
Have you ever complained to management?

Blue Ridge Foothills
We freely share our gripes with each other here, like in the recent 'Top Strip Club Gripes' thread. Have you ever made any of your complaints known to the people who could actually do something about it? If you haven't, why not? If you have, what was the result?


  • mmdv26
    19 years ago
    I rarely complain except for the take the drink when I go to the restroom - even when it has a napkin on the top of it. I always thought that was the unversal sign for "leave this drink alone". But, hey, these are strip clubs...
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Yoda: I've had that happen so often, I make a point anymore of catching the waitress when I get up and telling her not to take my drink. Still, I've come back from simply tipping at the stage to find my drink gone. I've received replacements in both situations.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    My pet peave is nasty waitresse who take your drink away when you go to the men's room. I've complained several times in several clubs about this sort of stupidity. Of course management encourages them to do this when a drink is "almost" gone. Half empty is another story....Every time I complain I get a fresh drink on the house....I guess I shouldn't be complaining about when this happens
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    It would be nice if all club management was concerned about irritating visits. I had one bad encounter with a bouncer and was thinking about talking to the manager because I didn't know what I did wrong. Then the bouncer told me there were two managers, I was thinking WTF? I had enough of that and the more questions I asked, the more threatening the bouncer seemed to get so I just left and never returned.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Shadowcat, I really admire the action you took, even though you didn't get the result you wanted. I just read your latest PP review. I'm glad the new DJ is less annoying. Frankly, when I visisted last month, the DJ bothered me way more than the music's volume. I did complain about him to a manager.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    On the old ASSC newsgroup, my favorite poster was a former manager. He always encouraged posters to complain to management about gripes they posted about. It's annoying to read people bitch online about things that everyone knows could be directed to somebody in the club. Handwringing is a waste of time, online or anywhere. Complaining to management does work. Even when it doesn't, at least it doesn't waste everyone else's time. Anybody who's too timid or apathetic to make their disapproval known to the source gets the shitty treatment they deserve.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I found out complaining to management works especially if you are identifying a source of a big loss of business to the club. I was happy with the outcome after speaking to the manager in one instance. Another time I remember someone took my beer away (only about 3 feet away from me) while I was getting a lapdance within the lap dance room. They gave me a beer on the house.

    However, there seems to be some clubs where complaining doesn't do any good. I let my feet do the talking in that case. Eventually a manager will notice when a club is empty and start listening to complaints if they want to stay in business.
    19 years ago
    I think complaining is a total waste of time. They either know what's going on and don't give a shit, or they're so unconcerned that they don't even bother to find out what's going on in their own club. If you complain you'll get lip service but that's all. Better to just go somewhere else. Vote with your feet, just like you would do with any other business.
  • easyed14
    19 years ago
    At the club I frequent, I'm fortunate enough to have a friendly relationship with the owner. Every time he see's me there he'll come over and shake my hand and usually buys me a drink. Because of that relationship, I feel very comfortable expressing any concerns I have to him regarding the operation of the club. I've complained about the music being too loud, it being too cold inside the club and the lights too dark in the club. Each instance, my complaint was resolved at least for that evening.

    I once also complained to him about a dancer that stole $30 that I had sitting on my table. She just picked the money up as she was walking by. I was having a lap dance at the time and I think she thought I wouldn't notice it. When I confonted her about it, she denied it even though I told her I saw her take the money. The manager fired her on the spot. She ended up being rehired about six months later and was eventually fired again for stealing from one of her fellow dancers.
  • Clubber
    19 years ago
    I have, a couple of times. Once when the bartender would take a nearly full beer and toss it while i was in the restroom. I received a couple on the house. The other time, loud crap, I mean rap "music". I told the bartender, a real sweet one, and she got it correct to less ethnic, toned down music.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I've complained a few times. Once was a really lazy and rude waitress, one was a shot girl trying to scam me. Overall it's not often something comes up that I need to complain about.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    I complained one time to the management at my favorite club when one of the dancers, who did nothing for me, took her "Wanna Dance?" routine too far. I probably would have let that go, but I wasn't in a good mood that day, so I complained and she stayed away the rest of the night. At a different club, I got a free pass once because I complained to the bartender/manager how none of the girls were attractive or came around to give lapdances.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Complained about shitty treatment by the bouncers at an Indianna club through email. The owner caled me the next day to apologise and set me up with some free passes. If you have a problem at a club definately speak up. You are the customer and the clubs would not exist without you.
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    The only time I ever outright complained was when I sat in a club with NVD (No Visible Dancers) - all of the dancers were either hiding in the dressing room, in the can, or sitting around shooting the shit with each other. No one was on stage,and no one was working the floor. All 15 of us customers sat there for what seemed like forever waiting for SOMETHING to happen. I finally gave up, and upon exiting, grabbed the manager and told him how I was leaving with alot of $$$ in my pocket, that the girls were lazy as shit, and that I would not be coming back anytime soon. He listened, nodded, and gave me 2 free passes. Uh huh....like I'll be using THOSE anytime soon.
    19 years ago
    The main way I complain to management is to go elsewhere. I've also registered complaints on club web sites, and they've usually responded by erasing my complaint. Needless to say I don't go to those places any more. I think a lot of strip clubs (not all of them thankfully) are among the least customer-oriented businesses I've ever encountered. Which is why many of them are losing business.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Yes I have, and it didn't appear to change anything.

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