If you could go to one club that you have not yet visited, which would it be?

avatar for chitownlawyer
For me, Treasures--Houston, just based on what I have read here. Jaguars in El Paso would be a close second, again based on the reviews on this site.


last comment
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
Memphis is great by me. I'm in! (Unless something comes up, of course; but I'm not expecting it to.)

I'm starting a new thread, "Memphis Meet Up," on the TUSCL discussion board. I hope we will meet up there.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
Let's go to Memphis! Stay in tunica so gambling can be done in the daytime and titty fondleing at night.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
If I picked a club that I haven't been to in at least a year, I'd pick a popular nude beach club with lots of eye candy at Myrtle Beach. I'd just go to watch all the eye candy and flirt with the girls. I believe I spent between $40 and $60 in one dollar tips the last time I was there and loved every second of it. Those were all slow one dollar tips. I also avoided getting a lap dance since I didn't believe the quality would be up to par with what I usually get. I have a choice of Platinum Plus and other clubs in Greenville and Columbia any weekend I want to. At this moment, I don't have any great desire to visit brand new strip clubs unless it's convenient and has lots of eye candy.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
Found myself in Memphis a mere night ago. Would have announced it to the board in hopes of a meet-up, if I'd known in advance I would be going, but I didn't sorry.

Anyway, on American Way, within two miles of Platinum Plus, is a Studio-6 Extended Stay hotel, at nearly flat $50 per night (as long as you pay by credit card) -- with external doors onto balconies, for those of you who might want, erm, guests, so there's no lobby or internal hall to negotiate. Down the same road is a "Garden Inn" run by (East) Indian immigrants, a bit lower in quality, for the same $50. These places are normal quality -- not nice, not ugly. Between those two, are two others similar. And right next to the Studio-6 is the "Campaigne" extended-stay furnished aprtments. We should look into those, if you don't mind the level of quality. They're closer to PP, Christie's, etc.

Your suggestions welcome.
avatar for Golfer99
19 years ago
The best location would be memphis since it's sort of in the center of the country. Also as for hotels, if we could meet Sunday - Thursday (any of those nights) we could stay in Tunica which is 25 miles south at the casinos for $59 a night or maybe even get Bones to hook us up with an even better deal. Memphis is a Northwest Hub but also served by most carriers. PP is there. If we get a good sized group in we can probably get the owner of the Tunica Caberat to get his A team in for just us and also maybe the same thing at Christies. Seattle, San Franciso are just so far and everything there is so expensive where as Memphis is relative cheap. Hotel is Seatle is going to me triple Memphis. Probably at least 3 or us will drive so we would have cars.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
I wonder what city would be best? Not just one club. San Francisco, Tampa, Miami, Memphis, Toronto-to-Niagara? Other thoughts? (Oh yeah, TI JU A NA duh ...)
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Book Guy, I don't think there is one best city, just like there isn't one best club. There are lots of places in lots of cities (and outside of cities too) where you can have fun. If I can find a girl I like in club that isn't too expensive and that allows a fair amount of privacy and contact, that's as much fun as I'm going to have anywhere.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Anyone been to any good Canadian clubs lately? That's where I'd head. If it wasn't better at least it would be cheaper.
avatar for minnow
19 years ago
I could find an excuse to go to Memphis, or any other good place, depending on timing.
avatar for rockie
19 years ago
I would also like PP Memphis. I've been to Memphis multiple times on family trips: BBQ, Basketball, Beale St.,Elvis, etc.
I need a me vacation enhanced with a visit to PP!
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
From Pure Platinum (the Purple Church) in Memphis, there's an Embassy Suites just down American Way, and other seedier motels a bit farther down. And a Waffle House. I'd have to know about a week, or two, in advance of this meet-up, since I'll be driving 3 hours to get to Memphis from Jackson MS.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
I'm all for Memphis. I've been to PP and had a great time.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
Let's set up a Memphis meet. Book Guy, Golfer99?, parodyman, anyone else?
avatar for Officer
19 years ago
I guess Rick's in Seattle--I'm kicking myslef for not going when I was there. But I would love to have a group meeting of TUSCL reviewers---any chance this could take place in the Baltimore/Washington area?
avatar for maverick69
19 years ago
Having never been to many of the the clubs down in FLA, I would have to say the 1st stop would be Mons Venus.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
I'd do PP-Memphis. The location and timing of the meeting would be determining factors in whether or not I went.

Who can get to Memphis? Hands up, please ...
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
I might be up for that. Depends where and when.
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
This was something we discussed about a year ago. I think the initial thought was PP-Memphis, but things kind of fell apart. I personally would be up for it, but then I am relatively close.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
I'd be game for a group meeting of TUSCL-ers. Kind of like an ASS-Con (to which I've never been, but it sounds fun!).
avatar for trojangreg
19 years ago
1. MBOT-San Francisco 2.Platinum Plus-Columbia, SC 3. Sundowner - Canada. A little bit of East - West and the Great White North.
avatar for train
19 years ago
I'd have to say that Treasurs would be first. Then Platinum Plus in Columbia.
avatar for sctripper
19 years ago
Sundowner and Seduction in Niagara Falls, ON.
avatar for Golfer99
19 years ago
Wonder if it would be possible to pick the top club that all of us have selected to have a group meeting there in the next 8 to 10 months. That could be interesting lol
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago

Thanks for the advice. I once visited a couple of "clubs" in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. They were much as you described. I coulndn't wait to get back to the US.
avatar for Golfer99
19 years ago
Platinum Plus in Columbia hands down based upon the reviews. Next would be Seductions in Niagra Falls and then Treasures in Houston. I thnk I have hit most of the rest of the top ones around.
avatar for T-Bone
19 years ago
Treasures in Houston. It's my goal to get there within a year.

SC - glad you enjoyed my Tootsie's review...the place rules. I'm heading there in two weeks & can't wait.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
Been to Sundowners and Seductions in Niagara Falls, Ontario; been to Treasures in Houston; been to Mons Venus and others in Tampa; been to scores of Scores; been to oodles of Deja Vus, Hustlers, Penthouses.

I've never been to Ricks in Seattle or Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theater in San Francisco. I think the MBOT is my next big pilgrimage.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
It's a toss-up between Sundowners in Niagara Falls and Tootsies in Miami.
avatar for minnow
19 years ago
I'll go with Treasures. For alternates: MBOT, Flight Club. I'd pick Tootsies IF it moves back to the way it was prior to new bldg. move.
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
Rick's in Seattle, followed by the Playhouse Lounge in Burlington N.J.
avatar for DandyDan
19 years ago
I'd probably say Shadowcat's club, Platinum Plus in Columbia, but amongst clubs I could realistically travel to, probably the Industrial Strip in Hammond,Indiana, although I'd love to give the various East St. Louis clubs a shot once.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis or The Flight Club in MI are next on my list.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Chez Diane in Clarenceville, Quebec and others in the Montreal area. Houston clubs don't sound like my type of places.
avatar for FunSeeker
19 years ago
Seductions - Niagara Falls, Canada.

Here in the U.S. - Treasures in Houston, TX.
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
As well you should be. It was the fifth or sixth club I visited, and immediately became the standard by which I judge all others. I am looking forward to a visit in the next couple of weeks.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago
Well, # 1, I would guess, Adelita Bar.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
I don't read all the reviews, so forgive me ignoring a lot of the clubs. I also intend to visit a few like the Sundowner soon, so this is more about one club I think I never will visit as opposed to only one new club. I'm intrigued by Brad's Brass Flamingo.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Yep Treasures in Houston. Maybe hang w/ RL and have teach me how to haggle for five dollar dances.
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