
Have you ever thought you were invisible in a club before?

Apparently last night I was visible. However I had two dancers come up to me at separate times and tell me "haven't seen you in a while, it's been a few weeks hasn't it?" I started to explain to one that I was there just last weekend. Apparently she was busy with a customer and didn't notice even though the club is small the last time I visited. I'm not sure what changed but I was getting plenty of attention. It seemed like I was almost invisible a week ago at that one club. Then one very hot dancer comes over sits at my table and starts talking to me. We talk for a little while and then she says "well I need to go make some money" and it appears she is leaving without even asking me for a dance or anything. I stopped her and got some table dances.

There may have been a few times I would like to be invisible but it's a lot more fun to have all the hot dancers stopping by my table.
Ever been invisible?


  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    That type of thing happens at my #2 club, which is part of why its #2. But that place can get really crowded and that makes sense then. The thing that is truly annoying about that club is I'll be by myself, some girl will go looking for someone to dance for and they just walk right past me. My favorites there always see me, though, so maybe they have tunnel vision.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I've felt that way on out-of-town clubs where the dancers don't know me and they are usually hanging out with their regulars. Can't really blame them for not leaving their regulars, when they don't have any idea how much money they can make off me. Sometimes, it's to their disadvantage, because they could have made a bundel. I just keep 'truckin' on to the next club where I can get some attention.
  • ClevelandTom
    17 years ago
    I frequent one club near my house and it never fails that a couple of the dancers who have been at this place the longest will say hi to me and then go and spend time with other guys. Well, over the weekend, a dancer who had gone away for awhile returned and she sat down at my table and we talked for awhile as if we were old friends (we used to talk all of the time before she left). We went for some dances and she said to me, "it's like old times, huh?" Funny thing is that although I would have gotten dances from her every time I was in the club, it had actually been almost a year since she danced for me. When I mentioned that to her, she told me that I was lying and that she danced all the time for me. No, she talked to me all the time but never danced. Some memory.

  • jimmyblong
    17 years ago
    I agree with Bones. It happens to me at out of town clubs more often that not. If i'm getting ignored by the hotties in the club I wait til they're talking with one of the less hot girls in the club and I walk up to the Less hot girl and ask her for a private. It usually takes em by surprise and the dance tends to be more high mileage. The hotties see you spending money on the other girl rather then them and then want to try to make themselves feel better by doing a dance for you later.

    It doesn't work all of the time but is little game I play rather than getting pissed off for being ignored. You have to be careful though not to be labeled as a chubby chaser or dog catcher as thats all you'll attract the rest of the night.
  • ozymandias
    17 years ago
    I WISH I were more invisible... be nice to go to a club and be left alone except when you call a girl over.

    Mostly I feel like I have a big neon "Human ATM Below" sign floating over my head ;)

  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    It's easy to be ignored if none of the dancers working at a club ever remember you getting a dance from anyone. I remember a club like that. I got just a table dance one night. Suddenly it seemed like half the dancers made their way over to my table and said "so when are you going to let me dance for you?" I was starting to think that one table dance was a big mistake. However the dancers quickly forgot by the next time I visited.

    It's a different story if a nice looking dancer never asks you for a dance. I guess that's ok if you don't want to spend extra money but sometimes you may.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    At one time a few years ago, I thought you must be feeling invisible in a strip club if you were left alone for as long as 30 minutes before a dancer came over to your table. I thought some guys might like just watching for a while but I wasn't sure. I usually do like to take in the view after immediately arriving at a club for a little while.
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