Comments by wallanon (page 78)

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    3 years ago
    Honduran Chicks
    I'm of the same opinion about chicks from El Salvador.
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    3 years ago
    Still looking for an ATF
    Phone app wish
    It's been a while since I used it, but the TUSCL map used to show you clubs around if you clicked on the map. I've done that before when the club I planned to see ended up too far away, like in Portland I picked a few clubs nearby around closing time.
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    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Philly 2AMer early.
    "Could have been any one of us." Maybe. It seems like you're taking this one kind of personal because you've been there. But it also seems like you stay aware of your surroundings which helps in not getting robbed and shot. It doesn't make sense that a guy got shot over a phone, so maybe there's more to it.
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    3 years ago
    WWTD? Dancer sits down and starts crying...
    Here's what I did. I asked if she was ok. She obviously wasn't, but I gave her an opening to talk. Her response was something like she's doing good except for nobody likes her and she doesn't know why. I've seen the scams the same as the rest of you, and this read as genuine. But now I'm stuck with her at the table and a decision to make. Chose not to simply reject and walk, so then I asked her if she wanted to talk about it. This stranger who'd just sat down started to share something personal, but then seemed to gather herself up and started asking me questions. Rebooted and went into the stripper smalltalk routine. That was better because I could bail, but then things got weird. More on that later.
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    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    " my last comment was not fair." Rick did the mea culpa already, but I try to hold fire until I see how long they've been around the site. After I said "felipe who?" to myself I checked. But on that note, COVID seems to have brought a lot of the longtime lurkers out of the woodwork. Welcome to the TUSCL boards, fellas.
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    3 years ago
    Infrastructure bill and crypto
    "I'm surprised they haven't come down harder on crypto." Should anything the US Government does really surprise anyone anymore? Or any government, really. Now if the feds decided to back Texas' completely outdated policies on strip clubs then I'd start to wonder.
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    3 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    "I went there in 2018 so i can't speak to their covid protocols now."
    Maybe shadowcat was responding to me not voting rather than what I wrote about stale reviews. If reviews weren't getting published because there weren't enough guys looking them over I'd read more submissions. But for now there's plenty of TUSCLers covering down on that.
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    3 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    "I went there in 2018 so i can't speak to their covid protocols now."
    I don't have issues with pre-COVID reviews being up on the site. Those reviews went up when those reviews went up. But no one should be submitting anything from before the COVID shutdowns at this point because those would be at least a year and a half old. Lots of good clubs have big changes from them to now. If the reviews are just for vip access they should pick up a gift card and pay rather than spam the site with stale content. Anything I've submitted in the past year was for a visit during one of the pandemic re-opens or the byob clubs that never really closed (except for health violations). I stopped posting reviews past year because I was in the same few clubs (and didn't want my reviews stacking up) or clubbing in ways that wouldn't be an option for casual customers. If people were in places without open clubs that isn't their fault, but they could just as easily turn their outdated review into an article.
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    3 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    "I went there in 2018 so i can't speak to their covid protocols now."
    When I read the review submissions (not too often these days) I'll put the visit is too old as a comment if that's what brought the downvote. One of the reasons I stopped voting was being tired of rejecting reviews for pre-COVID visits.
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    3 years ago
    Bogarts, Henry VIII in Detroit
    "Have no idea what kind of fun can be had inside the club be I'm ready to check it out." Do you not have VIP access? Getting UHM in this place is like fishing with dynamite. But Detroit metro has so many options you might think about trying something a little nicer if your budget can make it work.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    "I went there in 2018 so i can't speak to their covid protocols now."
    "Why do guys submit reviews that are for visits 3 years ago?" I suppose dude gets points for "honesty", but why waste people's time?
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    3 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    "I went there in 2018 so i can't speak to their covid protocols now."
    "There is no sex inside that club." I haven't been to any Omaha clubs, but speaking in absolutes is a recipe for being wrong no matter how experienced the perspective is. There's lots of clubs where review after review talk about the lack of mileage, and I'm reading them knowing they're off base. But if it's a place that's generally known as a clean club I'm not going to fuck my situation up just to prove a point.
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    3 years ago
    Orlando Monday Night
    Have low expectations on service if you're going to strip clubs, but the girls should be great to look at.
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    3 years ago
    I'm surprised more strippers don't look for info on here
    There's a lot of words on this thread. I didn't read all the discussion, but thought I'd share an awkward moment from the VIP room. The other night I was in a club that I've mostly loathed for years but didn't feel like driving anywhere else. There was a dancer who kept asking about VIP and I wasn't that keen on it, but then said whatever because it was something to do and her regular dances were ok but not private. We get in the room, and she starts talking about how she keeps reading that she has GPS but is really not a prude. At this point I haven't asked for anything and she's just stripping down naked in front of me. Then she comes back around to GPS and actually motions to her lady bits while saying "golden..." before trailing off and looking at me. In that moment I became very aware of my body language, because obviously I know what GPS stands for and found it wildly fascinating to hear a dancer talking about her reviews. Did I have a tell? Probably something I'd done in the hour we'd been talking had gotten her attention and I was being tested. I don't think she'd connected me to a specific screen name, but gathered she wanted to know if I'd picked her because I'd read about her on a place like TUSCL. So I spun it back around as she was setting her panties down and asked about whether she could read about herself online. Then she started talking about a couple of sites before pausing again. She leaned in and looked me in the eyes, smiled, then seemed to do a mental shrug as she got into her VIP set. And no, she wasn't a prude.
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    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Austin Recommendations?
    What denim said.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Advice on dropping CF and getting new Fav
    "have different girls in different clubs who are good at different things" What docsavage said. But if they're sensitive try and keep them from comparing notes about you (thanks COVID).
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    3 years ago
    Austin TX Strip Clubs
    Not lately. Avoiding an annoying dancer. What's the problem with the club?
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    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    That's a rare one. Think the only house mom's I might've danced with were also managers (and one owner).
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    3 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    why should we / what makes you write up a review, here?
    "And if some of y'all are insinuating that I'm odd because I joined a review site and yet here I am complaining about folks submitting reviews" You're overthinking it. The people giving you the business have said similar things to other people. A lot. If you read here regularly then you know that already. There are many things I've seen in clubs that I talk about with IRL friends or maybe share in PMs that don't go in my reviews. You don't want to get outed with your reviews, then keep them vanilla but worth reading. I'm in clubs all the time, but haven't really been writing reviews lately because it's the same few clubs and I'm not really traveling (thanks COVID).
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    3 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    perhaps a silly question, about ATFs; your thoughts?
    Yeah. Your choice on what makes a favorite.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    OT: Threads That You Skip on TUSCL
    So I was looking at a thread today where there was arguing over blocking/banning IP addresses from TUSCL. I don't really have a position on that one way or another, but one side of the argument attempted to win by declaring IP addresses don't exist when "wifis" are being used. Before hiding the thread all I wanted to add was that IP addresses are still there even if the device is connected via wi-fi, but then I deleted the comment without posting it and hid the thread. Somebody else will come along and talk about it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    Cities with highest number of strip clubs per capita; Portland is #1 by far
    Or I guess the second list. Hadn't noticed TheEckster was also the OP.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    Cities with highest number of strip clubs per capita; Portland is #1 by far
    The list from TheEckster would have been more helpful if it was sorted. I'm not that bored right now, but maybe somebody else is.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Here for the gangbang
    Looking for Dana…. And April
    If there's a dancer I'd like to know about, there's usually someone still around at the club who knew them. Dancers can change names if they switch clubs, so asking by a stage name might not work. There's a dancer I was trying to catch up with the other day, and another dancer called her in because I'd asked for her. The dancer I was looking for quit working the club after a problem with a manager, but still likes money so everything worked out.
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    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Dating "civvies" vs strippers....
    "...she will be fucking more than one guy and the same time, and so she is likely a stripper, escort, or porn star." Or just a plain ol' slut. TUSCLers figured out there's sex in the champagne room. Lots of it. But there's still plenty of guys and gals just fucking around for fun.