
Mixing Business Travel with Pleasure

Blue Ridge Foothills
I see a lot of posts here about hitting clubs during business trips, or about not getting to out-of-town clubs anymore due to a lack of business travel. I just realized I've only done that once, years ago, on an overnight trip to Indianapolis. I guess it's just not something I do to fill the time. I only do it when I'm on a mission. I've traveled to Las Vegas several times on business. Never went to a strip club there. Same goes for trips to New York, Los Angeles, Montreal and other cities with less to offer.

Last year, I combined trips to visit relatives in the Carolinas with hitting a few clubs. During the time I spent with family, my mind was elsewhere. Other than that, my only travels to strip clubs, and there have been quite a few, have been solely for that purpose.

How many of you do it only when you have another reason to travel? And how many, like me, rarely mix the two?


  • maybeenuf4u
    18 years ago
    Always on busines travel. Give me free time (nights) free money (per diem) and hopefully a car or taxi, and TUSCL and I am there! But I also go local w/ the guys or if the wifes not around. As for the wife, my wife used to be understanding, hell I told her when we got married and she tried to expalin that I would stop, I stopped her and said. "Listen Ive been going to strip clubs before I met you and I'm going to continue going after your gone. I aint stopping now"

  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    It actually is somewhat of a crapshot. In the case I cited it was my fault since it was the original receipt that I got in the club, I should have noticed and asked them to give me a different receipt. However on my business card my assistant would reconcile it for me and I found that the names that were on the credit card statement generally were the non-descript type. However when you turn in an expense report of course you turn in the orignal, anyway no harm just an amused look on my assistants face.
  • nj_pete
    18 years ago
    Actually have never used a credit card or an ATM in a club.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Pretty unprofessional of Thee Dollhouse company. I would have thought that a joint like that, which tries to put itself in the niche of the lower-contact higher-amenities type of "upscale gentlemen's" experience would have been more on the ball. Hell, the dive on Brooks Road in Memphis called "Black Tail Magazine Shake Joint" that is nothing more than a front for dealers and 'hos, manages to use some kind of corporate umbrella for its credit card receipts!
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    That last comment brought back a memory. When we were on business, we had to always buy the drinks and it got pretty costly at club prices so I would usually put them on my tab and pay with my credit card since I was the boss and could approve such things. Generally the charge comes through as a generic name and it's no problem, I just stack them in the dinner or entertainment class.
    I did have a group that we took to a club called Thee Dollhouse and ran up a pretty large tab, when my assistant was doing my expensive report, she walked in and dropped the receipt on my desk - which said Thee Dollhouse and asked if that went in dinner, entertainment or other lol After that I asked what the receipt said and looked when I got it back lol
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    NJ Pete- I'm assuming that you're charging it... What kind of pseudonyms show up on bill, or does "Naked Harem, Club XXX or other actually show up???
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I'm consistently surprised at the number of men who report deceiving their wives about attending strip clubs. Not that I'm judging -- you live your life, I'll live mine! But I've never been married, and I would have hoped that, were I to tie the knot, I'd have an understanding spouse. Did you gentlemen get "fooled" into an arrangement with a woman who is less tolerant that you would have expected, or what? How did it get to this impasse?

    Or is it not an impasse? Anyway, maybe it's just none of my business. But I'm curious, forgive me. What IS the world like on the OTHER side of the matrimonial curtain?
  • nj_pete
    18 years ago
    Primarly I visit clubs while on business travel, being married makes it tought to stop at a club in my area, especilly if I'm going to end up smelling like smoke or perfume. (although NJ is now smoke free).
    Its generally a habit I do on business to visit new (to me) clubs or old favorites.
    Plus I sometimes have my meals in a club, one good thing about that is having a plate of food in front of you is a good excuse if a girl comes over solicitating a dance & you are not interested.
    Just wish I could put down the LD costs on an expence report!
    18 years ago
    Golfer, I'm curious to know how long ago that was that you were entertaining clients in clubs. I used to be part of a corporate headquarters staff and travelled all over the country to call on customers with our local sales people. We frequently took customers to strip clubs that the local sales people knew about, so I never had to know where the clubs were. But I thought such entertaining pretty much stopped when the IRS cracked down on entertainment expenses, which was when, late 1980s or early 1990s? Also by then we had a lot of female sales people so such entertaining was considered a no-no. I think those changes have cost strip clubs a lot of business.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Most of the out-of town clubs I have visited are in California. I work all over the country but don't always have the time to hit a club. I've also hot a couple of clubs in Philly, Tucson, Tampa and NYC.
  • messaround
    18 years ago
    In a past job I traveled frequently but didn't know about tuscl so I didn't have good info to find clubs. Now that I have the info I have a job where I never travel. Dallas was my favorite (thanks for the memories Baby Dolls) but Toronto and LA were lots of fun. I may change to a job that will require about 50% travel and evenings in a strip club are usually more fun than in the hotel. A job requiring ocassional trips to say Dallas, Memphis, Houston, maybe somewhere in FLA would be great - better negotiate a goos raise though or have liberal expense accounts.
    18 years ago
    Book Guy, I often had the same problem but here's how I sometimes solved it. If I was going to a conference 300 miles away, I'd go a day early or stay gone a day later and make an appointment to see someone about halfway in between. Then I'd drive and say overnight in this other city, which just happened to have some good strip clubs. You have to be creative in this hobby.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I don't generally get to a strip club during a business trip, since I'm usually on that trip with a group of others (some kind of conference, trade show, etc.) and generally have most of my time booked by business requirements, even if not during the 8-to-5 portion of the day -- dinner with colelagues, bar hopping with clients, etc.

    About there not 'being any' clubs 39 years ago? Bollocks! They've been around for 200+ years! The US has had clubs of one variety or another, "hoochie" clubs, brothels with shows, true burlesque shows, bad gentlemen's clubs, Playboy clubs ... the list goes on!
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    If I have inclination, time, and $$$, I go regardless of how & why I got there. Should get as much pleasure in life as possible.
    18 years ago
    Most of my clubbing has been done while out of town on business trips. I used to travel a lot and spent a lot of evenings with nothing to do. Strip clubs always seemed like a better choice than sitting in a bar alone somewhere or going to a fancy restaurant alone.

    More recently I began spending a lot of time in another city, going to the same place nearly every week for 5-6 years. That's when I became a regular and met my ATF.

    I rarely go to a club if I'm not staying over night somewhere other than home.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    what we hear about a certain WP club re-opening soon is true.....
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Until about six months ago, I confined my trips to strip clubs exclusively to out-of-town venues. Then I was led astray by another member of this board to going to clubs in my home area, and it has been all downhill ever since.....
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Chitown: I don't think it could go any more downhill, you'll be glad to know, unless.....
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Almost all my clubbing outside DC was done while on buisness travel. There have been a few pleasure trips/vacations where I've hit a club or two, but for the most part my vacations either involve visiting family or aren't in areas where stripclubs are easily accessible.

    Business travel often means several nights in a major city where I don't know anybody (or where I visit with old friends for a night or two then have a night or two left) and a few free hours with nothing to do at night.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    Back before I retired I owned a business and we did consulting work and traveling a lot. Whenever we traveling part of the client entertainment was to take them to the local sc - since they could get away from home by saying they had to go out with us. It got to be a habit so I've hit many, many clubs from coast to coast. Now that I'm retired I do it for fun once in a while mainly to hit a place I like - Memphis or Tampa or explore a new place.
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