Comments by lopaw (page 222)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hooking up with a dancer
    "This applies to all women: The most important thing is money. You can get any woman you want if you can make her laugh." Maybe many women, but certainly not ALL.
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    16 years ago
    If you see better looking females in Walmart than you see at the strip club, is
    I would never set foot in a Walmart, so I guess I will never know.
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    16 years ago
    Where do you pop it?
    Don't have this problem. Woo hoo!
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    16 years ago
    Going to strip clubs 'alone' . .
    I prefer to go alone. Some of my fave clubs are in questionable neighborhoods. I prefer days, but occasionally go at night. I've never had any problems. And I'm a girl. A TOUGH girl. ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the ethnicity of your favorite dancer(s)?
    Current faves: 1.chinese (5'8" chinese girl....what a find!) 2.philipino/italian (exotic sex kitten) 3.russian (da,comrade!) I'm always on the lookout for my future ex-fave. I have ADD when it comes to dancers. "Remember can't be first, but you can be next."
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    16 years ago
    Taking wife or girlfriend to a club
    The outfit you described is ok, but tell your girlfriend NO COMMANDO when wearing a short skirt. Dancers are totally freaked out when they encounter female custies that are going commando. The only time I do it is when I know the dancer and I am her regular. But doing it for a new or one-time encounter will usually not end well.
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    16 years ago
    Research: Men see bikini-clad women as objects, psychologists say
    zippy, no harm, no foul :)
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    16 years ago
    Research: Men see bikini-clad women as objects, psychologists say
    zippy, Watch the "dyke" remark. It was inappropriate and offensive. Truth be told, it would be a straight woman that would more likely think in the way you indicated. Us "dykes" wouldn't give a shit, since we don't typically concern ourselves with female/male interaction. We really don't care what men think about women. We are most likely thinking the same way ourselves, since we are both after the same thing - pussy. Capisce?
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    16 years ago
    Research: Men see bikini-clad women as objects, psychologists say
    Thank you, Clubber. It is true that I certainly do not relate anywhere near where women are "supposed" to be in these so called studies. And I'm very glad about that, especially in light of the way women are represented. Men don't fair much better, either. While these little sniglets of fiction can make for amusing reading, they often just re-inforce in alot of people's heads gross generalizations of the sexes. Old, out-of-date misconceptions that just don't ever seem to die off. And they never will as long as this kind of drivel keeps popping up now & again. And since it's plastered all over the internet....then I guess it MUST be true, huh? ;)
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    16 years ago
    My Dancer Pass Me Over to See her richer Regular
    The minute you walk into a SC and forget that it is a SC, you're gonna get screwed both emotionally & financially. Hopefully the OP will realize this now before it is too late.
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    16 years ago
    Research: Men see bikini-clad women as objects, psychologists say
    Any "study" that draws these very wide stereotypical everyone-fits-nicely-into-the-same-package is pure bullshit. Way too much mass gender generalizations. There are way too many exceptions to these "findings" to say that "men are this way" and "women are that way". Pure bullshit.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    MEN! Id LOVE your help! is good. Or the produce section of the supermarket. How about bus depots? Nursing homes? Ladies rooms? (oh sorry - that would be for gettin' yo-self a sugar MOMMA). Good luck to you.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Asian Girls in Phoenix Area?
    There are indeed alot of asian hotties here in LA. If a city has a fairly large asian population, you're gonna find plenty of asian dancers. Lots of them up in San Fran too. Coastal cities are always a good bet.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Catching something from a dancer
    What you are saying is true, Anna, but we are indeed just made of weak flesh & blood....when a lovely young lady pushes her boobies (or other anatomy) in our face, how can we not resist? We start thinking with a different part of the anatomy, and instinct takes over. The last time a dancer pushed her cootchie into my face, I SWORE that I would resist it and just think of something my grocery list or something. Well....that worked for about a second. Moments later I was dining away. Regrets? You bet. Will it prolly happen again? You bet. I just read Clubber's post. Now I regret it even more. Until next time, that is.
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    16 years ago
    Catching something from a dancer
    The only things I catch from dancers are the occasional nasty headcold. Picked up a doozy just this past weekend from a club I was in Friday night. This will keep me outta the clubs for a week or two. Great way to save money, if you don't mind the mucus & nose-blowing.
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    16 years ago
    Most consecutive private/lap dances
    Anna, I wish that I could claim business expenses, but my line of work I rarely (if ever) entertain business clients. And since I'm female, I wonder what eyebrows would be raised if I ever did submit an expense report from the "The Pussycat Club" down the street? Hee hee - I think that I'm gonna try it someday, just to see the reaction.
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    16 years ago
    Embarrassing moments?
    A few years back I was getting a dance from a VERY drunk dancer (I should have sensed trouble was a-coming). While rubbing her boobies in my face, she attempted to slide down my body, but lost her footing and her chin came crashing down on the bridge of my nose. Since she was drunk I took the force of her full body weight. nose started bleeding and I thought it might be broken. The dancer, drunkenly oblivious, just kept dancing away. Several dancers took me into the ladies room to try & clean me up. Very embarrassing. My nose wasn't broken, but I did have two black eyes that I had to explain to my SO when I got home. My lame explanation? I accidently hit myself with a barbell at the gym.
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    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    I try to avoid religion & politics in stripclubs. Too controversial. I could just see myself getting into a heated argument with a hot naked stripper over some hot-button topic. Total and complete buzzkill. If I sense the conversation might start drifting in that kind of direction, I'll suggest that we go have some dances, rather than talk.
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    16 years ago
    Most consecutive private/lap dances
    minnow- cash back on CC would be great. But what I'd really like is to figure out a way to claim strippers as dependents on my taxes. Claiming lapdances as itemized deductions wouldn't be bad either.
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    16 years ago
    Most consecutive private/lap dances
    My record when dances were $10 (topless club) was 12 in a row. Nowadays those same dances are $20, and it's rare for me to get more than 3 or 4 max. Recently at my fave nude club ($30 dances) I ran amok while getting UUUHM from my flavor-of-the-month, and before I knew it I was in for 12 dances. Damn. That hurt my wallet badly. I left broke, but happy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many married guys visit clubs on the DL?
    This topic has come up quite a few times. Many of us married ones (I include myself even tho I am not legally married) choose not to share our "excursions" with our better halves. I've been with my "wife" for 16 years now, and I refuse to give up my clubbing. I've been sneaking out to clubs for so long that I'm pretty good at being discreet and covering my tracks. In the beginning of our relationship I tried to get her to go along with me ("c'mon honey....girls night out!"), but she would have nothing to do with it. Oh well. If you're in a relationship, you have to decide early on how important clubbing is to you, and what you are willing to do to continue going. Alot of folks are not willing to take the risk of screwing up their relationship, but some of us just like it too much and can't let it go.
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    16 years ago
    Have you ever had this happen to you???
    Yes, this does happen ALOT. You should never take it personally. It's like spotting an item you want in a store, but someone else gets to it and buys it before you. You can either leave the store, shop for a different item, or go chase down the guy who grabbed your item and beat the shit outta him (this last choice is probably not the best idea). It helps to view dancers (or at least their services) as commodities, like an item in a store. If your first choice is "out of stock", just make another selection.
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    16 years ago
    How many dancers have violent boyfriends?
    When I was a teenager I dated a guy that had a bad temper. We only got into one physical fight, but it was a doozy. After an unusually nasty argument, he sucker punched me & broke my nose. I picked myself up, wiped off my bloody nose, and proceeded to break his jaw in 2 places. Put him in the hospital for 2 days, and he had to have his jaw wired shut. We broke up after that. I'm hoping that after that incident he never raised his hand to a woman again. And no...I didn't become a lesbian because of that. I discovered that part of myself years later!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Reasons to visit a strip club...
    1. To help start kick the economy back to health (what a selfless act!!) 2. To avoid having to do anything on my "honey-do" list 3. Because it is THERE!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The skinny, anorexic look: when will it end?
    Here in LA the people tend to be in better shape. You can definitely tell the recent arrivals, since many of them are much fatter than the natives. What I'm seeing at my gym now is what I see every year around this time - the new year's resolution people invading, hoping to kick start that resolution to lose weight. Virtually all of them will be gone by Feb 1st or so, and we gym rats will get our gyms least until this same time next year. As far as the OP's question about girls in general (not strippers) looking anorexic - as long as the media crams images of skinny models & actresses down the throats of our very impressionable female youth, we will have girls starving themselves to replicate that look. And as long as Hollywood & media advertisers keep pushing that look for women, it will never end. Thankfully, most girls eventually mature enough to stop trying to look like runway models, and (hopefully) maintain normal weight.