If you see better looking females in Walmart than you see at the strip club, is

If you see better looking females in Walmart than you remember seeing at the strip club, is something wrong? Maybe not. There is a mostly female college nearby and I saw a number of females wearing shorts and looking good. Maybe I was feeling better too even though I was hot earlier and also wearing shorts.
last commentThere are two Walmarts near me that I go to, one that is close to me and one that between home and work. And both of them seem to only have only old ladies working there. So yes, something would be terribly wrong.
In the Pelosi-Reid-Obama economy, Walmart is going to be a busy place, so you'll see all kinds of folks there. Ironic, as liberals continually rail against the retail giant...
There are two wal-marts near me. One is in columbus itself and the other one is in a wealthy suburb, Dublin, OH (avg. income in the six figures). The one in columbus is the typical stereotype walmart...but the one in dublin has some really good looking girls there and not to mention it is across the street from Columbus Gold and Vanity (strip clubs).
I read that walmart fears unions will start to form under the Obama economy. The last time the meat cutters started an union at walmart, they simply fired all of them and sold their meat prepackaged.
No, there is nothing wrong. It merely reflects the very strong social stigma agaisnt working as a stripper. I would bet that only about 5% of women would consider working as a stripper, and for the remaining 95%, the feeling against such employment is very strong; revulsion or disgust is probably not too strong a way of putting it. Therefore, you will see a lot of women in US society at large who are better looking than many strippers, and could make more money as strippers than at their current employment, but won't even consider it.
Let's face it--strip clubs don't hire the most attractive women that there are; they hire the most attractive women who will consider doing that kind of work.
samsung1, Walmart is wise to fear what unions will do if our president gets his way. There is a proposal to eliminate secret ballots for union voting -- they gave it some nonsensical-but-sweet-sounding name like "Employee Free Choice Act" or some similar B.S. -- that would allow union bosses to strong-arm employees into joining in, even if they would not have otherwise chosen that. The president and speaker of the house and senate majority leader all want this because those same union bosses will direct the increased union revenues towards the democrat party. The fact that secret ballots are a staple of democracy is irrelevant to them.
I always thought the women at K-Mart moonlighted at Detroit area SCs.
Maybe Walmart and/or Kmart need hot college girl nights to attract crowds. They could give an extra 10 percent off if they wear shorts or dress hot and have a student id. Wouldn't bother me too much. It would give me something else to look at while doing my grocery shopping. Of course living in a small town with a mostly female college, I kind of already have that.
Blue light special, bikini contest in Aisle 7
That's an idea, give an extra 10 percent off if a female college student comes to Walmart in a bikini.
I would never set foot in a Walmart, so I guess I will never know.
Former ATF gave up dancing and the last I heard, she was working at Wal-Mart
lopaw, would you go to Target?
Is your anti-Walmart stance because they're discount, or is it something else?
I love Target & Kmart. I shop at both chains on occasion.
My hatred of Walmart is largely due to their socially conservative based values (they'll cover up the covers of GQ or Maxim magazines, but go right down the next aisle and pick up your ultra violent movie DVD & your gun ammo!). What hypocrisy. The fact that they bump out mom & pop stores with their massive expansion & treat their employees like crap does't help either.I'm not a big labor union fan (sorry to you teamsters out there), but in the case of Walmart I would love to see them unionized. But then say goodbye to those low, low prices.
I swore that I would never set foot inside one and I haven't. They represent all that I despise.
If wm workers ever get to be better looking than those at the Bare, top TX , FL clubs, etal, then something is really amiss!
Since I am retiring from my job of 42 years at the end of this month, I was thinking of taking a part time job as a Walmart greeter. After reading the above posts I think that I would be better off applying for a job as a strip club mens room troll.
Go to Wal-mart after the clubs close. I have had several dancers tell me they were going shopping their after they got off work. When else do they have time and money to shop.
Hottest women in my entire city are at the Whole Foods gourmet / upscale grocery store.
We seem to be missing a gourment/upscale grocery store. Our alternatives are something like Food Lion or Bi-Lo. I do visit those on occasion more out of convenience. I like to save money on groceries which is the main reason I visit Walmart. The clerks at Walmart said they will not honor competitors buy one get one free offers but they have honored sale prices for the same items. I told someone why bother going to Walmart and go through all the hassle if you're only buying those sale items? I do not like the fact that different Walmarts charge different prices for the same items depending upon how afluent they believe the surrounding customers are or how much they believe the can charge you for. Of course I don't put that past others either. I do not like Walmart's policy against anything in their store that might be considered adult material. However I'm interested in saving money.
Someone in their corporate either is carrying certain grocery store items I requested or they think a bit like me. I like that part. Ever seen pictures of the corporate bunker compound in Arkansas? Looks like it could be a ultra secret organization based on what I heard and saw. Maybe all mega corporations seem hell bent on world domination. I do like efficiency and value for my money whether it comes to groceries or lap dances.
Walmart should stop carrying so much cheap Chinese products. I say cheap as in the quality of the products. Clothes and many other items that say made in China may look similar to other products made elsewhere but they seem to break faster and not work as well based upon many items I've seen fail and they usually say made in China.
I don't care about Walmart particularly, but the anti-Walmart nonsense is idiotic. They succeed because people choose to shop there and choose to work there. No one has ever been forced to do either.
Some people don't go to adult bookstores because they don't like that stuff; others don't go to Disneyland because they don't like that stuff. Walmart sells what they sell, and don't sell what they don't sell. The same is true for EVERY OTHER COMPANY that has ever existed. Hating Walmart for that is senseless. Not shopping there is perfectly reasonable, but hating them says nothing about them and plenty about the hater.
lopaw pretty much has it right on target when it comes to Wal-Mart.
Wal-Mart intentionally lowers their prices to extremely low-levels in order to kill the local competition, and then, when that competition has folded, they raise their prices to whatever they want to!
Wal-Mart has frequently negotiated sweetheart deals with many, many localities (by requiring that they not pay taxes for a number of years or that the locals pay for all the infrastructure improvements for their stores to go into place), only to pull up shop & move (sometimes just down the road a piece) to another town when those deals expire in order to continue screwing more locals out of their hard-earned tax dollars.
Wal-Mart is extremely anti-union as well...to the point where they show all their potential employees a fear-mongering "training video" that shows the employees how "bad" things would be if there was a union at their Wal-Mart..."we wouldn't be able to do profit-sharing with you anymore"...what hogwash...
The biggest thing (that really gets my father goin') is their "pro-USA", American flag-displaying nonsense in their stores, while they have shelves & shelves full of cheap crap from China.
A great resource about all the shenanigans with Wal-Mart is the movie "Wal-Mart: The high cost of low price"...watch it free at:
Only the biggest Right-wing shills will shill for the likes of Wal-Mart...
Amazing that even a retailer is political to liberals. Wow, those idiots need to get a life (actually, the opposite would be much better for all). This topic exposes the hatred and bile and lunacy of liberals. Thanks for sharing these insights.
^^^ yeah, and pretty much confirmed our views on you conservatives. You don't seem to have any problem spewing your own brand of hate.