
Funniest Movies of All Time

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jerikson40New York

Okay, this one is totally subjective, no criteria whatsover, it just depends on what makes you laugh.

Personally, I can't recall a big long list of really funny movies. Many where kinda humorous, but how many films did I actually laugh out loud while watching? Not many. I'm not the kind of guy who grabs his gut and doubles over laughing when Lucy sticks a bunch of chocolates in her mouth.

So my contenders for funniest movies are these:

  1. Ted (2012 Seth MacFarlane film with Mark Wahlberg): absolutely fucking hilarous. One of the few movies in memory that had moments when I'm in tears from laughing

  2. 40 Year Old Virgin: Hilarious, I could watch this movie over and over and over.

  3. Caddyshack: Very funny, though some long boring sections. But some of the funny stuff in Caddyshack was legendary.

After those two I'm pretty much drawing a blank. Yeah, some early Woody Allen stuff (Take the Money and Run), some Mel Brooks stuff (Blazing Saddles) was very funny, but otherwise, I'm drawing a blank. I'm sure I'm missing a lot of great stuff...


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  1. Porky's

  2. Road Trip

  3. American Pie 1, 2, & 3,

  4. Revenge of the Nerds

and for you very old guys

  1. Mister Roberts
Avatar for crsm27

No particular order...

  • Ted - Love it and hilarious.

  • Caddy Shack - classic and many funny movie quotes

  • Dumb and Dumber - again many quotes and funny

  • Billy Madison - again stupid comedy but funny

  • Strange Brew - Yep again a cult classic but funny

  • The Internship - Vince Vaughn is hilarious

  • Wedding Crashers - again hilarious and vince vaughn

  • Step Brothers - Many one liners again hilarious

  • Talledageh nights - LOve the kids and stupid comedy.

I have many more.

Avatar for jerikson40

Ahhh !! I forgot the Vince Vaughn movies !!!

Oh, and Will Ferrell and Mike Meyers !!!

Avatar for lotsoffun201

Stripes, Caddyshack, Airplane, American Pie, Road Trip and a little known one but funny as hell.....The Mating Habits of The Earthbound Human. Who can go wrong with Carmen Electra half naked in a sex film!

Avatar for londonguy

Airplane, Life of Brian, Planes trains and Automobiles.

Avatar for jerikson40

I know a lot of people like Airplane, but damn, with all the silly sight gags and just plain goofyness, I just did not get it.

Like the plane is in trouble, gonna crash, and in the control tower there's a fan running, and someone off camera throws a bit pile of brown turd at it.

Get it?? The shit hits the fan !!! HAHAHAHA !!!! That was Airplane. Great for 3rd graders I suppose, but geez...

Avatar for Dougster

Jerkoffson: "I know a lot of people like Airplane, but damn, with all the silly sight gags and just plain goofyness, I just did not get it. "

If anyone ever needed absolute, succinct proof what a complete faggot who is able to complain about anything that jerkoffson is - don't think you'll see it much clearer than that.

Avatar for SlickSpic

I've seen too many stand-ups. Most comedic movies can't hold a candle. Nobody's fault but mine.

Anybody heard the newest Joey Diaz or Ari Shaffir shit?

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When "Airplane" first came out, I was working for a major air line and the word around the office was that it was mandatory viewing for all employees. Yes we all thought it was funnier than anything but it is years later now and I have no desire to watch it again. I can watch movies like "Porky's" over and over again.

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Ty: "You take drugs, Danny?"

Danny: "Every day."

Ty: "Good. So what's the problem?"

Carl: "And I say, 'Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know?' And he says, 'Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.' So I got that going for me, which is nice."

Avatar for motorhead

There are comedies that I think a good movies and then there are comedies that are laugh-out-loud funny.

Lots of movies in the first category, very few in the second.

If we're talking about laugh-out-loud funny the undisputed champion is Airplane. Nothing is even close. But after you've seen it once, it's less funny. And I don't watch it now.

But comedy movies I still watch over and over are The Bkues a Brothers, Animal House, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, Uncle Buck, Something About Mary

Avatar for motorhead

Movies I DON'T find very funny (over rated)

Blazing Saddles

Young Frankenstein

A Fish Called Wanda

Anything related to Monty Python

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And there should be a special place in heaven just for:

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

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"And there should be a special place in heaven just for:

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World"

I remember seeing that as a kid and thinking it was the greatest. But have you watched it lately? Damn, it doesn't stand the test of time, IMO. I turned it off after maybe 15 minutes.

Anyway, I agree about the Monty Python thing. I never found British humor very funny. Kind of weird, IMO, but not funny.

And Planes, Trains, and Automobiles was the John Candy and Steve Martin one huh? Good movie, nice ending, but I never thought of it as particularly funny. Nice, humorous, but not very funny. Though Candy and Martin are always good to watch.

Avatar for motorhead

I imagine there are people that hate Adam Sandler. But I like Happy Gilmore.

Again, let me emphasize there's a distinction between good movies that happen to be comedies and side-splitting laugh out loud funny.

Avatar for steve229

I second Stripes and Caddyshack, and add Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day, Garfield (just kidding) and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.

Hmm, seeing a trend here....

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For the LordxBetty fans - Kung Pow! Enter the Fist always cracks me up!

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I didn't find "Ted" particularly funny, but there was something I liked about it....no, don't tell me, it will come to me

Avatar for shadowcat

I enjoyed it's a mad, mad, mad world when it first came out because I was stationed in Japan at the time and the movie was filmed in and around my home town of Long Beach, CA. Today it would be way to slap stick for me to watch.

Avatar for bang69

the porn cartoon of snow white & the seven dwarfs

Avatar for motorhead

It's a Mad World is unique and special because it NEVER could be made today.

There is no way it could make a movie today with so many "stars". It would be too expensive, too many big egos, too many schedule conflicts.

But it would be fun to recast it today.

Avatar for ime

@Slick Joey Coco Diaz and Shaffir are hilarious all the death squad guys are funny.

As for movies Super Troopers, Strange Brew, Wedding Crashers, Clerks, lots of good stuff mentioned already.

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Not to forget the National Lampoons family and Christmas vacations

Avatar for pensionking

Comedy doesn't stand the test of time generally. What was irreverent 30 years ago is on basic cable today. I hate watching old comedies with my sons -- they look at me like I have no sense of humor.

Top 5 last 15 years:

  1. 40 Year Old Virgin

  2. The Hangover

  3. 21 Jump Street

  4. Step Brothers

  5. Talladega Nights

I must have watched each of the above 20 times in parts flipping through premium movie channels over the years. Whenever on, you have to watch these no matter how many times you've seen them.

Avatar for crsm27

I forgot about Clerks.... I also like Mallrats and Dogma. Kevin smith movies are witty and you have to like that humor.

And of course super troopers.

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Office Space

Bob Porter: Looks like you've been missing a lot of work lately.

Peter Gibbons: Well, I wouldn't exactly say I've been missing it, Bob.

Avatar for SlickSpic

Goodfellas-Pesci is funnier in that flick than most comedic actors are in comedies.

Avatar for motorhead

"Comedy doesn't stand the test of time generally."

I agree with that assessment. The ones that do hold up have something else...Not just slapstick humor

A dramatic element -- Mister Roberts

Or a dark comedy -- Fargo

Or clever writing writing -- The Seven Year Itch

Avatar for ATACdawg

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum - some very funny gags AND a lot of eye candy. How could anyone not like that?

Robin Hood Men in Tights. A great send up of every previous Robin Hood movie. "Unlike some Robin Hoods, I speak with an English accent."

Avatar for ATACdawg

And total agreement with Christmas Vacation. Also, A Christmas Story.

Avatar for mikeya02

It wasn't meant to be a comedy, but Plan 9 from Outer Space by Ed Wood, made me crack up out loud.

Avatar for steve229

"Goodfellas-Pesci is funnier in that flick than most comedic actors are in comedies."

@slic - I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?

Avatar for Corvus

Animal House, Blues Brothers, Young Frankenstein, History of the World Part 1, There's Something About Mary, among others.

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Coming To America

Avatar for londonguy

I forgot to give 'Wayne's world' a mention. "We're not worthy" "Excellent".

Avatar for mikeya02

"The Pink Panther" is one of my favs.

Avatar for SlickSpic

Bad Words

Bad Santa

Bad Grampa

Avatar for shadowcat

I forgot Harlem Nights Eddie Murphy's best film. I think I'll watch it while I eat my dinner tonight.

Avatar for motorhead

"Some Like it Hot" usually makes most critic's Top 5. Except for the classic ending, it's not that funny.

Avatar for motorhead

One of my favorites...."Silver Streak"

Some of Richard Pryor's lines are laugh out loud funny

Avatar for jester214

Caddyshack. Hands down.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Airplane I & II make me laugh every time

The Three Amigos

National Lampoons Vacation

Space Balls


Avatar for ime

Slick -I can't believe I forgot Friday.

Bad Grampa was kind of disappointing, it had some funny moments but it wasn't as good as lot of the Knoxville stuff.

Avatar for TxVegas

Hangover. I don't usually watch a movie I have already seen, but if the scene where Chow jumps out of the car naked with a crow bar is about to come on, I will watch it again. It is funny every time. "I hate Godzilla too. He destroys cities."

Avatar for jerikson40

"I imagine there are people that hate Adam Sandler."

Yes. Very much. He's a fucking moron. Sings these silly songs that aren't funny, and does stuff that would embarrass a 6th grader. And what's that stupid character he did on SNL, the school lunch lady where he dresses up as some fat old woman?

When a guy has to resort to dressing up like a woman, he is grasping at the last chance for being funny.

And yeah, the whole "Wayne's World" thing was excellent. Mike Meyers is superb. And I loved the whole Austin Powers thing. Hilarious. Except when the catered to the 4 year olds and did all the poop and fart jokes.

Avatar for jerikson40

"I didn't find "Ted" particularly funny, but there was something I liked about it....no, don't tell me, it will come to me"

I know, right? I'm not a real big fan of hers, but she is very cute, and just my type as a girlfriend. And she comes across as such an awesome chick in that movie.

And that was arguably the funniest movie of all time, and if you don't agree you're a homo. :) :)

The cute little bear sharing a bong hit ? And he's banging the hot blonde in the back room of the supermarket? And with the Boston accent? Damn that shit was hilarious.

Avatar for jerikson40

National Lampoon Vacation:

Travelling across country at night in the Wagon Queen Family Truckster. Camera pans across the back seat, young kids blissfully sleeping. Then the wife in the front passenger seat, sound asleep. Then to Chevy Chase in the drivers seat, snoring away....

Fucking priceless.

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"Mister Sandman...bring me a dream...Make him the cutest that I've ever seen..."

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""The Pink Panther" is one of my favs."

I've tried to watch those movies, I really have. But I just can't. On a scale of 1 to Silly, they're a 12. There's one joke thru all the movies. Bumbling Detective. Fine. But after an hour of that same, totally predictable stuff over and over, it gets boring. Yeah, I know he's going to do these slapstick pratfalls over and over and do dumb stuff that causes a ruckus. Okay, I get it.

It's a bit like I Love Lucy. Lemme guess, Lucy is going to so something dumb and get in trouble.

Avatar for jerikson40

And speaking of SNL guys who weren't funny...

The all time award for least funny SNL member goes to Jim Breuer, whose claim to fame was the most unfunny character in comedy history, "Goat Boy".

If someone can explain to me why anyone would laugh at some guys whose humor is nothing more than bleating like a goat, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Avatar for motorhead

Tracy Morgan = least funny guy in the history of SNL

Avatar for mikeya02

I also liked Dr.Strangelove. Funny so many ways. George Scott and Peter Sellers were great.

Avatar for rockstar666

In no particular order, all time funniest movies:

Spinal Tap


Monty Python And The Holy Grail

Blazing Saddles

Avatar for captainned

I really cannot believe no one mentioned the Big Lebowski. It is hilarious and I think might have the record for most use if the word "fuck" in a film.

Dr. Strange love that does make me laugh out loud. "Gentlemen there will be no fighting in here, this is a war room!"

Avatar for ime

I forgot it and I even quoted it in the greatest rockn roll band thread

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

Something about Mary

Raising Arizona

Avatar for SlickSpic

Big Lebowski & Raising Arizona-great picks

My Blue Heaven & My Cousin Vinny

Avatar for Prim0

From when I was a kid....the Cannonball Run flicks were good.

The movie that's had me rolling the most was probably the first time I saw Austin Powers.

I think you guys covered everything else that popped in my mind as far as funny movies.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo


The Naked Gun movies – def LOL

Avatar for mikeya02

That about covers it, except I'd also add,

The Jerk

Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

Avatar for SlickSpic

How could SlickSpic Spicolli forget about Fast Times At Ridgemont High.

Shit, them 80's high school movies all rocked.

Avatar for minnow

Fellas, I agree with a lot of what has already been written. I'll do something different by listing faves for each decade 60's-90's, 2000-on. Additionally, I'll list some faves that others have left out.

60's: It's A Mad, Mad World.

70's: Animal House, Monty Python Holy Grail, Blazing Saddles.

80's: Airplane, 1941, Planes Trains & Automobiles, Good Morning Vietnam

90's: Dumb & Dumber, Naked Gun Final Insult.

2000- On: Horrible Bosses

Some not mentioned, I list my fave funny scene:

Silent Movie- Mime Marcel Marceu (sp) has only speaking scene, the Dom Deluise Coke Machine scene is a rib-splitter.

Monty Pythons Meaning of Life- Mr. Creosote restaurant scene literally takes the cake. (Or should it be "the mint.")

I'll close by saying that I appreciate British humour, and the Anna Nicole "tranny moment" in Naked Gun Final Insult puts me in stitches for minutes at a time.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

“… them 80's high school movies all rocked …’

Yeah – Anthony Michael Hall was pretty funny in 16 Candles

Avatar for mikeya02

Two more classics I forgot:

Kentucky Fried Movie

Amazon Women on the Moon

Avatar for DoctorDarby

Some great ones here. Not surprisingly, the TUSCL crowd has pretty good taste. I would add a couple I haven't seen mentioned yet:

Mel Brooks "History of the World" only because it was such a clever homage to vaudeville (the "playing Caesar's Palace" line was a hoot). As already noted, his funniest was "Young Frankenstein" (the scene where the monster lights his thumb instead of the cigar still kills me.)

I enjoy "Kelly's Heroes" every time I watch it. Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Don Rickles, Carroll O'Conner, and Donald "its a mother beautiful bridge" Sutherland as "Oddball." Outstanding.

Bill Murray playing Hunter S. Thompson in "Where the Buffalo Roam" was pretty funny as well.

Dr. Strangelove is brilliant, as is "The Mouse that Roared" with Sellers again in multiple rolls. Best Pink Panther was the one where both Chief Inspector Dreyfus and Kato were trying to kill him.

Last but not least, the Marx Brothers "Duck Soup" is chock full of silly shit that is still funny after 80 years.

Avatar for jerikson40

And Mel Brooks...

Yeah, IMO his films were very watchable and humorous. But Mel Brooks seemed to write stuff for Mel Brooks, with a lot of inside jokes particular to his Jewish background, which flew over many people's heads. All of his mockery of Germans and Hitler (however well deserved) and inside Yiddish jokes were hilarious if you got them, but fall flat if you don't.

I was a big fan of Gene Wilder, especially in The Producers with Zero Mostel. And IMO Madeline Kahn was one of the very few really funny women in comedy. Not hilarious, but very funny and watchable.

"What's your name, Cowboy?"

"Tex, Ma'am"

"Well Mister Texmam, are you in show business?"

"No, Ma'am..."


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The Pink Panther Strikes Again!

Ex-Inspector Dreyfuss being pushed back over the edge, "I just want to kill him!" With the suction cup arrow on his forehead.

"That's a priceless Steinway!" Horrified lady about the crushed piano. "Not anymeour", replies Clouseau.

"Does your dug bite?"

"No, my dog does not bite."

Clouseau, after being bitten, "I thought you said your dug did not bite."

"That is not my dog."

Priceless gags all!

Avatar for rattdog

most of my picks aren't really comedies but they do make me laugh real hard.


clockwork orange

full metal jacket

Roberto benigni the monster

the bad lieutenant -Harvey Keitel version

any of the jackass flicks

btw, check out jim breur and tracy morgan's last stand up specials and then try and tell afterwards if they are the least funniest snl cast members. my cote for that goes to tim meadows

Avatar for motorhead

Oh, just in case anyone still thinks "Airplane!" Is not the funniest movie of all time, a London company a couple of years back attempted to "quantify" funny movies. They conducted a study with a panel of movie watchers and Airplane had the most "laughs per minute". Hands down winner. Not even close.

Avatar for mikeya02

Airplane is comedic genius. I just went old school and watched "Duck Soup"

That "mirror scene" is so fucking funny. And so are the lines. I can see how Mel Brooks and others picked up on this zaniness.

Avatar for ATACdawg

Or "The Princess Bride". Manny Patenkin, "My name is Inego Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!"

Or Billy Crystal, "He's only mostly dead."

Or the Dread Pirate Roberts, who ends up being a franchise name.

And all of the above played with a straight face. Brilliant!

Avatar for zipman68

How 'bout "Little Nicky"?

You have got to admit that Hitler taking a pineapple up the ass is pretty funny.

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Ok, I'm going out on a limb here...

But I loved "Paul Blart: Mall Cop"

Yeah, really stupid, but if you love "Die Hard" as much as i do, you have really did the parody of it in Mall Cop.

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