Dating "civvies" vs strippers....

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
The most fucked up girls I've known weren't strippers.

Dating a stripper is like dating anyone else. Your relationship doesn't revolve around her job. And when it comes up its her batching about other girls or management. Customers never come up.

They're normal girls. A lot of girls I grew up with became strippers and my clubbing career started out going to give them moral support when they started.

And sometimes picking up strippers is an ego boost. Im not talking p4p.

Civvies aren't that different. Except they don't have as much free time and when they do they're bums. But college girls and young white collar jobbed girls are the easiest pump and dump types.

I don't get how a man who pays hookers for sex can call dancers whores or act like they're so fucked up. It's pure misogyny.


last comment
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"Dating a stripper is like dating anyone else."

^ only when said dates are established like civie ones. If a dude has to go into a club and pay drugs and money to get with a stripper, then he's just a trick bitch.

The dude that picks up on a stripper in a completely civie environment is a whole different story. He didn't have to resort to trick tactics like the aforementioned dude.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
If strippers were like anyone else, why have you created guides on how to date them that involve feeding their addictions and emotional manipulation? Not saying all civvie women are angels, but in the hundreds that I've dated, I've never had to buy them drugs nor gifts as a precondition of dating.

If strippers are like dating anyone else, why is picking them up is an ego boost?

If strippers are like dating anyone else, why have you have admitted that strippers are never drama free? I don't tolerate woman drama anywhere in my life--if she's not a soft place to land in my busy life, that relationship isn't long for the world.

Hate to break this to you, but the girl who broke your heart has typical stripper issues. You dug your hole, man.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Um Icee moron you're the one who calls them hoes asswipe. A lot of the girls you grew up with or attacked Icee?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
My wife's BFF (and my good friend too) was a stripper and all her relationships were established completely outside of the club.

And yeah she is great and normal like any other civie woman.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Tetradon its a strip club forum so we discuss strippers.

Who the fuck says drugs or gifts are a precondition to dating them.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
^ You missed the point. It's that strippers are most certainly NOT like civvie women. You've said as much elsewhere.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"Who the fuck says drugs or gifts are a precondition to dating them."

^^^ Hey dumbass, YOU did.…

"- You're going to have to spend money"

"- Turn the conversation to drugs. Hook her up with whatever she’s into...

...Its in your best interest to take control of her drug use from the start. Make sure she does the minimum to get fucked up."

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Strippers are normal girls.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^ No shit. You're the dumbass that assumes everyone doesn't think this.

It's called making a strawman argument.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Strippers are more likely to understand the importance of high heels and makeup in the bedroom. All the more so if she was done up the way you like when you first engaged with her.

With civvies there might need to be a learning curve. Also, most civvies still hold to, "I don't fuck more than one guy at a time." Where as of course for UHM strippers this will not be true at all.

Locally, and more so in San Francisco, AMP girls are this good too.

avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
It’s times like these when I read a post like this that I’m glad I am married with a family so I don’t have to wonder about stupid shit like this.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Sjg in my experience it's the other way around. Strippers really dress down. Civvies I know get a lot more excited with lingerie and sexy shoes and stuff.
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
I dunno. The strippers I've gotten to know outside the club on a personal level were a special kind of fucked up. Like, end of the day I'm glad they don't know my full name or where I live.

It's not completely their fault. The story is usually the same. Daddy left or was abusive. Mom usually was an addict or bounced between boyfriends or both.

Are there fucked up non-strippers? Yes. Are there Vice Presidents with daddy issues willing to do depraved things in bed with the right guy? Again... Yes. God yes. But it's the difference between people with issues who can keep their shit together and people who really can't.

There are girls who strip for six months, make fast cash and bounce. They can be better adjusted than the girls at it for five years.

They are humans and deserve basic respect. But don't lend them your car.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
4 years ago
Bottom line, if you are older then them, treat them with respect, and dont get all worked up but call them out when they fuck up. they will default to putting out to show you their gratitude. they put out because they only know how to use their bodies to get positive male attention. this approach does not work well with "civvies"
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
The toll of the job definitely affects them.

But I think girls un general are very insecure about their bodies and will do whatever to please a man.

I've known college girls who put out within an hour of meeting them and then would blow my phone up acting all attached. Legal assistants who pretend to be so bougie but consider sucking your dick a date.

Young women in general are like that. At least in my experience.

Strippers tend to fall in love real fast and love hard. They crave something real coz their world is so fake. And I think its more mommy issues than daddy issues
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Strippers often go for simplicity, but they do understand dressing for sex. Most of the time civvies are weak here. In my experience.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Yeah they understand it. But civvies I've been with have been more enthusiastic about it. I like them doing stuff like walking around naked in heels when they come over...
avatar for CJKent_band
4 years ago

You wrote and I quote:

“I like them doing stuff like walking around naked in heels when they come over...”

Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Its civvies I've known who are more into that kind of stuff. The dirtiest have been international students I've known.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Well, you know some way above average civvies then.

I have known one like that. Arriving at my door in extreme makeup, a party dress, high heels, and garter belt and stockings underneath.

I plan to know many more such.

But most civvies seem to have this line, the sluttiness line, which they don't want to cross.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
That's just their public persona they want to save face. But look at civvies on Halloween for example. They all have that inner slut.

Many will do it in private . The sluttiest ones in private. You have to make them comfortable and make it look like it's their idea.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Icey, If you've got a civvie who like parading around naked in high heels, I say that she would be an excellent one for face sitting.…

To make it work easily though I think you need sex furniture.……

Even in their pDF postion guide they don't talk about face sitting. Would seem to suggest that they don't think it works well, or they don't understand it.…


avatar for goodyman
4 years ago
The line between stripper chick and civvie is thin. Self respect and amount of fatherly guidance can tilt a desperate chick in either direction.
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
The most batshit crazy girls I’ve ever dated were civvies. 2 in particular. I’ve dated plenty of strippers and none came close to these two pieces of work.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Same here. The civvies i dated ....

One girl went into my bathroom and shaved her pussy then started praying.

Girls who got drunk and start showing me they don't have underwear on and want to fuck public. Had this happen 4 times.

Legal assistants who got off on thug shit.

A shy girl who loved dressing slutty in private and getting hate fucked.

Lots of obsessed girls whod text and call 24 7.

avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Isn't the OP's last 5-year GF currently getting her brains fucked out of her by a skinny broke loser who sells drugs for a living? I'm not sure that he should be on here giving us relationship advice - or for that matter any advice regarding women.

Not that any of this sounds real anyway. His posts always come across like he read about it in a book. Not a good book either, but one with a childishly simplistic plot line and characters developed with the all of the emotional empathy and nuance of someone who is on the autism spectrum, lol.

But with all of that said, I could never date a stripper because I couldn't handle her job. IMO any grown man who is ok with his SO crawling all over other guys for a living is a Grade A pussy or has no self respect whatsoever or both.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Rick. Youre very confident for a man whose posts consist of bragging about fucking hookers like it makes you special.

And for someone claiming to know so much about strippers youre out of touch with reality

avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Rick. Youre very confident for a man whose posts consist of bragging about fucking hookers like it makes you special."

That's because they're just a side attraction for me, not the main event. I have a family that I adore, including 3 beautiful kids. When I'm done fucking the stripper I send her home to a loser like the character that you're trying (unconvincingly) to portray so that I can go back to my real existence.

But ok Icee please do share your "reality" with us via more of your bad fiction. 😉
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Icee the fact you said dating a stripper is like dating anyone else proves you to be someone who has never met a stripper, the single biggest moron on earth, the single biggest liar on earth, or all of the above. You're a total fraud bruh and most likely nothing more than the alter ego of one of the douchebags here with more than one s/n.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
I've never been one to lease when I can buy because I want full ownership and control over my experiences, but strippers are the notable exception for me. I get a girl at her best (whatever that may be), all dolled up, on her best behavior and eager to please. Then when I'm done someone else has to deal with the maintenance, repairs and other headaches.

It's a luxury that I happily pay for when I meet the right girl, like one who just re-entered my rotation in a big way. She is a walking cliche with all of her life issues, but I don't have to deal with any of them. I just get to spend time drinking with her and then fuck her silly before she goes home to the deadbeat loser "fiance."
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Im the loser?? You don't love your family. You cheat on your wife and spend money you could use on them, on hookers. You don't fuck strippers. You troll strip clubs for hookers.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
^ Sure fake pimp boy. Whatever helps you sleep at night. 😉

Btw the only thing worse than a real pimp is a mega loser who is so disenchanted with his life that he pretends to be something else but just can't pull it off. Just sayin...
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
mega loser who is so disenchanted with his life that he pretends to be something else but just can't pull it off. Just sayin...

You mean like a wannabe happy family man addicted to sex with hookers
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
So now getting some side ass is an addiction? What kind of a pussy are you? No wonder that chick left you for that broke ass loser - it's probably the first good fucking she's had in 5 years.
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
Icee, why? Why you like this? Nothing better to do?

You think you gonna change a rick? Or anyone?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
icee will go to great lengths to differentiate how she paying money and drugs to a stripper whore is somehow a different dynamic and morally superior to how other PLs do it. 🤦🤷

(It's one of her defense mechanisms.)
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Rick. Your sex life can't be all that if you're paying hoes. Youre just like 20fag when it comes to lying and bloviating.

Gsteph im not trying to change anyone
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
Seems to be this thread turned into mostly an argument.

Also more of a discussion on "desperate women" than "dating civvies vs strippers"

Jesus some of the bits and pieces I skimmed. What in the fuck is wrong with some bitches? And I thought I had mental problems LOLLL
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
I gotta say some of you guys are fucking delusional. Yes, every stripper has to have some degree of fucking crazy. But we aren't all completely irresponsible in every single way piece of shit fuckups. Like you guys are so desperate you go to clubs to pay to grope or do sex acts with girls who are down then go on and hate em. I can hate em cuz they fuck up my money. But idk if you are patronizing them, it is weird that you guys look down on them so much. I've noticed that most of the girls who are higher mileage dancers or just hookers (pretending to be dancers) actually are nicer to men and have a more positive opinion of you guys when they talk to other girls and staff about customers... Seriously you all bitch about bad attitude strippers. Maybe some of you guys need to get your fucking attitudes in check, shit.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
That's what I don't get too. I think the women a man sleeps with are a reflection of him. I think having hookers while hiring them has to do with self hate. Realizing that these women are only there for the money. So vilifying them and looking down on them let's these guys pretend like they're better and she doesn't deserve them. Its kinda sick
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
I’ve only dated civvies, but definitely fucked a few strippers. I think you would know the difference. The ones who fuck know the difference.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
I think strippers run the range of types no different than civie chicks so it's impossible to classify them as a total contrast to civie women. There are nice girl strippers and there are total bitch strippers. There are some that are the marrying type and some that are totally not.

And ultimately if you really wanna know a stripper and understand her "civie" side, then you better get with her and get to know her completely outside of her club environment. If you are establishing your relationships and basing your understanding of strippers from the perspective of while they are working, where their job is to provide a fantasy (whether ITC or OTC), then you have a warped perspective.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Rick. Your sex life can't be all that if you're paying hoes. Youre just like 20fag when it comes to lying and bloviating."

My wife is getting old dude, as am I. I have my big family and a lot of years fucking and sucking like a champ to get to that point. Can you say the same? :)
avatar for Tiburon
4 years ago
I'd prefer a pro stripper. THey know how to explicitly dance. And I could use that before sex time.
avatar for Tiburon
4 years ago
but the huge con is if you get one of those strippers that also moonlights as an escort, then you're dating a totally ran through woman. Her vagina may be like a hallway and have unappealing stretch marks around her butt crack. That definetely takes some work to get over as dating material.
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
I have never heard of someone having stretch marks around their butt crack from fucking.

But yeah if I was a dude I'd never date a stripper who whores out here and there when she needs money or gets a larger offer. Hate to say it, but I do think that is very very common especially these days since there is less stigma. Girls basically brag about what whores they are in the dressing rooms these days and don't care who hears that. Used to be more that you might be friends or semi friends with a stripper and after a while they would admit to something like that. Times have changed.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
PhatBoy and RickiBoi
If this is the future of TUSCL just fucking wow.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "PhatBoy and RickiBoi
If this is the future of TUSCL just fucking wow."

Someone has to carry the torch when you elderly dayshift retirees finally drop. 😁
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I’m hoping it’s real men who aren’t afraid to do the right thing not phony pimps and swaggering bullies who think everybody cares what they think
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Anyone knows, women are all the same.

avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
The simple fact is that men who pay for sex and hate the women they pay are really just self-hating in a cowardly fashion. No party to a transaction is better than the other party. If dancers are batshit crazy losers, then so are you. Same with druggies and dealers.
avatar for rockie
4 years ago
I express it differently than Ski, but I am in 100% agreement with the concept!
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Here's the thing...

I've met some incredibly fucked up women who were strippers. I've also met some incredibly fucked up women who were not strippers. I have no idea which were more fucked up overall, because it's not like I've been taking "crazy" measurements and jotting them down in a journal like I'm the Jane Goodall of fucked-up women. I've also met very level-headed women in both the "stripper" and "non-stripper" camps. Strip clubs are like a box of chocolates or, I don't know, something pithy like that. Shut up ... I like boobies.

Anyway, what I think makes dating a stripper different and/or difficult for many guys is that the woman works in an industry that is taboo to the vast majority of the public. I mean, even if a dancer is 100% clean, no extras, and doing air dances at 10 paces, the moment she puts on stripper heels and gets naked on stage, it's automatically a lot more complex for *most* guys to bring that woman into their lives on a personal, dating/relationship level.

There are guys who can manage it by way of different age-related and/or lifestyle factors, but for the most part the big difference between dating a "civie" and a stripper is the degree to which that taboo job affects the relationship and/or needs to be lied about.

Personally, I think this entire debate, where we're trying to measure crazy on a yardstick, is asinine.


ADDENDUM: I've also met more than my fair share of incredibly fucked up and level-headed guys, but none of them were strippers. That's probably because I don't hang out in those places.

avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "I’m hoping it’s real men who aren’t afraid to do the right thing..."

I agree. We need a change from old dudes who hate women enough to post old poems adored by incels. It would also be nice if this place had more guys who didn't think that admitted pedophiles are A-OK.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "The simple fact is that men who pay for sex and hate the women they pay are really just self-hating in a cowardly fashion."

Agreed 100%. It's like the guy who asks a dancer why she's working in a strip club, as if he isn't also sitting in the same place at that very moment enjoying what she has to offer.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ What a charming guy you are. looks like skibum called it correctly about you and Icee
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
When you date strippers their job isn't a nig deal. Its discussed like any job and customers aren't even talked about. Dating a hoe or a bihh with a sugar daddy fucks you up though.

And skibum just repeated what I said

avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
38+ years of divorce law reminds me that what's considered fucked up isn't the same for everyone anyway.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
"When you date strippers their job isn't a nig [sic] deal."

For someone who complains so much about everyone only seeing things from a very narrow perspective, you spend a lot of time seeing almost everything from a very narrow perspective.

For *some* guys, what you say can be true, but for most guys it's absolutely not true. For a lot of guys, having a stripper girlfriend will create a great amount of churn with their friends, family, and in their workplace. Whether that's fair or unfair is a whole other thing, but it does make the relationship more difficult (as would any occupation that is tabboo or carries some degree of controversy).

It doesn't make the relationship impossible, but certainly harder as opposed to dating someone in some sort of vanilla job.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
*taboo, rather.
avatar for Tiburon
4 years ago
@blahblahblah23 I've seen some things....there are plenty of women that get dogged out enough.

who the hell can hate a woman their having sex with. If you're really that bothered, why even sex her at all. Sounds like a total waste of both parties time. I can't imagine getting busy with a partner that you don't like. THe whole point of sex is that the other person turns you on no?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
The thing is about "dating" a stripper that also fucks for money is that some PLs delude themselves into thinking they're on a "dates" when in reality said stripper is just giving them GFE/sugar.

Then said PL starts thinking he's "dating" and it's no big deal because the reality is that the "dating" is no different than tricking/sugaring.
avatar for Player11
4 years ago
My stripper Sb much better fuck than civies. I cum much more intense spasms w strippers. I give both $500 gift a session though keep it fair. Impresses them shows I 4 real not wanna be. Strippers love pose for photos most civiies dont. They more open let my friends fuk them while I watch take second turn.

But can be xcptn- A 19 yo Dominican Rep intl student so good fuk. She black as nite fantastic in white bik Got to have her bareback too. She would proudly squirt out cream pie. It’s like I really want fill her with cum would cry out loudly. Told me I true generous gentleman after gave her grand as gift.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
^^^ Just admit that you typed the above post with one hand. We can figure out the rest...
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Of course every civvie girl is just like strippers because she too has customers texting her at home with you asking for sex. Not a big difference ......
avatar for Uprightcitizen
4 years ago
ICEE is crushing SJG as top troll. SJG is relegated to back shelf day old SPAM but ICEE gets emotions flowing again on TUSCL.

I for one vote ICEE as most trollie troll. Keep on trollin!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Im not trolling. If someone gets butthurt its on them.

The woman you sleep with is a direct reaction of you.

And I admit to fucking girls I didn't like coz they were there.... and I've rejected plenty of girls.

But I never judged them. If you judge a girl as a lowlife or anything negative and you still fuck her. You're no better than what you judge her for. Maybe worse
avatar for Nixur68
4 years ago
Some strippers are crazy. Some women are crazy.

There is a bit of truth to stereotypes but honestly I kind of prefer dating strippers. They're motivated and so unbelievably unafraid of the world. People these days so skittish and boring.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"But I never judged them."

^^^LMFAO hey icee why are you so judgemental of Instagram thots?…


Is it OK to judge them coz you're not fucking them? You're such a hypocrite. You judge women all the time.

And then saying you fucked a girl you didn't like and you did it only coz they were there is still, in fact, you judging them. 😂
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "When you date strippers their job isn't a nig deal. Its discussed like any job and customers aren't even talked about. Dating a hoe or a bihh with a sugar daddy fucks you up though."

Son, sometimes the line between "stripper" and "hoe" is as thin as one bad week ITC, especially when she has kids to feed or an urgent bill to pay. And they all have SOs - they just don't tell the dupes what they did to earn the bacon.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
LMAO is this why some stripper "boyfriends" like to lurk their "girlfriend" at her club? Make sure she's not bringing home too much "extra" cash?
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Maybe Icee is the stripper boyfriend of BBBC 😁
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"The woman you sleep with is a direct reaction of you."

^^^ Hey icee so if your 5 year stripper "girlfriend" is a coke junkie and whore on the side and dumped you for a weed dealer, what does that say about you? Lulz not judging, just asking.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Rick exploiting someone in dire means for sex is sexual exploitation
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
icee using drugs and money to get GFE from junkie strippers is sexual exploitation
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
2ICEE said "Rick exploiting someone in dire means for sex is sexual exploitation"

And that's certainly not anything ICEE would ever advocate... wait ... what?…

If you were in any way genuine to what you purport yourself to be, you wouldn't need other people reminding your about the things you've claimed to do.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Rick exploiting someone in dire means for sex is sexual exploitation"

More like exploiting someone who views providing sex for money as preferable to embarrassment or discomfort.

We don't truly know what the term "dire need" is in this country. As someone involved in food and community outreach programs I can tell you from experience that we have such an abundance of available free food that nobody ever has to go hungry anywhere ever. Every county in the country also has a Catholic Charities or similar program ready and willing to help with things like negotiating rent or clearing up a utility bill. There are also very few population centers that don't have public transportation options if you need them, including the areas that I club in.

So what I'm actually exploiting is a mother's desire to shop for her kids at the grocery store, so that she can buy them the Oreos and ice cream that they want, rather than to get her food from a food bank. Or to have to explain to her kids why she couldn't throw them a birthday party of why Santa didn't come this year. Or have to explain to her SO why their cell phones stopped working. Or to have to explain to the kids and the SO why the electricity got shut off and then have to negotiate with the electric co or seek aid from a local program (there are several). Or...

Our younger generation is so soft, while at the same time casual sex is so much more accepted now, that providing sex for cash often feels like the better option than experiencing emotional discomfort or embarrassment. Shit Christmas season has become my favorite time of the year because there are so many stripper Moms that do not want to disappoint their little ones. In the old days if there wasn't enough money to buy little Johnny that special bike then so be it. But nowadays if Johnny's Mom is a stripper and he really wants that expensive video game console, she'd rather agree to go OTC with me for the first time ever than face his disappointment on Christmas Day. 😉
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
—>“There are also very few population centers that don't have public transportation options if you need them, including the areas that I club in.”

Rick July 15 explaining why strippers make bad decisions

—>“Since you obviously lack perspective, there are very few places in this country where public transportation is reliable and widespread enough to allow one to forego a car completely if one must work and go to school.”

Rick July 6 explaining why deliberately not buying car insurance isn’t a bad decision

—>“Nice, to your points about knowing how it was to be poor, I was one of them for many years. I lived in a place with hookers and drug dealers strolling back and forth outside my window. I slept on a mattress on the floor and used a toaster oven and hotplate as my main cooking tools. I connected a hose to the bathtub spout to I could have a "shower" while sitting in the tub. I drove uninsured and with a revoked license because I had no other decent option. I had warrants out on me for traffic issues that I had no money to resolve.

These are the reasons that I continue to be involved in community charities now, especially those for kids and immigrants, which continue to put me back into those neighborhoods. “

Rick july 6 explaining that he was lived bad neighborhood because he was too poor to live in a college dorm, despite me finding the price tags to prove Rick could have easily afforded living in one on minimal wage and no school debt. All because he wanted to not obey traffic laws

—> We don't truly know what the term "dire need" is in this country.
Rick July 15 saying people don’t truly struggle

Just thought that type of stuff when it’s been less than two weeks was hilarious and wanted to point that out. But don’t let me distract, feel free to keep beating on Icey 😁
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
I'm not going to call Rick the kind of things Dougster used to call him. Rick Dugan is a shit bag.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Rick thats not true. Without proof of income etc strippers cant qualify for most programs. Second. Prostitution takes a huge toll on women. You spend months convincing them to do it. Thats not casual sex for money. Thats coercion. Don't sugar coat it
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
nice! nice! nice!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
LOL icee speaking of coercion have you successfully stalked and texted your junkie stripper whore "girlfriend" to come back to you yet? Did she finally accept your $5k bribe to at least talk to you? You posted it and TUSCL deserves some closure!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"When i was like 20 a friend picked up a girl who was stranded coz her bf got arrested and taken to jail. We ran a train on her and I gave her $50."

^^^ IceyDodo posted this Sept 13, 2020.

How the fuck is this not sexual exploitation? LMAO all icee does is project her own issues onto others. Such a hypocritical trick bitch.

@Ishmael thanks for posting that link.
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
"Prostitution takes a huge toll on women." Wow. I wonder which one takes a bigger toll. Getting convinced to go into prostitution or getting gang raped.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "You spend months convincing them to do it. Thats not casual sex for money. Thats coercion. Don't sugar coat it"

That was both confusing and melodramatic, LOL. But OK, I'll bite. How exactly does offering OTC qualify as "coercion?"
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
What ICEE did to that woman is called rape. He should be getting raped in jail every day. What a sick, perverted disgusting piece of shit you are ICEE the RAPIST.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Skibum wtf are you talking about?

Rick you used her situation to coerce her into prostitution
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ # 2 most ignored
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
^^ I submit my King of Ignorance crown over to ICEE, humbly.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
If you combine 2ICEE's and IceyLoco's total # of ignores, she's #1.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
icee since you lack good reading comprehension skills, and you're definitely a drama queen, I thought I'd share the definition of 'coerce':

persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Rick you used her situation to coerce her into prostitution"

Again, how? I didn't threaten her. She had no previous claim on money that was being withheld. I didn't control her or her environment in any way. All I did was make an offer that she was free to accept or reject.

I think you may need to look the term up in the dictionary as your definitional understanding is a bit off.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
LOL icee might get butthurt thinking she's being coerced into to looking up the meaning of coerce. 😆
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
That is pretty pathetic, leaning on a girl to do P4P sex, and when you really don't have any interest in her beyond that, and knowing that she won't tell you to fuck off, or get you kicked out.



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avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
LMAO @san_jose_creep what's pathetic is going to P4P places of business with the real goal of finding a "girlfriend". That's like top tier pathetic loser shit right there.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Preying on vulnerable women stalking and waiting for them to be desperate enough to fuck you is coercive.

There are more ethical ways to engage in solicitation
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
OMFG did you just say there's "ethical solicitation"?

Great post! 🤦😂🤣
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Once again, icee demonstrates the need to justify that her means of getting OTC with stripper whores is superior to another's.

Hey icee where on the scale of ethical solicitation does offering coke to a junkie stripper whore fall? Just curious where you see preying on someone's addictions lies.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
To further my point, let's say this junkie stripper whore comes to rely on you as a source of money and coke. And you continue to supply her coke and enable her addiction for a few years, say five. Then all of a sudden she dumps you after trying to control her coke use and take away the very thing that you used to solicit sex from her to begin with. And then to get her to come back, you offer her, an addict and all, $5K just to talk to you! $5K! (How much coke does that buy her?).

I ask again, how ethical is this?

Hypothetically speaking only lulz.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
icee just curious - do you have a PhD on the ethics of soliciting sex from hookers? Seems like you are an expert in this field.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Icee would you consider a junkie stripper as a vulnerable woman?

How would one go about ethically soliciting sex from her so as not to prey on her vulnerabilities?

Would offering her $5K be the ethical thing to do?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
What about a woman stranded on the road? Is she vulnerable? Would the ethical thing to do be running a train on her with your buddy for $50 and a ride?
avatar for Player11
4 years ago
In seeing strippers otc I find they really more open wear sexy stuff I request plus do photo ops. I just add extra cash to session price. One gal seen for years so good at cg rides me real good plus will model for me. Many times will do lappers, then undress out of sexy outfit bought her, then good fucking. She lets me really feel me up b4 plus talk dirty to her. I have taken many photos too. Civilian SA gals really don’t get it bc if I pay for pussy want get it how I want.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Crickets from icee on what ethical solicitation even is. Figures.

@icee while you are looking up the definition of 'coerce' you should also look up the meaning of 'grasping at straws'.
avatar for TFP
4 years ago
Icee getting straight owned in this thread. Shits hilarious. Ethical solicitation, yeah I got a good laugh out of that also 😂🤣
avatar for TFP
4 years ago
Jesus, scrolling back further in the thread. Rick.... absolutely MURKED by Nicespice. By his own fucking words.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Was I really "MURKED?". Was that the best melodramatic hyperbole you could come up with silly drama queen? :)

I saw it but chose not to respond because doing so would have required a long discussion context and the difference between "need" for purposes of that thread and the type of "dire need" necessary for coercion. That's an endless rabbit hole, so instead I let her and the autistic retards who thanked her because they lack the ability to pick up contextual nuance have that one. C'est la vie. ;)

avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
LOL so basically “contextual nuance” is the new way Rick will describe “blatant hypocrisy” I guess trying to give off a literary scholar vibe there?

I wonder whether it’s Ricky or Icey who can claim to be more rich with “contextual nuance” 🤔
…sirlap, what is your opinions my good sir and man of (troll) letters?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@nicespice Within the contextual nuance of why they pay strippers for OTC and with all due respect to rickdugan, he doesn't hold a candle to icee.

And with respect to their defenses of their contradictions pointed out within this thread, it appears to be a draw. rickdugan abstained from any counterarguments to the quotes you posted by him and icee could not cite a single example of coercion by rickdugan. At this point I can't tell who's richer. 🤷
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ With all due respect to the nuances, I would only like to point out the RickiBoi only responded to TFP not nice spice, so in reality it's a draw down, rather actually nuanced and I see both RickiBoi and Icee getting p'owned and laughed at, I have to admit, "ethical solicitation" has got to be a new one, and belongs in the glossary,(if it can actually be defined) and as far as coercion by RickiBoi remember he's the one talking out of his ass and mouth at the same time, I submit for your perusal his usage of "dire" as anything other than hyperbole, and a setup for his regular straw man arguments, on balance Rick is the master of the straw man, and Icee is an all around liar.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Icee scores a homerun, "Im the loser?? You don't love your family. You cheat on your wife and spend money you could use on them, on hookers. You don't fuck strippers. You troll strip clubs for hookers."

The women in strip clubs are for real. Its just that the basic strip club mode is to separate marks from their money.

Strippers are more into theatrical porno movie style sex than most civvies will be. So they have a lot to recommend them.

But no, you should not use them to cheat on SO's. I did it, but that was just because I was trying to stay sane while I did what I needed to to end a death trap of a marriage.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
LMAO we have a dark horse in the running for "most rich".

LMFAO san_jose_creep just provided the "contextual nuance" that it's OK to cheat on your SO if it's the only thing that keeps you "sane"... can't make this shit up any better.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
20fag learn how to read. I said there are more ethical ways to go about solicitation than resorting to coercive methods.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^'grasping at straws'. 😂
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Icee the problem is inside your head, something is very wrong with you, and your entire thought process, and that's not me attacking you it's a simple truth. First of all, neither I nor anyone here believes a word you post, second, whether or not anyone believes you, or not, the stuff you post is the byproduct of a truly diseased and depraved mind.
You really need to get some professional help.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
For the record, I believe icee interacts with the stripper whores that she claims to interact with. My only issue is that she embellishes the interactions on TUSCL. She's the classic RIL PL that *thinks* there's more to her stripper whore relationships than just business. 🤦🤷
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
20fag. In other words youre a sheltered bitch who can't fathom others experiences. Ironic youre obsessed with strippers but have so little real life experience with their world.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
sure thing Phatty, I'm not making posts about wanting to kill myself, that's only you
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I needed to vent and let it out and I did. Nothing to be ashamed of. Your reaction to it is shameful though
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
You're a weak twat, try venting in an appropriate place, Phatty
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
LMAO as if venting about killing yourself over a junkie stripper whore is a normal thing that normal people just do. 😂😂😂

It's kinda like thinking it's "normal" to need to use drugs and money to establish a "civie" stripper relationship. 🤣🤣🤣
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Funny also how icee pivoted off the topic of what "ethical solicitation" really means and what are specific examples of it.

It's because she has no good answer and was just putting up a strawman argument to rickdugan. It's better for her to redirect the conversation to arguing with twentyfive.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Iccy is just a weak twat who blames everyone else for his life failures, he's never posted about any successes, mostly because the poor fool has never had any. Even his suicide thread was someone else's fault, I pity him more than anything else.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@twentyfive she definitely has self esteem issues. It's evident in the suicide attempt, faux or not.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
It's also interesting that icee lashes out at others for not having an open mind when those same people are simply giving their own experiences from their viewpoint and it's really icee that's being close minded herself because she can't fathom their different perspective. Instead she tries to reverse things and accuse them for being the close minded ones. (When she's just as guilty of it.)

In other words, her attacks at others are simply her projecting her own issues with herself. 🤯
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ You have to realize the idiot behind the troll is just a sad butthurt crybaby, doesn't know how to relate to anyone, really think about it who in real life calls women bitches or ho's, his idea of an insult is calling anyone fag, this guy is a grade A loser, if this persona showed up near any normal person here it would be taken away by ambulance to a hospital with locked floors and padded rooms, if someone didn't just kick the snot out of it first.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ I fully realize that. Just calling it out.

And yeah I think her calling you 20fag is her being extra jealous of your wealth. She's highly materialistic and ties self worth to money. So knowing you as a millionaire is something she's extremely jealous of so she has the most derogatory nickname for you. LOL take it as a compliment. 🤪
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ Truth is I don't pay much attention to the demented cartoon character, if my name wasn't invoked I wouldn't have bothered to post in this thread, its just a laughable premise that this butt wipe is even dating any females, I honestly couldn't imagine any women stripper or not relating to this infantile jargon spouted by this character seemingly a parody of a pimp. maybe like the Huggy Bear guy from Baretta, but a lot less likeable.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Youre obsessed with me and seem to be doing a lot of projecting.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ That's precisely why she's obsessed with "dating" strippers. She has to pay them money and drugs for any sort of attention from a woman, and a junkie stripper whore is desperate enough to give her that.

And rather than acknowledge that she's an RIL PL trick bitch, she's desperately trying to equate her "dates" with junkie stripper whores to the same thing as truly dating a civie chick. She couldn't be farther from the truth, but in her delusional mind she thinks it's all the same.

All this is evidence of your point.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ meant for twentyfive
avatar for carolynne
4 years ago
Maybe us strippers should start a discussion about whether dating PLs is the same as dating “regular” men? I’ll date anyone who has the right equipment and knows how to use it!
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
I guess you could. Good luck with that.

But this thread hasn't been about dating dancers vs. civvies for quite some time now. And you could make an argument that it was never actually about that, so much as Icee's craving for attention.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@carolynne we all know strippers are like civie women and the premise of this thread is a farce. icee is just creating a strawman argument that there are PLs that don't think this so she can "win" the obvious argument that strippers and civie chicks are one and the same. Again it's a strawman argument because she's assuming PLs think
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
*think otherwise*
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Carolyne that would be an interesting thread. But good sex is very low criteria for a relationship
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ LMAO icee still can't define what "ethical solicitation" is. 😂😂😂
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
carolynn has an excellent idea!

Civvies are less likely to be into costumed porno movie grade sex. Civvies are too concerned with strict monogamy. A sexually eclectic girl will not be overly attached to strict monogamy.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ You keep contradicting yourself. You posted this earlier:

"Anyone knows, women are all the same.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I've never met a girl into costumed sex. What kind if costumes do you like them to use?
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Stripper grade high heels, makeup, and slut uniforms. The best don't need to be taken off.

A girl this committed to cultivated sex will not be sitting home waiting for the phone to ring.

She will be some sort of stripper, escort, or porn star.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
If carolynne ever gets her thread going, I wonder if the strippers are going to discuss thought provoking concepts like whether or not PLs vs civie dudes like wearing banana hammocks and cock rings and such because they like having a porn stud aura about them. 🤔
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"Stripper grade high heels, makeup, and slut uniforms. The best don't need to be taken off.

A girl this committed to cultivated sex will not be sitting home waiting for the phone to ring.

She will be some sort of stripper, escort, or porn star.


^^^This contradicts...

"Anyone knows, women are all the same.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Some women are more into strict monogamy, and so they value sex less. The ones who value sex more are less likely to be into strict monogamy, and more likely to be sex workers. But in other respects women are the same.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^LMFAO so they're not all the same according to your own words.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Women generally do want relationships, no difference between civvies and pros here.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Women don't get into sex work because they like sex.... and monogamous women can have very high sex drives...
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Many women do get into sex work because they like sex. We have some on this board.

Unfortunately many civvies sit home waiting for the phone to ring, instead of being strippers, escorts, or porn stars.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
LOL so there are differences between civies and strippers.

But also there's similarities.

Got it. 👍
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Gotta love the expert knowledge of women here given by two of the best in the field. 😂
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Sex workers have had more partners, they are more sexualized. You could say that they have moved from Chimpanzee mode to Bonobo mode.

But you should always treat sex workers just as you would any other woman, never act like they are selling sex or that money buys them.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
They won't tell customers or potential customers the real reasons.

Civvj vary. Most i know aren't prudes
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Most civvies are not accustomed to high heels and makeup in the bedroom. Not accustomed to slut uniforms either.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Girls will wear heels and lingerie if you ask them.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Some are averse to the idea, or want to keep it within severe bounds. After all, it is not in their view building a socially approved type of relationship.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Also, if the girl has been wearing high heels and lingerie in the bedroom, where and with who has she been doing this. Most civvies are still into strict monogamy, so they will not have much such experience. Like one told me, "I don't fuck more than one guy at the same time".

Where as one who really places a priority on eclectic sex, she will be fucking more than one guy and the same time, and so she is likely a stripper, escort, or porn star.

avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
who's on first
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Who's the better civie woman expert here?

A. RIL PL trick bitch and poser pimp that only knows how to get GFE from junkie stripper whores.

B. Homeless dude that lost his wife and fortunes from excessive clubbing and AMP mongering over 6 years ago and hasn't been with a woman since then.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Not fucking more than one guy at the same time isn't a bad thing for a girl.

Yeah running trains can be fun but thats not relationship material.

A person girl or guy can be monogamous and a freak.

But profession doesn't have anything to do with them being open to group sex. In my experience uts usually the repressed girls who go wild
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
What's on second
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"...she will be fucking more than one guy and the same time, and so she is likely a stripper, escort, or porn star."

Or just a plain ol' slut. TUSCLers figured out there's sex in the champagne room. Lots of it. But there's still plenty of guys and gals just fucking around for fun.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
who's on first

^^^ @twentyfive that's just mean when you know san_jose_creep hasn't been to first base with a woman since that black stripper at the Market Street Cinema in the 90s. LOL that's the one real world example of him getting to first base with a stripper. It's the foundation of his belief that a front room make out session is the key to dating a stripper.

And icee probably gets to first base often but really how hard is that when she's using drugs to lure a junkie stripper whore into some GFE. Like using prime rib to get a dog to like you. 😂
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ Think of Abbot and Costello not that either of these two are very funny but still.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^ They are a travesty of an ironic parody of Abbot and Costello.

Well played, good sir.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
In other countries, smart guys keep beautiful women. They seem to prefer to keep it in an ambiguous grey zone between marriage and prostitution.

SirLapDance though is an imbecile.

avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
^move to the other countries retard.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
No retard, I am going to trample down some of our own morons.

A pro can rock your world in ways that a civvie will probably not be able to.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
san_jose_creep could never rock his wife's world though
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
The reason san_jose_creep likes AMP whores and stripper whores so much is because he fails with civie women though.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Only paid sex workers will kiss san_jose_creep though
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Civvies and Pros are very open, willing, and engaging with me.

I am no longer someone who uses pros to cheat on his wife.

And I have never lived like a SirLapdance imbecile.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
san_jose_creep lived his marriage by cheating on his wife though
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
san_jose_creep hasn't been with a civie or pro woman in several years though
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
san_jose_creep uses his personal business firewall as a lame excuse for not being with a woman though
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
I was trapped in my marriage, for quite a while. That is a horrible position to be in. But at least I was drawing fair lines and letting her know that the situation was intolerable and could not continue.

I would never live like a Sirlapdance imbecile.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
san_jose_creep can't face the fact that his wife left him because he was cheating on her though
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
san_jose_creep wasn't man enough to leave his wife before he cheated on her though
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
My cheating was moderated, but yes you could say that I didn't have what it took to leave her before doing that.

At least I do not live like a SirLap imbecile.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
san_jose_creep had a choice not to cheat but did it anyway though
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
san_jose_creep thinks there's ethical cheating though
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Some time people have to live though the moral equivalent of what is war. Have to learn to survive and have a chance of rebuilding.

But I never bragged about it.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
san_jose_creep just bragged about surviving a war he started because he was cheating on his wife though
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Not so. Marital unworkability did not start with me.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
san_jose_guy doesn't understand that cheating on his wife was the part that was unworkable though
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
SLD likes online because he can say things that he never could get away with saying f2f. He is the prototype of an imbecile.

Most civvies are not used to the idea of a cultivated eroticism. They don't really like the idea of slut uniforms, because they want the relationship to be steered in an approved direction. At core they are approval seekers and parent pleasers.

The Sexual Revolution was led by non-conformists, people who could tell their parents to fuck off. But like all counter culture, if it succeeds, it is absorbed and coopted by the mainstream culture. So it used to be for those who followed the approved path, no sex without marriage. Now, after the sexual revolution has been coopted, it is sex can be used to get marriage.

Okay, but the rules about slut uniforms are going to be very restrictive. Overall they will be wanting to desexualize the relationship. This is just how they think. They have not had many sex partners. They do not like the idea of sex which is not being used to bring about marriage and gain social approval.

If they thought otherwise, then they probably would be strippers, escorts, or porn stars.


avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
san_jose_creep likes online because he can say things about interacting with women that he's never actually done in the last five years. He is the prototype of someone that lives complete fantasies through anonymous posts.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"Overall they will be wanting to desexualize the relationship. This is just how they think."

^^^ Or maybe the relationship was already desexualized. Maybe the civie woman was simply not attracted to her husband anymore. Maybe she knew or even just suspected that he was cheating and that by itself, his cheating, was why she was no longer attracted to him.

Another possibility is that he couldn't get it up with her anymore because he felt guilty for his cheating. Maybe all that guilt for cheating on her with AMP whores made him a limp dick with her, if you will.

These are definitely civie ways of a relationship getting desexualized. His actions could have definitely contributed to it.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
In my experience. Civvies will do whatever you ask of them if they really like you. A woman shows her feelings by submitting to you.

I prefer strippers coz I'm so used to them and so many girls I know worked as strippers. It was the next step after high school for them. So I never gave it much thought. We kept the same hours shared the same experiences and values. To this day so many girls I grew up with and their family etc are strippers.
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
The difference is that the next step for a lot of strippers is prostitution or killing men n getting paid 😁🔪🔪🔪🏃‍♂️⚰☠💸💸💸💸💸💸💸
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Blahblah yeah. It takes a toll. And its hard on everyone involved. Watching a girl want to be like her hoe friends. Wanting the things they have so she starts hoeing. Doing whatever to cope with it. The lack of trust in men. The insecurity and getting high to not feel. Meanwhile to you she's still the adorable girl who saved neighborhood animals and takes care of her little brother. Its all a mind fuck. Im lit lit but fuck it
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Women have their own agendas. For a civvie with few sex partners, sex is a means to an end, not a high culture art form.

avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
The real world is a nicer place ........
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
For some women, as well as men, sex is a high culture art form.

avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Hey I’m all for minimizing FSSW in clubs, or at least the clubs I choose to be in. But I don’t doubt there are hoes who are others-focused enough take their of their brothers and care for animals. Sheesh
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
^^^^^^ does not sound like someone who values sex as an art form.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ yeah because not all strippers are the same.

LMFAO you and icee are imbeciles for trying to make any sort of generalization about them.

They are no different than civie women based on the fact that they are all different anyway. For every generalization you make, you'll find as many exceptions.

DUH! 🤯
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
…and to think I was about to put this whole thread on ignore. Glad I didn’t 😁
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
If this isn't a work of art, I don't know what is.…

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Not in the movie, but in the book:…

They show that when the pimp Uri sets it up, he over charges and the sessions are brutal.

But when Sere sets it up herself, she undercharges, and the scale can even still be sliding. The sessions tend to be real tender. Tells of a session she got out on the street with a Hispanic man. She came way down in price and it was life changing. He emptied out his pockets of what more money he had.

It says word for work, "She brings out the best in most of the guys she fucks."

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
word for word

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
These are the girls you want to be spending your time with:…

And when they weren't at the club making the linoleum floor get sticking, they were home doing toe curling OTC's.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Yeah @nicespice it's mind blowing to think that you can take care of your dog at the same time as being a stripper. 🤯
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Hookers don't think of themselves as artists.

I know girls who did it and they'd want to leave the guy as quickly as possible and would take the longest showers and would get high or drunk to cope with it. Hated being touched til they got over what they just did. They did it for fast money. That was it.

Having a woman fuck you because she wants to is a completely different thing. Its a real connection. Sex for money is just renting her body to get off.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
"Hookers don't think of themselves as artists."

I disagree, based on reading their writings, and also in the artistry in their photo albums. These are still ordinary women.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Hey icee where does sex for drugs fall? Just renting her to get off too, no? 😂😂😂
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
They're ordinary women. But not when they're working.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Yeah icee so when she dumps you for a two-bit junkie weed dealer coz he's a better coke supply than you, is she working or being ordinary? 🤔😂
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Icee since you clearly can't define what is 'ethical solicitation', can you define 'ethical dating'?

Does it include tempting a junkie stripper whore to leave the club with you by offering to pay her tip outs and house fees and providing her drug of choice?

What say you, oh "ethical" one? 🤪
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Analyze this ......
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"Having a woman fuck you because she wants to is a completely different thing. Its a real connection. Sex for money is just renting her body to get off."

^^^ Yeah but when she's a coke whore how do you know she's not just doing it for the coke? It certainly can't be out of the realm of possibility, no?

I don't see how you can separate a real connection from a business relationship with a junkie stripper whore when you are supplying her with drugs and you're giving her $5k just to talk to her. But that said...really good GFE is still a possibility! 🤷
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
They are ordinary women under all circumstances. But they will tend to more more sexualized, more aggressive, and more appreciating of the artistry of sex.

And for the most part as I have found they just love it and open write up when somebody is open and honest with them and treats them like ordinary women.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ yeah that's called "GFE". Girlfriend Experience.

They are selling you the fantasy hoping to get paid, dumbass.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
ICEE, you find a nice looking young woman, and she is not a stripper, why not?

I mean maybe she works an office job, or maybe she goes to school, but on the weekends she can get lots of money working at a strip club.

And then guys want to fuck her and to give her money, why should she say no?

Well there are lots of legitimate reasons for having trepidation about sex. But the reason she is refusing is that she wants to see herself as better than the "FSSW" or "High mileage Hoes". She wants to have power by refusing. She is a Sexual Contra, a Sexual Counter Revolutionary.

And sure strip clubs have been Creepy Republicans, Alcoholics, Guys Cheating on their Wives, PSs, and Frat Boys. But it does not have to be this way, we can do better.

You want it, I can fix you up with a Southern Baptist Sunday School Teacher 35yo Virgin.

But for me, nothing like that.

And the law, it only makes it illegal if she is taking in money. Otherwise the law can't do anything about it. That law is a scam, just a way of oppressing those at the bottom and trying to roll back the Sexual Revolution.


Gimme Shelter, original Merry CLayton version…

This is going to be the new anthem of America!
avatar for theeastcoast757
4 years ago
“But I never judged them. If you judge a girl as a lowlife or anything negative and you still fuck her. You're no better than what you judge her for. Maybe worse”

Big dick energy
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Amen theeastcoast757

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Most strippers aren't even hookers and they tend to not be that sexual outside of work. Many I know don't even put on much makeup or dress up unless they go out. And their normal makeup isn't like their work makeup

And the hookers I know. Its just about money for them. And of course they'll treat customers well and act like they enjoy their job. Waitresses do it too.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ yeah and sometimes they'll string their source of coke along and act like a "girlfriend".

Remember, it's not just about the money when they are junkie addicts.

I know this one PL on TUSCL that thought he had a "GF" for 5 years but alas, he was just a source of coke for his junkie stripper whore. Poor bastard. 😂😂😂
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Girls that use drugs would be a problem.

But the high heels and makeup aesthetic, that is the challenge to create that in your personal life.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Most girls wear high heels and makeup. Almost all do when they go out.

And its not black or white...nympho or prude. You learn about each other experiment grow sexually. Every partner is different
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
But things will go easier if you avoid Sexual Contras.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Not being hookers doesn't make them anti sex.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Hookers is a loaded word.

The question is, "Why is she refusing". Is it because she is being offered money, or is it because she does not like the guy, or is it because she wants to be morally superior to the "hookers"?

A member TaxiDrive, in Ohio, posted about a dancer who always refused VIP Room offers. Then she had a fight with her BF. So then he had her in the back room and they finished up with her on her back, an arm locked around his neck, and ramming her tongue into his mouth. She was all go, body taking over, making sure she got his load.

And with the local ones I call, Beloved Latina Escorts, they are just all go. They have gone total bonobo. When they walk in and see a room full of guys, their inclination is to fuck all of them. And one of them would do it too, except that there will be other women of their group joining in, so it is the guys who are the limit.

We have had lots of totally "off the hook" girls coming from SF Market St. Cinema. And we have some who will rent a hotel room in their own name and try to vector in as many guys as possible via the cell phone, in one night.

But the fastest was at our underground club which was doing FR Full Service. Nothing goes faster or in higher volume than that.

And at Swingers Clubs it can get just as extreme.…

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Youre talking about them turning tricks. You can say that hypothetically they would have fucked for the love of sex but they didn't. They were working.

You get civvies who like trains being run on them and hookers who hate men coz of their jobs.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Yeah icee there's also junkie coke whore strippers that just fuck to feed their habit. They'll pretend to be any PL's "boyfriend" just coz he gives her coke, buys her designer bags and perfume, pays her house fees and tip outs, and up to $5k just so she'll talk to him. Pathetic huh? Lulz
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Some young women have just crossed over a line where it becomes most natural for them to fuck as many guys as possible. And in the club where this was happening I had noticed that the high heels makeup and slut wear level was much better than it usually is at our tamer clubs.

And yes, some women like trains being run on them. There was an Adult Social Club where this was the norm on Thursday nights.

All I am saying is that unless a girl is a Sexual Contra, still committed to approval seeking and parent pleasing, she probably will not refuse any of this.

I guess you could meet such an off the hook girl in the super market checkout line, but the chances are higher at a UHM strip club, and the most off the hook you can find.

Some of our most extreme girls were part of a Latina core group. But a lot of the others were Market St. Cinema alumni, which some have described as an "orgy club".


Night In Tunisia…

Chaka Khan…
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
But you're about hookers performing what they're laid to do. Thats different from women who partake coz they like it.its a big difference.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
That is my whole point, that you should never treat the women in P4P situations as hookers, never act like money motivates them or buys them.

In fact, in my own experience, most of them can be gotten to quite easily. They need money because everybody needs money. I think men would be able to live without money easier than women would be able to.

The idea is to get them off script as quickly as possible, and then to be generous with them, take care of them, get them accustomed to getting Mistress Maintenance from you.

There is really no reason to be tight with them, no benefit in this.

You want to get under their skin. Pick the one you want and make it happen with her. She will be much better than a civvie because of her sexual experience.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
LMAO so the "key" with a hooker is don't act like you're buying them but still give them a lot of money...which means you're still paying them. Which, as a hooker, is what they expect you to do

LMFAO both you knuckleheads are still just paying for GFE. The way you pay them is just for your own psyches coz you don't wanna admit you have to pay a hooker for sex.

It's not really about them. 🤣🤣🤣

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Both icee and san_jose_creep are masters at having entire systems of paying hookers for GFE just to make them psychologically think they're not. 😂😂😂
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
That's just buying a gfe at best or setting yourself up as an easy mark at worst. Its dangerous to be that naive with seasoned hoes. There are ways to seduce hoes but thats not it.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Wives get money, Mistresses get money, GF's of rich guys get money, GF's of poor guys expect marriage. About the only ones who don't are adolescents who are still being supported by their parents.

This is just the way it seems to work.

But women who present themselves in a P4P mode are still under the surface ordinary women. In the vast majority of situations they can be gotten to quite easily.

So pick the one you want, the one you actually want to put time and money into. And only go after them if you like them more than civvies, because of their sexual experience and the artistry they bring to sex.

You SirLapDance, are the one who is paying for nonsense, simply because you can't admit to yourself that you need either a Marriage Counselor or a Divorce Lawyer.


Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride (Version 1969)…
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Um, FYI san_jose_creep I pay for lapdances only dumbass because that's exactly what I want.

I don't care and don't want sex with a stripper.

And I have an awesome marriage with my wife, who knows I go to strip clubs. She's known the entire 20+ years of our marriage. So no, no divorce lawyer or counselor needed. But nice try at a strawman argument.

So go on and keep trying to convince yourself that those stripper whores don't just want your money. They'll take it because that's what they expect from a trick. And they'll pretend to be a civie "girlfriend" for you in the process. 🤣🤣🤣
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Yeah its possible and easy to date hoes. But not like that. The key is getting them out of the work mode and into their civvie roles. Otherwise they'll just see you as a trick. Spending money on women is normal but a p4p scenario is just that
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"There are ways to seduce hoes but thats not it."

^^^ LMAO @icee yeah in your case you have to find a coke addict whore and give her coke AND a lot of money.

So you give money and drugs differently than others. You're still paying a whore for GFE in the process.

But I guess your way helps you sleep at night. 🤣🤣🤣
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"The key is getting them out of the work mode and into their civvie roles."

^^^ LOL in other words, pay them for OTC. 😂😂😂
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
icee and san_jose_creep do mental gymnastics like Suni Lee just to avoid facing that they're paying for GFE from stripper whores.

I'm amazed at the lengths they go. Highly entertaining. 😂
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"civvie roles"

^^^ civvie role playing

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
SirLap, I once was a PL like you, a guy who could not extricate himself from an unworkable marriage. I was a PL, but I knew I was a PL. That is the difference.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Ignore sircimsinhispantsalot. He acts like an autistic obsessed nutjob
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
LOL san_jose_creep yeah I know you could never figure out how to make your own marriage work, unlike me. 😁

And I know all of us here on TUSCL are PLs.

Also I think in your case you went to see AMP whores behind your wife's back, again unlike me. 🤪
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
LOL icee you always say I'm on ignore but you still read and reply to me. Kinda like an obsessed autistic nutjob. It's called pretend ignore. 😂😂😂
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
SirLap if I were a divorce lawyer I would be right now tracking down you to get to your wife. She would be needing me.

Yeah, SirLap, I was a PL, but I knew I was a PL. That's the difference between you and me.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@san_jose_creep if you were a divorce lawyer both my wife and I would laugh in your face. LMAO good thing you're a homeless dude with mental issues instead. 🤪

And FYI right above your post I already posted:

"And I know all of us here on TUSCL are PLs."

^^^ you're such a dumbass you don't realize that in this statement I'm already saying that I know I'm a PL. It's encompassed in the statement "all of us here on TUSCL". This means you, me, icee, and everyone else with a TUSCL account is a PL.

The difference between you and me is that you lack basic reading comprehension skills, dumbass. Oh, and I'm not homeless posting from a San Jose public library.
avatar for tin man
tin man
4 years ago
Once money is exchanged, it becomes a transaction. No I won't pay anyone to date me, but I'd pay to fuck in VIP if i needed to
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
SirLapDance, your head is so far up your ass that you look like a snake that has swallowed itself.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
ICEE, if you want to get personal with a stripper, you can move right on her, Money + Charm + Jizm. Probably things will happen explosively fast. And then she is already more sexualized, more attuned to the artistry of high heels and make up. You can start handing her money as soon as you get within arm's reach of her.

With a civvie though it will go very different. You have to start with just Charm. Then eventually it will be Jizm, but there can be a delay. And then eventually you will be handing her Money, but that could take quite a while. And then in the interim you will be expected to spend money on her. Handing her money is how she pays her bills. It is very practical. But spending money on her is completely wasteful.

And then your civvie is a civvie for a reason. She is still looking for social approval. She will not be comfortable with a porno movie style of cultivated sex.


Knock on Wood…
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"Handing her money is how she pays her bills. It is very practical. But spending money on her is completely wasteful."

^^^san_jose_creep this right here proves you are loony or at the very least you have poor reading comprehension skills.

Whether you hand her money for her bills or you are spending money on her, it's the same fucking thing. That money you spend on her could easily go to her bills too. So it doesn't matter. In the end you are still giving money to a sex worker for GFE. All you and icee do is play mental gymnastics that you aren't paying hookers for sex and GFE. Spoiler alert: if she's a sex worker and you are giving her money, it's a business transaction.

The fact that you cannot equate what is, for all intents and purposes, the same thing, is proof to me that something isn't right in your head.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Spending money on her is things like car keys and wallet dates, it goes to other parties, it is money spent for effect.

A woman dancing in a strip club, or working in an AMP, can only be there because she knows she will be getting money. So giving her some is simply a show of respect, and of caring.

In a civvie situation you have to spend time to get to know her first, before you can just hand her money. You might end up spending money to take her places. Then maybe you can take her shopping. But in a Strip Club or an AMP, you can convey money to her as soon as you get within arm's reach of her.

Women are women, but there are different situations. With the strip club or the AMP, if you want it, things can happen explosively fast.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ all you just typed up is an embellishment of paying a sex worker for GFE. You call it caring and a show of respect, but to her it's just payment for whatever services rendered.

And in a strip club or AMP of course things happen explosively fast. It's just good business for a stripper to close her business deals ASAP.

And LMAO that you think this is anything close to civie women relationships. At best you get a sugar daddy relationship which is still far removed from a civie one.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
SirLapDance, if you do not think much of the women who dance in strip clubs, then do them, your wife, and yourself a favor and just stay the fuck away from them.

Not everybody feels the way you do.


The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army (Official Music Video) complete with the faked bass…
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@san_jose_creep you are an imbecile for assuming that I don't think much about strippers and that they think I'm looking down on them. You are making a strawman argument on that one because I've not stated anything that claims strippers are "lesser" for doing what they do.

It's simply YOU that feels the way you do and are unable to relate to others that see things differently. And then you take it farther and make false assumptions and strawman arguments based on your lack of comprehension of another viewpoint.

As stated, you have piss poor reading comprehension skills.

And as far as staying the fuck away from sex workers, it's so good (for them) that you can't afford to go to them anymore and that you are forced to stay away. I can put imagine how much you would creep any woman out with all your delusional views that are based on conjecture from limited real world experience.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
SirLapDance, you seem to think that women should be divided into two categories, two serve different purposes.

And you think it is the prerogative of privileged guys like you to be serviced by them, to play it both ways.

And then of course women don't get to do anything like this, it is only for men. It is the basis of patriarchy.

avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Wah, men like fucking women, wah said SJG. Women can say no.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ you continue with your strawman argument. So predictable and imbecile.

You seem to think that a sex worker woman wants something beyond a business transaction.

Again, it's simply your conjecture based on extremely limited real world experience. You really have no clue about women and all you do is blather on TUSCL like you do.

When was the last time you actually interacted with a woman sexually? Back in 2015-2016 when you were stalking AMP whores? Isn't all your "expertise" since then based on solely reading about how to interact with a woman? You're nothing but a poser with no real experience. 😁

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ meant for the creep, not skibum
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
SirLapDance, you are the one who pays out money just to increase his own sexual frustration with LDKing. I do not do that.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
I pay money to have fun and actually have a sexual encounter with a sexy stripper. That's what strip clubs are for. It's good fun!

All you do is type. And that for sure leads to sexual frustration.

Your deflection and lack of response on the last time you had a real world sexual encounter with a woman speaks volumes. 🤪

Keep typing keyboard cowboy. It's all you got.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
I know, paying money to have fun, that was what I meant, chemical mood alternants, alcohol, marijuana, and that endorphin rush.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Keep typing keyboard cowboy. It's all you got.

You can only criticize how others have their fun with women because you're not doing anything yourself with them.

So keep typing while others are having fun the way they want. 🤪
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Fun, yeah, like I said, alcohol, marijuana, and the endorphin rush. That's you!


Joe Bonamassa Official - "I'll Play The Blues For You" - Live At The Greek Theatre…
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Keep typing keyboard cowboy. It's all you got.

You can only criticize how others have their fun with women because you're not doing anything yourself with them.

So keep typing while others are having fun the way they want. 🤪. (that's you!)
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
I would not want to live like you for even 1hr.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
You can only criticize how others have their fun with women because you're not doing anything yourself with them.

So keep typing while others are having fun the way they want. 🤪. (that's you!)
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Yeah, SLD, letting the FemBots masturbate you through your pants.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Yeah, SJG, typing and typing and typing

And typing and typing and typing.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

(While everyone else on TUSCL is having fun their way with strippers!)
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
SLD, going from one chemical high to another, then taking time to sleep before repeating.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
SJG, going from one TUSCL post to another, then has to stop because his free internet time is over for the day. Never actually interacting with a woman sexually.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
SLD going from external chemicals, to internal chemicals by paying money to increase his sexual frustrations via LDKing.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
SJG, so sexually frustrated that he takes it out on others on TUSCL. Too broke to do anything else. Can only live vicariously through his own TUSCL fantasy posts.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
SLD, too stupid and deficient in brain cells to talk about anything other than his escapism, and making it hard for anyone else to say anything which is different, like about the pleasures of coming to know and fuck strippers.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
SJG, so sexually frustrated that he takes it out on others on TUSCL. Too broke to do anything else. Can only live vicariously through his own TUSCL fantasy posts.

All evidenced over the last several posts by him in this thread.
avatar for JimGassagain
4 years ago
The most fucked up people I’ve met are dudes who try to date strippers and think they’re the cool shit, like the Fonz.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
I have never said that I am "cool". I don't even like the concept.

I don't even really like the idea of dating either.

Fucking, sexual relationship.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
If you start a relationship with a civvie who has had few prior sex partners, she will be able to offer you reliable monogamy though thick and thin. But, there is a price for this. See, as a young hottie, guys are always trying to jump her. And if she went for this, eventually she would probably also be going with guys who are offering her money, or she would get into venues like strip clubs or the like. But she isn't, why isn't she? Its because she lives for social approval, like from her parents and from her friends who seek approval from their parents. She has no commitment to sex as revolutionary, she is a contra.

So the price she will expect you to pay is to live the same way, by the morality of approval seeking. And very likely this will eventually come to shut out the sex.

So you want a sexual radical, not a contra.


Heart - "Barracuda" (1977)…

at Cal Jam 2…

Robin Trower live 2005…
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Or, instead of being a contra, maybe she just lost her attraction to you and no longer wanted to have sex with you.

Or, maybe you simply couldn't get it up with her. Maybe you were too busy getting off with AMP whores that when it came to sex with the wife you simply couldn't perform.

Plus, who knows if she did or didn't have some side sex with other dudes? Maybe she has guys giving her money and she's fucking them instead of you.

All hypothetically speaking of course.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
SLD, you really should go back to you grave and let decomposition run its course.

And I have NEVER suggested that married men should have anything to do with AMPs or Strip Clubs. Even men with a GF should remain faithful.


The Honey Cone - Want Ads ( Live ) (well sort of live)…

Midnight Special-LaBelle "Lady Marmalade" (this really is live, they make a tempo speed up right at the start, and they've lightened up on instrument voicing. They often did stuff like this to let people know that it is live)…

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"And I have NEVER suggested that married men should have anything to do with AMPs or Strip Clubs. Even men with a GF should remain faithful."

@san_jose_dumbass I NEVER suggested that you suggested this. Reread my post, dumbass. I was talking about HER perspective, not YOURS.

You said:

"And if she went for this, eventually she would probably also be going with guys who are offering her money, or she would get into venues like strip clubs or the like. But she isn't, why isn't she?"

I simply gave three alternative answers to yours which was, in short, she was looking for social approval. LOL you don't know this for a fact. She could have easily just fallen out of love and attraction for you.

Fuck dude, work on your reading comprehension and strawman arguments. And BTW stop taking it personal. I said 'hypothetically speaking' too.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
The girl who has been keeping her legs together has been doing that for a reason. It says something about her. You are not going to be able to dismantle her persona and then rebuild it.


Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?…

Voutez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir? Vous ne comprenez pas? Ah, auelle dommage!--I mean
it's a damned good thing.... I've found some liquor. Just enough for two shots without any
dividends, honey...
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"The girl who has been keeping her legs together has been doing that for a reason."

Yes! The reason is she might have a problem with you and find you completely unattractive. You might not be pleasing her in bed. It is as simple as that.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
If you want a cultivated eroticism, you will do better with a stripper than with a civvie.

SirLap, you have IGNORE and THREAD IGNORE. All you are doing is trying to pull the conversation down to your zombie level.

Do we know what SirLap looks like?

I think he is the imspiration for Homer Simpson.…

Lenny Kravitz, American Woman…
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@san_jose_creep there you go getting butthurt again. I'm just posting as per the thread topic. There are many reasons a civie or stripper would choose to close her legs on an unattractive loser.

Why are you so sensitive and butthurt about my alternative opinions to yours? Settle down, Karen. 🤪
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Civvies or Strippers, and why, SLD, and I don't mean for LDKing?

Otherwise consider the alternative:

2800 deg F…


Jimmy Hendrix Sweden…
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
^^^^^^^ Now a Knight of the Underground Circle Jerk Room

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
This Civvie vs Pro dichotomy is wrong headed. Most all women look to the men they fuck as a source of social climbing, whether that be in direct payments, or in contacts, education, and affiliation.

And so unless they are independently wealthy, living of royalties from their novels, or adolescents living with their parents, they expect to get a social boost from the men the fuck.

So the Civvie vs Pro Dichotomy has no basis, its just letting things play out in a different way.

And those who do P4P type service are for the most part instantly civilianizable. Now making things work with them after that, that is a different story.

Great movie…


Miles Davis…

Mexico City……
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
The difference is in one scenario you're spending money on someone you're in a committed relationship with. In the other you're paying to fuck and for a gfe as the relationship is purely contingent on you paying for it.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ hey dumbass, there's no difference when she's an actual sex worker. You're in a committed business relationship is all. Lulz
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Ahh you pay for the gfe, which is like having a girlfriend who likes you and wants you; except that its not even close pinnochio.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Queen Margot (1994)…

So before she is Queen, she is at a palace wedding reception, in the courtyard, and there is lots of sexual energy. Then they show a friend say to her, "Lets go out tonight".

We don't know what she means. Today if I heard two girls say that, I would assume a civvie night club. But then, and for royalty?

So next we see them, having dressed the part, but wearing facial masks. They are out on the sidewalk in the area used for street prositution.

They a guy runs into them, having just gotten back from the war with the Protestants, and they had ambushed him and robbed him. He is grateful to still be alive.

So Margot immediately says to him, "Well then I'm free for you tonight."

Now they don't have automobiles or motels, and this is not an exclusive brothel. So it will be up against the wall in an alley. Used to have a video clip of this.

See, his story gives her the chance to waive her fee. She is not really interested in getting money off of commoners.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Suppose she said to guys, "Oh you don't have to pay me, I'm not a real prostitute, we just come out here to have fun."

That would totally freak them out. "Who are you, why are you doing this, who put you up to this?"

They won't understand her motives, and the vast majority of guys really are terrified of women.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
When you're at a swingers clubs or party no one talks about money.

And when you're with a girl sex just happens. Money isn't mentioned.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
The only time p4p is mentioned is when you're with a hooker
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
In the above trailer, there is about 2 seconds of Margot getting fucked up against the alley wall. There had used to be the entire scene on youtube. Its good.

Yes, if a woman talks about being paid for sex, then she is presenting as a prostitute. But to say that that makes her a prostitute is another entirely different thing.

Is Princess Margot really a prostitute, or is she just having an adventure? To most of the guys she encounters, she does not step out of character. But the money she gets off of commoners is insignificant. And so does that somehow make her different from other women? I do not think so.

At a traditional swingers club there will never be money for sex. But some have deviated from this, allowing women who get paid by the guy who brings them. Probably these women are doing offsite P4P gigs. And then there is evidence that there are other clubs where there is money.


The White Stripes - Jolene. Glastonbury 2002. 4/14…
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
You're twisting it around too much. P4p is prostitution. Playing with semantics doesn't change what it is nor iys legality.

And yeah I said that before. Prostitution occurs in swingers settings but it's not the norm nor tolerated by party or club organizers. If it is supported then it's just an illegal brothel.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
A traditional swingers club will never have P4P, but some have gone outside of this. Some are not really swingers clubs any more, they are more like a private strip club. They just use the private party legal compliance model to get out of the public sex and lewd conduct prohibition. As a matter of practicality though, it does make it that much harder for LE to get into it, and to get the political mandate to expend the costs of getting undercovers in their and busting anyone, it will be extremely hard. And then who have they busted, and for what, and what has really been accomplished.

I've never thought much of Dennis Hof. I didn't like the fact that he titled his book in a way which echoes Donald Trump's book. But Juice read Hof's book. In an interview I read Hof say one thing which did intrigue me. Hof says that he, "only dates prostitutes".

This gave me much cause to reflect.

I mean for one thing, Hof had his houses, I think 8 of them. I'm sure he had at least one favorite at each of them. And then he has so much money that giving them some is not important. So he can travel about and then bed down with which ever he wants. I'm sure they can dress for him as he likes. I think he was living a fantastic life.


Wichita is the Air Capital of the World. So if you wanted to ascend in a fiery chariot, The Chariot, like a B-29 or a B-52, then that would be the place. Never seen anyone else who reads this that way. Wichita is the most specific reference in the entire song. And then, I cannot stand the Salvation Army and the sort of thinking it promotes.…
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
A venue for p4p is a brothel
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
A brothel is a place where the women live. These private parties and these strip clubs are not that.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Okay they're illicit fronts for illegal places of prostitution
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Why do you focus so much on p4p but try to convince everyone it's not just p4p? And what does the legal aspect matter? You know it's illegal .

If its what you prefer it's what you prefer.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
The women who do P4P are not different from other women, and the P4P you do with them does not have to be different from other intimacy.

Why do you keep holding to the position that it is somehow different.


Humble Pie……

The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army (Official Music Video)…
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
When your relationship with her is solely contingent on you paying her to be with you. Then that dictates the dynamic between you. At most its a gfe. You won't get anything real when her main concern is going along to keep getting paid. And your initial interest was paying to fuck not her as a person.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Yeah icee same thing goes when you enable her drug use. She'll go along with you for 5 years of GFE until you try to control it, as her main concern was always to keep you supplying her.

LMAO she'd probably tell you that you were soulmates just to get her next fix lulz. 😂😂😂
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
ICEY, you have talked in the abstract about a "hooker" and having to get her drugs.

Well I do not do anything like that, ever. I have not contact with drugs.

Do you want monogamy? It is still available. The girl who can make you the most credible offer of monogamy is the one who has had the least prior sex partners.

What do you want your girl to be doing when she is not with you? Do you want her to be a Bag Lady? Walmarts, Uber, Lyft, Instacart?

Do you want her to be studying for her Real Estate License, or for her Security Broker's License, so that she can be an Apostle of Wealth Creation?

Women want to be able to pay their bills.

I have been much with monogamy girls. Now I see that there is a fundamental problem with them. They live for external approval.

I have always like the kind who are not like this.

Veruca Salt - Volcano Girls…
avatar for MeNotYou2
4 years ago
First off most women “cost money”. Movies, dinners, candy and flowers all cost money. And divorces are expensive. And some states after you get divorced you still have to pay them and not get to sleep with them. I sometimes think women dislike prostitution because it brings down the value of sex…
I know a guy (reasonably well off) who was married about 8 years and figured out it would have been noticeably cheaper to have hired pros for sex then the cost he ultimately paid…
As for dating dancers…. I have a buddy that when we were younger dated a couple dancers. One he met in the club and a couple others he met though various folks that he knew who were connected to the clubs. But invariably the dancers were all horrible at managing money and burned through cash like it was water. They were always asking favors of him and anyone else they thought they could use. I avoided going out with one dancer who wanted to because she was always hitting up everyone for favors and or so called loans. I figured that even though she was a hot gorgeous spinner. It would ultimately be cheaper to just pay someone and not have to deal with the Bagage was a bounus.
That being said a couple other friends had relationships that were pretty much just as bad. So I don’t think the issue is being a dancer make them bad people or bad partners but that a lot of women that have qualities that are undesirable in a partner get into dancing. If you understand what I am saying.
But that is the opinion of MeNotYou.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Sex is Pagan Liturgy. All the accoutrements, slut wear, cosmetics, and contraception, originated in the temples of the ancient world.

Intolerance 1916, pre-Hays Office…

I like women who dress and paint up slutty, women who are slutty, women who fuck a lot of guys.

What they ask for as payment is just a social token.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I never said to give hookers drugs in exchange for sex. Spending money on is normal. Spending money for means it's just about the money for her.

And dating promiscuous girls who like looking slutty is easy. But when it's p4p it's a different dynamic.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"I never said to give hookers drugs in exchange for sex."

^^^ that's only because you don't wanna admit that's exactly why they wanna GFE you.

It's all part of your fantasy that you're not paying. 😂😂😂
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"- Turn the conversation to drugs. Hook her up with whatever she’s into...

...Its in your best interest to take control of her drug use from the start. Make sure she does the minimum to get fucked up."

^^^ @icee these are your own quotes. Spoiler alert, when she's a junkie stripper whore, she'll give you the best GFE for the drugs that you know she likes. 🤣🤣🤣
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Most of the time the really off the hook girls are getting money for sex. It just makes it easier for them, as they have to pay their bills.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Women like money spent on them. And usually the better they look the more they claim to
want or expect. But so many gorgeous girls are with bums. But will fuck on the side if a guy has clout or money.

Girls who fuck in exchange for money are hookers and only a small percentage of women are.

But you can easily break on a slut and turn her into a hoe....
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
What kind of a relationship you have with any of them is up to you.

I am only saying that the girls who fuck the most have the best attitude.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
The relationship is dictated by what it's contingent on. It isn't just a matter of what you believe.

A hooker will have a good attitude with you. She wants repeat business.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Most of these girls are immediately civilianizable.

AMPs, Street, Dance Hostesses, Our local strip clubs.

Of the upscale San Francisco strip clubs, there are a lot of lesbians. And there are a few who think that they are better than most guys. But the rest of them are ready for immediate civilianization.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Those with pro-experience are more sexualized, more into slutty dress and paint up, and just more off the hook. They will blow your mind.

Far preferable to be engaging with.

The civvie by comparison is neurotic.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"The relationship is dictated by what it's contingent on. It isn't just a matter of what you believe.

A hooker will have a good attitude with you. She wants repeat business."

^^^ yeah icee totally agree.

And when she's a junkie coke whore stripper she might even give you 5 years of good GFE, maybe even call you a "soulmate" as long as you are a good and steady supply of coke.

But then when you try to control her coke use, she might take issue with that and dump you for a better source of it.

Sound familiar? You talk from experience my nigga. Lulz!
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
I don't deal with druggies, and I have no interest in ever doing so.

I like it when women are competing with each other for male attention. I like it when they are slutty. Civvies are usually not like this, instead they seek approval from other women.


TJ Street……

Pleaser 10"……

Ladies, do you think 9" and 10" are okay? If you say yes, then should they introduce 11" and 12"?

I'd Love to Change the World - Alvin Lee & Ten Years After…
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Civvies compete and are slutty for men they want. Pros compete for customers
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Civvies most of the time keep it in bounds, so that the other women do not call them slutty.

Pros like guys and want the same things as civvies, they are just more unrestrained in going for it.


Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends (Live)…
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I guess it depends on their age. In my experience a civvie will be slutty and compete for you.

Hookers are only like that when working
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
My experience is that hookers are slutty at all times.

Civvies want to compete by playing hard to get and by getting approval from other women. Civvies just don't have it.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
It's an age thing. Young girls in general are really slutty now unless they're religious. And even then you just have to get her inner hoe out.

If you're a hookers customer yeah she'll always act slutty for you as long as the money keeps coming in.

But thanks to hip hop glorifying nothing but money and the influence of people like saweetie and Megan thee stallion the city girls etc you get a lot of civvie hoe hybrids. Ghetto girls who will pretend to be very uppity and hard to get but who "don't fuck for free" ....
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Yeah, sex workers with the stripper shoes and the slut uniforms, they are routinely going way beyond the hip hop stuff you are talking about.

Our Beloved Latina Escorts are much better.

You seem down on sex workers. Is an elite college girl who does party hook ups for free, better, and just because she does not take money? Generally at an elite college she has her bills already paid for her.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I'm not judging hookers. I'm talking about it from my perspective. I'd rather be with the college slut who wants me than the hooker im paying to be with me.

One is with you because she wants to. The other only because you pay her.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ LMFAO so says the trick bitch PL that had to pay coke to a junkie stripper whore for a 5 year GFE. 😂😂😂
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
ICEY, you talk about night club women and these hip hop girls. Well, they sound nice. But probably they get dressed, and they will end up back in their own beds, without having fucked anyone.

More could happen, but most of the time it doesn't.

For one thing there are laws against public sex and lewdness, and it applies to the entire premises, and to the bath rooms. And then it is understood to be a place where they cannot collect money. So they dress and conduct themselves to win the approval of other women.

Maybe that is all that is available, in some situations.

But we have had better. At one of our underground places girls were doing front room FS.

They dressed and painted up to compete with other women as to who could ride the most cock.

So it is totally different.

And they would be there after, at a bar, counting their money together. And they do all the OTC they can get. These girls are awesome!

It was mostly a core group of Latinas, and then more who usually were Market St. Cinema alumni. These women were a real trip. Just spending any time with them, they made you feel like a king.

I don't see that fact that they are collecting money to be of any significance. I see it as back end insurance. That is, most guys will not keep seeing them very long. If you want to, if you want to get one of them off of the clock, that is not impossible.

Like written in a book about Mexico, one of them might say, "Okay cabrone(cuckold) marry me right now."

If you just let things play out, she will likely go where ever you lead her.

But mistresses do cost money, and wives cost vastly more money.

These pros, in their demeanor and manner of dress and paint up, they are much more fun than civvies.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I'm not talking about illegal brothels
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Well generally the most off the hook and really out there women will be found in places which are offering immediate FS, and whom are taking in money. Pro's are more pleasing than civvies.

avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
SJG, wives don’t cost $$ if you marry correctly. Doing so means that in a successful marriage that is the easiest path to build wealth, so actually wives are a strong investment for health and financial reasons. Having an unsuccessful marriage like you had causes pain and senility, proof in how you post your views on this website.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Well a wife who actually knows how to be a partner and who conducts herself that way, is very different from what I had.

But "building wealth" is really just a head trip, trying to get people to sell themselves out.

3 years ago
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