strippers with kids

avatar for trailer12b1
why do all strippers feel like they need to tell you all about ther little kids. please we are coming to have a good time. if i want to hear about a kid throwing up i could stay at home. any one else have this happen


last comment
Actually, I like it. It makes me feel closer to them. Like I am part of the family. I recently had a stripper new to me, try to tell me some shit about another dancer. I shocked her when I stopped her and told her real stuff about the other dancer. I have my own little family going. T's sister just married S's ex husband. M.H. just spent 20 days in jail. I have M's husbands cell phone number. P. loves martini's. A. is back from Brazil. The more I know, the better it gets.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
18 years ago
I don't mind. It makes them real people. Of course, I only hear about it after I've known them awhile and become their regular.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
Are there ANY strippers that do NOT have kids?! I am always surprised (why, I don't know) when I hear her say that she has kids, because usually they look way too young, and in too good of shape to have had kids. I damn near fell off my chair when my ATF informed me that not only was she a mother, but she was the mother of THREE, the youngest was a mere three months old when she was telling me this. Holy Crap!

Personally, I'd much rather there weren't kids. Things would be much less complicated if my ATF had no kids. But her kids mean the world to her. That is another common thread. Not only do most (if not all) strippers have a kid or two, they always say that their kids are the most important people in their life and they would do anything to keep them happy, safe and healthy.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I agree with Shadowcat and DandyDan, I don't mind it at all, in fact I enjoy hearing about the presonal life of a girl who I really like, it makes me feel more like a friend and less like a customer.
Every once in a while, maybe after a particulalry shocking story from a stripper, I begin to think there are some heroic women in that business. Sure, many of them are f***ed up; but so many of them are also working their asses off, and putting up with a lot of shit (a fair proportion of their customers and bosses are NOT nice guys). So I like them talking about their kids, or anything else about their lives. And then I try to say something helpful, or funny, or kind. This works, in a human way, and it results in some kick-ass dances.
It must be a stage for me. Originally, I, too, enjoyed the feeling of familiarity when strippers would talk to me about kids and other personal matters. Now, I would rather keep things in the realm of fantasy, and not know about their outside lives. Perhaps the pendulum will swing back at some point in the future.
Aren't kids the reason the girls become strippers in the first place? I hear it over and over again - it's a way for uneducated, single moms to provide a decent way of life for their kids. Seriously, I've met many dancers that are single/no kids, but it seems the vast majority have one kid - or more.

chitownlawyer: I used to be at your stage, but now I've swung back the other way. I like the family talk from my ATF and seeing the most recent pictures of her daughter.
I'm with Trailer. I don't want to hear about the little fuckers. I know strippers are real people, but I'm there to have fun with the fantasy figure. I want to be treated like a lover, not a friend. And I never went through a stage where I enjoyed hearing about her boyfriend, children and other personal matters. I can get that at any time by just picking up the phone and asking any woman I know how's it going.
Obviously, I don't get hostile when strippers bring up the subject of their children, but I do try to steer the talk back to the subject at hand. I think they sense my inclination because hey don't often bring up that kind of personal stuff. Also, a lot of my faves over the years didn't have any children.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
I am with DougS all the way! Are there ANY dancers that DON'T have kids?

I know of one particular dancer (name withheld) that recently had a grandchild..... and I don't see how that was possible, because this dancer only looked 30! But, I believe her! Licks.

Dancers are real people, yes, I agree, but it does get tiresome hearing about their "rugrats". Most of the time, I just sit back and listen, as it's just part of the clubbing game.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
If I'm getting on a more personal basis with a dancer, I don't mind her revealing personal details about her life while we are chatting. I have met some new dancers and I remember one told me a lot about her personal life as if the strip club was some kind of dating service where she went into details about her divorce, 3 kids and ages, etc. I just met her about 5 minutes ago and hadn't even had the first lap dance from her. I really did not want to hear about her kids and have that image in my head right before getting lap dances. That image didn't turn me on especially when she tells me this while waiting for the lap dance song to start. Now if I'm just chatting, I don't mind if she wants to talk about her personal life. Makes me think she's treating me like one of her friends or possibly a boyfriend instead of just a customer. I have met dancers who had no kids. (evil grin) I was thinking I could fix that. Just kidding. I don't want to get into that kind of trouble.
casualguy is right....I just didn't say it very well on my post. I don't want to hear about the little fuckers either while I'm getting a dance, but if I'm just chatting, I don't mind at all hearing about her kids, or even her boyfriend.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
For me it depends on how long I've known the girl and how much I like her. I remember once asking a girl to join me who I'd never met before, and as soon as she sat down she started going on and on about how great her boyfriend was - this was a total turn-off for me because it was completely inapproariate. But if I have taken the time to get to know a girl pretty well, then I think some personal discussion is appropriate and I enjoy that. But ony when we're sitting talking, not during a dance.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
And just for the record, my ATF has never had any kids.
My attitude is that if I get to the point with a stripper where we've run out of things to talk about that turn me on, then it's time to move on to a different stripper.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
FONDL - ........... that you are aware of. :-)
FONDL: I agree that talk about "how great" her boyfriend is would be a total turn-off, but when my ATF talks about her long-time S/O, she usually talks about how he is uneducated, unemployed, drinks too much, and smokes a lot of weed -- may be lies, but it's better than hearing her praise him. I guess when I just hear his bad traits, that's why I don't mind the conversation about him.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Bones, I know you are joking, but believe me I know. I know this girl better than anyone else on the planet, and I don't mean in a biblical sense.
I some times wonder if I have any kids in Japan...
avatar for lopaw
17 years ago
I never really enjoy hearing about alot of the girlie things that the dancers often want to discuss (kids, boyfriends, makeup, clothes, etc.), but I learned long ago that if I sit there & suck it up, smiling & pretending to listen, I got MUCH better dances. It's a small price to pay for a possible big payoff.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
FONDL - Amen brother! More power to you sir.

shadowcat - I think I have one kid in Barcelona. At least the chambermaid told me I knocked her up. But, I figured it was for a free ticket to the "Land of the Big PX". Maybe, maybe not.
David: The problem I would have with her badmouthing her boyfriend to me is the unspoken fact that he's still the guy she goes home to at the end of the day and fucks all night. It would make me feel like the "nice guy" she tells her troubles to but for whom she feels zero desire.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Chandler, it may make you feel that way but I don't think it necessarily should. The times that my ATF and I have been closest in a physical sense OTC were times when she was pissed at her BF.
Maybe I shouldn't feel that way but I can't help it. I don't mind being the "nice guy" friend of a woman I have no sexual interest in. I'll listen and sympathize and all that good stuff. But at a strip club, no thanks. Even though I realize it can pay off in the form of gratitude mileage, it kills the mood for me. Both the subject matter of the chat and being cast in the "nice guy" role.
Fellas- Probably most strippers over 25 are "swk". The younger ones will either leave the business, or become "swk".

shadowcat- If I see some slanty- eyed guy wearing spandex shorts, a "I have pussy for lunch" T-shirt, playing with his dick, I'll send him your way.
minnow: gee. Thanks but just measure his dick first. If he is smaller than 6 inches, he ain't mine.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
I suppose one way for a dancer to quit talking about those 'fucking' rugrats is to ask her, "Do you have any naked pictures of them?" LOL
Ha ha! And if that doesn't shut her up ask if she'd like to buy some.
avatar for ozymandias
17 years ago
This youtube vid is perfect for this thread ;)…

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
ozymandias - That was really funny! Very appropriate for this topic! Thanks.
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
would rather hear about kids than hubby or boyfriend.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I've only actually had the experience with one dancer. I had a semi-fave for a short time who was a single mom, no BF (she said she didn't want one), who frequently talked about her little boy. I enjoyed it because it helped me to get to know her a little better and she was a very nice person. It was also something she obviously enjoyed talking about which made us both more relaxed. I'd rather have a girl talk about something that really interests her than sit like a bump on a log and expect me to carry the entire conversation the way so many of them do. That's what I find most annoying.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Most amazing to me is the percentage of strippers that actually do have at least one kid, it seems to be about 90%. Also, when you first get a dance, a good shortcut to get her background is to say: "what's your boyfriend/or husband think about your dancing" The kids issue would usually come up then, with a suprising amount with one kid and no boyfriends - and course some fairly high percentage with the boyfriend/husband in prison. Drug dealers usually it seems
Getting a dance from a stripper may be fantasy, but I've disabused myself of getting what I want in a fantasy a long time ago. I'll settle for the reality of a MILF taking her clothes off to put food on the table. If she tells me about her kids and life, that humanizes her to me, making her even hotter, I think.

But I'm like y'all: No significant other talk, please.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Haha, stripper without a kid video. If you're trying to find a stripper without a kid, look for young pretty strippers. After a year or two they might have a kid though. Doesn't anybody use protection?
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
David9999, I don't find that puzzling at all. A young girl who is a single mom doesn't have a lot of choices available to her. Unless she has a family who will support her, she pretty much has to find a job that will pay well for someone with zero job skills without her having to work many hours. There aren't many jobs like that.
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