Here's my count (state [estimate amount of clubs]):
California (4) Nevada (5) Florida (8) New York (6) Connecticut (2) Rhode Island (4) Indiana (2) Illinois (1) Washington DC (2) Virginia (1) Massachusetts (1) Hawaii (7)
I've really slowed down. In the past year I've only been to one club and only about 6-8 times. It's been nearly 3 years since I've tried a new club. My new hobby of getting massages (I got one yesterday) seems to be taking over.
FONDL, I have the same count as you only I did it in 12 years instead of 40. That's 10 new clubs a year, but my pace has been far from steady. About 90 clubs came in a frenzy in my first three years or so, 1994-95-96. Then, I settled way way down and stayed closer to home over the next 7 years, only trying maybe 10 or 12 new clubs. Over the last two years, I've felt a touch of the old wanderlust and hit about 18 new clubs. So, over the last 10 years, I have been right on your pace of 3 per year. For those first three years, I plead insanity.
Just to put my experiences in perspective, 120 clubs in 40 years is 3 new clubs a year. Which is about right, about once a year I probably visited some place I'd never been before and hit several clubs until I found one I liked. So 3 new clubs a year sounds about right. I'm sure many of you have done essentially the same thing.
The funny thing is I could have added one more state to my list and several more clubs by just driving for about an hour or so to my south to Georgia. I still haven't done that though after 9 years. Based on the reviews here, it looks like I'm better off staying closer to home.
I count 51 clubs in Michigan. Next highest is either Illinois or Ontario, both about 20. Indiana is about half that, and the other states are 1-5 each, making my total about 120.
But 51 is the highest state total anyone has reported. I've only been to 3 of the 51 in the past 6 years. Back in 1994-95, I visited all 33 Detroit-area clubs I could find. Most of them were awful. About 25 of them I never returned to a second time.
Please let me clarify. This total has been amassed over 20+ years. I have been lucky to be able to spend so much time in GA, FLA, SC, and TN for work. Let it be noted also, that probably 98 percent of these visits were daytime visits.
OK, my count is 26 States, Plus 1 District, 1 Territory, and 2 Foreign Countries(see earlier post for breakdown). 141 Clubs. To be counted as a club, it had to have drink service from a bar(alc or non alc) and be at least topless. I DID NOT count bikini gogo bars, old burlsq. theater only style, or peep shows. If those are counted, add 15-20 clubs, and 1 state(NY).
Guess I'm still the low guy on the totem pole unless you count number of clubs visited. I have been to all 50 states when I was younger but I was too young to remember the Northeast US and southwestern states that well. My urge to travel was greatly reduced by all of the traveling I did while I was growing up. I spent most of my summer vacations on the road.
I obvioulsy meant "revise and extend" which is what happens when I try to do several things at once. This reconfirms my definition of multitasking, which is that instead of doing one thing well you do several things poorly.
Anyway I think that makes my total somewhere around 105, I've lost count. And I'm sure it should be higher than that because I'm only counting places I remember and I'm sure I've forgotten some. Plus when you go way back it becomes unclear what qualifies as a strip club, they've changed quite a bit. I'm pretty sure I've been to at least one place in Chicago, I spent enough time there way back when. And Cleveland too. But I just don't remember. So let's say 23 states and 110 clubs in the US, and maybe 10 clubs elsewhere. I'll settle for that. And if that sounds like a lot, remember we're talking over 40 years and a lot of travel.
Chandler, only one area in Canada (Montreal), 2 to 4 foreign countries depending on how you define "strip club" (France, Spain, Italy, Greece), and Puerto Rico, again depending on your definition of "strip club." I may have also visited a club in Mexico City but it was so long ago I don't remember. Similarly my South Carolina total should read 5.
But I do need to revise and consent one more time. I started thinking about this later and was able to name 22 clubs in PA that I've been to and I'm sure there are others, so let's up PA to 25.
My count 30: AK,AZ,CA,CO,FL,GA,HI,IL,IN,KS,KY,ME,MD,MI,MN,NV,NM, NC,OH,OR,PA,TX,UT,VA,WA,WI. Plus DC, PR, Canada, Netherlands. Also, pretty much agree w. AC on our common states, although I didn't think that NC's mileage was that great at the time.
California Nevada Arizona Texas Colorado Minnesota Illinois Michigan Wisconsin
It seems that the common denominator is California. I guess anybody who travels for business, ends up traveling to California at least once. No wonder the clubs out here are so crowded all the time!
Addendum: I just noticed a new post about Las Vegas clubs - I have been to a couple there. I also note that I only listed the Key West clubs in my Florida visits; I forgot that I've also been to a couple of clubs in Tampa. How could I forget Mons and Odyssey 2000? So raise my total to 21 states and 98 clubs. I'm sure I've forgotten some others. I used to travel a lot.
I'll list the states and estimate the number of clubs in each that I've visited:
Massachusetts (6) Rhode Island (2) Connecticut (3) New York (6) New Jersey (3) Pennsylvania (20) Maryland (8) DC (7) Virginia (2) South Carolina (2) Georgia (5) Florida (4) Kentucky (4) West Virginia (6) Indiana (3) Michigan (4) Kansas (1) Louisiana (2) California (3) Texas (3)
That's 20 states and 94 clubs. I've probably visited some in Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio too but I don't specifically remember any in those states. I've also been to clubs in Canada and a couple of European countries.
last commentAlthough my list has been accumulated over 20+ years, the majority of the clubs have been visited in past 10.
California (4)
Nevada (5)
Florida (8)
New York (6)
Connecticut (2)
Rhode Island (4)
Indiana (2)
Illinois (1)
Washington DC (2)
Virginia (1)
Massachusetts (1)
Hawaii (7)
Guam (8)
Hope to travel to Asia more frequently.
CA 2
NV 1
KS 6
OK 15
TX 2
KY 8
NM 1
MS 1
Ps. What no one else here has been to a club in Oklahoma?
But 51 is the highest state total anyone has reported. I've only been to 3 of the 51 in the past 6 years. Back in 1994-95, I visited all 33 Detroit-area clubs I could find. Most of them were awful. About 25 of them I never returned to a second time.
2 states. Guess that bumps you from the bottom, casualguy.
11 states + Canada
14 states- 140 clubs
NC - 11
WI - 1
Guess I'm still the low guy on the totem pole unless you count number of clubs visited. I have been to all 50 states when I was younger but I was too young to remember the Northeast US and southwestern states that well. My urge to travel was greatly reduced by all of the traveling I did while I was growing up. I spent most of my summer vacations on the road.
Looks like I have some catching up to do.
1. NV
2. CA
3. FL
4. KS
5. IL
6. MO
7. IN
8. TX
Anyway I think that makes my total somewhere around 105, I've lost count. And I'm sure it should be higher than that because I'm only counting places I remember and I'm sure I've forgotten some. Plus when you go way back it becomes unclear what qualifies as a strip club, they've changed quite a bit. I'm pretty sure I've been to at least one place in Chicago, I spent enough time there way back when. And Cleveland too. But I just don't remember. So let's say 23 states and 110 clubs in the US, and maybe 10 clubs elsewhere. I'll settle for that. And if that sounds like a lot, remember we're talking over 40 years and a lot of travel.
But I do need to revise and consent one more time. I started thinking about this later and was able to name 22 clubs in PA that I've been to and I'm sure there are others, so let's up PA to 25.
It seems that the common denominator is California. I guess anybody who travels for business, ends up traveling to California at least once. No wonder the clubs out here are so crowded all the time!
CA (good)
CO (bad)
DC (bad)
FL (good)
ID (bad)
OR (bad)
TX (good)
WA (good)
Massachusetts (6)
Rhode Island (2)
Connecticut (3)
New York (6)
New Jersey (3)
Pennsylvania (20)
Maryland (8)
DC (7)
Virginia (2)
South Carolina (2)
Georgia (5)
Florida (4)
Kentucky (4)
West Virginia (6)
Indiana (3)
Michigan (4)
Kansas (1)
Louisiana (2)
California (3)
Texas (3)
That's 20 states and 94 clubs. I've probably visited some in Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio too but I don't specifically remember any in those states. I've also been to clubs in Canada and a couple of European countries.
Puerto Rico
Ontario, Canada
New York
West Virginia
District of Columbia
Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota.
Never been to California, so I guess I've ruined that for everyone.
The life of a traveling salesman. Will take it any day over the miserable existence of others here.