off topic: cars - daily driver

avatar for LMN

The lease on my Porsche Panamera runs out next month and I'm undecided as to what to get next for a daily driver.


I'd like something with 4 doors and is a comfortable, quiet ride as I will be driving it everyday.

I'm leaning toward a Merc S550. It will be a lease. Given I pay my leased cars with money from my job, I'd prefer the payments to be $1700 or under.


last comment
avatar for rockstar666
10 yrs ago

I have an Acura TL for a daily driver which I love, but that may not have enough bling for your character...? How about a midrange Maserati? They have an understated panache and also work well in snow.

I go for small exotics myself, but only the Porsches really are usable as true daily drivers, and not being "exotic" they don't have enough bling for ME! LOL

avatar for crsm27
10 yrs ago

I would say a ford focus. Since this is just your daily car. Then that way the extra money you can use to put up your nose or pay the bartender for a three way.

avatar for impala
10 yrs ago

Part of such a decision depends on your age. Personally, I recommend the new Chevrolet Impala. I know what your thinking, "that's an old mans car", but check them out, they are very comfortable, quiet, and roomy. Plus, you can get several bags of clubs in the trunk.

avatar for Goldenparachutes
10 yrs ago


avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

I'm with the others. I'm not so rolling in wealth that I would consider an expensive car a high priority to blow money on. I always think "how many SC visits or OTC sessions, vacation days would that marginal $20,000" buy me?

avatar for skibum609
10 yrs ago

Since I don't believe anything the original poster says why not a Bentley?

avatar for gawker
10 yrs ago

My ATF has been seeing a customer ( mid-50's, widowed) who drives a Bentley convertible. She says it's really good for giving roadhead but is kind of stodgy otherwise.

avatar for minnow
10 yrs ago

Or why not a Rolls-Royce ? I think there may be 1 or 2 RR dealers in South FL. I ran across a real 1 percenter (OK, maybe a 2 percenter) who drove up to his aircraft hangar in a used (corr. "pre-owned")RR. He said he's never bought a new car, always pre-owned

If OP is the real deal, IMO his time would be better spent surfing upscale car dealer websites vs fishing for answers on a website where very few, if any, active posters own/lease the kind of cars OP is looking at.

avatar for mikeya02
10 yrs ago

LMN, kinda hard to drive your Dad's car off your computor screen, isn't it? A Viper is a great dailey driver, unless you vomited/bled/came all over it.

avatar for ATACdawg
10 yrs ago

A used Yugo! It is just the thing for you to enhance your image. AND, since you certainly won't find one in running condition, you won't be in danger of a DUI and the public won't be in danger from you.

Win, win!

avatar for rockstar666
10 yrs ago

@mikeya02: A Viper as a daily driver??? Any rain at all with those tires and you're doing doughnuts on every left turn from a stop. These are not rain cars, let alone snow cars!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 yrs ago

An S550 is def a very nice car; but I think it’s too much car in terms of size and to me that is more of an older person’s car and not a car for someone in their 20s.

Lexus is known for its smooth ride and it’s not as big as the S550 – or perhaps a beemer would a more appropriate choice of luxury and performance for a guy in his 20s.

avatar for SlickSpic
10 yrs ago

Get a VW Bus. 21 windows. Longboard on top.

avatar for mikeya02
10 yrs ago

@Rockstar I forgot the kid says he's from Florida. I'm in San Diego

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

"fishing for answers on a website where very few, if any, active posters own/lease the kind of cars OP is looking at"

@minnow - I'm not sure about that, seems most members here report making $250K or more annually, so they should have some basic knowledge of luxury cars. I mean, you can't expect someone making, say $350K/yr, to drive a POS car or take public transportation to the strip club, now can you? That would be silly!

avatar for mikeya02
10 yrs ago

^^^^Yes Steve, we all know that rich, young playboys will come to TUSCL to brag about themselves and ask advice. Makes perfect sense.

avatar for sailmd
10 yrs ago

Lexus F series is very hot. But for you in SoFl I would saw BMW 6 series convertible

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

Mikeya: "Yes Steve, we all know that rich, young playboys will come to TUSCL to brag about themselves and ask advice. Makes perfect sense"

RickyBoy? Excluding the rich part, of course.

avatar for jerikson40
10 yrs ago


Well, if you want opinions, here's mine:

If I were you, I'd consider getting off the fucking drugs and try to straighten up your life, and instead of being an (apparently) self obsessed addict trying to erase deep seated issues you won't deal with, why not try doing something constructive? Like helping others. Devote your money and your life to doing something that will make a difference in somebody else's life. Stop trying to feed your deflated ego by coming on here and bragging about how rich you are and how many fucked up hookers and strippers will put up with your insane shit, and become a man.

avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago


Humor me - why exactly should I be expected to "devote my money and my life to helping others". Because I was born into a rich family I have to sacrifice myself my time and money to other people? I've never understood that ridiculous assumption.

Life's not fair. We all have problems. I sure as hell have mine. I'm still going to enjoy my money and life how I see fit. Its mine.

avatar for jerikson40
10 yrs ago

Never mind...

You're right. Go buy another Porsche, score some cocaine or whatever, do a two week drug binge, and beat up some hookers. That'll work.

avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago


I could burn all my money if I wanted to. Its mine. Well, it's my parents' given to me through custodial trust accounts, but transitively it's mine.

The idiotic assumption that the wealthy are expected to be martyrs simply because they are wealthy is illogical.

Life's unfair, doesn't mean I should be penalized for being born into a rich family.

avatar for jerikson40
10 yrs ago

It's not about your money. It's about becoming a man and taking control of your life.

But you'll probably never get that, so never mind.

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

jerkoffson: "and become a man."

Jerkoffson, the perpetual cranky old whiner, telling other to be a man? Shit! That's nearly as funny as when RickyBoy tells others to be a man. Why don't you two lead by example.

Fuckin' hilarious?

avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago

"Jerkoffson" - pretty funny, I think that name fits this idiot more.

So I become a man by giving away my money to other people? Lol so dumb.

avatar for ime
10 yrs ago

Hard to defend Jerikson in any case but he didn't say give your money to the poor. Everyone should help out others who are less fortunate. You bitch about hating your spoiled (fake) life. Donate some time or effort. Things like habitat for humanity are great. No one gives a shit about your families money, you just play up the self entitled rich kid cocksucker angle. If your life is really only about having more than others it must be lonely as fuck and your might as well kill yourself.

avatar for zipman68
10 yrs ago

LMN my brother, I'm going to give an answer regarding the car question may sound like a joke but it isn't. It is, howeve, 100% a personal perspective.

The Merc holds only slightly more than zero interest for me. I say "slightly more than zero" because a Porsche holds exactly zero. I IF I were going to get a "vanity" car it would be a mid-80s El Camino tricked out as a lowrider. Why would a middle aged white dude want that? I spent a lot of time in New Mexico and lowriders looked REALLY fun. An El Camino I worked on would be a labor of love -- getting it working and looking good would be the point, not driving.

But I can't pull that off as a middle aged white dude. Just bought a car recently -- I considered the Camry and Prius. Did the former. Still own my older Camry, which Mrs. Zip and I use as a second car. I get no pleasure out of driving -- it is a way to get from point A to point B, period. Don't need more car than that.

But my DREAM car? That would be a '74 Gremlin. Am I joking? NO!!! Why? I had one as a teen. Bought it for $75. Only the passenger side door worked. Stalled all the time and something weird went on with the starter solenoid. BUT I LOVED THAT FUCKING CAR!

I replaced the transmission with my buddy. Two stoned dudes listening to the dead working on the car. Loads o' fun. I still remember the time we forgot a can to catch the transmission fluid and used the can we were using to store nuts we took off. Burned out three solenoid a so we decided to drill a hole into the engine compartment and ran a heavy gauge speaker wire out to it -- would press a switch inside to start. Used to tell girls it was a Led Zepplin car 'cos you "went in through the out door". If a chick doesn't find that shit funny she isn't going to fuck a dude that drives a Gremlin anyway. So it was a screening tool.

What does that piece of crap car mean to me? Youth. Fun. Friendship. Good memories. Cruising to the "hippy hole" in the Jemez (a hot springs where you'd mostly get naked and smoke dope).

And you CANNOT get that for the $100K you'd spend on an S550 (or whatever you lease it for). That piece of crap AMC kicks ass compared Mercedes, Porsche, Lamborghini, etc.


avatar for zipman68
10 yrs ago

Oh, and LMN dude. I know you want a four door... perhaps a Hornet? '77 was a great year!

avatar for alabegonz
10 yrs ago

I'd recommend the Nissan GTR, godzilla supercar.

Or get the 707HP charger, lots of hp under the hood. You get high torque on that too. You can throw superchargers or turbos if you need to raise it higher.

avatar for gawker
10 yrs ago

I was checking into a hotel in Midtown Manhattan recently and a guy driving his own car pulled in in front of my cab in a car I didn't recognize. I looked twice, initially thought it was a Z, but clearly it wasn't. I talked with the dude at the desk and it was a tricked up Nissan GTR which he claimed measured 750 HP on a dyno. He claimed to have just driven from Texas and had hit 185 at 7000 rpm in 6th gear. It looked HOT, was hot, and drew plenty of attention. I've got a friend who drives a Porsche for which he paid $135,000. Last winter he had it shipped to Miami so he could hustle young chicks in South Beach. Not bad for a 68 year old.

avatar for sharkhunter
10 yrs ago

How about a big Hummer? Park it right next to some tiny electric car to show you don't care about saving jack.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 yrs ago

“… I've got a friend who drives a Porsche for which he paid $135,000. Last winter he had it shipped to Miami so he could hustle young chicks in South Beach …”

Porsches (and the like) are actually pretty frequent in South Beach. Actually a lot of tourists rent them for a few days to cruise South Beach – so often times when one sees someone in a flashy car (Porsche; Ferrari; Lamborghini; etc) in South Beach; one does not know if it’s owned or rented (and often times many assume is rented since they are a fairly regular sight).

avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago

No Miami native would be impressed by a Porsche unless it's a crazy exotic model. Porsche are a dime a dozen here. Papi chulo can corroborate if he's a miami native.

When I lived in Ocean Club on Key Biscayne, though, someone in the building had a Carrera GT. That was a very rare cool Porsche. My work parking lot has a matte black lambo aventador. That's another show stopping car.

I'm looking for a comfortable daily driver, though, not an uncomfortable exotic. When I want to go somewhere and stop traffic I take my Dodge Viper ACR. Its a rare combination of snake skin green with black racing stripes and black wheels. The ferrari 612 is an impressive car too but much more understated.

avatar for minnow
10 yrs ago

steve229: "most members here report making $250K or more....."

OK, steve, name them. While you're at it please provide links plus a numerical tabulation of active Tuscl members and DB members that you draw your conclusions from.

Are you sober now, or has the "buzz" worn off ? I can only recall 3 credible posters (shadowcat, ranukam, and dink0) who posted their annual income. The former was low 6 figures, the later 2 mid-high 5 figures. I recall farmerart mentioning rough figures for his salary/Canadian pension,plus selling his original company for a tidy sum (which would enable him to buy a 6-figure car with nary a belch.) He even told the story of his brief fling with a Ferrari, (or something similar, but then sensibly ditched it for current F150 ride. There are some business owners on site like rickdugan who never mention hard numbers for income, nor what car they drive. I can only assume they drive a nice car, but not an outlandishly expensive one whose sticker price will buy a lot of houses in flyover country. Again, please name the credible Tuscl posters (hint- those who have actually contributed credible reviews) who have stated that they make north of $250K

Surely, you jest. (No, I'm not calling you Shirley). You've got to know that there is a vast range of good vehicles that can be had for between the $114K sticker price for MB550, and, say $8K (a decent midsize car that isn't a POS). Getting popcorn out for LMN posts on test drives......

avatar for SlickSpic
10 yrs ago

I get it. The 21 window VW Bus might be a little too hip for you. Especially with the long board.

avatar for jerikson40
10 yrs ago

"Jerkoffson" - pretty funny, I think that name fits this idiot more.So I become a man by giving away my money to other people? Lol so dumb."

Dude, are you that fucking clueless? Really?

It has nothing to do with your money. NOTHING. It's about getting control of your life, and stop being a fucking 6 year old brat who does whatever the fuck he wants and has no self discipline whatsoever. Don't you get it?

It's about becoming a different person. A human being. A man. Someone who realizes the world does not revolve around YOU. There are other people in this world, and maybe instead of being a little brat you can fucking contribute to the world in a meaningful way. And maybe when you do that you'll find that all the fucking little problems you're trying to hide from with drugs will dissolve away, because you're life has a greater meaning.

It's NOT about your fucking money. That's the problem. It has nothing to do with you. But you can't fathom that can you?

Grow the fuck up. Man up, and gain a little self respect. If that's possible.

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

"please name the credible Tuscl posters ...who have stated that they make north of $250K"

@minnow - So you're saying the posters in this thread are not credible??

avatar for jerikson40
10 yrs ago

And regarding the topic of cars, honestly I can't really help you there. Personally, I'm not really a car guy. I've found that cars have become, at least visually, so uniform and indistinguishable from each other that the thrill of seeing a really awesome car rarely exists anymore.

Yeah, I'm a grumpy old fart in that respect. Gone are the days when you had really cool, DIFFERENT looking cars. But nowadays if you asked me to pick out a Cadillac, a Mercedes, a Toyota, and a whatever else in a lineup I'd have a really tough time. They all look the same, IMO. After years of conforming to engineering requirements for fuel efficiency and safety designs and all the other stuff they've been optimizing for decades, the uniqueness is pretty much gone.

A Mustang used to be incredibly unique, as was a Corvette, and a big old Cadillac, and muscle cars were muscle cars with big old cheater slicks...

Maybe I'm just clueless when it comes to cars, but it seems like there's only a 2.3% difference between cars nowadays. Maybe that's enough for some guys, but not for me.

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