
Comments by zipman68 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Breaking News: Cubs are forced to give up World Series Title!
    Mikey, I know you have limited reading comprehension but please try to keep up. Has Hillary said she she get the presidency. No. Trump won given our fucked up rules. Folk are just sayin' the rules are fucked up. Are you actually saying that votes cast by Floridians should count more than votes cast by New Yorkers? That's what you seem to be sayin'. And it's fucked up. I mean really, do you know how fucked up Florida is?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Did that Dumb Whore NinaBambina Also Call the Election Wrong?
    The problem Mikeyman is that most places where conservadudes live are shitholes. Liberals have the sense to live in nice places like NY and SF. If I had to live in Des Moines or Bozeman or Omaha I'd shoot myself. The problem is that our constitution gives more weight to votes in poorly populated parts o' the country. Doesn't matter. Our constitution is toast once the Chinese rescue us from Trump. Start learning the words to the "March of the Volunteers"!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Breaking News: Cubs are forced to give up World Series Title!
    Gasman, you sound ungrateful. I'm going to say "xie xie" when the PLA comes marching into the US to clean up Trump's mess. I hope you're not going to be an ungrateful bitch that takes help from our Chinese friends and doesn't have the courtesy to just say a nice ol' xie xie. Well my mama taught me to be grateful when somebody helps my country! Perhaps you just refuse to believe that we'll need Chinese help after Trump. Poor deluded conservadude...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Breaking News: Cubs are forced to give up World Series Title!
    I guess they dint teach y'all logic in law school Smith dude. I never said that Hillary won the presidency,which is awarded by the electoral college in our fucked up system. I simply stated a fact: she received more votes than the Trumpster. Kind of rankles with some people that thought our votes were were equal. Turns out you conservadudes are comfortable with some people being more equal than others. Kinda fucked up if ya ask me! O' course I knew our constitution was fucked up long before this. Maybe you didn't. I guess y'all went to a lower tier law school. All academic anyway. Our constitution will soon be suspended when Trump fucks up so bad that the Chinese PLA will have to come rescue us.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    The Silence.....
    Jumbo dude, how d'ya feel 'bout the conservadudes selling out America to Russia? I thought you guys loved America. Turns out you love Russia more. I like America more than Russia. But then again I'm a patriot! Our only hope now is for Beijing to rescue us. America: born 1776. Died 2008. Killed by uneducated conservadudes!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Breaking News: Cubs are forced to give up World Series Title!
    This might be a reasonable analogy for the election is Hillary hadn't won the popular vote by more than Kennedy in '60 or Nixon in '68 Try again dumbass! BTW, start practicing saying "yessir" to you future Chinese bosses. After the Republicans fuck everything up our only hope will be help from Beijing. I for one welcome our future Chinese overlords.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I'm The Victim Of A Terrorist Hate Crime
    Nina babe, chess dude -- Doncha know that black folks doing ANYTHING 'cept sayin' "yessir, whatever you say sir" is called "rioting" in the conservadude mind. OTOH, racists, anti-semites, and various Brownshirts that voted Trump are just good Americans. For every white Trump voter getting mildly inconvenienced there are ten incidents involving fascist and Nazi assholes that voted Trump.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Ever want to fuck a muppet?
    Fuck yeah. Kermit and I once DPed Miss Piggy! That was some good acid! Woke up the next day in bed with a mop and a frog poster. Not sure where the Pig and K-man went!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    TUSCL psychology: What is the basis for Dougster's beefs? How many people does D
    I also love that Doogie, who also trolls as NotaDoctorPhil and tit-TAY-fag, has picked up a troll that he alleges to be yours truly! O' course he's bein' two-faced by accusin' me o' bein' you. But that be our lil' Doogie! Doogie, lemme clue you in: lotsa folks find you to be a boring troll. Not just me! I figure trollin' will make you step up yo' game. Now do yo' lil' monkey dance an' reply. I needs me tha lulz!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    TUSCL psychology: What is the basis for Dougster's beefs? How many people does D
    Tell the truth Doogie. You're just a dick. Lemme tell ya sumpin Captain Dirtyass (great handle BTW...sure to drive Doogie up a wall!). Doogie just targets folks. Now Dugan-dude is a d-bag, as y'all say. But Doogie targets others. Alucard, Jester, etc. Alucard was a good guy. Bit of a weird willy, but nice enough once you realized he wasn't fuckin' wit' ev'rybody. Alucard really valued his posts here. I tussled with Alucard when I thought he was joking. But once I realized I was hurting his feelings I backed off. Doogie don't have the empathy to do that.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    You conservadudes really fucked up this time! Donald Trump takes office in 2017.
    Funny idea, but I think Trump will sell America out to Putin. Then the Chinese will rescue us from the Russians. I'm excited. I've already purchased a Chairman Mao hat. Soon I'll paint my house red with five gold stars! Buckle up buckaroos...and start learnin' Mandarin! WEEE-YAWWW!!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fornication v Adultery
    Why are you into SWs? Y'all be catchin' da dick drop off disease if ya fuck the SWs. Doncha know that Dugan-dude has fucked 90% o' SWs? Ricky boi be a dick drop off carrier. Y'all see, his dick was too small to actually fall off.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why do you conservadudes hate America? You're planning to vote for a man that wi
    ^^^ Doogie, I know you lust after me but you're too ugly, stupid, and poor for me. Find a nice homeless drunk dude to fall in love with!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Nice tits
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My penis is so big, I’m worried girls just use me for one-night stands… it’s wre
    You know what I say about the women who use me to get access to my enormous trouser python? WEEE-YAWWW!!! And afterward I say "get out da bed bitch 'cos Zippy gots ta get his beauty sleep!" If they complain I add "girl, don't go away mad, jes' go away!"
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    zipman68's Existence is the Best Warning Possible of the Dangers of Doing Too Ma
    Doogie-duuude, why do you have such a hard on for me? I don't swing that way and you're jes' a closet case obsessed with a few folks like me and Dugan-dude. Hell, you probably jack it to Alucard every night. Sad!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Y da soooo maney retaez up on dis tulsker ?
    I have no idea what tha Shylyn-duuude is saying but I'll jes' add WEEE-YAWWW!!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I'm back
    Well, as you can see, Dougsta (also known as Tittyfag) has a raging hard on for me despite the fact that I don't swing that way. I haven't seen any recent Juice posts. I suspect he got his ass kicked for sodomizing a stripper with a drumstick of the Colonel's XXX-tra kris-PAY! I still like to say WEEE-YAWWW! Same shit...different day!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Wow...just wow! Tittyfag (also known as Dougsta) is so obsessed with me that he
    Betcha can't pass my grammar test...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Wow...just wow! Tittyfag (also known as Dougsta) is so obsessed with me that he
    It's cute that you're tryin' to go alpha troll on me Doogie/tittyfag/Phool. You may devote a lot of time to you're trolling, but the problem is that you're too stupid and uneducated to be an alpha troll. To be an alpha troll you have to make others feel inferior. You know, the way you feel right now. Which is the same way you felt when you flunked out of community college...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How often do you drink and drive ?
    Rick the Bear...I love it! Too clever to be Doogie. Probably the same guy that's behind the Ricky Boy and Rick the Lion parodies!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Wow...just wow! Tittyfag (also known as Dougsta) is so obsessed with me that he
    Au contraire mon frere Meatman. Doogie ain't under my skin, even if he does resemble a chigger! I just find it amusing that so many people can drive the Dougsta nuts. Me, Ricky-boy, the original Texas tittyman, etc. Doogie is probably still trolling Alucard! Alucard, may he rest in peace, was a sensitive soul that took Doogie's trollin' seriously. But the Dougsta didn't have the decency to back off when it became clear that Alucard was genuinely hurt. Says something a bit sad 'bout Doogie if ya ask me. Frankly, I'd stop slappin' anybody who took my trolling seriously. Mikeyman, Doogie, whoever. I get no pleasure from being cruel. Jokin' 'round ifin all parties can take it is another matter... I don't know what Doogie's malfunction is. Most parsimonious explanation is that he's an asshole. So I treat him as such.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How many times has Trump......
    Of course Mikeyman is a Trump supporter. I wouldn't expect anything else from an uneducated llow information voter. Of course, I doubt that you have any investments that will decrease in value if the Trumpster (also known as Fuckface von Clownstick) gets elected. I guess being a broke-ass loser has some benefits.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Periodic test of whether mikey-boy an' Dougsta are so obsessed with me that post
    Well lemme see TIT-tay-fag cough Dougsta cough...I never done been on da short bus cause I actually went to a selective university and dint need ta rake tha bus. Cause o' family money doncha know. I jes' play at bein' an idjit fer da lulz Actually, I suspect ya wouldn't know 'cos you actually ARE an idjit. And y'all prolly came from a family o' idjits that dint have no money BOOM...zippycup wins again!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Something that still bothers me........
    Just saw this. Mikey-dude, I don't get you. You're clearly able to share genuine sentiment. I feel a bit bad about (metaphorically) poking you with a sharp stick after reading this. You're clearly wrestling with feelings of regret and not just trying to dominate the discussion. So riddle me this: why can't you sometimes relax and just let others say whatever crazy shit they want? Why is any joke I say immediately met with your bullshit. Occasionally I'd like to post something without your incessant commentary. I get it. You hate my sense of humor. I think your comment are moronic. Can't we just accept those things a TUSCL axioms and move on?