
perhaps a silly question, about ATFs; your thoughts?

from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
Wednesday, July 28, 2021 6:42 AM
can a dancer be labeled an ATF (all time favorite).....if we never had sex? i know, i know. ATF & sex go hand in hand. it's "Gimme 101". and, ok, if it's not possible, then what name or nickname does she get?


  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Not necessarily. It’s YOUR FAVORITE. So you tell me.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Yes, and it's still ATF. Because it's *your* ATF, not mine.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago
    @gothamyte I will play along and answer your question: Q: can a dancer be labeled an ATF (all time favorite).....if we never had sex? A: YES The TUSCL Glossary says: ATF = All Time Favorite - a patron's favorite dancer. Also see PL. It is, by definition, just a favorite dancer. In my humble opinion and limited experience, many TUSCL members have favorites they like and enjoy their company/interaction/the chase/relationship, etc and sometimes the dancer do not have and will never have sex with them Remember: “Everything on this site should be considered a work of fiction.”
  • gobstopper007
    3 years ago
    Wait. Some of you guys are having sex with dancers???
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    Yeah. Your choice on what makes a favorite.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    Can a steak be your ATF meat but you never eat it?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    shadowcat said "Can a steak be your ATF meat but you never eat it?" Faulty comparison, in my opinion. There's plenty of guys who go to strip clubs regularly and don't require sex from the experience. If a guy really loves spending time with a particular dancer, then that's his ATF. How that time is spent is irrelevant. This sort of falls under not telling people that they're having fun wrong.
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    As long as she is your all-time favorite dancer it doesn't matter why.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Yeah she's your favorite dancer not your favorite hooker.
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