Lesbian Customers

I know I'll get a lot of flack for even bringing this up, but I don't mean to start anything. It's an honest question.
I've been going to strip clubs for many many years, and I've gone to many clubs in probably as many as 10 different states. And honestly I can't remember EVER seeing a single woman customer in any of those clubs at any time. Now I've seen a few women with a male companion, presumably a boyfriend or husband. And guaranteed whenever I see a woman customer I get a little startled and notice her. So if there were any single women there's a very high chance I would have noticed. Well, unless it's a woman who intentionally looks and dresses like a man, but usually women like that are fairly easy to notice.
So my question: do you guys see many single, presumably lesbian customers in your club visits? If you ask me, it is extremely rare. Or am I way off base?
last commentI had thesbians
I see them, but not that often. In my experience, it is unusual. Normally it'll be like a small group of women, like 2 or 3
In most clubs I frequent they have a rule that an unaccompanied female is not allowed to enter the club. Don't know why but it's a rule. Maybe for their own protection ?
One of the clubs I go to has a large following among lesbians as well as couples. Not unusual to see single females.
Oops forgot to add this. The real reason most clubs don't allow single women is to keep prostitutes from soliciting males nearby.
Female custies (lesbian, bisexual, bi-curious) don't feel safe/comfortable/welcome at all strip clubs. I've seen clubs that get a fair number, others that don't seem to get any.
There was one I'd see all the time. I asked my ATF about her and she said most dancers didn't have a problem dancing for them but a few would refuse. I wonder if they're good tippers?
I rarely see any but one instance always comes to my mind. Several years ago at the Columbia Platinum Plus I saw an off duty bi dancer that I knew well sitting with a female customer dressed in an army uniform. They were drinking pretty heavily and doing a lot of stage tipping. Then things really picked up. They started doing a lot of kissing and that led to a lot of groping. All of this going on right out in front of everyone. I said to my dancer "do you see that?" and she replies "Oh yes. That is Sarah with Foxy." I was a little jealous of Sarah because I had to pay Foxy for that kind of action.
It's a rare occurrence but I have known a few to come into clubs and sometimes they are dating one of the dancers. The other night I was in a large club in Pittsburgh and there was a small group of men and women together. There were 2 or 3 men and about 5 or 6 women. At least 2 of the women were clearly lesbians. Only reason I remember this group so clearly is one of the women was the most beautiful civvy I have ever seen in a club. I remember thinking "am I about to hit on a woman in a strip club?" Which I was about to until I realized one of the men in the group was her husband. Lucky guy because she was smoking hit and he was fat and ugly!
In platinum Greenville there was a 55yr old lesbian openly trying to take ladies to the hotel on my last visit, that was a first for me in South Carolina clubs but in Atlanta I see it alot!
I only saw a female there by herself once. Saw a pair of girls once - probably lesbians. Saw a big group of really hot girls, but just girls there once. Bachelorette party?
Ah, yes, there another time where a girl was there by herself, but when she started visiting from guy to guy and then left one of them, looked like she must have been an escort. Probably why some clubs would have a rule about unaccompanied females or at least keep a close watch on them.
Yes it is extremely rare. Just ask lopaw. She is the only female customer that I have ever seen flying solo in a strip club. Especially during the day shift. Women usually go to clubs with a friend or boyfriend and not alone. I have never even seen any couples at the COI clubs I frequent. But I have heard that there are plenty of lesbian customers st some of the black clubs in Gardens.
If things go right, a certain lesbian we all know and love might be the proprietor of Flabbadise Showgirls.
I don't know why you thought anyone would light you up for asking about this. It's a legit observation. Now had you said that lesbian customers don't exist, well then you would have heard some major shit from me. But I have to ask why you would even be thinking about this type of thing?
Yes lesbian customers like me are very rare - there is no question about that. In all of my mongering I have only met up with one other lone female lesbian custy. On the rare times that we meet (she likes topless joints and I prefer nude) we'll kick back and compare notes. But neither one of us has any interest in clubbing with the other. I also club during the late day/early night shift, when it is very rare for solo women to club. I have had quite a few male PL's try to find me to meet me and hang out but unless I set up something in advance with them it would be virtually impossible to randomly come across me in a club since there are so many clubs here in LA and I frequent many of them in a rotation basis on random days. So yeah spotting me or any other lesbian in a club would be like spotting a white tiger. Once in a great while I'll get an email or PM from someone from zbone or TUSCL that says he thought that he spotted me in a club but was too shy or thought it would be too weird to approach me. Or I'll get requests to meet up. I have no problem meeting other PL's from time to time but I very much prefer clubbing alone so that I can concentrate on the girls.
So if you ever see me in a club go buy a lottery ticket coz you've seen a rare sight indeed.
True story. I went into a club on a slow night in Phoenix 10 years ago and struck conversation with a lady who was by herself. She was flirty and about 40. She likes me and states we should meet at a restaurant. I pick one a few miles away and after a drink she says her house is around the corner, coincidentally near a good friend of mine, same neighborhood even. So we go over to her place.
So a couple more drinks go by and all of a sudden we are in her back yard making out. She goes down on me to get it warmed up before going to her bedroom. I soon find out as she tells me she has her period, but is still so horny. Next question out of her mouth is "Do you do anal?" Of course I spit in and around her ass as there was no KY to assist. As I stuck it in she started moaning and complaining how much it hurts. I gave it a total of about 30 seconds before firing off on her ass cheeks. I was spent so figured this was it. She gets mad all of a sudden for feeling like a slut without any satisfaction. I said maybe I should leave, and she agreed.
Before leaving she was angry, and as I was exiting she states, "I would ask you for money, but you look to cheap and broke to be able to pay me." I told her she was right that I didn't have a penny to my name, yet I've been used for my dick in the past do this time was no different. She slammed the door behind me after calling me names.
Yes single women go to strip clubs, and some just want to fuck!
In my area a woman or women are not allowed in club without a male escort. I'm sure to avoid escorts soliciting but also to keep wives and girlfriends from inside where bad shit could happen, to customers or the dancers. Hell hath No fury like a woman scorned.
^ lol a bad practice that might get them sued if they piss off the wrong lady custie!
"So yeah spotting me or any other lesbian in a club would be like spotting a white tiger"
Is that anything like a Blue Lion?
As others – I mainly see women accompanied by a dude or sometimes a group of females – have never noticed a lone female custy in a club - I think female custies are allowed in the clubs in my area but the staff may keep an eye on them.
As sclvr mentioned – I often notice a fair # of female custies in the black clubs – IDK if they are all lesbians/bi or just genuinely like to hang out there; drink up; and dance to the music.
I personally don’t like straight female customers in the club but I don’t mind lesbians b/c the lesbians are normally there for the same reason I am. But the couples that go to SCs often just sit there and look at the stage and just take up room – and too many straight fems in the club often turn the vibe of the club from a strip club to a “socialâ€/party club – IMO.
I've seen it from time to time. They've sat next to me at the tip rail, struck up conversations and we had a great time together. We joked, laughed and drooled together over beautiful asses.
I first started noticing the lesbian customers about 10 years ago. I find them to be strange. I would not want them to be too numerous because what they want from a strip club is very different from what male customers want. Fortunately the lesbians are usually not very willing to pay.
I am glad that in COI they ban these women. But I also know that there is an ongoing lawsuit over this.
The lesbian customers and some couples write reviews on yelp. Usually if the lesbians don't like the club, then I will like it, and vice versa.
For example, about Crazy Horse in San Francisco, one did not like the fact that they didn't really use the pole or dance on their feet, instead they were on their backs giving a show to the guys who stand up at the stage and tip them. She laughed about how simple and cheap their costuming was, and how their heels were too high to walk in. She criticized them for getting in the faces of those who give them $5.
Another came in with a mixed group to City Lights in Fresno, a dive. This female customer called one of their dancers "ugly". She made a big deal about how after being called that, the dancer declined to take her mini-dress off, and how their whole group got 86ed from the club.
A man would never do such a thing. Having been to worse clubs with dancers that are even more subprime, I can say that I like their dancers and love to feed them $1 when they are on stage. They love it to and they get very friendly. They've all got things they do to show their appreciation, which could not be done in Sunnyvale. Then usually they start talking about OTC. If you don't want to engage with the women, then don't go to strip clubs.
A man wrote about taking his girlfriend to New Century in San Francisco. A black dancer grabbed the girlfriend by the hand and ran off with her to a couch and started making out with her. Women get phenomenal treatment, and for free! The guy chased them down and tried to get bouncers to intercede to stop it. He said that "dances were okay, but "no exchanging saliva". He is miffed that over the whole episode he almost got kicked out.
Another, a black woman, wrote a review of one of the most extreme Illinois black clubs east of St. Louis. Boyfriend took her in there. Real stupid in my opinion! Dancer was taking the $1 bills she was getting and rolling them up and sticking them in vagina. ( I would have suggested a plastic dildo instead. ) Boyfriend paid for a dance for his lady friend. Dancer was all over her and tried to unbutton her blouse. Woman was mad, "You're the stripper, not me."
Some other women would have gotten naked and up on the stage with the dancer, and then in that kind of club she could have jumped right onto her boyfriend. But not this one.
Need I say more?
I think the reviews written by dancers, female customers, or those who went as a couple, should be kept separate from those written by male customers. I am happy to read what everyone writes, but I want male customers alone to be able to influence the total scores.
Apparently what you claim to know about women in general and lesbians in particular would barely fit up a gnats ass. Your usual long winded novel-length crap speaks volumes about your overall ignorance snd intolerance and you certainly don't speak for me or most of the other male posters here. Many of us enjoy the company of women, regardless of tge venue. You apparently do not. Why not go buy a desert island and build your own club? Then you could invite only those close minded like yourself to join.
I am planning to do something similar to what you suggest.
Good luck with that and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
A word to the wise. Some folks here get REALLY twisted out of shape if you say you're gonna do something, then do something else. I said I would back out of a thread the other day, then decided to jump back in when a new poster came along. I received a lot of crap for that, people saying I was acting like a child and all kinds of shit.
Anyway, I do recall you said you'd block me, and now it seems you changed your mind. I appreciate that, but just be warned. Some kids here might come down on you for that.
"If things go right, a certain lesbian we all know and love might be the proprietor of Flabbadise Showgirls."
HAHAHA !!! Yup, you might be right...
Lopaw sez: "But I have to ask why you would even be thinking about this type of thing?"
Well, because when I finally realized that Lopaw was a woman, a lesbian woman, who frequented strip clubs for sex with women, I was amazed. I had never seen or heard of that before. And I had been under the belief that for women, even lesbians, the strip club experience was not something women really enjoyed, especially alone. I'm just trying to figure out if what I thought I knew about women in this regard needed some modification.
@SJG: "Need I say more?"
For crying out loud, NO!
Hello, "White Tiger" lopaw ! Although still much a minority, women in clubs are getting to be more common. Mostly, they go as a couple, or part of a coed group on a night out. The former are more likely to tip or get LD's.
As lopaw said, single females are extremely rare in clubs. The lesbians that do visit clubs tend to come in triads. I've only seen one other single lesbian customer in a club besides lopaw. I've spotted "striped tiger" lesbians in various clubs in AZ,CA,FL,IN,NV, and OH.
Lopaw sez: "But I have to ask why you would even be thinking about this type of thing?"
And also, Lopaw, to be honest, this whole issue of the lesbian lawsuit against Paradise Showgirls for refusing entry has been on my mind a lot. And I'm trying to figure it out. It really tweaks me.
Because I don't think anyone really believes that the management or bouncers at the club ever spent two seconds of their lives deciding that "yeah, we're gonna refuse admittance to lesbians because we're lesbian hating, prejudicial males".
They have a reasonable policy (which many other clubs also have) to refuse single women. But now it becomes this fucking ridiculous legal battle about anti-lesbian prejudice. That really tweaks me, because I see that attitude so prevalent with so many minorities. A completely knee-jerk reaction from people seeing prejudice at every corner, instead of a rational reaction. And it reinforces everyone's knee jerk reactions even further the next time.
Anyway, you asked why I'm thinking about it? That's one reason. Irrationality and injustice bother me, no matter who does it.
what the hell is wrong with everyone?
i for one have been to Lebanon and i can tell you that not only do the guys like women just like normal guys everywhere else but they also have some great food and fantastic beaches full of hot babes. so enough of all this identity politics and bigotry shit already
"i for one have been to Lebanon"
Wow, DoctorPhil actually posts a funny one !!!
To be fair to you you really don't have all of the background of that lawsuit and I am not at liberty to discuss it. But just know that my being a lesbian was secondary to the issue. The wonderful media vultures played up the gay angle for their own sensationalism purposes. You obviously have your opinion based on the very limited data on this case that you have. Perhaps when this is all over and the dust clears I might be able to elaborate further on what exactly transpired and why it wound up going in the direction that it did. Its actually quite a fascinating development.
Thank you. I would very much appreciate that.
I went to an SC with a straight chick and a lesbian chick. Some asshole tried to sit down with us cause he thought we were short a guy.
Also went once with a straight chick and a bi-curious chick. A stripper gave the bi-curious chick a table dance, which turned into a lap dance. The guys at the next table enjoyed the show so much they threw in some extra tip money for the stripper.
Up in Toronto, the gay community is large and politically powerful, and they tend to throw their weight around. A dancer up there told me the straight male customers are generally easier to deal with than the lesbians. She said the lesbians don't always get it that extras aren't free. They often think the dancer's pussy is fair game cause "it's just between us girls".
BTW yes I know bi-curious is an overused word. We need to start using the word "bi-light". You mostly like guys, but you've gotten pussy and know you want more from time to time.
Strip clubs are really set up for lesbians. san_jose_guy makes a lot of good points in how men and women have different tastes in flirtation, and this transcends sexual orientation.
As he pointed out, women consider showing/fingering, playing with the pussy on stage as vulgar, while men love to watch dancers touch themselves. The dancer who tried to unbutton the female customer's blouse and got scolded...a man would never scold a dancer for partially undressing him. I think this can be confusing for the dancers, even the bi/gay ones. But what's a lesbian to do if she wants to be surrounded by beautiful naked women on a Friday night? Are there any actual lesbian clubs where they cater to what women like? Should men be banned?
I'm never for banning anyone, but I can see how a lot of single lesbian women in the club would make it a far different place. Male custies would be hitting on them, and fights would break out. And as stated, lots of prostitutes would come. The strip club's reason to exist is to be a place for heterosexual men to be heterosexual men. I'm curious is there are any clubs that successfully have managed to also cater to gay women as part of their business model.
1st sentence should have been NOT set up for lesbians. I wish there was an edit feature here!!
It appears that you and some others here have no idea what lesbians are and what we like.
"Strip clubs are not set up for lesbians"
Are you kidding with this? Where are you getting your intel from? As long as lesbians desire other women how could a strip club NOT entice us? Have you ever actually met a lesbian?
"women consider showing/fingering, playing with the pussy on stage as vulgar, while men love to watch dancers touch themselves"
Again- what are you basing this on? Seeing straight women at clubs who dont really want to be there bitching about the dancers? I love seeing everything that a club and a dancer has to offer. Again I don't know where you are getting this nonsense from. Your assumptions about lesbians aren't even close.
Lastly- Believe me I wish there were strip clubs that catered to lesbians but there really aren't, at least not in the U.S. So I have no choice but to have to share that space with guys who for the most part couldn't care less if I was there or not. All I can tell you is that if you have a problem with that it is YOUR problem and it doesn't impact my clubbing habits one bit. And we aren't going anywhere so you'd better get used to it.
@Dr. Phil-Hahahahahahaha.
careful rockstar you might get sued
^^ what a moron.
^^^what a want to be white knight
I was basing what I posted on san-jose-guy's observations! I thought that was clear as I paraphrased his words.
To clarify, anyone who likes the company of beautiful women will find them at a strip club. So in that sense they are a good place for lesbians, obviously.
As for "not set up for women" I will present the following: Perhaps some clubs have women's bathrooms...mine doesn't. Women have to go to the dancer dressing room and use theirs. They're not prepared for female customers.
Now I'm not going to account for personal taste, but seeing as both my sister and ATF are gay (butch and lipstick respectively), I've been around lesbians my whole life and I will stick by my guns that what men find flirty from women, 'most' women don't find sexy at all. Perhaps you're different and more like a guy, and that's fine, but it's not like I'm not talking about my 1st hand experience. To sum up, as apparently I did badly in the last post, lesbians I know are offended by things men like, and what they like men find boring. Again I point to san_jose_guy's post as well as evidence.
Lowpaw, I would put it to you: if you ran a lesbian strip club, would it be just like the men's clubs now? If not, what would you change/improve that would make it more lesbian friendly?
Well, I'm betting she'd be tempted to bar men unaccompanied by women from entering.
@gmd- lol no actually I wouldn't because then I would be no better than the people who do try that.
First off basing anything on "san jose guy"'s post was a mistake. The guy sounds like a long winded idiot. Most of his "examples" sounded like either straight women out with their SO's or a group of straight girls - none of them probably lesbian.
As for not being set up for lesbians as far as bathrooms are concerned - Out of the more than 50 clubs that I have visited I would guess that maybe 4 or 5 have their ladies room in the DR. While I don't prefer that arrangement, I have yet to run into any problems while using a ladies room there. In fact I have often stayed longer there than I should have partying with the ladies in the DR - as a general rule there is usually more booze in the non-alcohol club dressing room than in a liquor store! In those clubs the dancers are aware that any lady custies might have to use the restroom and are very accommodating. I have also used that opportunity to tell dancers that I could not catch out on the floor that I was interested in getting some dances with them, so it is sometimes a win situation for me.
I can't imagine a lesbian being offended by what guys like.....isn't that what we are all in the club for? And why would a lesbian go to a stripclub if she weren't interested in getting dances and making on the dancers? That makes no sense to me. It's too bad that the lesbians that you know don't enjoy the club the way that I do. I can only recommend to them that perhaps they find a different hobby more to their liking and leave the clubs for us serious mongers.
And as far as me running a stripclub? In all seriousness it would be run very much like clubs are today - same layouts, same styles, the same pricing and specials that I see at my favorite clubs now. The only difference would be I would be sure to hire girl-friendly dancers, of course. But I would never run a strictly lesbian only club, because that would be discriminatory. All would be welcome as long as they followed the rules as they would in any other stripclub.
And of course I get final say on who is hired.....and I get to take them on a test drive to ensure that they meet my high standards ;)
Ah. And what of the male managers that takes the girls on a 'test ride' as a condition of hire? You're okay with that? (I'M not!!)
rockstar666 and lopaw,
Yes, most of the reviews I was excerpting from were written by straight women who went out with one or more men, and got very critical about the strip club. They get competitive with and demeaning with the dancers. But some of the statements were been written by lesbian women customers.
Where I am, lesbian women customers coming in by themselves have become common. The dancers are more willing fraternize with them freely.
Here where I am the clubs are strictly no touching. But where this is not so, I read more accounts of dancers making out with lesbian women customers, and for free, than with men.
Also, for a man to deal sexually with a woman, the main issue is to what extent she is willing to surrender. Some can do FS - ITC and not really surrender. It is a joke. But even for a dancer to be really showing her pussy, suggests a kind of surrender. We don't care if they can't walk in their shoes, it does not matter. They won't need to do any walking.
Yes, if a lesbian woman wants to be surrounded by beautiful women, then a strip club which caters to men is one of her choices. But there are clubs which cater to women! There was on in Sunnyvale, Savoy. It was a standard bar / night club on some nights, but on other nights it had dancers. Some were those who danced in the other clubs. The way they dance, when it is for women, is totally different from how they dance for men.
I read a book once where strippers talked about a show put on for women. They said that they started with the standard high heels and makeup, as they do when they dance for men. But in dancing for women, this is unnecessary and irrelevant, so they later dropped it. Everything becomes different. The ways the female customers relate to the dancer is totally different from the ways that men do.
I like to read all reviews. But the only ones where I am likely to agree with the reviewer are the ones written by male customers. They like what I like.
Other than lesbian women, the only non-dancer women one usually finds in SC's, that are alone, are hookers. They are friendly, of course, but they also have an agenda. Usually they do not have the looks they would need to get hired on as dancers.
I'm a little confused. The title of the thread says "Lesbian Customers." Are we talking about female customers or lesbian customers? Or are we just assuming all female customers are lesbians?
Lopaw sez: "Your assumptions about lesbians aren't even close."
I'm sure you're right that straight males have no clue what lesbians feel or want. Nobody would argue that. Well, some here might, but that doesn't mean much...
On the other hand, I think we're all agreed, including you Lopaw, that you are quite different than the vast majority of lesbians in that you enjoy strip clubs while the vast majority of lesbians don't. You said so yourself, and the combined experiences of the members here supports the idea that lesbians are generally not interested in going to strip clubs.
So perhaps you, being so very different in that regard, are also not attuned to the average lesbian either? I'm just asking...
@rockstar666 - I understand the nature of the stripclub beast, and male managers will always try and take liberties with dancers - especially new naive ones. I have no particular problem with it - the dancers are grown up women and can decide for themselves if the job is worth it. Hell if I was a manager I'd try to take my liberties too!
@ sjg - yes there might be some regular clubs that offer ladies night with stripclub-like entertainment and there are some after-hours clubs, but they are few and far between. Hardly an option for a regular club goer who would like options as to when she would like to club - not to be limited to just one Tuesday night every third week of the month.
Feel free to read whatever reviews here that floats your boat. It's a free country. Personally my reviews are no different than anyone else's here since I am looking for the same things in the clubs that they are. But I take everything written with a grain of salt anyway, since everyone's experience will no doubt be different.
@jerikson - perhaps I am very unique in my love of stripclubs....I dunno. The only other lesbian that I occasionally see clubbing is just as big a puss hound as I am, so I assumed that we all were horny women always on the make. I agree that many lesbians (as well as the general populace) probably have a bad image of stripclubs and consider them seedy dens of iniquity, so they would not want to venture in. But what I don't get is what lesbian goes into a stripclub to unjustly bash it in a review? I can see straight chicks pulling that crap....but not a woman-loving dyke. Even an ultra- militant anti-sex feminist would never venture inside long enough to write a blistering and unfair review. I guess what I'm saying is that the very few reviews that I have read from women have been from either straight or bi-curious ones that visited either with a BF or a group of other women. They don't take stripclubs seriously anyway and certainly aren't regulars, so they go ahead and bash a club and it's dancers just for the fuck of it. I have only read a handful of reviews from fellow gay gals, and they were solid reviews written just as I would have - the poster curiouscat is one example.
I guess it is what it is. So let's just all do our own thing and give each other space to enjoy the beautiful women, the watered-down sodas and the overpriced cover charge......in peace :)
I see so many female customers in strip clubs that it doesn't seem odd at all. I've seen some who were alone but to be honest, I don't know if they arrived alone or not. I usually don't pay attention to them unless they start asking me questions or sit right next to me. I remember one time I was surrounded by several tables of female customers. The dancers were mostly walking past the area too I noticed. I see couples and groups of females a whole lot more than someone alone. It's possible that weekend nights often have more couples and groups of females than at other times of the week but I'm not sure.
I've seen and met a number of single females at various strip clubs. Most female customers travel in groups or as a couple. I am a bit cautious when a female customer approaches me. I never know what she is going to ask. 99% of the time they don't talk to me though. I only remember two female customers approaching me and asking for sex. They confused me because they just came up to me and asked out of the blue, no mention of money. I think one was alone. Another time the one asking I found out she was not alone. Another girl was with her. They bugged me for a while too. I think they thought every guy who visits strip clubs would be eager to have sex with any girl who asked.
Oh come on lopaw, quit trying to fool us, we all know that, being a lesbian, this is what really turns you on:
Dammit, ilbbaicnl - that almost made me shoot horchata out of my nose
I was at a more upscale SC near me for a bachelor party a few years ago. I was with a small group of about 6 guys including bachelor.
At the table next to us there was a group of guys with a few girls, probably girlfriends. They must be regulars because a few of the dancers went over to table and were talking with the girls. The girls were dancing to the music,etc..
The guys I was with were checking out the action next to us because the dancer(s) on stage were paying lots of attention to the girls and YES DID GET 2 of them to go up on stage!!!!
The dancers were grinding with them onstage, feeling them up, grabbing their tits...One of the girls let a dancer start opening her blouse trying to entice her into showing her tits to everyone!! Didn't get to that but other guys not in their group did throw them some $$$
from my experience lesbian show up in big groups not single llike guys do. I see it all the time in trips to vegas. they tell themselves it's just to have fun but get a little alcohol in them and they can be pretty agressive.
Holy thread bump, Batman!
Clubs don't usually allow single women because many times its hookers. And they dont want anyone vying for attention from dancers.
As for groups of women. Its getting more common. Some clubs still dont let them. Personally i find them really obnoxious.
I've never taken a woman to a strip club, but the ones I talk to who have been, said the dancers are MUCH more touchy feely with them.
One dancer took my ex-gf's finger and inserted it into her (dancer's) pussy. Freaked her out.
Ive taken girls to clubs. And it depends. Some dancers are really hesitant to interact with couples because of the potential jealousy. Bi dancers are usually into it though.
I dont like it. The girl youre with has to really be into it. Ive gone with dancers who made me feel like i was walking on eggshells every time i looked at anyone