
Do any of you older guys get carded every time you enter a club?

Some strip clubs always ask if I have my id on me. If I clearly look older than 21, is there some other reason for always getting carded? Is there a possibility the club could get in trouble if I don't have an id on me when you can easily see I'm past the 20's stage? If there is a law the clubs are worried about, I think it's a silly one when you can obviously tell someone is much older than 21. Do you know of some clubs that always ask for ID no matter how old you are?


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Hef was born a horny old goat. He isn't visibly getting any older because his body hasn't yet reached the chronological age at which his mind started out.

  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I believe I did read that somewhere. However I'm not sure if they were joking or serious. It might depend on the source and I forgot what the source was. I can imagine it would be an interesting study and I'm sure some guys would be willing to get a government grant to see if watching breasts every day can help slow down the aging process. :)

    Actually you made me curious. I did a google search and found it to be true. Watching breasts can slow down the aging process. The article (scroll down almost all the way to the bottom) states that sexual activity and similiar processes can release hormones that slow down the aging process. So using that logic, it is healthy for all of us guys to be watching a hot girls breasts.


  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I wonder if that's why Hugh Hefner is living to a ripe old age. Attractive females showing their breasts make us guys live longer. :)
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Casual: true rumor or just a silly jokey comment, that bit about looking at breasts? Should I start Googling? :)
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I thought I read somewhere that seeing lots of female breasts helps to keep you healthy and slows down the aging process. If that's true, I'll probably be carded forever or until they ban those stupid cards in the year 3000 something. Actually holographic technology may make the cards useless before then but I digress.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I guess we all get carded because of that one oddball guy that is young but looks much older than he is. Law enforcement probably doesn't care if someone looks old since some of those guys don't care about the intent of the law, just go by the numbers for the most part. They just look at the number on the id. I guess it might be her job on the line if the girl at the door or whomever didn't card everyone in that case.

    In spite of the fact that I've never been asked for ID after I was already in a club, I still get carded at the door in some clubs. It really helps if people know you though. One girl who I believe retired from dancing a few years ago is now working back at a club she used to dance at. She's running the cash register and she doesn't ask me for id. She remembers me. :)
  • rockie
    18 years ago
    There is no confusion about my age. The only place I'm carded is one of my 2 local options. I think they run it through a machine for authentification too. I choose the other local option usually, with the thought that they do more than authenticate. I guess I'm just paranoid.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    I've been carded a few times just as an obvious required function. I'm too old to even look that young. At some of the local clubs and the local Hooters, the alcohol groups has been running sting operations lately where a group goes in and sits at a table togeher and orders a couple of pitchers of beer. All the guys look 40ish, one has excused himself to the restroom. The girl doesnt card and the guy comes back and of course is under age and they bust the place. Bad deal - if the club fires the waitress they get off with a minor violation (small fine and warning) she gets fined and can't work in a bar, resturant, etc that serves alcohol for 1 year. Sucks for her but the club or bar or resturant takes the easy and cheap way out.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I'm 40, but in the dark I can easily appear 28 to 35. I get carded about 25% of the time, especially at places where the doormen either (a) have nothing to do or (b) are set up to card just 'bout everyone. I don't usually think anything of it any more. :(
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Well they don't want to card someone who may actually be underage do they? That'd hurt business!

    In all seriousness a few years ago when I shaved my beard for the summer I got carded constantly. I was 38 at the time. I was pretty sure the wrinkles in my brow would have given me away, but it seems poeple don't look that close. I find now that the grey in my beard pretty much does the trick.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    I've never been caeded at a SC. As an aside, the very first time I WAS carded, I had just turned 21 and was all legal. Happened to be in OH, but just a bar. Along these lines, one thing that kills me, in some states, a cashier can't even scan or handle a six pack if she is not of age! How anal!
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    Yes I have, mainly in 2 OH nude clubs, but, strangely enough, only 1 out of 4 alc. TL clubs. Carding everyone seems to be an on again, off again thing. Sometimes been carded @ same Hooters, sometimes not. My??- is there some sort of statutory requirement that everyone must show ID, or is it a cya thing to avoid age discrimination lawsuits??
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Perhaps I always get carded at one club because there is a young girl working at the entrance. It might be her SOP, standard operating procedure no matter what.
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