
Hobbies other than SC

Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:57 PM
Just wondering what other hobbies people have. I watch a lot of sports, play chess, and occasionally sing karaoke.


  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Before the Iraq war started and I lost contact with one of my friends who was in the army reserves, we used to play lan games RTS (real time strategy such as Total Annihilation, Warcraft, Quake, etc, etc.) It was a real blast teaching him Total Annihilation and hearing his expression when I kept blowing him up with another new weapon or tactic. He thought I was an expert for about a month or two. Then he got me into playing paintball with some of his army buddies. I was about ready to buy a semi - automatic paint ball gun but we got too busy after that. I thought it was fun but it did leave bruises that lasted about 2 weeks after you got shot. My friend said one guy had tactical army training or something like that and I forget now what training the other people had that I was playing with. You need to stay in shape if you hope to compete in the woods behind trees, logs, bushes, etc. while trying to sneek up and shoot your friendly neighborhood "enemies."
  • davids
    18 years ago
    Pimping out parodyman-->'s young daughters and sisters!
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    I've always wanted to try curling. It's such a strange sport, the players with their brushes and stones. I have no freakin idea what they are doing, but it looks like fun. It's also good to watch when you are hungover, since it's a relatively quiet sport (golf is also good to watch when hungover).
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    CG, send me an e-mail, I have some info for you.
    18 years ago
    Anyone here ever been to a nudist camp? I never have but I think I'd enjoy it.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    If you want unusual hobbies, I was once into astrophotography but I haven't taken any astrophotos in a while. The last time I took some pics, it was using film and I know everything seems to be going digital.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    So far, I'd say the only really unusual items mentioned are the quicksand thing and tutoring Brazilian strippers. The best I could do to match those might be a couple of interests I had for a few years, but dropped: luge-running and acting in community theatre.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    If I don't surf the web too much tonight I plan on doing an old favorite hobby I haven't done very much lately. That is play a pc game. I used to have a whole lot of hobbies but now I just seem to work, visit relatives, surf the internet a bit, then go to bed. I also enjoy watching sci-fi shows.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I go to the gym, I enjoy listening to and playing music. Right now I'm elbow deep in cable setting up my new 7.1 surround sound system. Also, in my soare time I tutor young Brazilian strippers in English..yes, I am a giver.....
  • nj_pete
    18 years ago
    Music (classic rock, newer rock, and "real" classic music (chamber and orcherstral, NOT opera) plus getting more into photography again with a recent ourchase of a Nikon digital SLR. Was big into photography 20 years ago in college.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Books, music and art. I consider these lifelong passions, not hobbies. I enjoy movies and occasionally photography and cooking. I play tennis and basketball. I get absorbed in a lot of activities for 2 or 3 years, then move on to new interests. And I definitely don't consider going to strip clubs a hobby. It's a vice.
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    I go to the gym quite a bit. Also like building computers, learning about chinese-y things, and playing poker/shooting pool with my guy friends. Oh, and internet porn is another fave pastime.
    18 years ago
    Shadowcat, I've also done trains for years but I've gotten to the point that I only set them up at Christmas. And years ago I switched to G gage because I got tired of the HO stuff jumping off the track all the time. Music is also a major hobby but I prefer playing to listening. In fact I'd rather do than watch in almost all my endeavors.
  • GooberMan
    18 years ago
    Oh, I forgot one other hobby, the source of my handle: [view link] I do not create these videos. I just buy them.
  • GooberMan
    18 years ago
    I exercise using the P90X program through [view link] every single day. I also spend a considerable amount of time at [view link] engaging in intellectual discussions aimed at human flourishing.
  • easyed14
    18 years ago
    I golf, bicycle, play poker, and shoot pool. I've started having back problems so my doctor recommended yoga. I start classes next Monday. I bought the Nude Playboy Yoga DVD, and although it made my heart rate go up, I found it wasn't helping my back a bit! Hence the yoga class!
  • Doverman
    18 years ago
    I play a lot of golf in the summer and like to cook all year long.
  • stpetedan
    18 years ago
    Gamling for me. Poker, blackjack and greyhound betting.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Cooking, movies (on DVD), photography, chess (although I haven't played for about a year now), music (trying to get my 300+ vinyl albums onto my computer and CD), reading (although my "to read" stack is growing faster than the "done" stack). The odd thing is that I'd probably give up SC before any of the other hobbies, yet this is the board I post to most often.
    18 years ago
    I run and work out regularly and play tennis and get massages (the legitimate kind unfortunately) regularly. I also do a lot of boating in the summer. And I read and collect first editions of good mysteries. And I drink a lot of wine so my health habits don't get out of hand. One's life must be well balanced.
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