Comments by minnow (page 77)

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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    WTF: Robin Williams
    Belushi, Pryor, Kinison, John Candy, and now Robin Williams. All dead earlier than normal. All in my top 10 fave list. I've said this before, but if you think that you want to see a comic live, by all means avail yourself because they could be gone next week. I was glad that I caught George Carlin live in Vegas instead of going to a stripclub several years ago. Another fave comic of mine dead, though he died at a more "normal" age.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Funniest Movies of All Time
    Fellas, I agree with a lot of what has already been written. I'll do something different by listing faves for each decade 60's-90's, 2000-on. Additionally, I'll list some faves that others have left out. 60's: It's A Mad, Mad World. 70's: Animal House, Monty Python Holy Grail, Blazing Saddles. 80's: Airplane, 1941, Planes Trains & Automobiles, Good Morning Vietnam 90's: Dumb & Dumber, Naked Gun Final Insult. 2000- On: Horrible Bosses Some not mentioned, I list my fave funny scene: Silent Movie- Mime Marcel Marceu (sp) has only speaking scene, the Dom Deluise Coke Machine scene is a rib-splitter. Monty Pythons Meaning of Life- Mr. Creosote restaurant scene literally takes the cake. (Or should it be "the mint.") I'll close by saying that I appreciate British humour, and the Anna Nicole "tranny moment" in Naked Gun Final Insult puts me in stitches for minutes at a time.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Would this have damaged you in high school?
    re- sharkhunter: "At 16 you know what you're doing." Not quite- at 16 you know enough to get yourself in trouble,but not enough to get yourself out of trouble.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Time to move the air show!
    sc- Oshkosh isn't just an airshow,it is an Aviation Event. A big one that I daresay rivals the Paris Airshow. Meaning, consider yourself lucky to get a hotel within 50 miles of OSH during the event if you haven't made reservations months in advance. So, aviation and stripclub affecionados may just get a hotel in Milwaukee, and drive to the show and back in same day. Maybe hit some clubs there or Lake Geneva along the way.
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    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Men pissing on toilet seats in public restrooms with urinals
    rick- Those guys probably have wives nagging them for failing to put the toilet seat DOWN upon leaving.
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    10 years ago
    Remember the episode of Gilligan's Island......
    I've probably forgotten more about these classic shows than some people will ever learn. Thus, I've taken to watching several YT clips. Like several posters, I loved "Ginger" at first sight. However, upon taking a second look, Mary Ann starts to look even better. Check out the YT clip ("Liar Liar, Castaways-1965). Type that in YT search, and you'll see the 3 female Gilligans Island cast dancing to the song. IMO, Mary Ann does the best job. Figures, because Dawn Wells was Miss Nevada 1959. I missed it when Teri Weigel appeared on "Married With Children." Enjoyed those YT clips of her on the show.
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    10 years ago
    Joke of the Day
    A salesman (S) was giving a sales demo of his special machine to a youngish very successful, but obnoxiously arrogant executive.(YE) This machine (M) could answer any question. The sales demo went like this: YE: "Where is my father now." M : "He's trout fishing in the Sierras." YE: "That's impossible, my father died 5 years ago." "This machine is worthless, I'm not buying it." S : "I'm confident in this machine,though it may still have a few bugs." "Why don't you try asking the same question in a different way." YE: "Where is my mothers' husband now?" M : "Your mothers' husband has been dead for 5 years, your father just landed a ten pound trout."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    Art: Repeat after me: "Large segment of tuscl posters aren't against immigration or population growth. We just think that current state of affairs on relatively unfettered illegal immigration is not a good thing." I'm sure that you have plenty of data on tap to predict population growth/consumption trends for the benefit of your business. At the 101 level, more population=more potential business. But as you alluded to in an earlier post, there are more complicated factors that come into play. China is (I think still), and has been the most populous country since at least you and I have been alive. As far back as I can remember, Africa and India have been breeding like horny rabbits.Yet there is this thing called per capita GDP. The driver in this case is that more people in those countries are moving into the middle class versus fully developed countries- like a long time couch potato taking up jogging getting higher percentage improvements in their mile time, vs an Olympic athlete already in peak condition. Up to a point, more population is good, yet what good does it do if it drags down the standard of living? Put another way, I'd rather see USA at current ~ 300M population level with current "whatever is left of the middle class" than see it at 330M, but with 30M more people added to the abject poverty rolls. By your apparent rationale, the 1964 version of China (700M population) would be a much more attractive place to sell oil to vs 1964 USA version(~200M population.) I'm not even bothering to go into infant mortality rates, or questioning how so called fertility rates are calculated/compiled because I've already spent enough of my potential workout or clubbing time on this thread already. (Don't want to bring down USA productivity levels down too much...)
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Gallstones ?
    d702(or doc); What foods did doc say were problematic and should be restricted ? Papi- Best wishes going forward on this, and good for you on getting it diagnosed at this stage.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    Hello, "White Tiger" lopaw ! Although still much a minority, women in clubs are getting to be more common. Mostly, they go as a couple, or part of a coed group on a night out. The former are more likely to tip or get LD's. As lopaw said, single females are extremely rare in clubs. The lesbians that do visit clubs tend to come in triads. I've only seen one other single lesbian customer in a club besides lopaw. I've spotted "striped tiger" lesbians in various clubs in AZ,CA,FL,IN,NV, and OH.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    Art, I'd never accuse you of having your head up your arse, but methinks that your postings in this thread are colored by your biased/parochial views , given your background as a farmer, and business owner. Naturally, you desire a robust population growth, because more people= more demand for arts' oil= more $$$ for art. Likewise, a greater lab(or?)(our?) supply= greater pool of workers for art to choose from= downward pressure (or at least a check on rate of upward pressure) on labor costs= higher profit for farmerart= more $$$ for his exotic cars and clubbing activities. As for immigration: I didn't see any posters calling for a complete ban on immigration. There does seem to be a wide opinion that the current state of affairs that exists in the flood of illegal immigrants into the USA is not good, or desirable. We all are well aware of USA history of immigration. Immigration can be a good thing, provided that immigrants are willing to assimilate into the society of their new country. I don't see this today, what with all this "press 1 for English" crap, and up to a half a dozen language choices for ATM transactions. I'm for immigration in general, people bettering their lives, etc. But not at the cost of having a bunch of illegals that don't want to assimilate creating a drain on the system. Where they use current circumstances as a badge of convenience vs truly assimilating into new country. I don't see this state of affairs as being desirable nor sustainable for the good of the country. Put another way: You stated that a 0.7% population growth is needed for a static population. But, given the productivity gains over the last several decades, do we really need so much population growth ? Particularly when there are fewer potential good jobs awaiting at the end of the tunnel? You (and other oilmen) need tankers to transport your oil to the global marketplace. Yet between the time that you were Estafadors/Go Vikings age, and now, the average size of the tankers has increased, while the tanker crew size has gone down. Less tanker crewmembers= less future babies needed. This is merely a microcosm of what is happening in other segments of society. Already, driverless vehicles are being tested, a 2 cockpit crew B747 airliner ( vs original 3 crew) has been operational since 1989. When was the last time that anyone called a business, and was actually able to talk to a live human being without going through a frustrating automated gauntlet ? Hence, with fewer people needed to do more work, the old paradigms of desired population growth need to be re-examined.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    No to both the question, and the flawed premise under which it was phrased. As for ilbbaicnl packing his ass out of this country, and moving to some land that has never had a territorial dispute, nor won/otherwise negotiated such land as a spoils of war, I vote yes.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Out of all the porn stars that do private dances when they do feature dancing, w
    jc3: Thin skinned much ? All you did was ask a simple question ? No, dude, all you've done in the 10 weeks you've been here is create 3 threads, all 3 of them trolling for information ***about*** pornstar features. All while providing zero club reviews or articles. Btw, is Sweethearts in Vernon CT a no touchee club, or not ? How challenging can it be to say that you liked the other aspects of the club, but that feature performer sucked (in a bad way) ? Or maybe jc3 is so fixated on pornstar features that he can't write a cogent review on the club itself. Slick, if I really wanted to be mean, I would of told jc3 to use the search function. Just for grins, I typed Lisa Ann into the search engine, and came up with a bunch of things. One link source lists her net worth as $2M. (That doesn't make it true, but...) Someone with such a net worth at that stage in her life probably doesn't give a crap about pleasing strangers who have handed over some money to them. There is also a Lisa Ann (different last name) who does Special Touch gospel singing concerts. I don't think those would cost $100.
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    10 years ago
    Out of all the porn stars that do private dances when they do feature dancing, w
    Three things for jc3 to put in his pipe and smoke: 1) How about telling us which club that you saw Lisa Ann perform. 2) How about writing a review on this and other recent club visits. 3) How about you scope out porn feature performances, including the purchase of lapdances from features, and you submit an article to founder for publication just to further enlighten membership on another aspect of club going.
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    10 years ago
    Pasco County Florida
    If the cost of a cover charge (some clubs don't have daytime cover charges), and maybe a brewski will make you skip a Big Mac Meal, you'll probably run out of gas on the way home. Then again, having to write an extra review for a bad visit prior to striking gold will net you an extra 4 weeks to read the reviews that you appreciate so much.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do not feed the trolls.
    j40- A lot of the "you guys" are multiple aliases for the original troll(s). Isn't it quite a coincidence that we had recent troll explosion after some knucklehead started a thread about how much he missed one of the spammers.
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    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    "Your cum tastes bitter!"
    Oops, I initially skipped over one key letter ("I", not "E") in crafting my reply. In that case, rick, would you be happier if she said "your cum tastes BETTER than the guy that I just did earlier" ?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    off topic: cars - daily driver
    steve229: "most members here report making $250K or more....." OK, steve, name them. While you're at it please provide links plus a numerical tabulation of active Tuscl members and DB members that you draw your conclusions from. Are you sober now, or has the "buzz" worn off ? I can only recall 3 credible posters (shadowcat, ranukam, and dink0) who posted their annual income. The former was low 6 figures, the later 2 mid-high 5 figures. I recall farmerart mentioning rough figures for his salary/Canadian pension,plus selling his original company for a tidy sum (which would enable him to buy a 6-figure car with nary a belch.) He even told the story of his brief fling with a Ferrari, (or something similar, but then sensibly ditched it for current F150 ride. There are some business owners on site like rickdugan who never mention hard numbers for income, nor what car they drive. I can only assume they drive a nice car, but not an outlandishly expensive one whose sticker price will buy a lot of houses in flyover country. Again, please name the credible Tuscl posters (hint- those who have actually contributed credible reviews) who have stated that they make north of $250K Surely, you jest. (No, I'm not calling you Shirley). You've got to know that there is a vast range of good vehicles that can be had for between the $114K sticker price for MB550, and, say $8K (a decent midsize car that isn't a POS). Getting popcorn out for LMN posts on test drives......
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    10 years ago
    off topic: cars - daily driver
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Or why not a Rolls-Royce ? I think there may be 1 or 2 RR dealers in South FL. I ran across a real 1 percenter (OK, maybe a 2 percenter) who drove up to his aircraft hangar in a used (corr. "pre-owned")RR. He said he's never bought a new car, always pre-owned If OP is the real deal, IMO his time would be better spent surfing upscale car dealer websites vs fishing for answers on a website where very few, if any, active posters own/lease the kind of cars OP is looking at.
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    10 years ago
    Job related OT
    ..."if its' good for them, then likely not good for me." It's no secret that Corporate America is eager to shed employee pensions. Funny, my company is doing the same thing as yours, but only offering to those within 5 years of normal full retirement, not those already retired. Others are right about seeing some qualified pros on this. One fundamental question is how much would your lump sum/rollover $$ amount be ? Another would be, do you desire the same income stream as your pension in question ? If so, how long can lump sum be expected to last ? One angle not mentioned by prior posters: Is your annual pension payments greater than what the PBGC benefits would be for a terminated pension plan ? I don't know the financial stability or corporate structure of your company (are they a holding company with several subsidiaries), but if your pension is > than ~ $35-40K, then option 1 may well be seen in a more favorable light, particularly if you wish to pass on "something" to your spouse. I'll pm you later on some hard #'s on my recent retirement exercise, scaled to a hypothetical $30K pension.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    All you lesbians behaving badly ... are strip clubs what liberation is for?
    j40, lopaw, etal; In my pre-tuscl days, I recall watching an HBO real sex episode on a lesbian stripclub in the L.A. area. Well, not exactly lesbian, but a club that catered to "upscale professional women who appreciate beautiful women". I don't recall the name of the club, I think it may have been in Beverly Hills. Idk if it would still be in business, as I suspect that it was "underground" of sorts. Haven't seen any clues on Tuscl, zbone, or EDN publications dating back to 1992. Anyway, the male camera crew was allowed in, after getting a "briefing" from doorperson ("This club DOES cater to female customers"), and asking crew if they were OK with this. So, there was a male gender "screening" of sorts whereby doorperson would let males (singularly, or group in) if dude(s) could convince doorperson that they clearly understood club concept, and wouldn't act like jerks.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    A new acronym? I must have missed something...
    Face it, z68, nearly all Tuscl posters are AA,AC,AF,AM,AN,AZ,AAP,AAU, or many other variations of acronym posters.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anything you want to tell us lopaw?
    Two days and 3 dozen posts with nary a peep from lopaw indicates that she doesn't want to tell us anything. If subject litigant and lopaw are indeed one and the same, it was my impression meeting her that she's 7-10 years younger than listed age. If an out of court settlement occurs, one string attatched may be not to blab about it to the press.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT. Lost in the 50's.
    Thanks again for the memories, sc. I'd sure like a return to the gas station prices displayed at 2:25 into vid. Even 31c/liter would look good today.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: NBA Playoff Predictions (Tongue In Cheek Stripclub Index)
    Well, I guessed the number of games correctly, but picked the wrong team. What can i say- congrats to the new world champions, the San Antonio Spurs. In the meantime, lets hope the San Antonio stripclubs become more attractive for mongers over the next year.