
Comments by ozymandias (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    All night!
    Unless there's some amazing chemistry there, I'd rather her just leave. I have had a few "stripper friends" where we had that level of chemistry, and it was fun - it's not really something I seek out, though, as I value my privacy and free time. O.
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    16 years ago
    How many of you have heard of the e-review?
    TER is pretty different from this site in that it reviews individual escorts rather then clubs. The two form a useful complement to each other. While TER has some questionable reviews, it IS pretty handy for culling the online misinformation.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hope the bitch enjoyed the money while she could
    I have to agree with deogol, strongly. I've lived in the Philippines and Thailand, and have spent a good bit of time in Ghana - now, the USA certainly has its faults, but it is far-and-away the fairest and most just nation on the Earth, by far. Every American should spend 3 months in a 3rd world country - the bitching would dry up fast if that ever became policy. If you *really* think the USA is hopelessly corrupt and evil, well, you may as well just give it up, because this is as good as it gets. Real Patriotism is when you love your homeland, warts and all. O.
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    16 years ago
    New structure they want to build in Japan...
    That's the Shimizu pyramid. It's actually currently unbuildable, because there aren't loadbearing elements strong enough to support the height - the idea is to build it once carbon nanotubes are developed, which would allow the creation of structural materials light enough that the structure wouldn't collapse under its own weight. The nanotubes have been synthesized in laboratories for study, but large-scale manufacture isn't yet feasible. My obvious concern would be seismic stability, because a structure that size almost becomes "landscape" - but then, the Japanese are masters of earthquake-proofing. I spend a lot of time in Japan, about 2-3 months a year (I have a condo in Nagoya), and I *always* experience at least earthquake tremors when I'm there... so it's a very real concern. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non-Stripclub . . . Burglar shows up for Holiday Season
    Glad to hear he just left! Christmas Eve is probably the most common day for burglaries, as many families are out visiting others leaving empty houses full of, literally in some cases, gift-wrapped goods for the thief. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    You were probably paranoid, but it's up to you what your tolerance for risk is. People in general are amazingly bad at rationally assessing risk - the classic case of this is fear of flying vs. the real danger of driving, for example. The chance of "catching something" is pretty remote, but the fact is, you could be presented with the hard data and, while it might attenuate your nervousness a little, you're still going to assess risk emotionally - it's just human nature for anyone not very, very quantitative in their thinking. A BBBJ is supposed to be a happy time - if you worry, that's not happy, so why subject yourself to it! O.
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    16 years ago
    New York
    Anybody Been To Flashdancers NYC?
    Well, like beer and cars, the hottest girls generally are foreign anyway ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New York
    Anybody Been To Flashdancers NYC?
    I think like most things in Manhattan, if you drop a ton of money you can have a blast. One of the best cities in the world to be rich in! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Oops, BobbyI just admitted to being Dougster!
    You are very correct, always best to starve the troll. I was just happy to confirm what I'd already assumed. At this point, it's best to put both his accounts on ignore. I can hear the peace and quiet already ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Oops, BobbyI just admitted to being Dougster!
    My PhD in physics, actually... cognitive science was a philosophical interest which, over time, generated a career transition. Cognition is extremely interesting ;) BobbyI/Dougster, it's over... your desperation is just like the sealant on my claim. To paraphrase you: "BobbyI/Dougster loses again!!!" Hehe. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My worst strip club experience.
    Plastic surgery - especially the "discount" jobs that strippers seem inevitably to go for - really can have tragic results. I can think of several flawless girls who RUINED themselves... it's as bad as that mad man attacking Michelangelo's "Pieta" with a crowbar a few years ago, or the bombing of the Uffizi. I absolutely won't tip an altered dancer, just as a matter of policy. I can't reward vanadlism. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ozy Steps Up as New Troll of TUSCL!
    You should log out and log in as Dougster to enhance the credibility of this post. Just a tactical suggestion. O.
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    16 years ago
    Oops, BobbyI just admitted to being Dougster!
    I can't comment of David9s and RL (other than RL was batshit crazy), and I think everyone would agree that jablake is purely one-of-a-kind ;) I have no opinion on Kyle - never noticed a post of his. Here's my theory of Dougster/BobbyI: Fist, I'll point out that I'm a cognitive psychologist, and mostly I study problem solving strategies in adolescents, mainly in the areas of mathematical problem solving (what I call HCMI, or "High Complexity. Minimum Information problems) and modeling text comprehension. So I know a lot about adolescent patterns of expression. I *think* - and this is pure conjecture based on posting in a strip club forum (not such a good lab lol) - that Dougster/BobbyI is an older adolescent, probably 15-17, bright, but who underperforms academically. He's a reader, and he has a lot of interests, but these are exterior to academic requirements. He's sexually curious - tending towards precocity - but has no actual experience. Consider: - his commentary degenerates into immature insults, mostly about people being "gay". That's actually prevalent among middle schoolers, age 12-14, but I think BobbyI/Dougster is probably socially behind his age group, so it's consistent - he makes inconsistent grammatical errors; adults normally have set patterns of grammatical errors, but BobbyI/Dougter's vary - he might use something correctly in one post, and then incorrectly in another. This error fluidity is characteristic of adolescent learners. - his "women are meat puppets" approach to female sexuality is consistent with inexperience - he is extremely, even aggressively, defensive; this is common in adolescents who are still forming an internal theory of "Self". I could go on, but the gist is enough, I think. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Oops, BobbyI just admitted to being Dougster!
    Sorry Dougster, this is pretty obvious to everyone at this point. Obfuscation (you'll need to look that up) isn't going to accomplish anything. Besides, I think pretty much everyone knew you were the same, anyway. Identical posting styles give it away, your admission just nails it down. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    Such vitriol, Dougster! Calm down... everyone already knew, anyway. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Oops, BobbyI just admitted to being Dougster!
    Clarification: the post on the 21st is the 29th reply, not the 25th. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    By the way, you just revealed what everyone assumed - that Dougster is another userid of yours. You posted your "threesome" post as Dougster... and then replied to your own post and basically had a conversation with yourself. Priceless. Creepy, but priceless ;) O.
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    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    I think you'll need to provide a link to that post, Bobby... can't make that claim without a citation. Now, unlike you, I make actual posts of substance and have discussed a wide variety of topics, so I certainly don't recall every post I've ever made... ... but Google does, and an "advanced search" via Google of this domain, attaching my username and the words "virtue" and "vituous" don't turn up any posts. So I invite you to find that post; if you do, I'll retract by accusation of functional illiteracy. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    Evidently reading comprehension isn't your strong suite, BobbyI. Let's see. First, I never mentioned virtue (quite different from ethics) at all, so I can't have made a comment on strippers being more or less virtuous than anyone. I also never compared "strippers" with "the population at large" - I compared "professors and institutional researchers" to the population at large, and did so sans context per strippers. Moreover, I did so in a clear spirit of levity, which you, not surprisingly, missed. In fact, if you read my posts *carefully* (maybe you can blow the print up so it looks like a children's book) you will see that I state that (i) strippers are less respectable than the average person, but I treat them nicely *anyway* because it pleases me to do so and (ii) it could be inferred from my mention of professional academics that they may be more "villainous" than the population at large simply because of the pressure of inordinate ambition. If you have never worked in academia you have no idea how egoistic and ambitious academics can be - just last year at an American Philosophical Society meeting there was an actual brawl, complete with a broken champagne bottle as an improvised weapon, over whether Kant's critique of Swedenborg was really a veiled attempt to explore mysticism himself... these guys take this stuff seriously! BobbyI, you seem to regard yourself as smart and somewhat educated but, I hate to say this, you aren't, and it's sad to see your juvenile posturing here on a STRIP CLUB forum, with your weird exhortations against "Mistergay" and fantasies of "I win again!" You're the local clown, which I and others surely appreciate, but please stop trying to overstep your role. I wish I could present this post as a series of explanatory drawings for you - so that it might be clearer - but it's just not an option. Please try your best to understand, and of course slowly reread my prior posts. If you need clarifications, by all means, don't hesitate to ask! O.
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    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    I should clarify that I don't have any sort of innocent presumption of "respectability" for most groups of people, and certainly not for those that toe the line of legality or "decency". Nevertheless, I tend to be very cordial with all people, treating them with respect (this isn't the same as respecting them) until they give me a reason not too. In honest self-assessment, this isn't altruistic on my part, but selfish - it's just easier and more pleasant for ME to be nice and respectful towards people. Even strippers and prostitutes. Not drug dealers, I'll admit: I've never had anything but naked antipathy towards people whom I knew were drug dealers. I like making them feel guilty and worthless. Incidentally, probably half the people I know are either college professors or institutional researchers of some sort - I might even say there's a higher level of villainy among them than the population at large... it's the competition for all that grant money, that and being the first to get a paper in ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The history of "mileage"
    I hadn't really reflected on that, but you're spot-on - the "experience" is missing. It's a bit like shopping, I guess - there used to be a certain fun in, say, shopping for a car: driving different ones, negotiating with dealers, just sitting in a car you can't afford. The modern "google some reviews, visit Consumer reports for the fair MSRP, email an offer to a local dealer" is a bit bloodless, for example. Efficient, but bloodless. Maybe that's what sometimes bothers me about the exclusive "mileage" focus per strip clubs nowadays - it's too much cutting to the end of the book. A good club, a good woman... there's a value in the slow savor. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    Aside: the classical sociobiological basis for female sexual selectivity is "biochemical cost", specifically that women have a potentially much higher ATP* expenditure for a sex act (carrying a child to term and then raising it to maturity) than men do (busting a load). It's an idea which is largely discredited mechanistically as a basis for cultural sexual selectivity, but like some other "discredited" theories (somatype theory of personality, for example) I'm pretty convinced it has at least some effect. ... That said, I still say it's just easier to e nice and respectful to people... I, at least, save ATP that way ;) O. *ATP is Adenosine Tri-Phosphate, the biochemical form of energy in cellular metabolism
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Strip Club Websites
    I going to tell you from the point of view of a security professional that this will never happen because it would be a VERY bad idea. Floorplans of a cash-heavy business complete with staff schedules is an invitation to armed robbery. That said, I do like when clubs have up-to-date photos of dancers available... a very few do, but of course "up-to-date" lasts maybe for a month or two before the updates stop. O.
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    16 years ago
    Be Careful Out There, People
    I was thinking the same thing. A few years ago there was a downtown club - very "upscale" - I used to frequent. When I would leave a car full of hookers would drive by inviting me to join them, I\and I'd always say "girls, you need to get the guys BEFORE they go in"... at which point they would drive away hurling epithets at me. They never did get it right. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strip Clubs and Big Screens
    I don't even watch TV at home, so I'm not likely to watch it at a strip club! O.