
Comments by zipman68 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: The sum total of all political arguments
    LOL. The real difference is that more conservatives than progressives are unable to recognize their own cognitive biases. As Mark Twain said, "it ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." Many (not all) conservatives that I meet "know" a lot of things for sure. Fewer progressives that I meet have that level of confidence. I'm being fair because I don't know you and I haven't seen evidence that you're one of the idiots that shits on serious threads. But give me a break on you OP...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Hey Trump, Shut Up!!!
    OK skibum, I'll bite. Why is anybody with a net worth less than $1 million who votes for Hillary a retard? I thought you conservadudes thought all Dems rob from the rich via taxes and give free stuff to the poor and undeserving!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Hey Trump, Shut Up!!!
    Vince, to bring the topic back to naked first ladies I'll just say that you forgot Jackie Kennedy. Admittedly it was post-Camelot when she was Jackie O, but she still got caught with her fur pie out for all to see! https://youngnaturistsamerica.com/jackie-kennedy-nude-beach-pictures-scandal-naked-photos/ And good ol' Larry Flynt published 'em up in Hustler. WEEE-YAWWW!!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Juice Vs. Shailynn: The Myth Busters
    SMH Mikey man. You always used to get on my case for egging the Juiceman on. Has Juice replaced me in your heart? I don't think the Juiceman swings that way either. OK y'all, imma go out an' actually have some fun. It T-I-IS Saturday and the night be young. Smell ya' l8er!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Y'all been punked! Smell ya later!
    You're cute Mikey! How is you're delusion that I was slain.pas comparable to my trollin' as myself? BOOM...zippycup wins again!!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Sorry ime and skibum (aka "useful idiots") you're just helping Russia whether yo
    WTF Mikey? WEEE-YAWW be briefer then yo' verbal diarrhea! BOOM...zippycup wins again!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Sorry ime and skibum (aka "useful idiots") you're just helping Russia whether yo
    gammanu, no shit Sherlock on the trolling call! I sent you a PM saying I was just stirring to pot for the lulz. I could engage in an erudite argument regarding pros and cons of the candidates or parties, but why? Most of the folks on here have neither the background nor the intelligence to understand what I'm saying. So I make up some bullshit that only slightly more insane than some of the stuff that conservadudes post on here all of the time. And people eat it up! I feel a little bad because I'd like to actually have conversations with people that I disagree with. But there are enough asshole on here that its pointless to try. The really sad part is my Russian takeover BS is less insane than some o' the stuff conservadudes post on here. Difference: I know it's BS, they think they know what they're talkin' 'bout! I don't know you so I don't know if you're a person with whom a conversation would have been interesting. If so, I apologize for sweeping you up in my trolling. ime was not a bad guy IIRC, so apologies for fucking with you too To the idiots (especially Mikey) -- WEEE-YAWWW!!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Pop quiz for conservadude hot shots...why are you so fucking anti-American?
    And by the way, callin' me a faggot is really mature. Just sayin'
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Pop quiz for conservadude hot shots...why are you so fucking anti-American?
    ime, sigh, Klingon stuff is just for entertainment. I recognize that Klingons aren't real. You seem smart enough to grasp that, unlike some people. Alas, you aren't smart enough that you're rollin' out the RED carpet for Putin! If your side wins I for one will escape the new iron curtain and gather together a ragtag group of rebels that will make America safe for memaws once again. You'll be cryin' 'cos Putin will take your guns and put you in a camp. When my rebel forces liberate your camp I'll have two words for you: "You're welcome!" And two sounds: WEEE and YAWWW
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Pop quiz for conservadude hot shots...why are you so fucking anti-American?
    Ime my man, you're just buying into Russian propaganda. Colin Powell did the same thing with emails. The Russians just want Trump. You're what they call a "useful idiot". I'm a proud American. I won't let people like you sell us out to Russia.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Peace is possible, do we have to kill everone here ??
    Why do you hate America Tittyfag? Don't you know how homosexuals are treated in Russia?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Peace is possible, do we have to kill everone here ??
    I'm all for peace Vince my man, but we're got a lot of America hatin' pro-Putin varmints postin' on the ol' "bored" and they NEED to be called out fer their traitorous ways! Just remember, a vote fer the Trumpster is a vote to say do svidaniya to our constitution. Hell, Putin will make us give up KFC and apple pie too! And he'll have Russian thugs go around the country slappin' our sainted memaws an' rapin' our daughters! So don't tell me to get along. Tell the anti-American traitors that want good patriotic memaws to be slapped and our pure-as-the-driven-snow daughters to be raped to get along! Why do the conservadudes want that? Why?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm calling it here and now
    TheeOSU, why are you trying to turn over our country to Vladimir Putin for SCOTUS appointments? I bet you can't even name three cases where you: A) actually disagree with the Notorious RBG and B) understand the constitutional basis for the arguments for and against her position. But noooo... you're so scared about SCOTUS appointments that you are going to vote to turn over our country to Vladimir Putin! I am actually a loyal American. I don't want our great country to become another province of Russia. I guess I should just say do svidaniya to America because of people like you. I'm going to start brushing up on my Cyrillic script now...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Pop quiz for conservadude hot shots...why are you so fucking anti-American?
    Alas Juicebro, 'tis hard to give a hearty WEEE-YAWWW!!! when there are so many anti-American traitors posting on the board. Just remember, if Trump is elected he'll declare America to be a province of Russia on 21 January 2017. Then Putin will outlaw KFC because it is run by a Colonel in a foreign army, the Kentucky Colonels Do you want KFC to be band? Where will you get lube for you sexual escapades? How will you find drumsticks suitable to sodomize strippers with? You'll see why I just don't feel like sayin' WEEE-YAWWW!!! Too many damn traitors on this bored!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Black vulture lives matter! Squawk!
    A warning to Dougster. hoo...hoo...
    Tittyfag, thems big woids fer a varmint whut posts on tha interwebs as a straight man pretendin' to be gay. O' course, it all makes sense when we consider the fact that you actually are gay, albeit closeted. Mikey sent me a long PM confessing that you've shared that love that dare not speak its name wit' him.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Black vulture lives matter! Squawk!
    A warning to Dougster. hoo...hoo...
    It's cute that Mikey and tittyfag are so obsessed with me. I bet they had no sunshine in their lives when I was gone! I do like the guy pretending to be an owl posting to a pretend vultures account. HI-lar-EE-ous!!! It ain't me but I still dig it. Probably the same guy as the lion, assuming he still posts. That is a hoot 'n a holler!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper Religiosity
    Religious belief is negatively correlated with education level. Strippers disproportionately come from a poorly-educated background. Do the math... Note that I've met a few strippers that are clearly quite intelligent so this isn't a blanket statement putting strippers down. Moreover, education and intelligence are different things. Nonetheless, it's clear that the proportion of graduates from elite schools that are conventionally religious is lower than the general public. And there are few Ivy League strippers
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm calling it here and now
    Upshot: IF YOU DON'T VOTE FOR HILLARY YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON Don't vote Johnson, don't vote Stein, FUCKING VOTE HILLARY!!! Trump WILL fuck us up. And if you're a cranky conservadude remember that TRUMP AIN'T A CONSERVATIVE!!! You have NO conservative option that can win. So just don't vote moron!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm calling it here and now
    Unfortunately randomdude, you're right 'bout Silver. I'm still hopeful things will shift back, but Trump could win. And, frankly, that's bone chilling. Trump is the first President in a long time that could seriously damage the US. I know the conservadudes on her have their stupid "Hillary is a bit rationale" and some even believe crap like she's a murderer (who somehow only kills he former business partner's dog walker -- wtf?) but she is a NORMAL politician. Like Obama or Bush or Bill C. the republic will march on with Hillary. Trump is the black swan - he could fuck us up seriously. Hillary will just do the occasional thing that makes you old white conservadudes grumpy.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OT: This shit people sell on graiglist
    That has got to be my Juicebro and you need to tell the truth. That mattress is yours and yo marinated it in cum and grease from the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay! WEEE-YAWWW!!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    GoVikings and the Mikey-man: biggest morons on duh bored!!! So stupid they poop
    And if you're going to pull the ol' "you're posting as troll account X" at least pick a plausible troll account. i.e., somebody who I didn't kick in the balls regularly when I posted regularly. I admit that I accused Dougsta of bein' NotADoctorPhil but I did so for the lulz! Your accusation is just sad! Try again Monkey-man...oops...Mikey-man! Or just fucking put me on ignore. Whatevah! :-)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    GoVikings and the Mikey-man: biggest morons on duh bored!!! So stupid they poop
    You're hilarious Mikey. HI-lar-EE-ous!!! I haven't posted for a long while but I still be livin' rent-free in that tiny lil' noggin o' yours. Maybe you should ask yosef why yo' be so obsessed wit' me. Do realize that I don't swing toward the gents. Not that there be anythin' wrong wit' dat! I also doubt that you'd be my type. Qu'vatlh je Mikey. Qu'vatlh je. ;)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm calling it here and now
    It's unlikely Trump will unless Hillary really fucks up or something happens that really shocks the system. A black swan event. You just think he'll win because you're hearing from a lot of cranky old white guys. I'm more worried than some of my friends because I think the number of potential Trump voters is higher than they think. Trump's constituency is basically poorly-educated white men. The evangelicals are a wild card because they *shouldn't* support Trump if they were internally consistent. But his choice of Pence could galvanize some support. Add to the fact that a lot of "evangelicals" are actually not very religious (i.e., they are actually poorly-educated whites that "cling to God and guns" and don't actually understand Christian theology). So Trump will dominate among poorly-educated white males and pick up some older white female "evangelicals". Unfortunately, there are a lot of those people. But Hillary will win with a coalition of people of color, younger women, older but well-educated secular women, and well-educated white males. It'll be closer than it should be for a competent and intelligent (if somewhat flawed) policy wonk (Hillary for those unable to infer from context) vs a con-man entertainer (Trump). Remember, Trump got more primary votes than any other Republican candidate largely because the primaries lasted so damn long. He didn't even win a majority of Republican primary voters. His campaign is being run incompetently. I think he's maxed out his popularity unless a black swan event happens and low-information voters in the middle switch. This election should be a no-brainer. The fact that it isn't says something really sad.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What kind of lube should be used for anal?
    Unlike the other pervs on here I'll give a serious answer. Astroglide will work. If you go by an adult store you will find many anal lubes. KY kind of gets absorbed, but it is usable. I would use a condom. Unless she has really cleaned herself out like a porn star you will have some feces and lube. Unless you're cool with feces and lube (aka santorum) on your penis it is easier to just use the condom. Numbing lubes are available. I've *never* used a numbing lube. I don't think that numbing lubes are a good idea because she might not feel it if you do something that hurts her. Obviously, you wouldn't be numbed if you wear a condom (numbing would kind of defeat the purpose). In a pinch (perhaps ill conceived) I once used hand lotion. There was no damage done and my partner did not complain. However, we were both a little stoned at the time. Indeed, she actually suggested it when I realized we had no lube. Stoned slutty girls are great!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    GoVikings and the Mikey-man: biggest morons on duh bored!!! So stupid they poop
    rockstar, you're a good guy. I forgot how tired I was of folks like Vikings and Mikey. It's the constant "you suck" comments. If you're going to joke around and troll someone that's cool. I can take it. If you troll and mean it as more than a joke that's sad. Back when Alucard (RIP) was posting I used to spar with him. Then I realized he was actually hurt by the comments on here so I backed off. He was a nice guy. Weird as shit but still nice. I wasn't going to hurt his feelings once I realized he took things seriously. But if Vikings and Mikey mean what they say they should just stop their incessant whining and ignore things they genuinely don't like. Oh yeah, I fo-got da WEEE-YAWWW!!!