I'd be first to acknowledge that I hold reviews to a higher standard than the average member, but it seems like since reviews have resumed as areas began to release from lockdown that almost any review over 50 words is getting published. Most seem to gloss over what should be important details about post-Covid changes (masks, temperature checks, restricted seating), and the reports on talent is usually a variation on "not many girls, didn't see my fave" with no other information (number of dancers, ethnicities, body types, general rating of looks, etc).
The purpose of a review is to inform someone who hasn't been there before what to expect, not just to advertise the club has reopened but your CF isn't working yet.
Am I the only one beside desertscrub that feels like this site deserves a better quality of content?
Always a problem with people writing reviews for themselves like a journal-entry vs info for the members - lately I've been less anal about it given the situation and the flaky nature of club openings.
It never ceases to amaze me how many here care more about this than the guy who actually runs this website. What do you care if some dude you don't know gets a free 30 day pass here? Yes, it would be great if all reviews were perfect to all people, but that'll never happen, so take a fucking chill pill and approve the damn thing, unless it is obviously a shill review.
The purpose of TUSCL is to provide good strip-club info so others can know about the better clubs and what they are about - writing shitty reviews and thinking it's ok defeats the purpose of the website - it sucks, and a waste of time, when one is trying to get info on clubs and has to read 20-reviews of a club b/c so many are incomplete or just total crap
The search for perfection will scare away the good. I have never been rejected; does the writer of the reject receive the criticisms and a chance to rewrite?
Most reviews approved are not perfect - no one should look for a perfect review to approve - the approval process came about not bc too many reviews were not perfect but bc so many were just shitty
Paging Clubber, and his link to founders review guidelines. Founder cared just enough to publish the review guidelines, and leave it up to current VIP members to enforce standards as they see fit. Each of us know how we'd like a useful review to be, and how much effort we put into the reviews we submitted. I expect no less from others. Myself, I want review to have enough relevant information to make go/no go decision. I don't expect every guideline box to be checked off, but the more boxes checked off, the more likely I am to approve review.
I've been a little more generous on standards on reopening reviews just in the spirit of letting people know what's happening in this unusual time. I have, however, been amazed at and am quite critical of new reviews submitted for visits before lockdown. So much of that intell could be different now with new standards post COVID-19.
Some reviews are obvious rejects, like one submitted where the guy named a dancer he supposedly got to leave the club for sexy time. I think there are a lot of reviews getting stopped on quality, but there are enough members regularly screening the submissions one person isn't going to see all the rejects.
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