
Girls that look better far away than up close

Sunday, January 15, 2006 12:36 PM
Had this hapen to me this weekend. A stripper looked decent on stage. But when I went to tip her, she looked a considerable bit worse. I still gave my tip, but that was the only one she got from me that night.


  • Doverman
    18 years ago
    "Good from far but far from good".... yep, I've had that happen to me before.
  • easyed14
    18 years ago
    I've often marveled at how some dancers can look so beautiful in the club but fairly ordinary or down right homely outside the club. The wonders of make-up and lighting can be very deceptive.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    With my vision what it is, I'm so used to this kind of surprise that I never trust what I see of a girl's looks until I'm fairly close. I'm likewise cautious about strippers I haven't yet seen from the neck down, haven't checked their ass, haven't seen their top off, and so on.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Very good, AN. I once got a dancer from a girl who seemed perfect....5'7, long brown hair, firm a-cup body with lots of abdominal definition. Not until after I was in VIP with her could I see that she had piercings in virtually every place that could be pierced. Quite the turn off, and I definitely would not have signed her up if I had been aware of the metal.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Full on Monet is the term I'm familiar with.
    18 years ago
    It's not just their looks, it's their personality too, you can't separate the two once you get to know them a little. A girl may look really hot from a distance but as soon as you go up to give her a tip she opens her mouth and ruins the illusion. Or in the club they may be putting on a very pleasing persona but outside the club they may be a very different and less attractive person. I remember years ago meeting a woman who had a very homely face but a gorgeous body because she worked out all the time. People used to talk about what a shame that she was so homely. But she was a really nice person. And after I got to know her well, I'd look at her and wonder how I could ever think she was homely. I've actually had similar experiences several times.
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