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Our Tax Dollars At Work!
this is a total outrage!!!!
the vid in this news story is from ohio, but i'd bet that similar things are happening throughout america!
all the while government officials claim that they don't have enough money and want to tax you more while incompetent waste like this goes on!
the government workers in this vid should be fired and brought up on criminal charges!
i know many of you won't be interested in this but i'm posting for the few that would like to know what's really happening with your tax dollars.
last commentLink doesn't work for me.
Yes, the date and such should be where the "..." is located.
yup, that link isn't working now, try this one
Makes ya want a lot more government, doesn't it?
isn't that the guy who got busted in DC for trying to sneak into a Senator's office and plant a bug on the phone lines?
Santiago, yes, same guy. Got off very very lightly - pays to have friends in the opposing party I guess.
I'm skeptical of anything James O'Keefe says or does. Everything I've read about the guy makes him seem like lying scum.
I have no doubt that it is possible to find morons working at state and federal agencies who will say stupid shit. But I think O'Keefe goes looking for exceptions and makes them out to be the majority. I also think he will cut videos to make things look worse than they actually are. Don't know what is the case here. The woman should probably be fired. But I also suspect she is not a licensed social worker (contrary to the title of the article) and that most people in those office -- even the lowest wage folks -- aren't as stupid.
I'm with you that our country has major problems that need to be solved. And I'll grant you that government should be more efficient and get off our asses about a lot of things (like not wasting money busting strip clubs when there is actual crime that hurts people). But assholes like O'Keefe don't help things.