
Comments by Golfer99 (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When a stripper you don't recognize says she knows you, what do you do?
    I have this happen all the time. I just try to use it to my advantage if possible lol You gotta figure what we're going to remember the good strippers and save the regulars, guys like me who breeze in once every 3 or 4 months won't be recognized. However I had a favorite dancer from a club in Tampa where I went once every 3 months or so and kept in touch via e-mail for a while. She vanished, I was in Vegas in the SR club and she walked up behind me and said guess who? I couldn't believe it, it had been about a year she had left to get away from an abusive boyfriend who smashed her computer, etc. so she had no way to contact me. Anyway we had an enjoyable time during the rest of my Vegas trip.
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    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Memphis Meet Up
    This is probably the worse month for me as I'm going to Vegas in mid September but I'll try. I prefer Tunica to Memphis due to cheap & nice rooms, gambling, etc. but to each their own. Bones and I never have any trouble finding each other and there will be enough people so that cars shouldn't ba problem.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Memphis Meet Up
    Actually I'll have to pass on those days as well. I unfortunately am in the process of passing a couple of kidney stones and I'm sort of sidelined until I get this done one way or another. I don't expect to be driving 5 hours for a few weeks lol I would love to do it but this for me the end of Sept would be a better time. However if the deal goes down you guys have a great time and give my regards to all the dancers who remember me. lol
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    North Carolina
    Most of the clubs don't even open on Sunday till 6 as someone else said although during NFL some do. You get a mix on Sunday, some of the day dancers come in and some of the night, more or less who they can talk into coming in I think. I've found that a Sunday is more like the enviroment of a day shift where you can make more deals and the club is a little laid back. There are exceptions and I've had some great times on Sundays but you might want to check around with some of the vets of the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Delta vs Omega
    I don't have a percentage. But I usually read the boards and know what to expect. If I'm in Hilton Head and going to Thee Dollhouse I know it's going to be Omega and that's fine - great looking club, clean, nice bar, great girls but keep away from them. However if I'm going down to Tampa to Mons it's Delta, run down shack, wild guys, still get the quality girls though. I guess that with some clubs you have a mix of the two. If you look at most of the Platinum clubs you have a mix - nice looking clubs, good service, hot women but it can get pretty wild. The club in Lawrence, KS - the Outhouse is as Delta as I've ever seen lol
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Memphis Meet Up
    One thing that I would suggest is that early October maybe a Sunday Monday Tuesday would be great. We could get good rates at the casinos if we want (those are dead days for them so $59 max) and we might be able to catch an exhibition Grizzly basketball game. Plus the weather isn't so damn hot. The more notice the more likely we are to get a larger turnout in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Wearing condoms
    Book Guy you know too much about this subject lol Does this help with the rawness that you get sometimes when you get the dancer who things that the ideal lap dance is a grind that makes you want to scream. Also why not just go into a stall and replace the damn thing.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Mixing Business Travel with Pleasure
    It actually is somewhat of a crapshot. In the case I cited it was my fault since it was the original receipt that I got in the club, I should have noticed and asked them to give me a different receipt. However on my business card my assistant would reconcile it for me and I found that the names that were on the credit card statement generally were the non-descript type. However when you turn in an expense report of course you turn in the orignal, anyway no harm just an amused look on my assistants face.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Common dancer tactics to figure out how much money you have?
    I think most of it is small talk. I mean you have a variety in there of new and old, jaded and good personality types so some are nice and like to talk, some are trying to see if they are wasting their time on you, some are nervous and want to hide out with someone they view as safe, like some of us older guys - obviously if they pick Bones they are in trouble. I think that they like to achieve a comfort level before they zip off to the VIP room esp in some of the clubs that offer more than just an no touch dance. For my part I like the chat while I have my beer or two and if the drinks are normal in price I don't even mind buying them a drink or two while we chat.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If one of your favorite dancers wants to go out with you..?
    Having been in a club 5 or 6 times on business and developed a favorite although I wasn't a regular just in every 3 or 4 weeks I had asked a dancer about a specific place to eat and she told me. Near the end of her shift she asked if I was going to eat at that resturant and I said yeah I had called and make reservations. She asked if I would like her to join me. That's pretty direct lol. She did and it was just dinner that time but over time when I was in town it became dinner and more so you never know. But if it's not direct, it's just stripper shit and blow it off.