
Percentage of strippers who like what they do...

Avatar for giveitayank

After going to clubs for many years I've come to learn that there are many strippers who DON'T like what they do. Of course, they keep at it for just one reason... It's great money compared to another profession that they'd be likely to fall into, like waitressing, considering thier lack of education. That's a very general statement because I know of one stripper who had a masters' degree in business finance. She was one of the few who actually enjoyed it, knowing that she could quit any time and put her schooling to good use.

But, I think she's the exception and not the rule. I believe that more than 90% of strippers HATE what they do but, stay in it for the money.

Your thoughts on the subject...


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Avatar for Dudester

I couldn't begin to know the numbers. My most recent AYF has been working clubs for ten years, says she hates it, but I'm convinced she'd be lost without it. A former co-worker fell into it, and she enjoys it so much that she's not going to stop unless she falls into the arms of a guy with a seven figure bank account (she told me once:"I'm expensive"). I know a stripper who defies the conventions. She's been in it for ten years, she's still smokin hot, but she doesn't have a loser boyfriend or kids to support. She just won't move on because she is easily making money.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

They all "like" the money. It's about trade-offs. Nobody would "prefer" to continue to perform the job they're in, if they could do something similar but with less work for more money, or if they could do something more enjoyable but with the same amount of work for the same amount of money. We're always making up this mental math. That's the way humans operate, though most of the members of the species don't want to believe it about ourselves.

Another aspect of the equation is fear of change, and indolence. People stay in a job because it's easier than getting a new one.

But do strippers "like" their jobs? No, not any more or less than drop-forge ladle operators, and line-item accountants, generally. But do they "hate" their jobs? No, not any more than the same people.

Avatar for shadowcat

I generally think that most do not like it. They are trapped for the money. Exceptions. A couple. One who put her way through college by stripping has tenure at the University of South Carolina. She still dances occasionally. I asked her why? "I miss it".

#2 has really turned her life around in the last year. She once told me that she could not do this forever. She now has a very responsible job with a good future.I am proud of her. She still dances 3 or 4 days a month. If I am there, she will be. Why? She miss's it.

Avatar for Dougster

I agree with you yank, but 90% is probably an understatement. Customers are as repulsive to most strippers as fat chicks are to most men. Of course they won't enjoy rubbing up against them for money. But most are desperate and/or crazy so they do the job anyway.

Avatar for giveitayank


Even those who "miss it" and like going back to it, occasionally, may have hated it at the time when it was thier main job.

Avatar for Cougar289

My girl says she loves her job and she will be 42 next month. I think for the most part she really likes it. When I'm at the stage doing DATY with here she often says how much she hates her job and then laughs. If she doesn't like it then she is also a great actress. Some of the guys though that come to the stage can look pretty gross with definite hygiene issues that make's the job very undesirable at times.

I think a lot of girls are trapped into it and aren't happy. I think there is a higher percent of content women who are dancers only, but those that offer all the extras and high mileage then the percent of unhappy girls likely goes up exponentially.

I just imagine being in their shoes and having to do the things they do and if you take 85% of the women out there and have to do those things with them that we have done to us, I would be totally disgusted. I know for sure I wouldn't be able to get it up with average grocery store woman (45-60 years old) and if you add a hygiene issue then it would be a bad situation much of the time. yuck.

Avatar for giveitayank


You touched base on the hygiene issue. One thing that I have always done prior to going to a club is shower, shave, floss, brush (teeth) use mouthwash etc... While it might not make thier job any more enjoyable, it certainly makes it easier to get laps from the dancers that I want instead of the ones I have to settle for. I think those guys, who go to clubs, and aren't concerned about thier own hygiene just don't understand that.

Avatar for ozymandias

Really, how many people in ANY job like what they do? From conversation, not many.

Me? I'd do my job for free if I had to... my work fascinates me. But most of the folks I know in conventional corporate jobs pretty much dread Mondays. Why? because they gave up part of their life for a paycheck... it's what people do.

And strippers are no different; some love it, would do it for free probably, but for most, it's just a job.


Avatar for giveitayank


You're describing a career.


Avatar for robofan

It's hard to generalize. There are many reasons why someone becomes a stripper. I think that there are some who like it and many that dislike it but do it for the money. There are many aspects to being a stripper these days at least in my part of the country . There is the aspect of stripping and there is lap dancing and there is extras. First stripping. There are those strippers that are exhibitionists who love to parade around with little or no clothing on in front of others. They love that part of the job. It turns them on. Then there are what I call the penis crazed. I know some strippers who love to play with penises. They love the lap dancing aspects of stripping. Then there are the ones that do extras. I have meet a few that seem to be nymphomaniacs who can't get enough but most seem to do it for the money and pretend to like it to earn more money. Then there are those that are donging it because they are single mothers with no other means of support and those who are putting themselves through school. I have met some who need large amounts of money due to medical reasons and so on and so on. Then there is dealing with managers. DJ's, bouncers and constant competition with other strippers. Pay outs, rip offs, and ass hole customers. So to answer your question how many stripper like what they do. It's like every other job some days they do some days they don't just like the rest of us. It depends on what happens on any given day. The real question is how many can carve out a niche and are good at what they do? Those are the ones that we all seek out.

Avatar for Clubber

I'm not trying to put words in their mouths, but those dancers that post on here seem to "like what they do", IMHO.


When I was in the corporate world for 34 years, I'd say I liked what I did for most of that time, although the last 12 years were mostly not "liked". There was to much intra-corporation political BS for me, that often prevented me from doing a well at my job! The "bottom line" became more important than service to our customers.

Avatar for DandyDan

I have to believe its low, if not very low. They may like certain aspects of the job, but then again, other aspects must be awful. My old ATF once told me she hated her job completely, except that couldn't be true, because she always seemed to like it when I showed up. Some days are probably better than others, and that must have been one of her worst.

Avatar for shadowcat

Ozy: I am one of the lucky ones. I chose it over 40 years ago. at 67 I am still working. I still love the challenge. I had to work for where I am. $100,00, per year plus full SS benefits. They tell me to turn off the lights when I leave. I will but most of them piss me off. They bitch about everything. What have they they really did.Nothing.

Avatar for Dougster

I wonder if parodyman--> likes his job, namely being unemployed. Good hours but terrible pay.

Avatar for bubuguru

Maybe there is a more appropriate thread for this comment but I wonder how lesbianism figures into this discussion. Seems to me an awful lot of strippers (including the online version) are lesbians dancing for men because there are many more of us willing to pay them big bucks. Are lesbians more highly "sexed" than straight women, or do straight women become lesbians after dancing nonstop for men they have no sexual interest in?

Avatar for gk

From my conversations, I would say that most don't like it, but they do like the opportunity it gives them to make good money on a cash basis. And when I say opportuity, I'm talking about those that would have trouble qualifying for decent paying jobs. When you're in the "not-qualified" category, the SC industry appears very welcoming. Again, from my conversation, there is another small percentage that the bar/club industry atmopsphere and lifestyle. But the simple answer is that most would probably choose something else if it was available.

Avatar for Clubber


Often people say that "...their education & experience is in any other field is very minimal." My question then is, where did they get the "education & experience" in the strip club field? What they want is "big" money without "paying their dues", so to speak. Education is open to anyone, but they have to take advantage of it.

Avatar for giveitayank


I hate to say it but, it takes about the same amount of effort to learn striptease and lap dancing as learning to be a janitor. Maybe even less. But, who makes more money? The janitor?

If a man aspires to make the kind of income that the average stripper makes, it's going to require an icredible amount of time and investment in a higher education. And you can't draw a comparison between 'learning to be a good stripper' and graduating from law school.

Avatar for Clubber


A bit of sarcasm, it was.

Avatar for jablake

"And you can't draw a comparison between 'learning to be a good stripper' and graduating from law school."

Yes, the stripper learns something of real value.

Avatar for giveitayank

Sorry Clubber...

I missed that.


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