War Stories - Strip Club Related

OK, I think this might be a popular topic for discussion since most of us, at least us 'more mature' (age-wise) have had lots of strip club action over the years.
I would like to invite 'ANYONE' to post funny, unusual, freaky, hot, miserable times spent in a strip club or time spent with a stripper OTC.
To help recall, you can cut and paste portions of your previous reviews on your thread.
Let's keep it interesting and add some humor if you can, to make this topic good reading. It would be great if we could offer some type of rewards for the most FUNNIEST, BIZZARE, SICK, UNUSUAL, FRIGHTENING club visits!
last commentI'll always remember one club visit (club details withheld) where a favorite dancer and I took to a couch for LDs and ended up 69ing each other in the club. First and only time I've been able to get away with such a daring feat in a club! - I suppose you could call this my most EROTIC club adventure.
Ok, here's one of the sick variety. I went to a club in NJ, Vic's Place. A little hole in the wall in a bad neighborhood. I occasionally like to wallow around at the bottom of the barrel. The existential question is, "What's below the bottom?" Now I know. It was a dark and dingy place. Guys were sitting at the bar and standing along most walls. Tons of girls in bikinis either cruised or pressed up against the guys, and an acrid smell was in the air. Not the usual sweat, plus beer, plus perfume, plus smoke smell. Something different, a trifle impertinent, running right through the usual stink. 45 minutes and $50 later I scuttled out of the club, with the unknown oderiferous ingredient positively identified. Unmistakenly, a ripe mixture of fresh, turning, and rotting sperm. Walking up the sidewalk to my car, I looked around, shook my head, and took a deep breath. Car exhaust never smelled so sweet!
And just to wipe out the bad images from my previous story, here's another one of a whacky strip club experience.
I was in Vegas for the first time, and not too savvy about the clubs, so the first evening, I went to a club (Masters?) around 7PM. No cover (hmmm) and...no customers. The bartender, the bouncer, and one girl in some sort og cowgirl outfit, hanging out at the bar. So, instead of turning tail, I decided to at least get a drink. Sure enough, Cowgirl saunters over, and makes small talk for a while. She's blonde, 30 something, carrying a little extra around the middle, so I'm not inspired. But she offers me essentially a 2 for 1 deal, in the upstairs VIP area, so I figure why not? We go up there, she does a standard first dance for me, nothing special. Then in the break between songs she gets up and clears the other tables and chairs away so there is a 10 or 12 foot space in front of us. She backs up, the music starts, shes gives me this big grin, and says " Are you ready?". I say, "Sure". She says, "Spread your legs honey and keep your hands to your sides.". So I assume the pose, and she rears back, takes a quick step forward, tucks her head down, and does a forward somersault on the floor, ending up with her butt in my lap and her legs over my shoulders! What the hell? She gives this big laugh, and says "How'd ya like that?" I was a little in shock, so I think I just mumbled something like "Wow, pretty impressive." Anyway, the dance finished soon enough, and we skedadled back to the bar, where the other two are now digging into a pizza. "You wanna slice?" says the bartender. I hung out for another 20 minutes or so, finished my drink, and said my goodbyes. I think I was the entertainment for the evening.
harrydave - Nicely written and entertaining to read. Many thanks for those experiences. Your first experience gets my vote on the MOST FRIGHTENING!
Your second experience gets my vote on the MOST UNUSUAL.
Like you, I enjoy "wallowing" in SC dives once in awhile myself. It must be the 'intrigue' or sometimes 'stupidness' in us. I'm surprised I haven't gotten my ass kicked in those type places.
Thanks for the input.
I do remember my 'road trip' last year to Oklahoma City, as I looked back at my reviews.
The freshest memory was when I was SC hopping in the NE sector of the city, I noticed a cute little blonde walking down the street swaying her hips back and forth. First thought.... HOOKER! I turn my car around and pulled up beside her. I asked what was up & she replied.. "Wanna' have some fun?" Well, my dickhead took over the thought process and my mouth uttered, sure! Ended up driving the two of us to a park and getting a BBBJ CIM for $40 or $50 in the car. I dropped her off at a local gas station and went on back to my motel.
I have to rate this experience as my most STUPIDESS experience, because I could have been involved in a 'police sting operation' that you see on "COPS". Have I ever done something like this afterward? NOPE Would I ever do something like this again? ASK MY DICKHEAD! :-)
We saw a 18 year old first time dancer do her very first dance. At least we were told that and she certainty appeared to be very new. She was wearing an ordinary white bikini. During her second set, she started spotting blood in a place women often bleed. Until another dancer saw this and told her, she kept dancing. She ran from the stage and was never heard form again, according to the bartender.
Mine involves a stripper running off on me in the middle of a lapdance at a nude club in the 90's.(She gave me my $$ back). We were in the middle of LD when she stopped & said: "I don't like dancing for guys with wet spot, here's your money back". (I hadn't got wet, yet). I sat there dumbfounded for a second, until I saw her run over to a guy that looked like a rock star, and sat with him for remaining hr. That was 1 way for dancer to tear herself away from customer!
I remember one night I was out with a dancer after she got off from work. One night she wanted to go hang out with two other dancers that were friends of her and of course they each had a male friend. After being with the group longer than I expected, one girl brought up the subject of a plane crash at the local military base. There was a big fire and a number of casualties. It involved the 82nd Airborne. One guy started going off saying "now why did you have to bring that shit up?" The military had declared him dead. He called up his parents and told them that he wasn't dead. Then there were legal issues to settle. He said he had a good mind not to ******* show up for work in the morning.
Apparently he had been assigned to a section where all had perished. For some unexplained reason, he didn't bother to show up for work that day and had decided to sleep in. I heard this at sometime between 3 to 5 AM as we were hanging out with dancers. I have no idea why he might have been sleeping in that day. :) That was the only time I remember seeing and talking to a dead person. :)
One of those stories reminds me of a pretty hot 10 who used to work at a local club. Blonde and smoking hot. I saw her performing lap dances while I was with another dancer. It was quite funny hearing her bark out orders to the guy pinned on the sofa. Put your hands out to the side! Sit back up a little! Don't worry, this won't hurt if you stay still! The guy almost looked a bit terrified by this time. Anyway she backed up several feet and then summersaulted and landed with her head on the sofa and her legs wrapped around the guys neck.
One time I thought I was going for a routine visit to the local strip club and get some hands on dances from my favorites. First lap dance started off as normal, then she suddenly put her head down towards my dick. I was wondering what she was up to. Suddenly her mouth opened up and then she bit. I was surprised. First time I was ever bitten down there. She bit down harder and I said "OOWwww!" She stopped biting. Next lap dance from a different dancer. Everything as normal, then suddenly she puts her head towards my crotch. Chomp. She bit down. "Oowww!" "Why are all the dancers back here biting now?"
Apparently some drunk military guys convinced the dancers that most guys don't have much sensation down there after they've been drinking and talked the girls into biting. I was bitten for weeks afterwards. If someone heard an "OOOwww" coming from the dance room, someone bit too hard.
casualguy - Christ almighty! I could see biting a limp cock might not cause sever damage, but I imagine if my cock was hard and a dancer bit down on it, my knees would have reflected upwards and probably knock her out cold! I've been drunk on a couple occassions in my early years to the point I couldn't have attained a hard-on, but I shrill at the tought of having it bit! Good story. And the experience of seeing and talking with a "dead" man was funny!
One more experience I recall that I thought was strange, but exciting also. I was at a club where a dancer had a video camera cellphone, one of the 20-30 second jobbies. She wanted me to video her giving me head, so I did! If anyone happens to see this vid on an internet porn site, let me know. I never received a copy of the vid!
I remember a number of little things that were a bit odd. One was a pretty dancer at a club who wanted to dance for me. I told her I needed to use the restroom. She said "do you mind if I tag alone and hold it for you?" I thought she was joking but she had this serious look on her face.
Another strange little thing happened a few days after I heard about a soldier suffering mental illness went on a shooting rampage at the military base. I read a few special forces soldiers were injured as they ran at the gunman and tackled him. I went to my favorite nude club that weekend. Sitting across from me was a guy with his arm in a sling, another guy had bandages, a third guy was patched up, and one other guy had injuries to his leg. I'm thinking hmmm, I didn't realize the special forces and myself were engaged in looking at the same pussy. It must be special.
meant to say tag along not alone.
When I lived near a military town, I remember one week I heard about the military conducting joint exercises with the British. Anyway one weekend, all the strip clubs were packed with British soldiers. Since I happened to be about the same age and my hair was cut almost as short as theirs, I seemed to fit in pretty well. I found an empty seat at the stage in one club. I was taking my turn tipping the dancers when they made it down the row. After a while, the guy beside me said "Watch my wallet ok mate?" while he took a break to the restroom. I'm thinking watch his wallet? Is he serious? Is this some kind of hidden camera trick or do a lot of the British leave their wallet with someone before they head to the john? I remember hearing about what some of the soldiers in the 82nd could do with their bare hands if someone attempted to steal their money. I didn't even touch the guy's wallet and neither did anyone else. The strip club was packed with the British. I'm thinking this is a joint strip club exercise.
One more and I'll stop at least for a while.
I remember going to visit one of my favorite local nude clubs. Just a small little place. They had drinks and topless dancing with the same dancers downstairs and the nude club and no alcohol upstairs. Upstairs the stage took up a lot of the space. The stage was roughly 8 ft wide and 40 feet long with 2 stripper poles. Sunken in the middle. They had a feature entertainer one night which I thought was normal since they had one every month. I enjoyed their visits since they got nude and sometimes twins or two girls in a team or sisters would show up. In this nude club, you could get a table dance completely nude for 10 bucks and the girl would sit up on a high chair and spread her lips out wide during the dance. Nice.
Anyway the DJ announced all the feature entertainer credentials. I was sitting at the stage waiting along with several other guys. I heard porn star among the credentials but didn't think much about it. After a few minutes of teasing she finally got nude. I noticed she really had everyone wanting to look. Every single guy was leaning over the stage while sitting in his chair. Except me of course. I was taking it easy. Suddenly she saw the stage ahead of her narrow up as a crowd of guys leaned over that narrow 8 ft stage. Then she saw me sitting back. Suddenly she started to get on her knees and bend towards my crotch leaning over the ridge on the stage. I was wearing white shorts. She suddenly bit down. To my surprise she didn't let go. She had me stand up. Then while maintaining her bite, she moved her lips all around. She literally turned my white shorts completely red with lipstick. Then I thought she would let go. I was hoping she didn't pull back because she lucked out and bit down in a strategic spot. Oh no I thought, she was pulling back without letting go. I was getting tense and it was starting to not feel good. She pulled harder. I was quickly getting tenser not knowing what to do. She finally let go and I remembered, the DJ did say she was a porn star. All the guys sitting at the stage suddenly sat back in their chairs.
Casualguy, good stories, but what is it with you and the biters? ;-)
Anyway, I have the impression a fair percentage of strippers have been mistreated by guys and are simultaneously seeking their attention and acting out their revenge. I've had some dances I could best describe as "assault and battery with a knee to the groin".
Dumbest thing I ever did in a strip club. She got me so hot and bothered that I actually stuck my dick in her without a condom. Weird part was that "Pop" was sitting directly across from me with Ashley. I asked him later if he knew what we were doing. His reply was "I couldn't see it but I knew that something was going on." I am supposed to meet up with her next week OTC for a full day of fucking in celebration of her birthday. I am going to buy another pack of condoms just to be sure. Yeah Bones, You know who she is.
CAT: Don't wear the 'bitch' out too much. I want to TAG that little slut myself at the end of October! She better not be on her period or I'll turn into a 'certified' blood hound! Each of us OTC with her one night and let her compare 'techniques'! LOL
Another great story 'casualguy', keep 'em comin'!
"Joint strip club exercise" ..... cute. I still can't figure myself why a Brit, let alone anyone else would ask someone to watch their wallet.
True Experience: During the spring of 2006, I had visited a strip club south of Nashville, just off I-65. I met a waitress, who was also allowed to give LDs, as long as it wasn't crowded. I took her back for several and got pretty good two-way action.
Started dating (long distance) this waitress (g/f experience). Found out later, that her daughter and former daughter-in-law both danced at the club she worked at. Also, her son worked there as a part time DJ.
I'd visit the g/f, staying either in a hotel or at her place, for several days at a time. I'd always go to the club when she worked. I really wanted to try out both her daughter & daughter-in-law, but didn't want her pissed at me.
I've always wondered if I'd stayed around, whether this situation could have ever turned out to be "A Family Affair"!
A First For Me: While visiting the Hip Hugger on September 2, 2006, I met a dancer named Amanada (see review). We would do several LDs in succession and take a break at a table. Amanada would keep her hand on Mr Happy outside my trousers at all time during our breaks! Then we would return to do more LDs.
This was my very first experience where ONE dancer got me hard and kept me hard all night long (at least 2 hours). I started losing my erection as I was driving away from the HH!
If I had enough beer, I actually started enjoying the biting. They did stop biting after a while unless they thought I wasn't getting aroused fast enough to suit them.
My adventures outside the strip clubs with different dancers usually did not involve very much if any biting. I went on a trip one time with a dancer and one of her female friends to the beach. I drove in my car with them riding with me. I believe they just wanted to go party at the regular night clubs at Myrtle Beach. However the dancer I knew suddenly said before we went in "ok, let's agree to no shit going on here. We all stay together! No one runs off with anyone." I'm thinking yeah, I got the car, she's talking about me since we're 2 hours away from home. That's one way to have two girls staying glued to you the whole night.
I've told this one here before but not recently. I'm traveling out of town and decide to check out this little rural club out in the middle of nowhere early one evening. I walk in and there are two people there - an older female bartender and an average looking young girl standing at the bar. No one is on stage. I walk up to the bar, order a beer, and begin talking to the young girl, who it turns out is a dancer. Nothing is going on so after some small talk I ask her if they have any private dances. She says yes but she doesn't do them, I have to ask the other girl. About then the other "girl" comes out on stage so I walk over to check her out, whereupon she immediately quotes me the price of anything you can think of and then some. She was about 50 (which was also her bra size) and missing about half her teeth. About then another customer came in, and it was obvious that he was one of her regulars - he was also missing about half his teeth and looked like he had just finished plowing the north 40. I left.
FONDL, great story.
Did I tell you about the time I stayed at a club in Phoenix til closing time (1 AM) and gave a ride home to this really petite girl? Turns out, she lived in an industrial area, inside a fenced off compound, in a small trailer, with the duct-taped A/C unit hanging out the window, a doberman ranging about the enclosed area, and a 250 pound bearded biker (sort of friend/protector) due home at any minute. She said, you wanna come in for a while? Which I did. How dumb was that?
I told a dancer about a DJ where I used to live at that played the last song of the evening the old classic "I Can't Drive 55". Then the lights came on and he said over the speakers "ok, everyone drive 90 when they leave here. They can't catch us all!" Then I hear a couple of weeks later, we got a new DJ, the last song he played the other night was "I can't drive 55."
I really thought the song the DJ was playing late at night saying he's the DJ from hell was funnier though. I like joking about why he talks so much. When I hear the comment, I wish he would stop talking so much, I have been saying to my favorites, well maybe he is the DJ from hell. Oh wait a minute, I keep forgetting, the song says The Devil is the DJ. I guess I get that mixed up. Seems like the same thing.
About 15 years ago I was hanging out with a couple of "Cheetah girls" (dancers at the Cheetah in Atlanta) at the apartment of one of the girls - it was early evening I think. The apartment girls gets a call (landline, not many cellphones back then), talks a few minutes and looks upset - it turns out one of their coworkers has died from a gunshot wound, evidently by suicide. So calls are made, and over the next hour a few more Cheetah girls arrive, and they're all talking about this but of course, being dancers, in a sense they don't actually know each other that well - so there is some confusion over her real vs. dance name, and finally to clarify they are discussing her body, even the "look" of her pussy, and gradually people are nodding "oh, her" and the like. I myself am unsure who this is, tho a couple of girls assure me I know her.
So a few days later these girls, and a few others, are headed to south Georgia to go to the funeral... and I can't help but to call it comical, a number of these girls are in what can only be described as "stripper funeral attire", black miniskirts and the like. You know how a too-large boob job looks even more ridiculous clothed and out in the world? several of these girl have mountains jutting out in front of them. We all went down in a van to the service - a few girls are still getting clarification on who this was. Never realized how anonymous dancers were, even to one another!
So the service is Baptist, and the body is on view - and I have no idea who she is. Im relieved (the girl I DO know is alive, evidently) but I keep my ignorance from the others of course, and at this point Im just going through the motions. The dead girls mother is there, heavily medicated. All these Baptists are looking quite askance at this crew of sleazy looking girls who've arrived from Atlanta, and the strippers become upset when the Baptist preacher is heard lamenting the "city lifestyle" that led this poor girl to her death, and likely damnation.
Certainly the most surreal funereal I've been to.
ozymandias - I wish I were a 'fly on the wall' at the funeral service! The closest I've come to an experience like that was from an old old movie I saw of which I can't remember the title.
harrydave - eh, yeah dave, that was pretty dumb! Been in a similar incident in Northern Mississippi, trailer and all, no biker, no Doberman.
This stripper was temporarily living with her 'former inmate' father, and her 'brother-in-law', who was also her boyfriend. Spent couple hours chit chatting with all of them, but left safe but horny!
Keep 'em coming guys. Good reading.
BTW, are there any dancers or lady club goers who would like to list any experiences?
I don't know if it really qualifies, but I did once see a stripper dance to what is probably the least appropriate song ever. She decided to dance to the country song "Daddy's Hands". About a third of the way through the song the whole place just got deathly quiet. Everyone stopped what they were doing and just stared, jaws hanging open. At the end of the song, no one said a thing for about thirty seconds. Even the DJ, who normally talks a mile a minute and always has something to say, was stunned. When he finally got around to talking again, all he could say was "Midnight, what the fuck were you thinking?" She was just oblivious as to why that song might have been inappropriate.
Ummyeah, great story!
Bones, when we give a girl a ride home, isn't it because the little head is still in control? We need to start a new thread, something like: Stupidest Thing My Little Head Convinced Me to Do. I wouldn't know where to start.
harrydave - Go for it Sir! You start the topic as named & I'll list a couple. In fact, you can copy and past this one below as a starter:
Last year I would occassionally drive my favorite club's waitress down the street to pick-up called in orders of food for some dancers. This waitress and I had already been getting frisky at the bar for weeks. Of course, I would tip her appropriately for some two-way touching during very slow afternoons in the club. After picking up an order, she was complaining about not making much money the day before. I unzipped my trousers while driving. She immediately bent over and started giving me a BBBJ for the remaining few minutes back to the club. I tipped her $20 and she was a bit more happier, but not as happy as MR HAPPY!!!!
I'm curious. I'm not at all familiar with the majority of country songs. Does the song refer to some kind of inappropiate touching by Daddy on his daughter or something like that?
I thought of two more strip club stories.
One was at shadowcat's favorite club. One night a few years ago I went there. I don't know if someone gave me some drinks or what happened but I had a lot more than normal. Before I came to my senses I remembered dances as not being 2 for 20 but 20 a dance. I was asking dancers if they wanted to dance for $20. Not one dancer turned me down the whole night. As I sobered up, I realized how much I overpaid and couldn't for the life of me figure out why I thought dances cost that much.
A different story. I went to visit a strip club at the beach. I met a nice looking dancer. I told her I was staying for the weekend. She told me she would like to see me for lunch tomorrow and see what I had in my pants. Then I told her I was good with numbers and could remember her phone number. I had just started drinking when I said this to her and it was early in the evening. The night went on as normal. Each hour it seemed like she would come over and whisper to me "you remember my number, what is it?" I would rattle it off. I had a few beers. Still remembered it when I cut myself off. Left after I was ok. Went to sleep. Next morning I called. bad number. I was thinking why'd she give me a bad number? I thought she was serious too. Went back to the same club. Found out she was upset or disappointed about something. I heard she had waited over an hour for me to call. I repeated the number. I transposed two digits. uuuggh. Shit happens. I stopped trying to remember phone numbers after that.
casualguy - Next time, have her write in on a napkin. I would have been so pissed for forgetting her number, especially if I were really horny!
One other AWSOME experience at my old favorite club:
They had a cute, well bodied, and frisky black dancer at my club. One mid-afternoon, she approached me at the bar (where I normally sat when not getting laps). She started fondling the 'family jewels' on the outside. Then she unzipped my pants, reached inside, and continued. All the time, the bartender was either in the back restocking or behind the bar. We were at the end of the bar. Then this frisky dancer started giving me BBBJ while I was sitting on my stool. I figured this was the end of it. Wrong! She back's up to me, pulls her G-string aside, and starts putting Mr Happy inside her! Not wanting to take changes of STDs or getting caught, I pulled back and put Mr Happy away, stating that maybe we ought to cool it for awhile. I did give her a twenty for her trouble though. This was my one and only bar drinking excursion that went that far!
Not sure what category this would fall under...
In previous threads, I believe I've detailed the club visit that started my addiction. But what was left out was what happened prior to the session with the first dancer that really got me going and ultimately emptied my wallet (and forced me to borrow money from my friend and business associate who was also the same business trip with me)...
The night started out with me and Mike out specifically looking for a strip club in the Philadelphia area. This was prior to TUSCL, so after first checking the hotel's phone book and coming up empty, we hit the rental car and drove off in search of a strip club. I was driving, and our plan was to head to the shady looking, business districts, then search for neon lights. I know it will sound like exaggeration, but seriously, after driving 250+ miles, and venturing into New Jersey, we were ready to hang it up, and got back on the free way near downtown. No sooner did we get on the freeway when we spotted a HUGE bilboard advertising Cheerleaders SC.
Well, off we went to find Cheerleaders and following the directions on the billboard, found it was just a few min from where we were - and where we'd probably driven within three blocks on several occasions.
Once inside, we found that it was a bikini club, but by that time we didn't feel like driving right away, so we chose to have a few beers and proceded to head towards some seats. I spotted a VERY hot girl walking from the stage area, presumably headed for the dressing room. We made eye contact and I knew I wanted to touch her, and soon, so before I even made it to our seats, being the rookie that I was, I asked her for a dance, and left Mike heading to a table.
She was SO hot, and I was more than ready being worked up thinking about visiting a SC for the last several hours! Cheerleaders has a VIP area that is actually reached by walking out the doors and going next door. Once there, there was a line of couples waiting to play. While standing there, another hot girl came over to us, and immediately went to my "date" and they started doing some heavy DFK and caressing each others tits. The sight of that going on right next to me was just about enough to make me lose my load right then and there, but I "toughed it out" and after the girls apologized for their PDA (why, I don't know... I pretty much liked it!), we got into the VIP area and found a couch. She told me that I told touch her anywhere that she wasn't covered her bikini, and if we were careful, I could slide my hand under her top. Cool! She proceeded to give me a very sensual dance, and combined with how horny I was, I almost lost it on the very first dance. During the second dance, she started licking my ear and blowing into it, while moaning... then she really started griding. Yep, blew my load before the end of the second dance. How frickin' embarrassing?! She kind'a giggled and gave me a kiss (on the cheek) and said "thanks, that was fun".
I paid her, then tried to walk back to find Mike without anyone seeing the wet spot, and sat down when I found the table. I sat there, feeling totally embarrassed and also say there looking around thinking "great.. all these incredibly beautiful girls and I can't do anything with them 'cause I have this huge wet spot".
About an 90 min later, after many beers and trying to make the best of things, I spotted Savannah. Damn, she was about the hottest girl I'd EVER seen. By that time, my wet spot wasn't THAT noticeable, and it was more damp than wet, and Savannah was so smokin' that I just had to have her. When she sat down in my lap, I cringed thinking about how that must feel on her ass, but she was a trooper and didn't seem to notice. Like I said earlier, she proceeded to give me such a good time that I spent EVERY last dollar that I had in my wallet, which left me with $0 for the remainder of the business trip, and this was the first night we were in town. DOH!
arrggh... sorry... was typing that last post way too quickly - it is loaded with a mess of typos... dang, I hate when I do that...