
husbands/boy friends in the club...

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, August 11, 2007 4:33 PM
My favorite Atlanta club has a sign on the front door that says they are not permitted. I can understand this. It can prevent problems but I don't know how it can be enforced. Who knows who? My favorite club has no such sign. One of my favorite dancers is sometimes there with her husband. I like it. He becomes the designated driver and she drinks more. When she drinks more, she gets more frisky. I don't know if he is aware of this. I have have her cell number in case I ever need help. I also have his cell number in case I can't reach her. Anybody out there that can top that? Other dancers have told me to call him first. dancer #2. Young. Nice body. But a face that only a mother Walrus could love. I have seen her in the parking lot in broad daylight.Ewe! She puts on tons of makeup and makes herself presentable, but only gives a ho hum lap dance.(observation). Her husband, boyfriend, pimp used to be always there, when she was working. One day he crossed the line and went into the dressing room. He told her to get her ass out there because there was a customer with a lot of money waiting for her. He has since been banned from the club. Her name "Sparkel".


  • ozymandias
    17 years ago
    In general I think husbands/bfs are forbidden - definitely a good policy overall. Hard to enforce? sometimes. There are some very canny bouncers around when it comes to reading body language though. O.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    Agree with ozy - the clubs where I have discussed this with the dancers, it seems to generally be a standary policy. However, one dancer I know, her boyfriend recently took a job as a parking lot security guard - employed by a private security firm, not the club - so there are always ways to thwart the rules. I wonder if he is the jealous type - he wants to make sure she doesn't leave with anyone.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    oops, typo --> "standary" = "standard"
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    Any club this is standard, some guys can't handle thier girl flirting and being sexual with other men.. Or girls tell them they are just a bartender, and then all hell breaks loose when they find out different..
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I know a lot of clubs that don't have a policy. Also countless cases where strippers' boyfriends work in the club, which can be at least as problematic from a customer's standpoint. I think a sign on the door is meant to serve a double purpose of assuring customers who don't want to worry about an SO looking on as his girlfriend gets pawed. Like many strip club policies, it's not expected to always be enforceable, but it makes it easier for club to eject a boyfriend who becomes a problem. As long as he behaves, the club probably doesn't care about uncovering the nature of his relationship with a dancer. I have heard or witnessed countless stories about crazy stuff boyfriends have done in clubs and scenes caused by jealous dancers. It's little wonder that clubs would ban them, even aside from the obvious conflicts of interest, so to speak. We all know that the typical stripper boyfriend is a broke-ass loser with a violent criminal streak who abuses his SO and tries to fuck around on her every chance he gets. Why would any business welcome a class of patron who spreads turmoil and doesn't spend anything?
    17 years ago
    The club that I used to frequent the most had a policy forbidding husbands and BFs - they'd drop the girls off out front and leave. My ATF's brother used to come in all the time and sit with her when she wasn't busy. I got to know him pretty well. But I always thought it was kinda weird because it was a nude club, but it didn't seem to bother either one of them at all. She also told me that one of her uncles used to come in now and then. She had a couple of cousins who worked there too, so I guess it wa a family thing.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I remember one of my favorite dancers at the Memphis PP lived in Jackson, TN and always had her b/f drive her to work and stay with her. She was good in the 'extras' department, especially with me and other regular customers. They would always sit together, right next to the VIP Lounge. Of course, she would make her necessary rounds around the club for potential laps. They had been doing this for years on end and it never seemed to impeed her income. I got to know him and would sit and talk with him while she was giving laps to others. I personally think the b/f knew her dance and extras style with others. I believe his thinking was that as long as she danced, he didn't have to get a job himself. I remember one occassion where I had the opportunity to OTC with her which was fine with her b/f, because the OTC was going to take place at their place in Jackson. I didn't feel comfortable with this situation, and backed out.
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    I've been with my girlfriend for 2 years. We're living together and are making future plans. WHile going to school, she works (dances) limited hours, usually a couple of weekdays for the lunch crowd in one of the better clubs in town. On slow Fridays, I go in and give her moral support. Some days the rejection gets to her. We both play it very cool. I think 1 or 2 people know we are an item outside the club. When I met her, she was stripping to support herself and the previous boyfriend. He was jealous, and used to threaten to visit the club, but had the good sense to stay away. Jealousy is a horrible emotion, and says a lot about a person's lack of self confidence. I've never been jealous in the club. What the guys expect (knucklehead fantasies) and what the girls expect (hassle free income redistribution) are two different worlds. Sometimes, but not too often, I feel sorry for the guys who can't see it from the girls' perspective. They are reading from the wrong playbook.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    That's one thing I don't understand too much. A dancer will complain on a few occasions about rejection. She tries her hardest to get a dance from me but if I say no to her and everyone else because I didn't want to spend the money on a dance that night, is that really rejection? I'd say no but I guess the dancer doesn't see it that way. I could easily say oh, yeah, sounds like a good policy keeping boyfriends and husbands out of the clubs. However if the shoe was on the other foot, I would not like that policy. If the boyfriend or husband isn't ok with what she does in the club, they have other serious problems with keeping their relationship going.
  • Lucifer
    17 years ago
    I dated a dancer years ago.I spent a lot of time there and everyone knew what the deal was but I used to DJ and that's how we met.We had a very kinky relationship and used her job as..... well you get the point.I'll admit our relationship was purely sexual but if I really liked her?I don't know if it would have bothered me or been the same
  • magicrat
    17 years ago
    I just found out one of fav's boyfriend worked in the club where she danced. He got fired and she got pissed off and quit...now we all suffer because she was the hottest dancer at a very small club. Recommendation: don't let them in and especially, don't let them work there.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    In all of my clubbing years, I've never seen or heard about a club where BFs/SOs/Spouses were banned from entering. There's actually clubs with signs stating that?! I definitely think its a good idea.
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