
Comments by ozymandias (page 4)

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    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    I just treat everyone with a certain basic level of respect - it's easy, easier than being an asshole, actually, everyone appreciates it, and it just makes like in general a smooth ride. Anecdotally, I've noticed that people who are pretty happy and contented treat others with respect; people who don't respect themselves tend to be disrespectful. Again, just my observation, and while there are exceptions, it holds most of the time. Sort of an Occam's approach to interpersonal relationships. O.
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    16 years ago
    The history of "mileage"
    Interesting point Book Guy, but I think brothels etc. didn't vanish so much as "delocalized" as an internet-based service. With CL and online escorts and review sites, it's easier than ever in history to rent tail, and far more discrete than a brothel as well. I can literally generate the thought "I want to fuck a slim, hot latina" and an hour later be doing so, at prices far below a strip club VIP room, in nearly any municipality. I just need internet access and a cell phone. But just like strippers are drawn from a broader demographic, so are internet escorts - I'd call them prongs on the same fork. Again, hoe-ification. O.
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    16 years ago
    The history of "mileage"
    Stripping as a profession has changed, for one thing; prior to the 90s, it was a true "outsider" profession, almost like a "carny" or the like, but in the late 80s a wider range of women started doing it, even viewing it as a kind of "part time" job. Mileage as we've come to know it definitely started on the rise in the 90s, until in the present day there's an expectation of sexual interaction in a club. I think mainly what we've seen isn't a change in stripping per se, but a change in the American woman which has affected stripping - what I like to call "the hoeification of America." The average chick is basically a hoe nowadays. High school girls are getting full brazilian waxing and having blowjob contests after school - not sure about others here, but that was NOT the case when I was in high school. It's not much of a step for these chicks to fuck anonymous guys for cash in a strip-club VIP room when they turn 18! O.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My worst strip club experience.
    I was at the Cheetah in Atlanta in the early 90s when there was a double homocide there - a couple of thugs who'd been denied admission returned with their "9s" and tried to shoot the place up. Needless to say the club was closed for the night. It didn't affect me or any of my friends directly, but what a buzz kill. One of the victims exsanguated from a headshot in the valet area - I drove by later and the valets were hosing the blood into a storm drain. The incident drew the typical "stripclubs are dangerous" media attention for awhile, especially since this was shortly after the owner of the Gold Rush was killed. O.
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    16 years ago
    Limericks and other poems etc.
    In the 5500 years since the invention of writing (cuneiform, 3500 BCE) mankind has seen his ability to express ideas evolve through the advent of the novel ("Tale of Genji" 1000 AD) and on through the development of theatre and poetry, through Shakespeare, Petrarch, Eliot, until we finally arrive at this limerick post on a strip-club forum... Do I laugh or cry? ;-> O.
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    16 years ago
    your age and number of years "clubbing"
    I guess I've never been a *serious* clubber, per definition here. I can't say I've ever made clubbing a priority, decided on a vacation spot because if the clubs, etc... it's always been more of a spontaneous or opportunistic thing. I'd say probably 80% or more of my clubbing has arisen either from me escaping from rush hour traffic or long layovers/delayed flights. I wish I could open a strip club in a busy airport with a bad flight departure record, I'd clean up big time ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Favorite "closed" club
    The Gentleman's Club or Club Nikki in Atlanta were wild as hell, and the first black clubs I ever went to... owned by gangstas of course, and the clubs went down when they did ;) O.
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    16 years ago
    your age and number of years "clubbing"
    42, and I'll assume by clubs you mean "strip clubs" specifically... about 20 years. When I was in high school I used to go to Spain for the summer (my grandfather owned a winery there) and hit up the clubs in Madrid and Barcelona when I was like 14-15 years old (the club scene if pretty young in Europe because you can drink young) and I will say the girls in those clubs were hotter than most strip clubs ;) O.
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    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Music Appeal
    Same here - eventually I cease to be really aware of the music. It's just a feature of the environment. That said, I always sit angled away from the speakers when I go to a club; I may not be there for conversation, but if conversation DOES occur, I like to be able to hear it. O.
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    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New feature: "About Me"
    Whatever you may think about shadowcat, his efforts to organize events are commendable. Really, the intent of this forum is to discuss issues related to strip clubs, and his posts - agree with him or not - are nearly always pertinent. Considering the waste of pixels that certain posts here are - personally, I'd like to see the forum moderated for content relevance - he's deserving of high praise. O.
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    16 years ago
    New NYC Club - Anyone been?
    Nope, but the best BBQ place in NYC is Daisy May's BBQ at 46th & 12th, so there's at least a good BBQ joint nearby if the club doesn't pan out ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Some questions to customers from an ex dancer
    Are you gathering data for a thesis? ;) Okay, answers inline: What is your outlook on dancers all together? - It's pretty hard to generalize about dancers. Obviously it's a fringe sort of job, well outside the mainstream; I think it's fast but not necessarily easy money; I find that most dancers don't manage their lives very well... just look at the crappy cars in the strip club lot, those usually belong to the dancers. Beyond that, some I like, some I don't; there's certainly a wide demographic represented. What is your tipping style? Examples - Strict $1, what do you expect when you give a dancer a tip, etc..? - Now? singles at the stage, and I buy dances at cost. I don't try to bargain, nor am I especially generous. I like prix fixe, I guess. I used to be a "baller", tipping 20s at the stage and have payed 50s and 100s for a single dance, just for fun... but there's really no cost benefit there. So I just keep it simple now. What do you expect out of a lapdance and VIP rooms? - A lapdance? depends on my mood and the girl, really... frankly, I just don't like a hard grind. In VIP I expect "anything goes"... I have fave dancers that I won't take to VIP simply because I know she won't go there. VIP should be nasty. Do you pay for talking time and/or do you offer to buy drinks or will you buy the dancer a drink if she asks? Or do you refuse under all circumstances to buy a dancer a drink? - I never pay for talking time. I will buy drinks if she wants them. If I have invited a dancer to join me, I expect to cover all the expenses, including her drinks, food, whatever. Again, I keep it simple. Are you the type of customer that likes to approach dancers your self or vice-versa? If you only like certain dancers and one you don't like approaches you, how do you react to her? - I always choose my own dancers. As a matter of policy, I always decline dances from dancers who've approached me; sometimes I might go select them later, if they've impressed me on stage. I do decline politely, though - she's just doing her job, no point in being rude. What kind of club attracts you and do you ask dancers for extras? If you ask for extras, what is usually the percentage that agree to extras? - The extras thing just kind of occurs naturally. I tend to like a less glitzy club, one with younger, less "seasoned" dancers, more laid-back. I will say that nowadays most - at least 90% - will do some kind of extras. O.
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    16 years ago
    New Jersey
    How many different clubs have you been to?
    Hmmm, I'd have to estimate that. I guess I've been to all the clubs in Atlanta at least once - so that's maybe 70 if you include clubs that no longer exist. Then, two in Athens... maybe half a dozen in Japan and the Philippines. I won't count clubs in Bangkok because they're really "go-go" bars, not strip clubs. Let's call it 10 elsewhere, for a total of... 88? Let's call it 90, total. Of those, maybe a dozen I've actually gone to multiple times, with the rest just one visit. Thats over an 18 year period or so... 5 a year? That's reasonable, I think ;) O.
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    16 years ago
    A strippers' face that had changed
    Wow, that's some hardcore drug use, changing the skeletal facial structure! Happy to say I've never experienced that - if I did, I'd certainly write her off my list. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strange creepy reasons to dump a dancer
    I would fully expect dancers to be superstitious. It's interesting that there's a certain tolerance for women having a belief in occultism, New Age, etc. I myself, if I see a male browsing the "New Age", occult, astrology etc. section, regard him as a moron - I'm more tolerant of women reading such books, though. Of course, it could be argued that belief in ghosts, astrology, etc. is no sillier than belief in, say, God, but that's a more in-depth discussion ;) I wonder - and I expect it's been studied by someone - if ignorant people are simply more likely to interpret perceptual anomalies as "supernatural", or if their even more likely to experience such anomalies in the first place. "Seeing" ghosts, for example. Probably the strangest thing I've ever visually observed is superfluidity, a macroscopic version of a quantum state, in which a liquid will crawl up the sides of a vertical surface. Now, I understand it, but it's still "creepy" because it's perceptual information which disagrees with experience. I can certainly see how an uninformed person might react quite strongly ("It's a ghost!") to such phenomena. Certainly there *are* visually observable phenomena in nature which are very rare and strange - ball lightning comes to mind - which could be mistakenly judged as "spiritual" or "supernatural". Maybe your dancers both experienced a cosmic ray strike on an optic nerve... you have to keep *your* mind open as well! ;) O.
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    16 years ago
    Where are you from?
    My ethnic background is pretty obvious, or so anyone would assume - Mr. Anglo! Light brown hair, blue-grey eyes, fair skin, the works. Actually, though, I'm 1/4 Cherokee (my mother is half), but it pretty much doesn't show at all except in my nose, which has that little Cherokee angle in the bridge (I'm sure there's a better term), but most people interpret that as a Germanic feature. O.
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    16 years ago
    Selecting a new ATF
    A favorite for me (I can't say I've ever had an ATF... the interchangeability of dancers is part of their appeal) is purely about having fun hanging out. The personality has to click. Maybe that could be called "GFE", but I don't regard sex with strippers as particularly important. I couldn't care less about "ITC" or "OTC" because nowadays good fucking is a simple as picking up a phone and dialing a number - it's not a scarce resource. You know what the best thing about strippers is? They're the only chicks who are really good at pool. If you want to go shoot some pool with a hot chick friend, it's got to be a stripper. I'll bet they'd be a fun companion at a firing range as well. Really, my criterion for a "fave" stripper is just - she's fun. O.
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    16 years ago
    Does a stealing stripper always upset you?
    The issue I have with stealing isn't about money, it's about time. If I make $200 an hour, and someone breaks into my house and steals, say, a Macbook Pro that's lying on my coffee table ($2000), they just stole 10 hours of my time - they may as well have locked me in a dark room with nothing to read or do for ten hours... THAT pisses me off. Money and stuff is easy to replace - but once time is gone, that's it. You can't bank it, you can't decide to arbitrarily lengthen your life to replace it, it's GONE. Losing it for nothing pisses me off highly. If a stripper rips off a customer, she's transferring time from him to herself - she now has to work less, and he's lost the financial benefit from having worked earlier. O. btw the textbook thief almost certainly wasn't interested in being educated; textbooks are a popular target for shoplifting because there are specific venues for unloading them (college bookstore buybacks and, nowadays, certain websites) and they have pretty good trade-in value, sometimes up to half the cover price (which can be north of $100 for textbooks!)
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    16 years ago
    Where are you from?
    I have to say, the best way to appreciate how great a country the USA is - warts and all, and sure, there are warts - is to live in other countries. Especially the 3rd world. It pisses me off when I hear 19 year old college kids complaining about how "oppressive" or "unfair" America is... makes me want to send them to the Cavite jungle in southern Luzon with a canteen, a tent, and a Sig 550 for 6 weeks, see if they change their minds afterwards ;) O.
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    16 years ago
    U vs ROB -- Who has the Edge ?
    I always - ALWAYS - specify the number of dances I'll have beforehand; I've never had the ROB issue doing that. That said, the ROB has the advantage because you're one her turf - the club. While in normal retail the customer is king, the people who work in clubs are frankly not very smart business people, by and large - the concept of customer service escapes them. I just make sure I take control as much as possible by specifying what I want at the outset. Seems to work. O.
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    16 years ago
    parodyman-->: A Homosexual or a Faggot?
    No one cares except you. O.
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    16 years ago
    Where are you from?
    I was born in Ann Arbor, MI (my parents were in grad school at UofM), grew up mostly in the South and South East (GA, TN, AR, TX) and have lived in the Philippines and Thailand. Atlanta always seems to be my home base. I've been kind of thinking of moving to the Northwest - love the outdoors up there. Or Colorade, maybe. O.
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    16 years ago
    Health tips
    While there are helpful dietary supplements, the real Holy Grail of health is just plain exercise - Americans in particular don't get anywhere near enough. Daily aerobic exercise (at least 20 minutes) with strength training 3 times a week (muscle is more metabolically efficient than fat) is the starting place. My daily regimen is running 2 miles and biking 5 miles a day (plus I bike whenever I can to commute), hitting the gym for an hour or so of weights about 3 days a week, and going hiking about every other weekend. I've been meaning to take up boxing - there's a boxing gym near my house - because it's an awesome workout. I used to practice Tae Kwon Do about an hour a day when I was younger (like 10 years ago) and it was a pretty amazing workout... though I used to spar with a Marine who just kicked my ass around the mat ;) I'm 42 now, and in better shape than most guys I know who are half my age, just by staying active daily; videogames in particular are going to kill the current young generation just by breeding couch potatoes. As far as diet, I am way too much of a foodie to "diet", but I eat healthy things and eat and drink in moderation. I do like a nice single-malt after dinner lately - that's my vice. So far, so good, though. O.
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    16 years ago
    Happy Dancers a Prerequisite?
    That sounds vaguely creepy to me - dancers walking around on a stage, in silence, while men sit around looking at them and occasionally selecting one to come over to sit and talk. Maybe "eerie" is a more forgiving word than "creepy"... I guess it does kind of pare down the shopping aspect to a thinner veneer, though. It sounds, though, like what you want is a "hostess club", not a strip club. O.
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    16 years ago
    Gymnophobia (a fear of nudity, sight of a naked part or body) and CNN . . .
    Honestly, gymnophobia has a perfectly rational basis - MOST people, especially in the USA, have quite ugly bodies. I myself am content to limit my viewing to the top 10% at most. While my reaction to seeing "the average body" is more akin to revulsion than fear, I can certainly forgive a certain dread people have to "leaving the lights on" ;) O.