
Comments by Golfer99 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    I tend to agree with FONDL. I've had it happen especially in some of the more busy clubs. The afternoon shifts it never happens. If they see you they make a production out of going over to you and if they see more opportunity they let you know they will be back. At night they tend to figure, hell he will still be here when I get back, the guy they go with get 3 songs and 3 more and 3 more and you say screw this. Next time in the club she forgot what happened but you don't and you brush her off and the cycle starts.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do big stage tips get results?
    Book Guy lots of the clubs around have started giving out the $2 bills as change. I originally mistook them as $20 and told the waitress that she had given me too much change. She set me straight. The intent in purely greed so you will tip the dancer $2 instead of $1 at the stage. I generally only tip $1 at the stage once in a while $2 if I like the dancer. I don't usually sit up there so I have to walk up there and if she's good, I'll spend a few minutes. However once in a Tampa club a dancer who had dancer for me several times when I was in the area whom I chatted with via email weekly at least, had this sob story of being stiffed by a guy who owed her for a bunch of dances and went out to use the ATM and vanished. I told her I'd give her a big tip to make it up. I think she was expecting me to give her a $20. I dropped a $100 on her during her stage dance, no one noticed but the 2 of us but it was the best money I ever spent lol I stayed in the club for about 4 hours that afternoon mainly in the VIP area and never paid for a dance just because I was so thoughtful. lol That was my only tip over $5 on the stage that i was sober enough to remember lol
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Wondering, do you...
    Damn Cat I wish you were going next week instead of this one, we could hook up. I'd like to be able to learn from a pro. I wish our troops were as well prepared as you. Email me back which hotel you stay at so I can use that one since it's so close to the club please. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do big stage tips get results?
    Hey Book Guy, I do go to Canada actually used to go a good bit back when the dollar was about 1.25 to 1 exchange rate. The funny thing about the clubs I hit in Vancouver was that almost no one tipped at the stage. We always had US bucks and the girls gave us a big show for the money. Later I figured out that the stage girls were just that stage girls paid by the club to stage dance.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Wondering, do you...
    Bones we all know that you have $50 ones folded inside that $20 to impress the women lol How do you guys go comando. Man in my current condition, I couldn't stand up in the club after a dance all day lol That will only be funny to Bones but damn you guys have it down. Plus Bones does have a good tipping routine of walking around the stage spreading out singles from all angles. I'm much too uptight. I'm a nice pair of shorts and a polo man with boxers under the shorts. No belt though I know that much lol. Just my single plastic car key and money clip and I'm good to go, plus a few mints.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What's the Worse Thing Anyone Did to Get Thrown Out of A club
    I knew in my heart Bones would be first. Okay and this was worth it. In an unnamed club to protect the guilty, we were there on a Friday night at 11:00 PM for the weekly ice cream social. They cover the runway with plastic and pick two (the best two I might add) dancers to do the honors. This by the way is an all nude juice bar. They bring out 5 gallons of ice cream, toppings, whipped cream, cherries, etc. To sit at stage side you pay $5 for a spoon. There were 3 of us, one recently divorced, we paid an extra $50 for him to be on the stage - he was wearing boxers (they provided) with fly sewn up. Girls and guy crawled around stage putting ice cream on each other on him, down his shorts, whipped cream on their thighs - letting you lick it off. Big piles of it in the money spot smashing your face in it. Everything was going good. Okay our friend got a little too rowdy on the stage with one of the dancers, a little muff diving lol and we chose to join him in the fun. One security guy there. He slipped and fell on the ice cream lol We stayed on stage for about 10 minutes drenching in whipped cream melting ice cream, chocolate, cherries, and 2 hot women laughing so hard we couldn't stop. The security guy hurt his back and had to go get it looked at. We helped each other and the girls off the stage, down the steps and said okay we know we're kicked out of the club. The owner said yep, but you'll be back next Friday right? lol damn I miss that club
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What's the Worse Thing Anyone Did to Get Thrown Out of A club
    Darn guys I've always used the theory that if you havent' been at least warned a few times you are trying hard enough and I consider myself a gentleman lol I was expecting some stories that would blow me away.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Show & Tell
    I bring nothing. Ask Bones about bringing in the reviews and how that was received lol Some are happy some are sad and some are pissed. lol I'm a private person and while I don't mind talking about stuff I don't share personal 'things' very often
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What's the Worse Thing Anyone Did to Get Thrown Out of A club
    Actually I have never seen LE called at any club I've ever been in during my many years. I have to admit that I have not been kicked out of a club since I started going by myself, however with my friends I have been asked to leave on at least 7 or 8 occassions. But in all but one cases it was a polite, would you gentlement please exit the premises. I've only seen one person physically thrown out of a club and that happened in the old Danny's down in Jackson, MS. Ten Minutes before he had been in the restroom at a stall next to me and he was drunk. it was an afternoon 2 / 1 drinks. He had come back to his table and a dancer came over and talked to him, she was topless and pretty, I was at the table next to them. The waitress come over with his 2 drinks. He stood up to get his money out of his pocket and realize he forgot to zip up. In an act of I think accidential drunken stupidity, he unbuttoned his pants which dropped to the floor, he was sans underwear so his member flopped on the table lol The waitress and dancer started to giggle I choked on my beer he couldn't figure out what the hell was the problem so he took a swig of beer and the bouncer caught a glimpse of the scene. he ambled over, grabbed his arm, he ducked walked him over to the door, opened the door and threw him out. A minute later the patron opened the door and said hey what about my beers lol
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How bad does the weather need to be before you stay home?
    I've never seen the weather that bad so I don't know lol Actually lots of the dancers prefer to work 50 miles or so outside of where they live just so they aren't known by the people in town. As for new Orleans, since the rebuilding started, all the construction money in town, you guessed it those guys are spending it right at the clubs and lots of the Memphis, Tampa, etc. girls are down there. At the PP in Memphis lots of those girls drive in from Nashville, B'Ham, etc. spend the week and work then drive back home, esp with the rules in Nashville now.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Heading to KC- need help
    Depending upon where you are.......1) ignore the KC clubs completely 2) The Lawrence Clubs I found to be Homer clubs wtih the exception of the Outhouse and that's a bit on the rough side so if you don't mind it then it's good get directions though or you will waste an hour. 3) If you are going or can go East go to the Million $ Fantasy Ranch about 20 Miles east of KC on Highway 50 I think, it say it's in Warrensburg but it's actually about 12 miles west of there closer to KC. Look it up on the site. Great club if the changes that the reviews report are true. The Bonita Flats Salon is cool, no touch and pasties but nice to past the time - it's actually shown in Olathe, also a club is just a mile or 2 from it that I don't know the name of that I was told by a dancer that is even better. It's not listed in Olathe but it's close to that town.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Three questions
    Doc........based upon where you are posting your reviews I assume that you live somewhere in the Maine area. I have been in that area a few times and had no luck with the clubs in terms of what you are looking for. Therefore I would suggest that you hire a pro for some one on one action or venture outside your area. What's the top 10 rated club just over into Canada? Might want to try that one on a weekend trip. The guys on the board are good guys and are right if you are having to negotiate and discuss every single thing before the dance it takes all the fun out lol If you have to ask how much extra if I touch your left nipple lol then it ain't worth it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What's the best time to visit a strip club?
    I think it depends upon the clubs. For example the PP in Memphis is a zoo at night around 11 PM. I like the afternoon but I'm retired and can go when I please. What I have found is that most clubs open at 11 AM and have a shift change at 7 PM. If you get there at say 5:30 you get the end of the first shift and if you stay till say 9 PM you get the start of the night shift. The advantage is you get to pick from both and if the day shift was bad, they are willing to make good deals to make their money. The early night shift may make deals too just so they can be sure they have their payouts out of the way early. Either way you win and get to see all the girls. Just my thoughts.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If you could go to one club that you have not yet visited, which would it be?
    The best location would be memphis since it's sort of in the center of the country. Also as for hotels, if we could meet Sunday - Thursday (any of those nights) we could stay in Tunica which is 25 miles south at the casinos for $59 a night or maybe even get Bones to hook us up with an even better deal. Memphis is a Northwest Hub but also served by most carriers. PP is there. If we get a good sized group in we can probably get the owner of the Tunica Caberat to get his A team in for just us and also maybe the same thing at Christies. Seattle, San Franciso are just so far and everything there is so expensive where as Memphis is relative cheap. Hotel is Seatle is going to me triple Memphis. Probably at least 3 or us will drive so we would have cars.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Is hobbying or mongering unlearnable?
    Okay BooK Guy.......lol anyone who has been married will freely tell you that it's much cheaper to pay for sex that to get it by being married lol That being said I have 2 particular friends, actually they are my best friends and their wives are my best friends as well. Their wives would rate as a 9.5 and a 9.9 and as close as a 10 as could be and they go to the clubs every time they travel, which is often. Their wives know they do, but are secure, God the way they look how can they not be, they just have rules regarding what the lines are and they have to 'toe the line' or risk losing out on their overachievement in wives lol it kills them when we hit a high milage club and I go back and come back with a big smile lol they want details, heck they will arrange dances for me. Ask the girl out, have fun, they know we all have a wild man side that has to be fed once in a while and you might find that that side starts to go away if you like her enough.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Multiple dancer & dance patrons: 'Cmon in here
    I'm with Book Guy. I like to get in the club, get used to the noise, lights, girls, etc. and let the mood hit me for 30 minutes. One of the things that bugs me about some clubs is that you can't even sit down and wait for the waitress before you've been hit for a dance 6 times. I actually like to start my drink, tip 3 or 4 girls at the stage, maybe have a dancer sit with me and talk a bit and then look to hit the LD area. The art of salesmanship in the clubs has now become 'wanna dance - no okay then'
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I don't like strip clubs very much.
    I was having this after a visit about a month ago to a club over im Memphis. I took about a month off - easy for me since I have no clubs near me that are worth going to. My intent was to not go back for 6 months. Then I started back on the board and reading reviews and got interested again and back in the saddle. It happens.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Heading to KC- need help
    Nascar race is the Weekend of 10/01 so it will be crowded then as it will during any home KC Chiefs games avoid the area during those weekends.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Time for college girls to move into new dwellings for college?
    I used to own a couple of apartment complexes that were located just a few blocks off campus and on the university bus route. We always did 6 month rentals 1/1 to 6/30 and 7/1 to 12/31 so we never got stuck in the summer so we always got a lot of move ins in late June for summer school but yeah this is the time for the move ins. Lots of the other apartments do August start on their rentals so you'll see it. I had enough units so I had a manager but I filled in for him a few times collecting rent and all I can say is that he should have been paying me to collect rent lol
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strip clubs only offering change in two dollar bills. Does it tick you off?
    YES. The only club this seems to be a common at is the PP chain although the Memphis club doesn't seem to do it. I don't like it for several reasons. One I like to go to the stage and I often tip $2 but I like to get the double action if the dancer is good. It also means you are constantly short of change and the drink girl is always having to give you change when you get a $1.75 drink during happy hour. Next time I got into thie club, I'm going with my own singles.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Yeah you definitely have to pass the smell test with the dancer to get to OTC and even to get to the extras inside the club too. First thing is usually knowing what happens at that clubs both with the other girls - do they do OTC and extras, if they do, chances are you at least have a good shot. After a couple of VIP dances you can bring it up in casual conversation and you will usually get an honest answer. Frankly if I am dancing with a girl for the first time and she says yes and wants to set something up that night I'm a little spooked lol If she says yeah but I like to get to see you a few times then I think it makes both parties a bit more comfortable. Hey there are axe murderers on both sides lol
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Wireless access?
    Book Guy - one of the franchises that I still own has to utilize it's cell phones to look up schedules via the internet and mapquest to get directions etc. What we do is pay the text / web access fee - I think it $22.95 month per phone extra and you can access the web unlimited and it doesn't hack into your minutes. These are just regular phones actually the cheaper variety, non pix phones even with the smaller type screens so if you have a pretty nice phone it would work much better. This service is via Alltel but everyone has it. I can get you the exactly figures and plan name if you want, just email me if you need the info and I'll look it up and tell you the pricing and plan name.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Mixing Business Travel with Pleasure
    That last comment brought back a memory. When we were on business, we had to always buy the drinks and it got pretty costly at club prices so I would usually put them on my tab and pay with my credit card since I was the boss and could approve such things. Generally the charge comes through as a generic name and it's no problem, I just stack them in the dinner or entertainment class. I did have a group that we took to a club called Thee Dollhouse and ran up a pretty large tab, when my assistant was doing my expensive report, she walked in and dropped the receipt on my desk - which said Thee Dollhouse and asked if that went in dinner, entertainment or other lol After that I asked what the receipt said and looked when I got it back lol
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    The most annoying thing to happen
    I haven't stopped going to the club, but I don't go there at night. At the Platinum Plus in Memphis on any night but always on Thursday - Saturday night you pay to get in and then are hit before you get into the club proper with your 2 drink minimum. You have to buy your 2 drinks that are sitting in a tub of ice, semi-cold right there and walk around trying to find a place to sit which usually will take at least 30 minutes. I just stopped going at night. The dancer quality at day is not as good (1 grade lower on average) and the quantity is less but the ratio is higher and the mileage is higher.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do any of you older guys get carded every time you enter a club?
    I've been carded a few times just as an obvious required function. I'm too old to even look that young. At some of the local clubs and the local Hooters, the alcohol groups has been running sting operations lately where a group goes in and sits at a table togeher and orders a couple of pitchers of beer. All the guys look 40ish, one has excused himself to the restroom. The girl doesnt card and the guy comes back and of course is under age and they bust the place. Bad deal - if the club fires the waitress they get off with a minor violation (small fine and warning) she gets fined and can't work in a bar, resturant, etc that serves alcohol for 1 year. Sucks for her but the club or bar or resturant takes the easy and cheap way out.