapped. Remember you do not necessarily have to spend like a heavyweight, just look like one. Also, when the stripper asks you what you do, have a good answer. If your job is less than special, then make something up, like a chemical engineer or something else that sounds "complicated" and "important." She won't know the difference anyway, but it will keep you on her mind as a source of possibilities (including cash flow).
Play it cool. NEVER sit at a stage - it makes you look desperate to see t&a. Sit at the bar or at a table if the bar is not available. If you are suited up then the girls will find you. When a girl that you like sits down, offer to buy her a drink and be confident, calm and friendly, with a warm smile and direct eye contact (remember you are playing the part of a friendly but sucessful person) . When the girl asks for a lap dance, I usually respond with something like "thank you for asking honey, but that's not really my gig." If she presses, I usually let her know that "I never handle my stuff in these places." If she is a pro, this will ususally prompt her to follow up with a question that leads to the right place. If she does not respond but stays sitting with you anyway for a while longer, nonchalantly give her something for her time (I usually use a $20) and feel free to take the initiative. When she says thank you I am ususally ready with something like " No problem - you have to make a living too. It's been good talking with you. I have to say that I also have every intention of trying to talk you out of here tonight." If things have been going well up to this point and she is open to it, then this will usually move things along. However, keep your eyes and ears open - if she refuses you outright or you are getting pleasant but noncommittal responses, then time to fold a bad hand and move her along. With the way you look, another girl will take her place soon enough.
Pick the right club. This stuff works in many places, but picking the right club helps a lot. A club with only a couple of girls working in it is not a good option as this can be a game of numbers. Also, if you are in a big city, stay away from any club close to the downtown business district as it will already have a bunch of suited guys trying to do the same thing - not only is the competition high, but the prices get high too. You want to find a club with a decent number of fair to good looking women that is frequented mostly by locals. Ideally you will be the only suit in a club full of hungry women :) DO YOUR RESEARCH.
Have your hotel close by and negotiate upfront. Your hotel should be no more than a few miles from the club. I usually try to pick a hotel near a few target clubs. The girl will not want to travel 20 miles out of her way in the dead of night, and this kill what would have otherwise been a good score.
Negotiate upfront and know your market. Work out the terms BEFORE you leave the club and NEVER give her money in advance, either in the club or when she gets to your room. If she insists on advance payment then let her know that it is payment after or you will need to move on. If she is serious about doing it then she will relent - if this is a deal breaker for her then you were never going to get laid anyway, just scammed. Also, know your local market. Short visits to EROS and Craigslist will usually arm you with the going rates in the particular area you are in.
Why does he put the qualifier on? Like this is such a major discovery the police are going to try and track him down? Or maybe it's more like the Gods tracking down Pandora?
"Thanks for the comments guys. When executed with discipline - meaning not allowing yourself to be dragged into some lap dance area or convinced to pay a girl upfront - I believe that this method is actually cheaper than most ITC options. Particularly now when most girls are not seeing a lot of champagne/VIP spending.
I have used this approach all over the country and it works almost everywhere. Things are so bad in some areas of the country that it is not too tough to find a girl willing to ditch out of the club early to catch a cash infusion. "
The System by the RickyBoyDugan is perhaps the greatest contribution in recent memory to the art and science of paying hookers for sex. Before the RickyBoy's contribution, near everybody was in the dark on how to do it. Only approximately 1/100 of 1% of the population was able to show how they had triumphed in our capitalist system by figuring out how to do it. It was a great gift from the RickyBoy to the masses.
Had I known the average seasoning of the hounds on this board when I first put this up, I might have tried to avoid the lecturing tone in the article. Net-net though it is as true now as it was when I first posted it, notwithstanding the peanut gallery comments from one guy who gets his action from crack whores in shithole dives in the Carolinas and the other being the only guy I've ever known who couldn't get laid when he visited legal whorehouse. ;)
RickyBoyDugan: "Had I known the average seasoning of the hounds on this board when I first put this up, I might have tried to avoid the lecturing tone in the article"
Translation from RickySpeak to English:
"[RickyBoy]: Yeah, my head was even further up my ass back then than it is now. Thanks, Dougster, for continuing to smack me down when I get completely out of line. My head is still so far up my ass that I am slowly suffocating but you probably add a month or two to my life, now, that I get the occasional trickle of oxygen."
Other than the fraud RickyBoy ran in his first marriage by marrying a completely psycho woman because he thought it was his ticket to a large inheritance and the world of RichStudery, nothing gives more insight into the RickyBoy's "mind" than pretentious bullshit now know as The System (see the OP for most if the gory details).
Brady occasionally misreads the defense and throws a bad pass. What else can I say? :)
My response to the criticism is the same as what I posted in the linked thread, which is as follows:
"I'll admit that I probably should have seen the signs sooner, but in all candor I don't have a lot of experience in situations like this. Most of my p4p is straight from clubs to my hotel and the few off night encounters I've agreed to with strippers in the past went very well. I also haven't dialed up a girl from an escort ad in many years. Net-net I'm accustomed to dealing with known quantities in managed situations. I will also add that I met this girl in the club several times before this, as well as once in a nice OTC visit, and she gave no signs of having these types of issues. Frankly it took me some time to wrap my head around what was happening."
I could read that article over and over. What great stuff for traveling mongers visiting tighter cities. I did a real public service by posting that. :)
RickyBoy - only an ass clown like you thinks you need to do anything beyond just ask. Then your whole presentation like you had done of the equivalent of cracked Enigma and deserved some kind of Turing Award. Pure LOL!
Ah, that again. So it is your contention that it is perfectly acceptable for a monger to walk into a tight area, as a new face and dressed like a bum, and start indiscrimantly soliciting girls? Interesting. ;)
Judging from other examples of RickyBoy's interactions with strippers it seems he is always acting like a COMPLETE PUSSY around strippers.
This would explain why he is afraid to "just ask".
I wonder if the root of RickyBoy's ass clownery is really that he is so insecure with himself that he thinks that even a hooker would not want to have paid sex with him unless he tricked them into thinking he was a RICH STUD by being the only one wearing a suit in a dive club. Hence, his notion that a System is necessary when, in reality, all you need to do is "just ask".
But my name is The RickyBoyDugan and I'm too giant a pussy to just ask. You see I believe hookers only have sex with guys who are RICH STUDs. Now I can't hack it proving that in the NYC clubs where the real studs are so, the best I can do is put on my white three piece polyester suit and troll for drug addict in clubs in down in the Deep South. When I do find a heroin addict there who has sex with I think it is such an accomplishment that I ban out the piece The System that you are at the top of this thread. My name is The RickyBoyDugan.
Alright! Enough boys.Y'all do contribute from time to time,but this is like watching paint dry,plus you're scaring off the old crows.Don't make me grab my street sweeper.
This time in sedate Ohio, in Samsung's general neck of the woods. First time in the city, same night pickup in a small, neighborhood club, suit on my back, smile on my face and cash in my pocket. And she was a solid 7.5 bordering on 8. Took 3 club visits to find the one who I wanted and thought was a good candidate and then some time to get the pieces in place, but another strange travel destination, in an area not renowned for OTC, produces a great night.
@Dougster: Of course I asked her dipshit. How do you think she knew what I wanted, telepathy?
@camby: Same thing I've done in a lot of places, but I generally hate sourcing in the Midwest. Conservative cultures, extremely low cost of living and strict club environments all combine to make girls unmotivated to do p4p. Given the nonsense that was running out of so many of these girls' mouths, it became clear quick that I was going to have to pick my target carefully. I got lucky when I found a gal who, I later learned, had a court date in the morning and was short the funds she would need to pay the expected fines.
Over the past couple of years I've been traveling to the same areas over and over, so it was nice to do this fresh in a brand new city for me, even if it was in Ohio.
Gee, no need to be hostile, RickyBoy. I'm still trying to master all the intricacies of The System. It is Rocket Science after all, you, of all people, have said that.
Question - do I have to wear the 3 piece white polyester suit like you do or can I wear something a little classier? Also if only the white 3 piece polyester suit works, what kind of shoes go best with that?
So I wonder if the RickyBoyDugan is able to achieve a retro-cool Miami Vice type look, or if he just ends up looking like Leisure Suit Larry. Given that what he has accomplished is a system for paying hookers for, but he tries to encase it in gold and present it as Nobel Prize worthy (see OP's original post) I am going to have to put my money on the latter. Keep up the good work, anyway, though, Leisure Suit RickyBoy.
Maybe we need to be talkin' 'bout the system that the stripper use to Hoover the money out of our wallets.
America could use it stay out of hock. We'll imply that China can get some OTC action if they just front us some money. You know, 'cos our boyfriend left us and we're having trouble with the rent. It could work. Totally!
For $19.95 (plus shipping and handling) you too can get your own complete copy of The System!
Below are just some of the states that The System has been used, by its author, to successfully find OTC strippers:
MA, CT, RI, NY, NJ, PA, SC, NC, NV, FL, TX, OH, OR, GA...and the list keeps growing!
Supplies are limited, so act now!
$19.95? Don't sell yourself so short, RickyBoy. The System is pure genius. Put out a limited edition and I bet you could sell it for at least $50,000 a copy!
I wonder how many posts this thread will end up with. Maybe everyone that uses the system should share their experiences with it. Or propose an alternative system.
No Dougster...that was the Angel Moron...Moroni was the last Nephite prophet, Moron was second to last and tasked by God during a visit to Missouri with spreading twisted variants on the word. Instead of polygamy he just advocated going to da club to rock out wit' yo' cock out!
Sunday evening bump. Take advantage of your final chance to unwind before your work week begins, but spending a few relaxing hours reviewing The System. By RickyBoy.
Looks like The System, by RickyBoy, has a whole new use. If extras/OTC are no challenge for you then start using The System, by RickyBoy, and that will make it harder and take your success rate down to a very underwhelming 35%.
Almost forget to bump this this morning. Whatever was I thinking? Some slackers may want to read this at work today before sneaking out early to go to the clubs.
If there ever was a World War III and the world was left with only a few survivors and few traces of prior civilization and only one article/post from TUSCL. Which would you want it to be? IMO, w/o question would have to be RickyBoy's The System. Give the survivors some motivation to rebuild civilization.
What a waste of time and electrons this thread has been. Does all this venom really make you guys feel/look superior.
Dougster, about 10% of your posts show genuine insights and make good, thoughtful reading. Please, give us more of them.
Do I agree with everything Alucard and RickDugan say? Heck no, but Ricky's are all pretty much seriously given without rancor, as are about 50% of Alucard's.
This board would be a lot more fun without the flame wars.
ATA: "This board would be a lot more fun without the flame wars."
Disagree. 2013 was a great year for flame wars on the board. Even topped 2012 which is saying something. In 2014 we need to really push it over the top. I have some ideas I'm working on on how to accomplish this. Should be another great year on the board. See you there!
I doubt that anyone ever doubts what a complete faggot RickyBoy is, but, if they ever do, all they have to do is re-read The System and then they'll know.
Here's a great new thread by RickyBoy where seems to be starting to realize that even the meager 35% success rate The System claims (where most others on the board get at least 50%) is due to the girls heroin addictions
You mock me! Without me you are get scammed out of your 401ks and going three mortgages into debt trying to get sex from hookers who are just trying you along!
Takes him ten years to figure out to pay hookers for sex. Then he thinks he is a genius when he finally figures out something that doesn't even work as well as what normal people do. What a complete ass clown!
Is Juicebox69 the same as RickyBoyDugan? Where can we read about this system first hand?
My observation is that if you go to blue collar oriented clubs wearing a suit and tie, and later at night, you will be approached by dancers looking to set up OTC. They will go for the guy in the suit first. They want money, but they also want fun and adventure.
The day shift dancers are probably older and probably have done more ultra high mileage, but they want to get home to their kids. This is why they work day's. So you can make such arrangements with them, but they will want to know you some first and it won't be immediate.
So yes, staying away from the stage is fine for letting the dancers offer you OTC. On the other hand, tipping them when they are on stage is lots and lots of fun, cheap fun. By paying attention to her, you can really get he going too. More fun and better if she is responding to you, than you to her.
Trends may come and go, but The System will always remain the number #1 TUSCL article of all time. (Just not for the reasons RickyBoy may have thought when he first posted it.)
And lately we've learned what a big factor paying for conversation is in The System. Even if it's up to $3000 over 18 months and only leads to a "blah" nickel and diming OTC after that.
Really good System you got there, RickyBoy. Really good System.
I'm going to try one day just for shits and giggles. But it does seem like bullshit considering I have payed for sex twice w/o the need for a suit. You don't need a suit or "game" to pay a whore for sex. All thats needed is enough money.
I can attest first hand that wearing a suit to a strip club gets you preferential treatment. For the clubs near me, this is great, as they have zero touching.
But if you want the girl to sit on your lap, then a suit really is not so good for that. Maybe it has to be polyester, more durable.
So as you know I am planning some big travels. Maybe I will have to invest in some polyester.
@Dougster, I understand that you have recently relocated from one side of the country to the other. I also understand that you recently made a strip club trip to Detroit.
How would you compare the strip clubs in the three different locations?
Now, his socio political views are far too conservative and conformist for me. You and he might be closer to the same page.
But this does not mean everything Naisbitt says is wrong. One prognostication he made was that the immigration tide between the US and Mexico will reverse. He says that more and more Americans will be wanting to live in Mexico. Interesting? It would be the lower costs and more open space. It would be the same thing which drives lots of Californian's to retirement out of state.
Naisbitt says that the things American's don't like about Mexico, like corrupt cops, will change.
Personally I still think Mexicans will be coming here for employment. But more and more Americans retiring in Mexico seems to be happening.
Background: Permanent magnets (PMs) are key for many applications including electric devices, motors, and actuators. The PMs with the highest known energy products (called (BH)max) are NdFeB magnets with (BH)max of about 50MGOe. The annual increase in NdFeB production has been more than 10% in the past decade and is expected to increase. However, more than 95% of current production capacity for rare-earth elements (REe) is in China, and thus this creates risks for global markets. Also, rare earth extraction processes lead to serious environmental problems. Since there is no fundamental reason why non-REe magnets cannot have a high energy product, it is a high priority to develop “REe free” high energy-product PMs. The present proposal focuses on the issue of PMs in view of “Replacement of Scarce and Expensive Elements, Critical for Energy Applications”.
Fe magnetic moment formation and exchange interaction in Fe2P: A first-principles study
We performed first-principles electronic structure calculations in the framework of density functional theory (DFT). The Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) [25,26] in the projector augmented wave (PAW) framework [27,28] was employed to perform DFT calculations using the generalized gradient approximation of Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) [29] for the exchange correlation functional. In all calculations the structural degrees of freedom are fully relaxed on a gamma centered k-grids of 21 × 21 × 15 k-mesh. The k-space integrations were performed with the tetrahedron method [30,31].
Yes, this Vienna package, this is what I want to know about. This must be extremely CPU intensive affair!
Yes, right here: VASP computes an approximate solution to the many-body Schrödinger equation
Besides being in TJ and doing front room GFE auditions, and then round after round in toda la noche's with their girls, I also wish I was making this VASP software work. These two are not incompatible. After all a guy shouldn't try to be a Mexican show donkey. He has to do other things during some of the in-between times.
◾Collinear and non-collinear ◾Spin-orbit coupling ◾Constrained magnetic moments approach
"In solid-state physics, the free electron model is a simple model for the behaviour of valence electrons in a crystal structure of a metallicsolid. It was developed principally by Arnold Sommerfeld who combined the classicalDrude model with quantum mechanicalFermi-Dirac statistics and hence it is also known as the Drude–Sommerfeld model. The free electron Empty Lattice Approximation forms the basis of the band structure model known as nearly-free electron model. Given its simplicity, it is surprisingly successful in explaining many experimental phenomena, especially"
"As in an ideal gas, electron-electron interactions are completely neglected."
But this is somewhat misleading as they still accept the Pauli Exclusion Principle. They would get nowhere without this.
So the issue then here is, to what extent are those working on new magnetic materials, at places like U Alabama, able to consider electron-electron interactions, to what extent are they able to treat molecular orbitals, and to what extent are they able to predict crystalline forms and dimensions.
Historically these problems have been impenetrable by analytic or numerical methods. So solid state physics has had to operate on one electron at a time assumptions based on periodicity of observed crystalline structure alone. One means for doing this has been Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals, to approximate the molecular orbitals, and this predicts energy bands.
So following William Shockley you can have electrons and even holes as particles, with velocity and mobility. But this has very little to do with the idea of a free electron. It worked though in Shockley's 1939 paper and then is his book in the early 50's.
But things evolve, and so with the higher levels of computing power available with array processing super computers, I want to know how much further they have gone.
This book is readily available. Looks like a good intro for someone like me who wants to know what VASP does and hence what these folks at places like U Alabama are doing in trying to predict high strength magnetism in exotic materials.
We all need to keep on educating ourselves, otherwise we start to go senile.
I don't actually know how much this is used, or for what.
One has to be careful as the languages intended for web programming and scripting are usually not suitable for applications development.
Also, some new languages are too tightly tied to an execution environment, and some are really more intended for students instead of professional applications developers.
So one needs to be careful, and the field changes so quickly.
Going to learn about it. Though personally I like C, C++, Pascal, and Fortran. I suspect that Python has some real limits. But things change so fast, and I do want to keep up. But this is also why I am putting together my own think tank. One person alone cannot do it.
Men as intellectual companions and equals. And then women for GFE, sucking, and fucking. What could be better?
There could also be a few women who count as intellectual companions. But if I only went with them, I'd be spending lots of time alone.
TBH I'm kinda sad no one has linked the original thread of 'the system' to the customer chat section of Stripperweb. I would love to read the shit storm that would create.
last commentI have used this approach all over the country and it works almost everywhere. Things are so bad in some areas of the country that it is not too tough to find a girl willing to ditch out of the club early to catch a cash infusion. "
"Damn good read rick.....I will def use this in my pick up game thanks for the good info"
Sound familiar????
I, personally, think it should be a sticky.
I agree - this is some good shit. ;)
Had I known the average seasoning of the hounds on this board when I first put this up, I might have tried to avoid the lecturing tone in the article. Net-net though it is as true now as it was when I first posted it, notwithstanding the peanut gallery comments from one guy who gets his action from crack whores in shithole dives in the Carolinas and the other being the only guy I've ever known who couldn't get laid when he visited legal whorehouse. ;)
Translation from RickySpeak to English:
"[RickyBoy]: Yeah, my head was even further up my ass back then than it is now. Thanks, Dougster, for continuing to smack me down when I get completely out of line. My head is still so far up my ass that I am slowly suffocating but you probably add a month or two to my life, now, that I get the occasional trickle of oxygen."
You can't make this shit up. Well, maybe you can since that's what you excel at around here, but nobody else could. LOL.…
My response to the criticism is the same as what I posted in the linked thread, which is as follows:
"I'll admit that I probably should have seen the signs sooner, but in all candor I don't have a lot of experience in situations like this. Most of my p4p is straight from clubs to my hotel and the few off night encounters I've agreed to with strippers in the past went very well. I also haven't dialed up a girl from an escort ad in many years. Net-net I'm accustomed to dealing with known quantities in managed situations. I will also add that I met this girl in the club several times before this, as well as once in a nice OTC visit, and she gave no signs of having these types of issues. Frankly it took me some time to wrap my head around what was happening."
You're welcome. ;)
Judging from other examples of RickyBoy's interactions with strippers it seems he is always acting like a COMPLETE PUSSY around strippers.
This would explain why he is afraid to "just ask".
I wonder if the root of RickyBoy's ass clownery is really that he is so insecure with himself that he thinks that even a hooker would not want to have paid sex with him unless he tricked them into thinking he was a RICH STUD by being the only one wearing a suit in a dive club. Hence, his notion that a System is necessary when, in reality, all you need to do is "just ask".
Food for thought!
Is that RickyBoy a total knob or what?
This time in sedate Ohio, in Samsung's general neck of the woods. First time in the city, same night pickup in a small, neighborhood club, suit on my back, smile on my face and cash in my pocket. And she was a solid 7.5 bordering on 8. Took 3 club visits to find the one who I wanted and thought was a good candidate and then some time to get the pieces in place, but another strange travel destination, in an area not renowned for OTC, produces a great night.
OTC at CLE baby!
@camby: Same thing I've done in a lot of places, but I generally hate sourcing in the Midwest. Conservative cultures, extremely low cost of living and strict club environments all combine to make girls unmotivated to do p4p. Given the nonsense that was running out of so many of these girls' mouths, it became clear quick that I was going to have to pick my target carefully. I got lucky when I found a gal who, I later learned, had a court date in the morning and was short the funds she would need to pay the expected fines.
Over the past couple of years I've been traveling to the same areas over and over, so it was nice to do this fresh in a brand new city for me, even if it was in Ohio.
Question - do I have to wear the 3 piece white polyester suit like you do or can I wear something a little classier? Also if only the white 3 piece polyester suit works, what kind of shoes go best with that?
America could use it stay out of hock. We'll imply that China can get some OTC action if they just front us some money. You know, 'cos our boyfriend left us and we're having trouble with the rent. It could work. Totally!
For $19.95 (plus shipping and handling) you too can get your own complete copy of The System!
Below are just some of the states that The System has been used, by its author, to successfully find OTC strippers:
MA, CT, RI, NY, NJ, PA, SC, NC, NV, FL, TX, OH, OR, GA...and the list keeps growing!
Supplies are limited, so act now!
Our father who art in heaven...
Just a few more hours for a final review if The System before the weekend. Do not go into the clubs unprepared!
I'll have to ponder that for a while.
Yeah, and delivered to him in a gold binder by the archangel Moroni, no doubt.…
Looks like The System, by RickyBoy, has a whole new use. If extras/OTC are no challenge for you then start using The System, by RickyBoy, and that will make it harder and take your success rate down to a very underwhelming 35%.
Dougster, about 10% of your posts show genuine insights and make good, thoughtful reading. Please, give us more of them.
Do I agree with everything Alucard and RickDugan say? Heck no, but Ricky's are all pretty much seriously given without rancor, as are about 50% of Alucard's.
This board would be a lot more fun without the flame wars.
Disagree. 2013 was a great year for flame wars on the board. Even topped 2012 which is saying something. In 2014 we need to really push it over the top. I have some ideas I'm working on on how to accomplish this. Should be another great year on the board. See you there!…
Reality is slowly dawning on the RickyBoy it would seem.
System on brothers...system on!
My observation is that if you go to blue collar oriented clubs wearing a suit and tie, and later at night, you will be approached by dancers looking to set up OTC. They will go for the guy in the suit first. They want money, but they also want fun and adventure.
The day shift dancers are probably older and probably have done more ultra high mileage, but they want to get home to their kids. This is why they work day's. So you can make such arrangements with them, but they will want to know you some first and it won't be immediate.
So yes, staying away from the stage is fine for letting the dancers offer you OTC. On the other hand, tipping them when they are on stage is lots and lots of fun, cheap fun. By paying attention to her, you can really get he going too. More fun and better if she is responding to you, than you to her.…
Rolling Stones, Forty Licks…
I don't think juicebox69 and rickdugan are the same, although it's possible.juice was just cut and pasting an article here.
OTOH, it's quite possible that juicebox69 is the very similar account "RickyBoyDugan".
Really good System you got there, RickyBoy. Really good System.
While most people don't go to strip clubs only for OTC, I still don't see why people want to make fun of Rick Dugan.
Could it be because of what a faggot he is?
We need a system where the hookers/strippers pay PL like us for sex....
That's a kind of system Ii would like to know how to run. lol.…
Paying Hooker for Sex…
Jc4l bro
Thanks 4 keeping the Ds aka da system #1
But if you want the girl to sit on your lap, then a suit really is not so good for that. Maybe it has to be polyester, more durable.
So as you know I am planning some big travels. Maybe I will have to invest in some polyester.
Stones, Montreal, 1989, part 2…
We should thank Rick Duggan for being the first on TUSCL to explicitly lay out his system.
How would you compare the strip clubs in the three different locations?
Now, his socio political views are far too conservative and conformist for me. You and he might be closer to the same page.
But this does not mean everything Naisbitt says is wrong. One prognostication he made was that the immigration tide between the US and Mexico will reverse. He says that more and more Americans will be wanting to live in Mexico. Interesting? It would be the lower costs and more open space. It would be the same thing which drives lots of Californian's to retirement out of state.
Naisbitt says that the things American's don't like about Mexico, like corrupt cops, will change.
Personally I still think Mexicans will be coming here for employment. But more and more Americans retiring in Mexico seems to be happening.
Critical for Energy Applications:
Background: Permanent magnets (PMs) are key for many applications including electric devices, motors, and actuators. The PMs with the highest known energy products (called (BH)max) are NdFeB magnets with (BH)max of about 50MGOe. The annual increase in NdFeB production has been more than 10% in the past decade and is expected to increase. However, more than 95% of current production capacity for rare-earth elements (REe) is in China, and thus this creates risks for global markets. Also, rare earth extraction processes lead to serious environmental problems.
Since there is no fundamental reason why non-REe magnets cannot have a high energy product, it is a high priority to develop “REe free” high energy-product PMs. The present proposal focuses on the issue of PMs in view of “Replacement of Scarce and Expensive Elements, Critical for Energy Applications”.
U. Alabama, Tuscaloosa
John Coltrane……
Fe magnetic moment formation and exchange interaction in Fe2P:
A first-principles study
We performed first-principles electronic structure calculations
in the framework of density functional theory (DFT). The Vienna
Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) [25,26] in the projector augmented
wave (PAW) framework [27,28] was employed to perform
DFT calculations using the generalized gradient approximation of
Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) [29] for the exchange correlation
functional. In all calculations the structural degrees of freedom
are fully relaxed on a gamma centered k-grids of 21 × 21 × 15
k-mesh. The k-space integrations were performed with the tetrahedron
method [30,31].
Yes, this Vienna package, this is what I want to know about. This must be extremely CPU intensive affair!
Quicksilver Messenger Service…
Fuck that faggot RickyBoy!
What a seriously gay System.…
Yes, right here:
VASP computes an approximate solution to the many-body Schrödinger equation
Besides being in TJ and doing front room GFE auditions, and then round after round in toda la noche's with their girls, I also wish I was making this VASP software work. These two are not incompatible. After all a guy shouldn't try to be a Mexican show donkey. He has to do other things during some of the in-between times.
◾Collinear and non-collinear
◾Spin-orbit coupling
◾Constrained magnetic moments approach
Santana, 2000…
"In solid-state physics, the free electron model is a simple model for the behaviour of valence electrons in a crystal structure of a metallicsolid. It was developed principally by Arnold Sommerfeld who combined the classicalDrude model with quantum mechanicalFermi-Dirac statistics and hence it is also known as the Drude–Sommerfeld model. The free electron Empty Lattice Approximation forms the basis of the band structure model known as nearly-free electron model. Given its simplicity, it is surprisingly successful in explaining many experimental phenomena, especially"
"As in an ideal gas, electron-electron interactions are completely neglected."
But this is somewhat misleading as they still accept the Pauli Exclusion Principle. They would get nowhere without this.
So the issue then here is, to what extent are those working on new magnetic materials, at places like U Alabama, able to consider electron-electron interactions, to what extent are they able to treat molecular orbitals, and to what extent are they able to predict crystalline forms and dimensions.
Historically these problems have been impenetrable by analytic or numerical methods. So solid state physics has had to operate on one electron at a time assumptions based on periodicity of observed crystalline structure alone. One means for doing this has been Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals, to approximate the molecular orbitals, and this predicts energy bands.
So following William Shockley you can have electrons and even holes as particles, with velocity and mobility. But this has very little to do with the idea of a free electron. It worked though in Shockley's 1939 paper and then is his book in the early 50's.
for example:……………
One of the leaders of this is Stanford's Walter Harrison……
But things evolve, and so with the higher levels of computing power available with array processing super computers, I want to know how much further they have gone.
Queensryche Live '88 Full Concert……
This book is readily available. Looks like a good intro for someone like me who wants to know what VASP does and hence what these folks at places like U Alabama are doing in trying to predict high strength magnetism in exotic materials.
We all need to keep on educating ourselves, otherwise we start to go senile.
I don't actually know how much this is used, or for what.
One has to be careful as the languages intended for web programming and scripting are usually not suitable for applications development.
Also, some new languages are too tightly tied to an execution environment, and some are really more intended for students instead of professional applications developers.
So one needs to be careful, and the field changes so quickly.
Men as intellectual companions and equals. And then women for GFE, sucking, and fucking. What could be better?
There could also be a few women who count as intellectual companions. But if I only went with them, I'd be spending lots of time alone.
God Is A Girl…
For your education forgot
We didn't know all the tricks to giving threads frequent bumps back them, so 998 replies is quite an achievement back in those days.
Fuck you Jackie!