
WWTD? Dancer sits down and starts crying...

avatar for wallanon

What Would TUSCL Do?

I'm at the club about to leave because I just spent $100 on awkward dances from this chick who was clumsily trying to upsell me but her English was completely fucked. As I'm texting another gal to see what she's doing, this young dancer walks up. I'd seen her earlier and she was kinda cute but was with some dude.

She asks me my name, immediately forgets she did as she introduces herself, and then asks if she could sit down. I'm waiting to get a message back so why not? Then I ask how she's doing while looking to see if a waitress is around, and she says she's doing good but doesn't sound quite right. I look over at her and she's literally got tears streaking down her face...

She's trying to keep them from coming, or maybe poking herself in the eyes to turn on the waterworks, but I give her a closer look and these are like real in-her-feelings tears. Fuck! Really?! So what would TUSCL do?


last comment
avatar for Warrior15
3 yrs ago

Oh. Thats tough. Am I in a hurry to get somewhere else ? I have to admit that I'm not good at giving comfort. Especially to someone that I do not know. I have my phone in my hand, I might fake a call and excuse myself. Is that terrible ? Yeah, but I might do that.

avatar for jackslash
3 yrs ago

This is obviously an opportunity to pressure her into cheap OTC.

avatar for RandomMember
3 yrs ago

The hustle for cheap OTC is standard TUSCL protocol and a good idea. But I'm cynical and she's probable crying about being evicted or needing new tires.

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

Nothing except to ask her if everything is alright. Don't let tears lead you to a decision that you would not otherwise make. I know this sounds harsh, but a savvy stripper can be legitimately sad while still using it as part of her hustle. Women have far more emotional nuance than we do.

avatar for CJKent_band
3 yrs ago


I will play along and answer your question:

Q: What Would TUSCL Do when a Dancer sits down and starts crying...?

A: “Do good and good will follow you...”

Sometimes crying happens naturally, and can help relieve stress and pain on people.

Ask her if there something you can help her with, most often she would just need someone to listen and show her some empathy.

Just act like a human being and show that you care about another human being.

Sometimes she just needs a friendly gesture, perhaps lean on you and ask for a hug or hug you, an unexpected acts of kindness can bring wellness to both parties.

Just remember to be careful out there...

avatar for Muddy
3 yrs ago

I would have to ask what's wrong. These are humans we're dealing with. That doesn't mean I'm spending money if it's a hustle on me your just wasting your fucking time i'm too cheap to spend on anything I'm not head over heels for. But I can always chat. Life can be rough for people sometimes and it's good to pick each other up.

avatar for bang69
3 yrs ago

Show her you care about her as a person. Listen to her and help her out.

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

Be kind rewind

avatar for jmiddle30234
3 yrs ago

Happened to me at fantasy ranch or something in Houston years ago . Took her for a nude lap dance started crying, sat and talked for the dance about how this isn’t like her. Gave her the money. An hour later getting a dance from another girl and the bitch is back there grinding the shit out of another monger.

avatar for skibum609
3 yrs ago

Walk away from the scam.

avatar for docsavage
3 yrs ago

I had a regular one time on the verge of tears when I went to see her because a guy wasn't interested in continuing a romantic relationship with her and had told her so. She was also half drunk from drinking heavily, something I had never seen her do. If someone didn't want me I never cared because there are plenty of other fish in the ocean but some of these girls get all torn up if a guy doesn't want her. A lot of these girls in strip clubs are pretty and should have a choice of boyfriends but also have bad judgement and are always picking guys who cheat on them, can't hold a job, have drug or alcohol addictions, commit crimes and get sent off to prison and so on. This causes these girls a lot of misery.

avatar for wallanon
3 yrs ago

Here's what I did. I asked if she was ok. She obviously wasn't, but I gave her an opening to talk. Her response was something like she's doing good except for nobody likes her and she doesn't know why. I've seen the scams the same as the rest of you, and this read as genuine. But now I'm stuck with her at the table and a decision to make.

Chose not to simply reject and walk, so then I asked her if she wanted to talk about it. This stranger who'd just sat down started to share something personal, but then seemed to gather herself up and started asking me questions. Rebooted and went into the stripper smalltalk routine. That was better because I could bail, but then things got weird. More on that later.

avatar for goldmongerATL
3 yrs ago

@docsavage said this:

A lot of these girls in strip clubs are pretty and should have a choice of boyfriends but also have bad judgement and are always picking guys who cheat on them, can't hold a job, have drug or alcohol addictions, commit crimes and get sent off to prison and so on. This causes these girls a lot of misery.

It got me thinking chicken and egg. Are strippers attracted to loser guys like this, or is it that women who go for these guys are the type that might turn to stripping because of the same low esteem that gets them the druggie criminal boyfriend? Or this type of guy coerces/convinces them to strip for the money.

Most clubs do not want boyfriends in the club. I had a girl that I was considering for VIP. She mentioned that her boyfriend was sitting at the bar watching. I thought that meant she would not dare go to VIP. Instead she started crying and said that if she did not get a VIP soon he would beat her ass when she got home. When we were done in VIP she went right to a skinhead looking dude at the bar and gave him the money. He got up and left.

avatar for boomer79
3 yrs ago

I’d ask if she was alright but if she didn’t want to talk I wouldn’t press. Just be nice. However I wouldn’t let it cause me to spend a lot of ,okey I wouldn’t have and I’d remember that she may not want to talk about it and if she didn’t it would be none of my business.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

I’ve learned to not get involved in dancers’ personal-problems – one only gets sucked-in and at the end of the day one usually can’t really fix their problems – often times even if one tries to give them sound-advice it often goes in one ear and out the other.

If a dancer is crying b/c she can’t make $$$, yeah I feel bad for her – but if I try to be her White Knight that means she’s gonna look at me to give her $$$.

avatar for rentz2
3 yrs ago

I would ask her what's wrong and go from there.

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

===> "Her response was something like she's doing good except for nobody likes her and she doesn't know why. I've seen the scams the same as the rest of you, and this read as genuine."


I think that this says it all. On the plus side, this girl sounds ripe for pretty much anything you want from her. But on the downside, "kinda cute" is not exactly a ringing endorsement, which is probably why she's struggling to begin with.

avatar for how
3 yrs ago

Care enough to ask if she is alright. Listen and empathize as appropriate.

Be wary enough not to fall for a line that involves giving her money for some sorrowful situation.

avatar for nicespice
3 yrs ago

I guess if feeling awkward could be gentle if you don’t want to engage too long. Could respond “well damn, I didn’t know I was that ugly” or something

avatar for gammanu95
3 yrs ago

To answer the OP's original question: give her the shocker and make her call you "Daddy."

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