
How many miles to get more mileage?

Any place that interests me.
What is the maximum distance that you are willing to drive to get to a better club, without springing for hotel RON? For me, 2-2.5 hrs 1 way drive max when home, probably 1 hr. when on business trip. Bang for $ and/or significant mileage gain must be present.


  • mmdv26
    19 years ago
    After I discovered TUSCL 7 or 8 years ago, I did a four day ultra road trip to SF, Tijuana, Houston and Tampa. These days I drive 4 hours to ESL a couple of times a year. I enjoy my local club more than in the past, and at the present time, the mileage is the best it has ever been.
    Kinda' like the places I visited back then - except for Tijuana of course.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    A big part of the appeal to me of a 2-4 hour trip is that it's completely irrational.
  • Doverman
    19 years ago
    My guess from the context of the sentence would be that RON = "remaining over night."
  • GooberMan
    19 years ago
    What does RON abbreviate?

    Perhaps the site owner can add that to the Glossary here.
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    OK, it looks like 1-2 hrs is "norm" here. This equates to 2-4 hr round trip driving time. Rationally, club experience would have to be worth 2-4 hrs take home pay (either in less expensive LDs for same mileage, or "perceived" greater value of more distant SC experience. For "average" wage earner, we're talking probably $30-$60 for trip to be worthwhile. For someone like chitown, such time expenditure runs well into 3 figures. But, can SC experience be truly quantified in rational terms?
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    On a purely practical basis, cheaper dances shouldn't warrant driving more than an extra hour or so round trip, depending on how you value your time. However, the implusive, anything-is-possible feeling when dances are $10 and not $25 the whole experience more than the cost difference can account for.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Erm...meant to write "changes the whole experience".
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I will drive 3 hours to favorite club, although it's not strictly for the mileage. Mileage does tend to be high at that club, but I can get as much closer. It's more for the relaxed, laid back atmosphere (and the cheap dances).

    However, rarely do I make the trip there and back in one day, although I have done so. I almost always arrive late, stay til closing, and come back the next morning.
    19 years ago
    I always go at least an hour away, sometime almost 2. There aren't any clubs closer than that and I probably would't go to them if there were.
  • easyed14
    19 years ago
    My favorite club is only 10 minutes away but is rather low mileage. When I get the urge for high mileage, I've got at least 8 clubs within a half hours drive. I've made the 2 hour drive to San Diego a couple of times but it's mostly for the variety since the mileage is much lower than L.A. standards.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    45 minutes
  • Doverman
    19 years ago
    Although my local club has great mileage, I've driven about 1.5 - 2 hours away. More so out of curiousity about the reputation the club had than anything else. The reputation was well deserved.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    My favorite club is an hour or so away, but since I gotta have variety, at least once in a while, I'll go up to 4. But I can't say I get more mileage, just more mileage from girls I don't always see.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Without springing for a hotel? Maybe an hour tops.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I don't know. I've never traveled locally for higher mileage. Hopefully I'll let all y'all know later this year.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    A club that has most everything I need is one hour away, but I occasionally drive as far as four hours just for variety, not necessarily better mileage.
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