
Comments by ozymandias (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers with an eye patch and one wooden leg... Do they give the best lap
    A stripper with a pegleg is never far from a pole... just sayin' O.
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    16 years ago
    Know anyone with a vampire Fetish?
    You should go to DragonCon in Atlanta at the end of August/beginning of September (Labor Day weekend) - at night there are tons of parties, and the serious and huge goth crowd comes out. Many of these are very probably into - or would be if it were suggested to them - vampirism ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Happy Dancers a Prerequisite?
    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that preferring "a stripclub without music or dancing" means you DON'T LIKE strip clubs! Why not just go with escorts? Female companionship sans the club, it's a far more efficient expenditure of time and money. That said, I'll go with "TRUE" on the original question. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers pissed off at their S/O's. Better dances?
    I'd have to say that, in general, happy people are more fun. A pissed off dancer is just that - pissed off. If she *does* want to do some kind of revenge-fuck, she's doing it out of disrespect for him, not to please me. A happy dancer, on the other hand, probably just wants to have fun... and so she'll BE more fun, and I'll have more fun as well. It's always best to hang out with happy, successful (regardless of the occupation!) people. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Insist Your Stripper Wash Her Hands!!! . . .
    There's a 100% correlation between "being born" and "dying". Just sayin'... O.
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    16 years ago
    Obviously, "non-contact" means "no touching", ie. "air dances". "Low contact" is one of those phrases like "few" or "several", more a qualitative than quantitative idea... I mean, a blowjob, very technically, is "low contact", since it's just lips around your dick. Right? ;-) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Customers that just sit with dancers
    I don't mind sitting and chatting sometimes, but I don't pay for "time", I pay for dances; like jablake, I have at times recommended that a dancer "go to work", but sometimes they just want to sit and talk. Dancing *is* kind of a slacker job ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Roofies: Are the stories true or are they just a strippers "urban legends?"
    It's actually a much greater risk in a conventional bar or club than it is at a strip club; in general, though, I'd say it's a good policy not to leave drink unattended anywhere. O.
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    16 years ago
    Roofies: Are the stories true or are they just a strippers "urban legends?"
    Well, I'm unwilling to look up citations, so this is purely anecdotal, but in my experience most of the drug/alcohol users who overdose, engage in dangerous mixtures and the like tend to be the "lighter" users, weekend partiers and the like. The "heavy" drug using crowd is actually quite a subculture (again, this is anecdotal, as I myself have had at best a tangential intersection with this subgroup), complete with "manual", internet forum communities, and other modes of information dissemination which, while enabling the lifestyle, often imposes accepted standards per mixing, dosage, etc. The DUIs, likewise, are usually "amateurs" caught unawares by their own condition - most of the true junkies I've known either (i) didn't have a vehicle or (ii) adapted their lifestyle to their addiction. Again, all this is anecdotal, but I'd bet that if you examined clinical data you'd find that morbidity/mortality data inversely correlates toxicity with "experience". That said - and regardless of public or personal hazard - such behavior is highly irresponsible... I'll certainly agree there. O.
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    16 years ago
    Roofies: Are the stories true or are they just a strippers "urban legends?"
    Actually your hardcore alcoholic/druggie usually has a surprisingly sophisticated awareness of their limitations and tolerances, and even a passing knowledge of organic chemistry and pharmacology as pertains to their particular interests. I'll never forget my surprise once, years ago, when an un-degreed "dead head" expressed an informed opinion on the mechanistic controversy surrounding bimolecular nucleophilic substitution reactions ;) There actually are guys who try to extend the age-old model of "ply the wench with alcohol" with narcotics, something quite prone to incorrect dosages. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Economy: here's your chance to say, "I told you so"
    Check out some comments by Peter Schiff back in '06... he totally called this (on CNBC) and was actually *laughed at* by the other talking heads (one of whom was loading up on Merrill Lynch, lol.) Awesome. Me? I knew - as a real estate investor myself - that there were WAY too many skanky loans being approved and it would come back to bite *someone*, though I never could have foreseen the scale of it. O.
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    16 years ago
    Roofies: Are the stories true or are they just a strippers "urban legends?"
    I have observed one case of such poisoning (at the Cheetah in Atlanta) that I can recall, in the early 90s. Most dancers I know are VERY cautious about there drinks; let's face it, there are some fucked-up psychos out there. I think the risk is certainly overstated, though - as are almost ALL risks, really - simply because humans in general suck at mathematical intuition. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hi Bones!
    I swear to God, they could take this forum and make a reality show for "Bravo" with it. Maybe schedule it between "Real Housewives of Atlanta" and "Project Runway". It's as bad as strippers bickering in a dressing room. Sheesh, lol. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Anyone who works face-to-face with clients (ie. isn't a cubicle monkey) knows that business and friendship can often overlap. I know I have clients I like a lot, even though we aren't "friends", and conversely there are people I hire I get along with very well. Does that mean I'd be having lunch and playing golf with them if we didn't have a business relationship? No. But I genuinely "like" them and wish them well, and might even go out of my way to help them if it came to that. Somebody has to be pretty weird (sociopathic or affectively disordered) to view people with the kind of categorical compartmentalization often advocated around here... O. O.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Office blocked access to internet sites
    When I was on the road a lot I used to carry two laptops - one for work (provided by my company and doubtless monitored by them) and one for gaming/personal/general-fucking-around. Heavy, yes, but I keep those two worlds well separated. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I care. Fake tits are just repulsive to me - but then, I'm a leg/ass man, not a tit man, so for me bigger isn't necessarily better. I like 'em built for speed, not buoyancy :) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    For the Married Clubbers
    The big problem clubs pose for married guys is coming home smelling like smoke and perfume - dead giveaway! I have a full bath with shower at my office, so it's not an issue for me, but lacking that it's wise to have a health club membership or something that allows you to clean up before coming home. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Falling off the stage
    Once or twice. Those stages are actually pretty high and can feel pretty narrow - a friend of mine used to own a strip club, and we used to hang out there when it was closed during the afternoon; I got up on one of the stages once, just for the perspective, and it felt pretty high up. I imagine with fuck-me shoes, it's even worse. Just think of the last time you fell 3 or 4 feet - it can be a pretty nasty spill. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    You're not "stupid" - normal, healthy humans develop a sense of affection for people they're intimate with (it's called "proximity theory" in social psychology). Naive? maybe. But why something so extreme like "never talk to her again". If you have fun with her on occasion, go with that. Is she insincere? not necessarily - it's not as though she owes you anything really. You're not her boyfriend or husband. "Fuck buddy" arrangements - and she's basically a "compensated" fuck-buddy - tend to not really last very long, but they can be fun while they do. And you can always be looking for the next ATF, of course. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    RE: BJ: stripper or wino?
    In the "Cosmic Book of Really Bad Ideas" I think "sticking your dick into a mysterious hole in a wall with no real idea of who or what is on the other side" definitely appears in the first two or three pages. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Are portland OR dancers allowed to touch themselves on stage?
    Yes, obviously it's the end of the world. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fired 44-Year-Old Stripper Sues Club for Age Discrimination
    She looks like a drag queen. Probably she's been smoking for 30+ years; that said, I can certainly see her appealing to a certain customer base. Clubs really *do* need some age/race/body type variety, simply because one size doesn't fit all, customerwise. I am *sure* there are other factors, though - clubs don't fire big earners because they're 44. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Better/Nastier Dances: Black vs. White?
    Sorry, there is a significant difference between a "white" club and a "black" club - its a nice platitude to say "they're all strip clubs", but it's quite inaccurate. In terms of definition, well, "white" clubs have mostly white dancers and clients, and "black" clubs have mostly black dancers and clients. The respective club cultures (not to mention the music) are dramatically different. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Better/Nastier Dances: Black vs. White?
    Well, Filipinas are Pacific Islanders, but culturally they're almost more Latina than "Asian"... pretty much they're Catholic, for example, not Buddhist. I lived in Manila for about a year. People *think* of Filipinas as very sexual, but mostly thats from servicemen who've experienced a limited set of Filipinas (whores) in Angeles city - on the whole, they are not wild at all. The wild ones are pretty fun, and can be quite freaky - I had a chick who wanted me to fuck her with my sidearm once... unloaded, but still, jeez ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Better/Nastier Dances: Black vs. White?
    Well then you're fucking the wrong group. Per the CDCs most recent STD profile for race/ethnicity (based on 2006 data, and compiled Oct 2008), "Asian/Pacific Islander" have about half the incidence of STDs than the next lower race/ethnic group. Risk is highest among A-Americans and Hispanics (predictably, since it tends to correlate with education and income), and lowest (significantly) among Asian/Pacific Islanders. So if you combine STD risk with "freakiness", Asians are pretty much the rationalist's "slam dunk". No reason to look elsewhere! O.