I know some of you are tired of reading all the redundant posts by some users. Just click the ignore link next to their name and their posts will stop showing up. To remove them from your ignore list, click on the myPage link and scroll to the bottom. You will see all your ignored users there, and you can re-instate them.
Corey, you're missing the point. The ignore feature was implemented to limit the disruption a troll can cause. However, don't take for granted that he can't do the same damage within other threads. This thread provides a mere hint of the kind of barrage that can result from encouraging davids. If you are going to take adavantage of the ignore feature, please do your part by also ignoring the troll within other threads.
Founder: Why not set the board up so that we can ignore individual posters. This can be done on several other boards in which I participate. Blocking threads is an improvement but weeds must be pulled out by the roots otherwise they just keep growing back.
Another note to Chandler: I also think you have a very poor understanding of the psychology of the posters here if you do not realize that many of them get a charge out of conflict. In particular AN and parody live solely for it. Take away the conflict and how quickly before they get bored and leave altogether? You guys do want your conflict. Don't deny it.
AN is a self-proclaimed "computer geek" who claims that he won a Turing Award (although I am skeptical the latter claim).
Why not have him spend an afternoon writing a client to provide full kill file capacity client side? Then it could be customized however you want as necessary to counter the "trolls" lastest moves.
Message to Chandler: I don't understand why you are so insistent on silencing me altogether. Does it bother if you that I point out how old and pathetic you are? If you don't care you won't be so persistent in your campaign.
Here's a little clue for you: Unlike you, not everyone who reads this board is old and pathetic enough to be beyond hope. You may be a lost cause, but we will trust that others are not. Please try and keep your morality to yourself and let other choose what they wish to read and wish to ignore. I know you would very much like to see me banned, but it will never happen. Sorry.
easyed14: Sorry, there is currently no way to make a troll's posts disappear from others' threads. It may be that Founder can extend the ignore feature to accomplish that if it proves necessary. However, that may require considerably more work on his part, so he hoped that ignoring only topics would have enough impact to restore the board to life.
In the meantime, I have a suggestion for Corey and anyone else who says they use the ignore button and then provoke a troll in threads he knows nobody chooses to ignore. You have an odd way of showing your appreciation for the new feature. If you can't resist the urge to taunt davids, why not confine it to threads started by davids so that the rest of us don't have to wade through it. Thank you.
As I've said before there is no rule saying that someone who goes into a strip club has to buy dances. There never will be such a rule either. It is understood by employees that 10-20% of customers in Seattle do not buy lap dances at all. I do not know about other regions of the country.
Try going into a strip club sometime and telling them you are just there to pick up chicks w/o spending money. Think they'll throw you out the door? Think they will go back to the dressing room and tell all their friends to stay away from you? Not exactly what happens in reality. Try it: it's fun.
Anyway, reasons to go to a strip club to pick up chicks:
a) Management has done the work of seeking out good looking women for you and putting the altogether under one roof conviently for you. This is extra nice b/c one thing that triggers attraction in hot chicks is seeing that other hot chicks like you. Thus, SC make a good place to leverage "social proof" b) Now regular night clubs certainly have just as many good looking women as strip clubs, and they are, arguably, better looking on average (depends on the night club vs strip club you are comparing, of course, but I think this is true on average), so why choose a strip club over a regular night club? A few reasons I can think of
i) If are savvy regarding stripper psychology you can distinguish yourself from other customers and you will stand out all the more. This is harder in a regular club where more guys (though still not many) have some "game".
ii) You can learn what it is feels like to be the "hot chick" in the bar: The strippers are the loser guys coming up to you with the cheesy lines. You can "feel" why you want to blow them out, and you can "feel" why some approaches work and others don't
iii) Strippers as mouse once said, are basically "female players" so you learn from them. Watch what they do or ask them. Note that alot of what they do is instinctive so it's sometimes hard to get them to articulate it, but you can get them to if you are presitent. iv) It is rumored that strippers are supposed to be better for sex than any other group of women.
So those are the reasons, but assuming iv) is false and a guy already had perfect game, and nothing to learn, he would never visit a strip club at all since the hottest chicks are to be found in regular clubs. I imagine most strip club regulars are a long ways from being able to consistenty pick off the hottest chick in a regular club, however.
Personally I mix up visits to strip clubs and regular night clubs. Use what you learn in one to benefit you in the other.
I kind of agree with you as far as the "nice guy thing" I mean if a guy is a "nice guy" as you say it the stripper doesn't have to work hard to get the money and that "nice guy" proabably spends more. I get that.
I'm just curious as to the reason you goto strip clubs if its not to get dances. I mean thats what the club is for its not a pick up joint.
corey said: "its a strip club you go there and you pay girls to dance for you."
No you go there to do that, I don't.
As for nice guys:
I think strippers attitude toward them is generally this:
They like them in the sense that they make almost ideal customers. They sheepishly spending their money and generally do what the strippers want with little regard to their own interests. (I have seen customers wait for over half an hour as a stripper gabs with her friends and keeps her regular waiting.). That is for about 3-6 months at which point all but the most pathetic regular finely musters the nerve to ask the stripper out... and gets shot down!
I beleive strippers like nice guy customers in the sense you like a lamb which you fleece: It provides nice warm sweaters, and you never have to worry about it causing any trouble (until you get beyond 3 months, I guess).
However, I am more interested in the question of attractiveness versus likeability. A good analogy I heard was this:
Nice guys are to women as fat chicks are to men.
Sure men can be friends with and even like fat chicks. They might even go to dinner or movies with the fat chicks as friends, but date or get physical? Ick...
Hell some men might even end up marrying fat chicks (just like some women might end up marrying nice guys). But for the most part men do not find fat chicks attractive. (Yeah there are some weirdos fattie-chasers out there but let's get real, it's not very many. Most men will never find fat chicks attractive.)
The situtation gets worse when married. If a woman married a nice guy even though she was not attracted to him she will, naturally, feel compelled to cheat on him with the jerk/bad boys she does feel naturally attracted too. And being the nice guy he is, this is doubly unfortunately since: a) he is probably a little guilability (projectin his niceness outward) so this makes it less likely that she will be caugh b) she thinks even if caught she may just be forgiven or get off easily, otherwise.
Now getting back to strippers:
Imagine you were a hot guy and some fat chick was paying you for being her friend, rubbing your dick on her, whatever.... . Would it make one bit of difference in how much attraction you felt for her?
What if dozens of other fat chicks had done this in the past as a strategy to "win you over"? And then the latest fat chick suddenly began engaging in this behaviour? Would you smell a rat? Would it decrease whatever attraction you might have felt for her?
Similarly for women with nice guys...
When I think back to my nice guys days I can remember only two strippers (out maybe 400) who liked me beyond being a customer. In one case there was definitely also attraction, in the other it was unclear. But most won't even talk to me or look at me the second I stopped spending money on them. And beleive me I was the nicest of the nice guys. Way nicer than any nice guy ever, I can promise you that. (Except I was, fortunately, cognizant enough to draw the line at not spending money outside the club on them. Here simple logic saved me.)
Not being so nice, seems to work much better for me, (although i must confess that in some cases the pendulum has swong too far and I have been a bit too mean. However, I was quite surprised by just how far I could go before I had gone to far... )
I personally think it's all pretty crazy myself and wish it wasn't that way, but you have to deal with reality and outdated attraction mechanism as they are: not live in an idealized fantasy world.
(And for the record I am not trying to blast women here: The male over-emphasis on looks and beauty is just as outdated as the female attractive to jerk/bad boys is.
Strippers realize how objectively insane a fixation on beauty/looks is, and don't feel it themselves being female. I think this, psychologically, is why females cannot really empathize with their PL customers and feel as much contempt for customers, as we feel lack of empathy and downright contempt for the hot chicks who are attracted to the bad boys.)
Part II
I am feeling mighty philosophical today, so here are some more ramblings...
I think there is a bit of a natural selection at play today, so the human attraction mechanism will continue to evolve. (See F Hayek's _Socialism_The_Fatal_Conceit_ to get an idea what I am talking about below. Also anythign in which Richard Dawkins discusses meme).
We have learned that a good deal of the attraction females feel is based on the preceived social status of the male. In different societies, social status is determined by different attributes. (For example, Jewish people value intellect/education more so than any other cultre). So to the extent that women select based on attributes that are objectively important today, those societies will survive and prosper, while others will not.
With the advent of nukes and a general distate for war lately, however, one society cannot go and physically wipe another out that readily. It could be argued that this should retard the evolution of the attraction mechanism towards attributes objectively important to modern prosperity.
OTOH, I beleive it is possible/easier for one society to idealogically destroy another today than in the past so that argues toward a speed up in evolution of female to male attraction (which I beleive far more memetic than male to female attractiveness is.)
Ok, hope I put to bed the notion that I do not try to make positive contributions to the board. :-) I welcome your criticisms, but please realize that I have discussed all these ideas with countless strippers, so will probably take the counter opinions of their PL customers, who probably have serious psychological issues, very lightly.
1. its a strip club you go there and you pay girls to dance for you. If I wanted to pick up girls I wouldn't goto a strip club. I go there to pay them to dance for me.
2. There are no general tips for women because like us they are human and not some sort of GAME. they respond differently to diferent things. Some like jerks some like nice guys. some like a combination of both. Why cant you understand that?
"A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."
- Max Planck
I've not sure exactly how much longer you old fucks are going to live, but some of you younger old fucks will probably be around to see the strip club business die out as it become common knowledge that spending on women/generally acting like a pussy in order to make them like you is futile, and, in fact, doing the opposite is attractive. Too bad you'll be too old and wrinkly at that point to take advanatge of it.
I'd have to go with 2 myself. I had stopped reading this board because of those two. Great fix! Now, is there anyway to keep them/he from piggy backing on others posts?
its funny how somone could not think the feature was intended to ignore him. I mean he had to know those posts weren't positively contributing to the board.
I too have put the same two everyone has on ignore.
davids...to each their own, if those dudes pay strippers for conversation so what? at least they don't put down stippers and then ASK THEM out on dates or PICK THEM up!
Of course this is the same FONDL who has paid strippers for conversation and their time for 40 years and who thinks that strippers only try to take advantage of assholes and never nice guys. We should expect nothing less from such a "mind".
The idiocy of you old fucks is simply amazing: Yeah, there is no way that two different people could think strip club regulars spending money to buy affection are losers. They must be the same person. Oh, well I guess it's the same idiocy that makes you regulars spending money to try and buy affection in the first place, so this should not come as a surprise.
Me 2 too except that they're both the same person. And my guess is that it won't be long before he reappears under a third name, but in the meantime it's a great improvement. Thanks Founder.
Just out of curiosity and to let founder know how popular this new feature is, how many of you take advantage of it and how many times? NO NAMES!!! Just a raw statistic out of curiosity.
AN, if it does turn out that the troll persists in disrupting discussion within others' threads, we simply need to redouble our effort to ignore him on our own. Ignoring a troll doesn't work instantly, but it can be effective over a period of several weeks or months. It requires patience and a modicum of self-control. When you see the troll's name following "Posted by:" simply remember not to read his provocation. You won't be missing anything. Simply skip over it as though it's not even there, and continue with the thread. If you accidentally read it, don't take his bait. It only sets back our effort to limit his damage and carry on with the purpose of this board. We all do it all the time with junk ads on the web without even thinking about it. I know we can do it here.
Okay, enough already about this boring nuisance. Let's talk about strippers!
I think this is a very positive step and will essentially end the spamming threads. However I think to be truely effective it needs to be able to kill individual posters within threads, not just whole threads. I fear that the present function will only encourage problem posters to post in other peoples threads if they are ignored. Thank you, regardless of my reservations, for acting to solve the problems.
last commentI'm just annoyed by 100 posts by him and RL which they seem to only answer themselves. And I have ignored them.
AN is a self-proclaimed "computer geek" who claims that he won a Turing Award (although I am skeptical the latter claim).
Why not have him spend an afternoon writing a client to provide full kill file capacity client side? Then it could be customized however you want as necessary to counter the "trolls" lastest moves.
Here's a little clue for you: Unlike you, not everyone who reads this board is old and pathetic enough to be beyond hope. You may be a lost cause, but we will trust that others are not. Please try and keep your morality to yourself and let other choose what they wish to read and wish to ignore. I know you would very much like to see me banned, but it will never happen. Sorry.
In the meantime, I have a suggestion for Corey and anyone else who says they use the ignore button and then provoke a troll in threads he knows nobody chooses to ignore. You have an odd way of showing your appreciation for the new feature. If you can't resist the urge to taunt davids, why not confine it to threads started by davids so that the rest of us don't have to wade through it. Thank you.
Try going into a strip club sometime and telling them you are just there to pick up chicks w/o spending money. Think they'll throw you out the door? Think they will go back to the dressing room and tell all their friends to stay away from you? Not exactly what happens in reality. Try it: it's fun.
Anyway, reasons to go to a strip club to pick up chicks:
a) Management has done the work of seeking out good looking women for you and putting the altogether under one roof conviently for you. This is extra nice b/c one thing that triggers attraction in hot chicks is seeing that other hot chicks like you. Thus, SC make a good place to leverage "social proof"
b) Now regular night clubs certainly have just as many good looking women as strip clubs, and they are, arguably, better looking on average (depends on the night club vs strip club you are comparing, of course, but I think this is true on average), so why choose a strip club over a regular night club? A few reasons I can think of
i) If are savvy regarding stripper psychology you can distinguish yourself from other customers and you will stand out all the more. This is harder in a regular club where more guys (though still not many) have some "game".
ii) You can learn what it is feels like to be the "hot chick" in the bar: The strippers are the loser guys coming up to you with the cheesy lines. You can "feel" why you want to blow them out, and you can "feel" why some approaches work and others don't
iii) Strippers as mouse once said, are basically "female players" so you learn from them. Watch what they do or ask them. Note that alot of what they do is instinctive so it's sometimes hard to get them to articulate it, but you can get them to if you are presitent.
iv) It is rumored that strippers are supposed to be better for sex than any other group of women.
So those are the reasons, but assuming iv) is false and a guy already had perfect game, and nothing to learn, he would never visit a strip club at all since the hottest chicks are to be found in regular clubs. I imagine most strip club regulars are a long ways from being able to consistenty pick off the hottest chick in a regular club, however.
Personally I mix up visits to strip clubs and regular night clubs. Use what you learn in one to benefit you in the other.
I'm just curious as to the reason you goto strip clubs if its not to get dances. I mean thats what the club is for its not a pick up joint.
No you go there to do that, I don't.
As for nice guys:
I think strippers attitude toward them is generally this:
They like them in the sense that they make almost ideal customers. They sheepishly spending their money and generally do what the strippers want with little regard to their own interests. (I have seen customers wait for over half an hour as a stripper gabs with her friends and keeps her regular waiting.). That is for about 3-6 months at which point all but the most pathetic regular finely musters the nerve to ask the stripper out... and gets shot down!
I beleive strippers like nice guy customers in the sense you like a lamb which you fleece: It provides nice warm sweaters, and you never have to worry about it causing any trouble (until you get beyond 3 months, I guess).
However, I am more interested in the question of attractiveness versus likeability. A good analogy I heard was this:
Nice guys are to women as fat chicks are to men.
Sure men can be friends with and even like fat chicks. They might even go to dinner or movies with the fat chicks as friends, but date or get physical? Ick...
Hell some men might even end up marrying fat chicks (just like some women might end up marrying nice guys). But for the most part men do not find fat chicks attractive. (Yeah there are some weirdos fattie-chasers out there but let's get real, it's not very many. Most men will never find fat chicks attractive.)
The situtation gets worse when married. If a woman married a nice guy even though she was not attracted to him she will, naturally, feel compelled to cheat on him with the jerk/bad boys she does feel naturally attracted too. And being the nice guy he is, this is doubly unfortunately since: a) he is probably a little guilability (projectin his niceness outward) so this makes it less likely that she will be caugh b) she thinks even if caught she may just be forgiven or get off easily, otherwise.
Now getting back to strippers:
Imagine you were a hot guy and some fat chick was paying you for being her friend, rubbing your dick on her, whatever.... . Would it make one bit of difference in how much attraction you felt for her?
What if dozens of other fat chicks had done this in the past as a strategy to "win you over"? And then the latest fat chick suddenly began engaging in this behaviour? Would you smell a rat? Would it decrease whatever attraction you might have felt for her?
Similarly for women with nice guys...
When I think back to my nice guys days I can remember only two strippers (out maybe 400) who liked me beyond being a customer. In one case there was definitely also attraction, in the other it was unclear. But most won't even talk to me or look at me the second I stopped spending money on them. And beleive me I was the nicest of the nice guys. Way nicer than any nice guy ever, I can promise you that. (Except I was, fortunately, cognizant enough to draw the line at not spending money outside the club on them. Here simple logic saved me.)
Not being so nice, seems to work much better for me, (although i must confess that in some cases the pendulum has swong too far and I have been a bit too mean. However, I was quite surprised by just how far I could go before I had gone to far... )
I personally think it's all pretty crazy myself and wish it wasn't that way, but you have to deal with reality and outdated attraction mechanism as they are: not live in an idealized fantasy world.
(And for the record I am not trying to blast women here: The male over-emphasis on looks and beauty is just as outdated as the female attractive to jerk/bad boys is.
Strippers realize how objectively insane a fixation on beauty/looks is, and don't feel it themselves being female. I think this, psychologically, is why females cannot really empathize with their PL customers and feel as much contempt for customers, as we feel lack of empathy and downright contempt for the hot chicks who are attracted to the bad boys.)
Part II
I am feeling mighty philosophical today, so here are some more ramblings...
I think there is a bit of a natural selection at play today, so the human attraction mechanism will continue to evolve. (See F Hayek's _Socialism_The_Fatal_Conceit_ to get an idea what I am talking about below. Also anythign in which Richard Dawkins discusses meme).
We have learned that a good deal of the attraction females feel is based on the preceived social status of the male. In different societies, social status is determined by different attributes. (For example, Jewish people value intellect/education more so than any other cultre). So to the extent that women select based on attributes that are objectively important today, those societies will survive and prosper, while others will not.
With the advent of nukes and a general distate for war lately, however, one society cannot go and physically wipe another out that readily. It could be argued that this should retard the evolution of the attraction mechanism towards attributes objectively important to modern prosperity.
OTOH, I beleive it is possible/easier for one society to idealogically destroy another today than in the past so that argues toward a speed up in evolution of female to male attraction (which I beleive far more memetic than male to female attractiveness is.)
Ok, hope I put to bed the notion that I do not try to make positive contributions to the board. :-) I welcome your criticisms, but please realize that I have discussed all these ideas with countless strippers, so will probably take the counter opinions of their PL customers, who probably have serious psychological issues, very lightly.
2. There are no general tips for women because like us they are human and not some sort of GAME. they respond differently to diferent things. Some like jerks some like nice guys. some like a combination of both. Why cant you understand that?
- Max Planck
I've not sure exactly how much longer you old fucks are going to live, but some of you younger old fucks will probably be around to see the strip club business die out as it become common knowledge that spending on women/generally acting like a pussy in order to make them like you is futile, and, in fact, doing the opposite is attractive. Too bad you'll be too old and wrinkly at that point to take advanatge of it.
I too have put the same two everyone has on ignore.
davids...to each their own, if those dudes pay strippers for conversation so what? at least they don't put down stippers and then ASK THEM out on dates or PICK THEM up!
My answers are Yes and 2
Okay, enough already about this boring nuisance. Let's talk about strippers!
For example I have parody on ignore. Although the threads he started are gone, I can still his follow ups to threads others start.
Is this intended behavior or a bug?