
Multiple dancer & dance patrons: 'Cmon in here

Any place that interests me.
To those who buy multiple dances from several dancers, ATF may or may not be there: Which dance(r) is the best of the visit? Your 1st dancer, last dancer, or somewhere in between? The approximate %'s for me are 40% 1st dancer, 30% last dancer, 20% some middle dancer, and maybe 10% so good that they were all great.


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I think I hit about two, maybe three girls, in general as well. Once or twice I went deliberately for a "blow out" and got one dance from each of about six or eight of the hottest girls in the club. But that was probably back when I could get a song's worth of lapping for $10 or so. Mostly, I'm with the idea of my "best" dance being within two girls of my departure.
    18 years ago
    For me the best dancer is always the last one. When I find a dancer who I really enjoy, I stay with her until I'm finished, in every sense of the word. Then I leave. She might also be the first one, or the second, or or or, but she's always going to be the last one.

    I'm trying to remember if I've ever bought dances from more than 3 different girls in one club in the same visit. I don't think so. Usually 2 is my max, if I haven't found a good dance by then I blame it on the club and leave.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    BG&G99: Agreed, I generally like to ease my way in vs diving in. I also like to gauge the stage shows, & initial chemistry 1st. But with experience, one also develops a feel for "chemistry". One must learn to recognize a real good thing when he sees it, as "putting off" a hottie while you "zone in", may be perpetually in VIP room while you settle for lesser dances. Conversely, "bailing" too soon may likewise miss some oppurtunities. Then again, knowing when to bail is a good thing. Ahh, the game of life.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    I'm with Book Guy. I like to get in the club, get used to the noise, lights, girls, etc. and let the mood hit me for 30 minutes. One of the things that bugs me about some clubs is that you can't even sit down and wait for the waitress before you've been hit for a dance 6 times. I actually like to start my drink, tip 3 or 4 girls at the stage, maybe have a dancer sit with me and talk a bit and then look to hit the LD area. The art of salesmanship in the clubs has now become 'wanna dance - no okay then'
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I am often somewhat familiar with the dancers when I do get dances. Since I don't pick any particular order, the quality of dances from first to last is pretty even for me. I believe the dancers who recognize you may try to get a quick dance from you soon after they see you. I was thinking one dancer didn't spot me and I kept moving around the club for a while to just enjoy the eye candy instead of getting dances for awhile. After a while she found me and then told me, "I saw you 2 1/2 hours ago and you keep disappearing". I guess she spotted me the second I walked into the club. I was thinking she never saw me the whole time.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    One thing I DO notice, is that I need to "zone in" to the strip club atmosphere before going to the privates. If I get to the club, grab a dancer right away, and go to get lappers, I'll be bored and it will be too mechanical. If I kind of space out for a while, basically letting the horniness of the whole venue seep in to my consciousness, and THEN get a dance, it will probably be the same quality dance but I'll appreciate it a whole lot more. Gotta be in the right mood.

    And an ugly stage show can really ruin that mood, I have to admit. Part of getting in the mood, is watching hot girlies.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    When it's the first girl it's because I try to go straight to the girl I'm most attracted to, and my huch proves correct. When it's the last girl, it's because I'm less inclined to try another girl after a peak experience, not wanting to end on a sour note. However, I can't say that I've noticed any pattern enough to gauge %s. Most often, they're all good in different ways.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    I've discovered most of the time the first dancer, if she is not a previous favorite of mine, sucks. Most of the time, one of the girls in the middle is the best one, because generally, I leave if the dancer is worse than the previous one. Of course, there is always the scenario where I can't get my favorite until late, and then it's the last girl, but in general, the best dancer is one in the middle.
  • komey1970
    18 years ago
    It depends - usually depends on when my best fave dances for me.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Interesting question. If you're asking, which session is best among several different dancers through the course of the evening, I'd have to say the answer is, there's no pattern. Sometimes I hit the jackpot on the first, the third, the ninth girl. Depends entirely on the girl.

    If on the other hand you're asking, which DANCE from one girl among several dances from the same girl is best, I'd have to say that the further along we go together, the better it gets. The first is always "feeling each other out" (heh), the next is good, and three through five are excellent. By then, a rapport has been established.

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